Jan. 30, 2013, 10:32 p.m.
Jan. 30, 2013, 10:32 p.m.
Blaine grabbed the bag and led Kurt as they walked more into the town centre. When they turned the last corner, the pretty lights and cosy small stalls appeared. He loved Christmas markets. It was a few more weeks before Christmas, but this market was all about the Christmassy build up towards the date.
Kurt loved their date so far, he loved Christmas and he loved Blaine. Being pretty sure they wouldn’t bump into anyone they knew definitely helped him relax and just enjoy their date. They played a few of the silly games there, Blaine even won a stuffed teddy bear after knocking over all the cans, they drank some mulled wine and shared a cotton candy.
Kurt licked his fingers as they stuck with sugar and failing at controlling his curiosity, asked, “What’s in the bag?” Blaine smiled at him and leant in to leave a lingering kiss. Blaine’s lips were sticky with sugar too and Kurt nibbled his lips for a second before they met again, tongues colliding. “You managed to control yourself for long enough,” Blaine chuckled, “come on, I’ll show you.”
Kurt had expected Blaine to show him what was in the bag, but instead he grabbed his hand and he felt the stickiness of Blaine’s fingers in his own as he dragged him along.
“An ice rink?” Kurt smiled in disbelief. Blaine beamed at him, “Do you like it?”
“I love it! But I don’t have any glo-...Oh.” Kurt looked at the bag on Blaine’s back and he chuckled. He laced his fingers back in Blaine’s hand as they walked to the booth to rent their skates. After they had changed into their ice skates, Blaine retrieved a pair of gloves from the bag and gave them to Kurt. Then he took out a warmer winter jacket for himself to replace the leather one he’d been wearing and put on his own pair of gloves, “There’s another jacket in here if you want it.”
Kurt, who’d been wearing his coat from the beginning, shook his head and pulled up his collar before he slid the gloves on Blaine had given him. They were slightly too big for him but warm nevertheless. It had been ages since Kurt had skated. He had done it with his mum a few times and then he’d mainly fallen down all the time.
Any hope he might have of Blaine being in the same situation disappeared as he saw him make his first steps on the ice and looking as elegant as always. Kurt felt like running away, not wanting to make a fool of himself. But it was Blaine, and the moment he reached out his hand to Kurt, every doubt in Kurt’s mind disappeared again. He grabbed Blaine’s outstretched hand as he stepped on the ice and wobbled slightly. Feeling Blaine’s hands grabbing his waist to steady him, he looked up and smiled. He wondered if being unsteady was actually a bad thing if it meant Blaine holding him like this. “You never mentioned you were good at this?” Kurt said accusingly and held onto Blaine’s arms, feeling butterflies as he felt the muscles underneath Blaine’s coat when his biceps flexed.
“My family goes to these every year,” he shrugged, “don’t worry. I’ve got you.” He smiled and laced his fingers in Kurt’s, which was a tad harder to do considering they were both wearing gloves. “I feel like you chose this on purpose?”
Blaine smiled mischievously, “What makes you think that?”
“Cause I look like freaking Bambi on ice.” Kurt chuckled and pulled Blaine in for a kiss. Blaine’s hands went to cup Kurt’s neck and he pulled him in even closer. Kurt, limited by the gloves, let his hands rest on Blaine’s chest. He slid his tongue teasingly across Blaine’s upper lip and pulled back the moment he felt Blaine acting in response. “Tease.” Blaine mumbled and pouted but Kurt just smiled, “I thought we came to skate.”
Kurt never thought there would be an upside to being clumsy on ice, but Blaine succeeded in making him think it was all he should ever be. Blaine had been holding Kurt’s waist almost the entire time and if he hadn’t, then Kurt had been clutching either Blaine’s hands or biceps. It was perfect. The ice rink itself was decorated with Christmas light and there weren’t too many other people on it. In the middle was a fenced hole where a big, decorated Christmas tree stood in. Kurt smiled and looked up at the starry sky, knowing his mum would be smiling at him. However, he hadn’t thought of the fact that he needed to look in front of him while skating and bumped against someone, lost his balance and, even with Blaine trying to keep him in balance, fell face forward, taking Blaine down with him. He groaned as he felt the pain in his knees and hands from breaking his fall and rolled over. He heard Blaine chuckle before he felt Blaine’s weight on top of him and his hands were pinned down on the ice.
Blaine looked at Kurt with lust filled eyes, Kurt’s arms pinned above his head as he was lying on top of him. “I knew you’d fall for me.” He grinned.
“That must be the chees-“ Kurt started but got silenced by Blaine’s lips crashing on his. A chill ran over his spine, goosebumps raised on Kurt’s skin as he felt the cold of the ice on his back and the warmth of Blaine’s body, pressed down on his, at the front. His knees still stung from the fall but he forgot all about it, all about everything else the moment Blaine slid his tongue in, overwhelmed by his taste like he always was.
He didn’t know whether it was the after-effect of the mulled wine they drank earlier or because Blaine was kissing him in a way he’d never done before, but he was feeling very lightheaded.
“That was so much fun,” Kurt smiled, leaning in to kiss Blaine, who instantly put his hands around Kurt’s waist, “Thank you.”
