Sept. 27, 2012, 10:03 p.m.
Sept. 27, 2012, 10:03 p.m.
“Kurt!” I turn to Gina as she approaches me, “Wow, you look awesome.” She smiles, looking at me from head to toe.
“Thanks.” I spin around.
“Right, so as you know we’ve booked the auditorium for a week, Monday to Wednesday are rehearsal days, when you can work on your number if you want. Just contact me and I’ll schedule you a day and hour, or multiple ones if you prefer.”
I nod, I’m still listening but I see Blaine walk our direction and immediately start to feel uncomfortable.
“And if I were you I’d hur… what’s wrong? Are you okay?” She looks at me with concerned eyes.
“Yeah, I’m fine. Continue.” I smile but Blaine’s right next to us.
“Hi,” he smiles, “Gina, right? I’ll let you and Miss Twinkle Toes finish in a second,” pointing at me as he says ‘miss twinkle toes’. I roll my eyes, crossing my arms in a defensive way. Gina shoots me a short apologizing look before focusing back on Blaine as he continues, “but, I heard about the school musical, and I was wondering if I could audition too?” My mouth drops. “I know I’m quite late with it, but seeing the circumstances it’s not like I had a choice.” He smiles.
I'm confused, is he being serious?
“Anyway, I heard you were doing West Side Story and since that demands some manly input,” he shoots me a smudge smirk, I bite the inside of my cheek, “... I think I’m perfect for that.”
“Uhm…wow. Yeah sure. There’s still a spot open... on Thursday?”
“Perfect.” He smiles, “oh…and Kurt, I don’t know about you but I reckon that you should give the girls a shot at auditioning for Maria.” He mocks and before I can say anything he has already walked away. I growl in frustration, turning to Gina. She shoots me a small, comforting smile. Not that it’s helping. My insides are boiling.
“I…er…I’ll see you around then, Kurt. Don’t forget to let me know about rehearsals.” She walks off leaving me with my thoughts, his words still echoing.
I jolt. People have to stop doing that. It’s Rachel, again. Of course. She looks angry.
“Why didn’t you reply to my texts?!”
“Because, Rachel, all they said was ‘Kurt, are you okay?’, ‘Kurt, talk to me!’, ‘Kurt, you have to audition for this musical!’, ‘Kurt, reply to me!’ and I’m not even going to mention that really disturbing one you sent me later at night...”
She blushes briefly and stammers before finding her words, “Finn and I were sexting, but THAT is not the point! The point is that I’m worried about you.”
“Well, don’t be! I’m fine, Rachel.” I smile, “And putting aside the fact that you’re sexting and that I’m totally freaked out about knowing that what I read is what you think turns Finn on, or actually does turn him on, which would be quite disturbing, you can stop moaning about the musical. I’m auditioning.”
I see her eyes grow wide and her smile going from ear to ear. “Really?” she shrieks, “this is amazing! It’ll be so much fun!” she starts jumping up and down.
“Rach, if you start shrieking any higher, you’ll make dogs bark outside!” I say, raising my eyebrow to her.
“Oh sorry,” she bites her lip, “what made you change your mind?”
“Gina.” I mutter, “well more like, she gave me no choice.”
“Yeah, Gina can do that to people,” She nods. “But I’m so happy that you’re auditioning!” she whoops.
I smile and nod approving as she goes on about possible songs to sing for our auditions, what we’ll do if we get the roles, how much fun it’ll be and so on. She grabs my arm and we walk through the hall, I listen to all her excited chatter. Still, my eyes get caught and I notice again that he's watching us from a distance.