Sept. 27, 2012, 10:03 p.m.
Sept. 27, 2012, 10:03 p.m.
Chapter 35:
We share a smile, our foreheads resting against each other. He nuzzles my nose with his, finding his way to my lips. Kissing me softly. Our lips slightly part as he pulls me in closer, deepening the kiss. At this moment I’m very aware of everything around me and everything going on.
I can feel Blaine’s hands in the small of my back, keeping me pressed close against his body. I feel goosebumps raise on my skin. I notice how his breathing is getting more shallow as our kissing picks up speed. I feel the back of his hair tickle the inside of my arms as they rest around his neck. I am aware of the lamp on my night stand being the only source of light. I’m aware of my window being open slightly, allowing the outside noise to fill the room. I am very aware of the bed only being a few feet away from us.
I feel Blaine’s hands move to my chest, unbuttoning my shirt. I notice how he’s looking at me, measuring my reaction each time he unbuttons another one, afraid of scaring me away. But I don’t feel like running. Not at all. I simply smile. I slowly slip my hands from across his neck and untie his bowtie, noticing how he halts in his action for just a split second. “What?” I whisper, kissing him.
“Nothing.” He smiles, “I think it’s worked its magic already anyway.” He gently takes the bowtie from my hands and puts it on my bedside table. I know Blaine well enough to see he wasn’t being weird but that it actually meant something to him. So I just wait and feel quite privileged being here, even if I don’t understand it completely. He turns back to me and I smile. “You’re beautiful, Kurt.” He says, walking up to me, I feel myself blush. His hands find my shoulders, sliding off my shirt, making it drop to the floor, and I feel my heart racing, my pulse quickening. His hands discover the plains of my chest, the sensation sends a shiver down my spine. I reach out, grab the sides of his shirt and pull it over his head. I drop his shirt on the floor and find his mouth again, my hands cupping his face. He grabs my waist and pulls me against him again. I tilt my head, allowing him full access to the skin of my neck. My nails dig in his scalp, feeling his lips kiss from my jaw line down to my chest.
“I love you.” I whisper, knowing if I say it any louder my voice would break, the tension making me shiver.
His mouth stops at my belly button, his lips still slightly touching my skin but his eyes looking up at me. “I never stopped loving you.”
We somehow make it to the bed, our bodies melting together, our lips fitting perfectly. My hands going everywhere, trying to touch every bit of his bare skin I can. I wish I could stay in this moment forever. Wondering how long we could go without food, drinks or sleep. Live of love? I might give it a shot. I would with Blaine.
“Kurt?” I snap back to reality. I hadn’t realized that my thinking had distracted me from this man. I can barely believe it myself. He chuckles, “I don’t know what’s on your mind but if it’s getting you distracted from all of this, then maybe I should be worried.”
“Just you.” I smile, grazing his lips.
“I’m right here.” He says, pulling me in for another, proper, kiss.
“I’m fully aware of that.” I say, letting my eyes wander over his body, “very, very aware of that.” I say, biting my lip.
“Well then. Less thinking and talking and more kissing!” he demands, placing both hands on my waist and pulling me against him.
The sun touches my face, making me blink. I stretch, trying my best not to wake Blaine. Our clothes make a messy pile on the floor, spread across my small apartment. I smile, holding onto Blaine a little bit tighter, reliving last night. My head rests on his chest, feeling it softly move up and down with his breathing. I find his hand with mine and entwine our fingers. He softly mumbles in his sleep and I look up at him in admiration. I love him and he is all mine. And for once…I feel like I belong here, I feel home.
I feel like this might just be the new beginning I’ve always been hoping for. Rachel’s right, Blaine is my soul mate. I’ve been trying to ignore it for long enough, trying to run from it but we came crashing back, twice as hard. Things feel right, now. I trust him and for once I even trust myself. I will not mess this up again because...I don’t need to pretend that I’m happy anymore. I am. He makes me happy. I’m done with pretending. We both are and I’m feeling confident that we’re in it for the long run. I crawl closer against him again, he blinks a few times and smiles at me.
“Hey.” His voice slightly hoarse. Sexy. Not to mention his bed hair.
“Did I wake you?” I whisper. He shakes his head, plants a small kiss on my lips and closes his eyes again as I feel how his arms tighten around me, pulling me into him. I smile.
If there’s one thing Blaine learnt me then it’s that: Scars remind us where we’ve been, but they don’t have to dictate where you’re going.
I'm so sad that it's over. Ill miss the constant updates.and I'll miss hating on Kurt in these reviews(sorry:). This was a lovely story and I'll defiantly be reading your next one.
me too :( but it couldn't go on forever, could it :(haha, (i think you might end up hating on kurt in the new one too, eventually)thank you lovely!! :D see you there!