Jan. 30, 2013, 10:32 p.m.
Jan. 30, 2013, 10:32 p.m.
Chapter 1.
Kurt pulled up his collar as the cold wind of autumn blew fiercely. It wasn’t too far into September, so the weather was usually still nice. But today was more one of those chilly and gray days in which the sky was gloomy and the clouds were dark, the weather crawled under your skin and into your bones. He never missed a Saturday at the coffee shop though, and wasn’t planning on doing it any time soon, either. He really needed his usual fix of caffeine.
Kurt smiled in satisfaction as the warmth of the coffee house hit his face and the smell of coffee overwhelmed him. He shivered slightly as the cold from outside, still sticking to his body, got replaced with the heat from inside. The walk from his house to the coffee shop wasn’t all too long but it was long enough to make him feel like staying in here even longer than usual.
Kurt was a regular customer at the Lima Bean, every Saturday he’d sit there all day doing homework or working on school projects, talking and thinking over songs for glee club. School had only just started and he’d already finished most of his homework, so today he could just have a relaxing day and enjoy his cup of coffee. Still, however, he’d brought a book to keep himself occupied.
“The usual” Kurt replied absentmindedly at the barista’s question of what his order was, not paying attention as he searched for his wallet in his satchel. They knew his order anyway, every Saturday he’d take the same. So when the unfamiliar voice spoke, “Excuse me?” Kurt looked up, confused. His mouth opened in a little ‘o’ as he saw the dark haired stranger behind the counter. “Could you tell me what exactly ‘the usual’ is? New guy you see.” The guy smiled at Kurt and tapped his name tag. Kurt started to feel lightheaded as he stared at the stranger, and then flushed as the appearance of the new guy made his mind go completely blank and he’d completely forgotten what his order was.
“I’ll take this Blaine. Kurt’s a regular.” Sandra said as she winked at Kurt, “Could you please go and clean up some tables?” She asked him, pointing towards the other side of the shop. Blaine nodded, shot Kurt an apologetic smile which made Kurt’s tummy flip and walked off.
“Hey Kurt. I’m sorry, he’s new.” Sandra smiled.
“It’s alright.” Kurt replied, raising a hand to his cheek, feeling the heat in them disappear, “it was my fault…I wasn’t paying attention.”
“You’re fine. So, the usual I guess?” Sandra asked, but it was only a matter of formality because she was already working on Kurt’s drink.
Kurt thanked Sandra and found his way to his favourite seat. It was a big comfortable armchair with puffy cushions, at the back of the shop and near the window. The streets outside were always busy and offered a nice distraction from boring homework, or great entertainment if you were “people watching”. Kurt sat down and retrieved his book from his satchel, taking off his coat and scarf, and took a sip off his drink. He leant back, sighing with content, today would be a lazy day. Nothing better than spending it with a cup of coffee and a nice book. He shot a quick glance at the new guy, whose name he heard was Blaine, and tried to ignore the light flutter in his stomach before getting lost in his book.
“All he wanted was not to be afraid, so he was afraid all the time.”
Kurt looked up taken off-guard, his gaze met the dark haired guy’s. “You read City of Glass?”
“I love The Mortal Instruments. That book is amazing!” Blaine smiles tapping the book’s cover, in the process his hand brushed Kurt’s and once again Kurt could feel himself blush.
“Me too, apart from the fact they make you want to tear your heart out.”
Blaine chuckled, “Too true”, he bit his lip before continuing, “I just, er, wanted to apologize for earlier. First day, you know.”
“Oh Blaine, please don’t. If it’s anyone’s fault then it’s mine. I wasn’t paying attention! If I’d known there was someone new behind the counter, I would’ve given you my order the normal way.” Kurt replied. Not that I was any good at that either, he added in thought.
“Anyway, this one’s on me. As a peace offering.” Blaine handed him the cup which Kurt only just noticed he was holding.
“Oh no! I possibly couldn’t.”
“Please, I insist.”
