Sept. 27, 2012, 10:03 p.m.
Sept. 27, 2012, 10:03 p.m.
“Look who’s here.” Rachel smiles, “I’m glad to see you again. I was starting to think Blaine had killed you in his basement.” She laughs.
“Missed me, Rach?” I roll my eyes.
“Well...you’ve been hanging out with your boyfriend every day for the past week. I demand some friendship time now! I want details!” she winks.
“You’re not getting any, though.” I tease.
“KURT HUMMEL!” she barks, “for years I’ve been telling you about Finn and I and-“
“Yeah but I never said that I actually wanted to know!” I chuckle, regretting it when she slaps my arm, “Fine.”
She looks smug; proud of herself.
“I introduced Blaine to Dad, this weekend.” I say. Her eyes grow big and she stares at me with a huge grin on her face, “What?”
“This must be pretty serious then?” she says excited.
I shrug. “I think so, yeah.”
I feel her pounce me, hugging me tight. “I’m so happy for you,” she whispers, “you deserve it.” She steps back, this big smile still on her face. “Hey, do you want to come to my place tonight? We can talk some more, watch a movie, eat ice-cream,...you know the usual.”
“Oh Rach, can we do that tomorrow?” I ask, I feel a bit bad as it really has been a while since we had one of those evenings. She isn’t quite able to hide her disappointment either, “I’m really sorry but I’m doing this thing with Blaine. I...er...he asked me to come meet his grandparents and then we’re doing homework together.” Her face instantly gets this massive smile again.
“Oh my God! Are you meeting his family?!” she whoops. I nod and swallow, hiding my nerves, “Kurt! This is big!!”
“Don’t rub it in.” I say, already feeling nervous. “I’ve been tossing and turning all night cause of it.” I look at Rachel and notice how she’s trying to keep in her excitement not to freak me out even more. She looks like a 5-year old toddler who really needs to pee, bouncing back and forth on her feet, “You can freak out now.” I acknowledge. And so she does.
The time’s gone by really quickly, too quickly, and I’ve been feeling really nervous throughout the whole day. What if they don’t like me? I see Blaine coming my way and smile, some of my nerves immediately disappear.
“Hey,” kissing my lips, “you ready?” he smiles. I nod, swallowing. He looks at me in awe and chuckles, “Nervous?” I nod again. He grabs my hand and we leave. It’s weird to feel like I don’t know where I’m going.
“What if they don’t like me?” I mumble, feeling worried.
“They will. Don’t be so nervous, they don’t bite! Or at least...not when they’ve just eaten.” He mocks.
“Funny.” I cough.
“They’ll love you, okay. Stop fretting.” He kisses my cheek and I feel some tension leave, “we’re here.” He says.
I look up and see a house with a beautiful, big porch. The front garden is neat and has a little path leading to the house. I look at it in awe. It’s one of those houses you usually see in movies, even if this one isn’t that big. It has only one floor, but it still looks amazing. This isn’t really my area of town, I live more on the other side, sometimes we passed here when I was a little kid, and I used to look at all the houses and wonder who would live in such beautiful houses. I used to imagine sitting on a porch like that with someone to grow old with. Right now, I can see Blaine and me sit there.
“Ready?” he smiles, grabbing my waist. I swallow but nod. He puts the key in the lock and we enter. It smells nice in here, a welcoming kind of smell. Mixed with that is the smell of bacon, and my mouth waters.
“Blaine is that you?” a woman’s voice calls from another room.
“Yes, Nan!”
“I’m in the kitchen dear!” Blaine takes my coat, hanging it up before leading me to the kitchen. An older lady is beaming at us as we enter. Blaine goes to give her a kiss and then turns to me. “So, you must be Kurt then?” his Nan asks smiling, “Blaine has told us so much about you.” She pulls me into a hug, “It’s so nice to finally meet you.” I see Blaine smiling at us as we’re hugging.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you madam.” I smile back.
“Oh please, call me Maggie! I don’t want any of that sir and madam stuff in my house.” She says. “Now are you guys hungry? I just made your granddad a bacon sandwich.”
“I’d like some,” Blaine nods, “and I know Kurt will be too polite to say he’d love some, too, but I’ve heard his stomach grumble the moment we entered.” He laughs. I feel my cheeks go red and give him a glare.
“Do me a favour, will you, bring this to your granddad? He’s in his study. I’ll bring your food once it’s finished.” She smiles.
“Sure.” Blaine replies and grabs the plate, beckoning me to follow him. I follow him around the house, looking around, seeing some picture frames hanging up. A few are of a really young Blaine, others of him with his grandparents. He looks like such a cute kid. I giggle, seeing one where he’s smiling at the camera, an ice-cream in one hand, missing his two front teeth. “What?” he asks.
“Nothing, just wondering why you didn’t decide leaving those two teeth out forever.”
“Shut up.” He rolls his eyes, pushing a door open. “Granddad, I have your bacon sandwich.”
“Oh Blaine! I didn’t notice you had come home, oh...and I see you brought a friend.” He smiles at me, taking the plate from Blaine, “you must be Kurt?”
“Yes, sir.” I go to shake his hand.
“Please, it’s Jack.” He replies, “so young man...” he looks at me, “You must be pretty darn special.” He smiles, I shoot a look at Blaine but he shrugs, “you’re the first boy he’s brought home. He must really like you.” His granddad explains. I smile at him, feeling butterflies in my stomach. As I look at Blaine, I notice him blushing.
“It’s likewise.” I smile.
“We’d love to stay and chat, Granddad, but we’ve got homework to do.” Blaine mumbles.
“Oh of course. It was nice to meet you, Kurt.”
“You too, si-er..Jack.” I smile and Blaine leads me out.
“That wasn’t so bad was it?” He kisses the tip of my nose. I shake my head and smile, planting a kiss on his lips. He grabs my hand and leads me to the door at the end of the hall, “So...this is my room.” He smiles. More butterflies seem to fill my stomach.
I bet his room is covered in Katy perry posters
hahahahaha! that wouldn't actually be such a bad idea :') god I should add that! :P