Sept. 27, 2012, 10:03 p.m.
Sept. 27, 2012, 10:03 p.m.
I sigh content, staring up at Blaine. He is staring at the ceiling himself, his breath slow and comforting. I feel his chest move up and down with every breath he takes. I smile cheesily as he plays with my fingers. I have only been here for a little while but I already loved it here. His family is incredibly nice and his Nan has given us so much food that I feel I might explode. When his eyes meet mine, he smiles. “Can is ask you a question?” I ask, getting up and supporting my weight on my arm.
He looks at me puzzled. “Of course.” he smiles.
“Why me?” I whisper.
“Cause you looked so dashing in those leopard tights.” he winks.
“That was one time!” I defend myself, “and I changed immediately after I showed you and you burst out laughing.” I poked him. I stare at Blaine unimpressed as he’s having a laughing fit.
When he’s finally able to compose himself, he looks at me, his face serious. “Kurt…All my life I felt like there was a big black cloud hanging over my head, all the time. I kissed you…and the sun began to shine. You make me happy, Kurt.” He says locking his lips with mine, making it last that little bit longer this time.
I smile. “You make me happy, too.” I sit up and grab my bag, “I have something for you.” I say, rummaging through the contents of my bad and taking out the box. It was of a medium size and in a classic black colour. I hand it over to him and he looks at me in awe, his eyes glisten. We both sit in silence as he unwraps my present, revealing the black and white bowtie with a polka dot pattern, I wanted to go pretty basic with this present as I didn’t exactly know what he did and didn’t like in bowties. I’d seen pretty amazing bows in that shop and I already knew, I’d be going back there another time for him. He looks at me with a huge grin on his face. “According to the sells person it is ‘just the menswear essential to create that power house look that turns heads’ or something,” I smile, “not that I was really aiming for that but you know…” I look at him waiting for a reply but he just stares at me. I start to worry that he doesn’t like my present. “er…if you don’t like it, I can always bring it back.” I mumble.
“Kurt…this is the first time someone ever bought me a present, I mean, apart from Nan and granddad,” he says, grabbing my hand, “I love it. Thank you.” he says taking it out of the box, clipping it on. “So, how do I look?” he smiles.
We both jump up a little bit at the knocking on his door. His Nan walks in with a big plate of cookies. “I thought you guys would like some of these,” She says putting down the plate. “Oh Blaine! What a beautiful bowtie!” she exclaims, “where did you get it?”
“Kurt.” He says, looking proud.
“How lovely,” she smiles, “Kurt…did you know Blaine’s grandfather used to wear bowties, too. Oh, he was so handsome. He had quite the collection.” She nods, reminiscing, “Your granddad will be so jealous when he sees that.” She whoops, “anyway, if you need anything else, let me know okay?” She closes the door behind her and I grab a cookie. It’s delicious!
His phone buzzes and I watch him text back. “Your other boyfriend?” I joke.
“Nah, he never texts when you’re around.” He says in such a convincing way that I try to glare at his phone to see who it is. “Kurt, I’m joking.” He laughs. “Oh look at you being all jealous. You’re so precious.” Placing a quick kiss on my lips, but it’s enough to make my mind go fizzy.
“Or is it just another one of your straight friends sending you porn?” I wink, making us both chuckle.
“How’d you know?” he laughs, grabbing my hand and pulling me in for another kiss. This one lasts a little longer, I feel my cheeks burn as his other hand runs up my chest. I gasp as we break apart, noticing how it makes him chuckle. I punch his arm in annoyance.
“Hey, now we’re on the topic...remember that time in Francks’ class..?” I ask, I feel myself blush as I bring it up again, “you know, when he caught us texting and read your text?”
“Hah! Yeah. Oh I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone blush like that.” Blaine laughs.
“What was in it?” I ask, feeling nervous, my heart skipping a beat. He stares at me, looking like he can’t believe he walked right into that. I smile.
“I take that back,” he laughs, “I’ve never seen anyone blush like that up until now” and I feel scowl at him, feeling him peck my lips. He clears his throat. “Does it matter?” he asks, trying to avoid the question.
“Not really, but you know…I was just wondering. The topic we were on back then doesn’t leave much to the imagination, does it?” I wink.
“Well… if you must know it was something in the lines of me showing you every angle of my ass…in some other situation.” he says and starts laughing as he sees my reaction. Now, I understand Francks’ reaction as I, myself, am now blushing like a fool. My eyes fall on the guitar in the corner and I see a way out. “You play?” I ask.
“Don’t change the subject.” He laughs, poking me.
“I’m not.” I raise my hands in a defending way, “do you play?”
He nods. “yeah well…kind of…I try to. It’s more like, I write songs and try to fit music to it.”
“Oh.” I pause and look at him, “I’ve never seen you write before?”
He shrugs. “I only write when I’m on my own.”
My eyes grow wide” and I remember that day I was spying him from behind the bleachers. I look at him and we share a smile. “Can I hear one of your songs?” I ask.
I see him blush. “I’ve never played to anyone before.” He admits.
“I’m not just anyone though.” I look at him with my best attempt to do puppy eyes.
“Fine. Just cause it’s you, though.” he pecks my lips.
* * *
“Kurt, that’s the sixth time you’ve yawned in less than 15 minutes.” Rachel points out.
“I’m sorry Rach, I’m just so tired. I’m not getting much sleep lately.”
“Oh, stop right there! I don’t need details.” She chuckles.
I roll my eyes. “Shut up. It’s just...when I don’t spend my evenings with Blaine, I’m spending them with you and I have barely any time left to do my homework, so I have to do it at night.”
“Thank God tomorrow is Friday.” She winks. She looks at me with a mischievous smile.
“No! Don’t you dare sing that song!” I warn her, pointing my finger to her.
“It’s Friday Friday Gott-“
“RACH, SHUT UP!” I yell, covering my ears.
“Haha, Sorry.” She laughs, “So, how did the meeting with Blaine’s grandparents go?” she asks.
“Really good. They were really nice.” I nod, swallowing. After I had come back from Blaine’s, I had felt quite sad. Seeing how he and his grandparents get along and make a family...I can’t even remember anymore how that must feel like. Blaine had his own awful history but now he has a family who loves him and who takes care of him...I can’t help but wonder how that must be.
“What’s wrong?”
“Nothing...it’s just...I want to be part of a family, too.” I sigh.
Rachel grabs my hand and gives me a supporting smile. “You’ll be part of his, Kurt. And for what it’s worth...you’re part of mine, too.”
“Thank you.” I smile and hug her tightly.