“Fine,” Kurt smiled, taking it and making a mental note to himself that he should pay Blaine back in tips, “So...I’ve not seen you around before? I mean Lima’s not that big, it’s hard to miss a face.” Kurt but his lip, hoping he wasn’t being too forward. Blaine shrugged “We only just moved here. I decided a weekend job would help my mum pay the bills.”
“Your dad?” Kurt recognized a glint of hurt in Blaine’s eyes as he asked the question, cursed himself inwardly for being so inconsiderate and quickly added, “I’m sorry. You don’t have to tell me. I was being rude.” His hand softly touched Blaine’s, wanting to reassure him.
He hoped it reassured Blaine more than it did him, seeing as he felt like his skin was burning. “It’s nothing.” Blaine said, removing his hand from Kurt’s, who felt a weird sense of loss, “just a divorce,” Blaine shrugged but his tone wasn’t as casual as he tried his words to come across, “but I really didn’t see it coming.” He admitted.
“I don’t think anyone ever can.” Kurt whispered.
“I guess.” Blaine shrugged and stared at his hands for a while before he cleared his throat and looked back at Kurt, “I’ve still got 15 minutes lunch break left...do you mind if I join you? I don’t mean to impose but seeing as you’re the only person I know in town...”
“No, no, of course not!” Kurt gestured to the empty chair opposite of him.
“So are you like a caffeine junkie then?” Blaine laughed, the sound making Kurt’s stomach contract. Kurt swallowed, trying to keep his voice steady when he replied, “I just like to come here to think. Besides I like the smell of coffee, it’s relaxing.”
“Yes, definitely a junkie then.” Blaine chuckled. Kurt made a face but couldn’t hide his smile. The sight of Blaine’s amusement made him feel warm inside. He took another sip off his coffee before speaking, “So...are you blending in at school?” Kurt smiled, secretly he was hoping to find out where Blaine went. His town had only one high school but several teenagers went to the next town’s, as it had a better reputation.
“I’ve not been yet, cause of the move and all...I start classes on Monday.” Blaine explained.
“I see.” Kurt said and he wondered if there was any other way he could try to find out, without seeming like a stalker. But before he got the chance to, Sandra called Blaine’s name.
“Shit.” Blaine glanced at his watch, “Sorry Sandra!” he jumped up, mumbled something which sounded very much like, “Thanks Kurt, I enjoyed it.” And raced back to the counter.
* *
As Sandra walked past, Kurt addressed her, “It was my fault Sandra. I apologize.”you absolute precious person! Thank you so much for your sweet compliment on PM ^^ANd welcome welcome here! I'm glad you're joining me in this new fiction! :Dlots of love coming your way!
I came here straight from the link of Painting Masks after I finished reading it! It was wonderful and I wanted to read more of your stories! The first chapter of this looks really promising! Keep up the good work! :)
Omg this is so adorable so far! I love it! And I don't hate Kurt so don't worry! The only thing I didn't like was the mortal instruments part! Wt is Blaine doing reading those shit bOoks? I hate them. My favorite series is the caster chronicles. Blaine should read those. :) maybe even wolves of mercy falls. Chaos walking. Hush hush saga. Trylle trilogy. Inheritance cycle. Anything, just not anything by Cassandra Clare!
yay! glad you're liking it so far ^^ and that you're not hating on kurt, yet :Pabout tmi, I appreciate your opinion but they're one of my faourite books, so please don't diss them when I can see it ;) xx don't worry though, this is the only mention they'll get so you won't have to worry about that anymore now :Dthanks for your comment ^^
Wooooop ^^ <3Oh I'm so happy that you're liking it!And aw thank you so much for your sweet comment about my graphic!I hope the content lives up to your expectations now!! xx
This is so far a really cute story and I really like it. Especially the fact that Santana and Kurt are each others beards. I personally would love to see kurt and Santana become really close with each other a develop a friendship so when they are at school or hanging out they can talk normally with only a few 'uncomfortable' kisses for show. Your cover for this book is one of the main reasons I decided to read it because it looks seriously awesome :)
oh hi love, thank you ^^I hope you'll like it xx
that is so cute... great start going straight on to chapter two;)
awesome! I'll go check Twitter now