Blaine smiled and put the bag with clothes back in the car, “Actually...I have one more surprise,” Kurt blinked, curious. Another? Blaine, who had interpreted the silence as a bad thing, quickly added, “unless you’d rather go home though?” Kurt recovered quickly and grabbed Blaine’s hands, raising them to eye-level before he kissed Blaine’s lips and said, “Are you kidding me? I don’t want tonight to ever end.”
“Come with me then”. They shared a peck before they left the car again and started to walk back into town.
Blaine felt quite nervous about this part of the date that he’d planned. He wasn’t sure how Kurt would take it but hoped, of course, that he’d love it. So far everything had gone even better than he’d imagined. The afterthought of their kiss on the ice rink still played on his mind. It had been very different to their previous kisses. Mainly with Kurt being carefree and Blaine determined to prove a point. He remembered feeling really hot and his pants had gotten too tight, if it hadn’t been so cold there then he’d been sure clothing would’ve been removed. He smiled and felt Kurt kiss his neck and something inside him made him wish it could just be like this all the time instead of only when they were alone.
When eventually Blaine came to a halt in front of a big building, Kurt looked at the golden plaque on the façade ‘Planetarium’. He looked in awe at Blaine, who smiled at him and without a word, pulled out a key and opened the door. He led Kurt to a big room and then smiled. Kurt was lost for words, he managed to mutter, “How?”. Blaine just chuckled and before he kissed him, “My aunt works here. Now take a seat and I’ll be back in a minute”. Kurt sat down and felt lost for words. He’d never told Blaine why he and his mum had put up those stars.
As a little boy he’d always been scared of the dark and his mum had taken him to one of these too, to show him the dark wasn’t something to be scared of but something to love, as it held beautiful things like, for example, stars. Afterwards he’d whispered in his mum’s ear that he promised not to be scared anymore but that he’d loved to have a milky way.”
The room went dark and Kurt looked up as little lights dotted the ceiling. Not long after he felt Blaine’s hands around him and then went to sit next to him. “The stars are yours tonight, Kurt.” he whispered and nibbled Kurt’s earlobe before he settled down to watch the starry ceiling that was slowly moving from North to South. Kurt felt baffled when he heard those words, it was as if Blaine knew. He struggled for words but eventually managed to whisper something that sounded like, “Ours” before he rested his head on Blaine’s shoulder and even though he couldn’t see, he could feel Blaine was smiling.
Star after star passed, and even though it was just a whisper Kurt could hear Blaine say, “I think that one’s your mum”, as he pointed to a bright splodge of light. He hadn’t even realized he was crying until Blaine wiped his eyes with his thumb and asked him if he was okay. He nodded and cuddled even more into Blaine as he whispered, “Everything’s perfect.”
When supposedly the sun came up again and the show was over, they didn’t move and just stayed together, sitting quietly. They cuddled, kissed and just took joy out of being together. Kurt sighed with content, “I wish today could go on forever. Thank you, Blaine. This must be the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me.”
“I’m glad.” Blaine kissed his cheek and slowly rose to his feet. He didn’t want to go back home but they had no choice. It was 1am already and they still had quite a ride to go.
Kurt pouted, “Can’t we stay?”. Blaine chuckled seeing Kurt’s face, it must’ve been the cutest thing he’d seen Kurt do. Blaine grinned and replied, “And sleep under a starry sky?”, Kurt nodded in agreement, “fancy being woken up at 8am though?”
“On what?”
“Whether it’s next to you or not?”
Blaine pulled Kurt into him again, “Of course,” and bit Kurt’s lower lip, “but as lovely as it sounds... We can’t.”
Kurt pulled Blaine in for another long, lingering kiss as he didn’t want to say goodbye to Blaine at all. They’d been standing at the driveway for over 10 minutes already but Kurt wasn’t planning on giving up soon.
“Kurt,” Blaine mumbled against Kurt’s lips, “I really have to-“
“No you don’t.” Kurt said and he kissed Blaine even more fiercely. A moan sounded in the back of Blaine’s throat and he let himself get lost in one more kiss before he sat back in the car seat and laced his fingers with Kurt’s.
“Kurt, I...,” but he paused and pushed the words back. Now was not the moment. It still wasn’t right. He couldn’t say the words when their situation was still the same. Even though he felt it, he couldn’t bring himself to say them. “Yes?” Kurt looked at him eagerly.
“I’m happy you enjoyed tonight.” He said.
Kurt nodded and tried to hide his disappointment, “I really did.” They kissed once more and then Blaine climbed out the car. As Kurt watched him walk inside the house, he thought, I love you too.
that was just so incredibly perfect
aaaw thanks!!! I'm so glad you think that ^^
Omg this is like a billionzillionmillion times better than the glee ep! I cried through that entire fucking thing! But this chapter was so much better than the show for one the show sucks and two klaine got some kisses and yeah this was so precious! Can't wait for the next update because I wanna find out what happens next but also don't because closer to no more and that makes me sad! Merry Christmas!
thank you darling! :D i'm really happy you liked it ^^ yes it's almost over :(