Sept. 27, 2012, 10:03 p.m.
Sept. 27, 2012, 10:03 p.m.
I smile feeling his hands slip around my waist. “Hey.” Twisting my head, reaching for his lips. I chuckle feeling him smile in our kiss. “So...,” I start as we pull apart, “you don’t mind being seen with me?” I whisper.
“I never mind being seen with you,” pecking my lips, “you’re my boyfriend after all.”
I’m unable to hide my surprise as he used the word boyfriend. Boyfriend!
“What?” he smiles.
“Nothing. I like the sound of that.” I smile, kissing him again. I never hoped for it to happen but now he actually said it, I feel even more happy than I already do.
“Get used to it.” He winks, pulling me in for another kiss.
“Get a room.” We both look up, seeing Santana standing there with a smug face.
“Hi Santana.” Blaine smiles. I’m not feeling as happy as him to see her.
“So Anderson, finally got your man candy now eh?”
“Jealous, Santana?” he laughs.
“Kurt’s...not my type.” She winks, “anyway, I’m here for you. Can we meet this weekend for that Spanish assignment we have?”
“Sure. Anything else or can I continue smooching my boyfriend?” he smiles cheekily.
She rolls her eyes. “Knock yourself out.” she rolled her eyes and walked off.
“What a cock block.” I giggle, brushing my lips against his.
“Mmhm, what makes you think she can stop me?” his hands slide up my waist, “Still, she’s quite cool once you get to know her.”
“I meant something else,” I smile, “I...er...I wanted to take you to my dad this weekend.” I mumble.
“Oh...,” he smiles, “Kurt, I’d be honoured. Santana and I are only working on Saturday but...we could go on Sunday?”
I nod. “Sounds perfect.” I feel so happy, how did I get this lucky? “We better go to class now, then.”
“Fancy skipping it?” he winks, biting my lip. Mmm it does sound tempting. He grabs my hands and pulls me along through the hall.
“Blaine, we can’t.” I laugh, feeling him tug at my arm.
“Watch me.”
We walk onto the courtyard, he pushes me up against the wall and locks lips with me. A soft moan escapes my lips and he chuckles. “Am I corrupting you, Hummel?”
“Shut up Anderson, and kiss me!” I order, pulling him in for more. I slide my hands up his chest, feeling his hands tangle up in my hair. The last bell rings and I feel him smile. I feel a bit nervous, scared of getting caught, but also wanting to stay with him here. “Come with me.” I whisper.
“Yes, definitely corrupting you.” He laughs as I grab his hand and pull him along. We hide behind the bleachers, I don’t think I ever expected myself that I would come here for more than just hiding myself.
“You’ve got a twig in your hair.” He chuckles, pulling it out. I feel his chest vibrate, my ear listening to his heartbeat. It’s soothing. I sigh content. I do love our make out sessions. He’s such a perfect kisser. “Kurt, promise me one thing...”
I look up, barely able to keep myself from laughing seeing the state he’s in himself. If he’s already laughing at my hair, he should see his. “What?” I snort, unable to keep a straight face.
“What?” he asks puzzled.
“You should see the state of yourself.” I laugh, rubbing some dirt off his nose, ruffling his hair to get some of the leaves out, “So, what was is it that you wanted me to promise?” I smile.
“Oh. When I meet your dad, don’t tell him that I’m a bad influence.” He winks.
“Pretty sure he already knows. I’ve always believed in my dad watching over me.”
“Then he’s a pervy lurker.” Blaine laughs before kissing my lips. I put my head back down on his chest, sighing in content. I don’t want this feeling to ever stop.
It’s a glorious day, the sun’s out and it feels a little bit like spring. I take this as a good sign, that things will go exactly as they should. I feel Blaine’s grip tighten around my hand and look up at him, seeing his warming smile. We leave the path and walk across the grass to my dad’s grave.
“Dad, I want you to meet Blaine.” I say.
“It’s an honour to meet you, Mr. Hummel.” He says in a very formal voice and I can’t help but giggle even though I think it’s really nice of him to be like this. I rest my head on his shoulder, grabbing his hand as we stare at my dad’s grave stone. “You know, Kurt has told me so much about you. You must be so proud of the man he’s become. When I hear the stories he tells me, I sometimes wish that you were my dad, too.” He whispers, his voice breaking. I look up at him, seeing his eyes glisten. I softly kiss his shoulder and squeeze his hand. “Your son is amazing, Mr. Hummel. I never met a guy that can kiss quite as good as him.” He chuckles and I punch his arm, smug idiot.
“Ignore him dad, he has a serious case of being smug.”
“You love it.” He smiles, gripping my sides and kissing me.
We have brought a picnic, and finally go to settle down. The patch of green at which my dad’s grave is located is really nice, the perfect place for us to have a picnic. “We brought you something too, dad.” I smile, putting a bag of chocolate down. I cuddle into Blaine’s side and rest my head on his chest.
“Kurt, I’ve been thinking...”
“Hope you didn’t hurt yourself.” I chuckle.
“Shut up.” Poking me. We both laugh, the sunshine hitting our faces, “I was talking to my Nan the other day and she said this to me: ‘You can’t change your past but you can let go and start your future’. I want you to be in that future.”
A smile of happiness spreads on my face, “I’d like that.” I smile.
He gets up and I follow his actions, wondering what’ll happen next. “I have this thing…and this is probably going to be really cheesy and corny so cringe if you want to, I don’t care. But…have you ever thrown a fistful of glitter in the air?” he asks. I frown, not sure if I understood him correctly. He takes a plastic bag out of his pocket, it’s filled with some glittery stuff. “Here, take a handful.” He smiles, doing it himself first. I stare at him as if he’s crazy. “Don’t look at me like that, Kurt. Just do it.” He smiles. I stick my hand in the bag and grab some glitter. “Now…let’s throw a handful of glitter in the air.”
“Why?” I ask.
“It’s symbolic, Kurt! It’s a celebration of just being ourselves, taking on life and enjoying it.” He throws his in the air. The glitter reflecting some of the sunlight. I smile and throw mine in the air, too. I feel his hands grab my face, rubbing the glitter that was left on his hands, transferring on my skin.
“Great, Blaine. Just great.” I sigh as he chuckles like a little kid.
“For what it’s worth…Edward Cullen has nothing on you.” he laughs.
“I may hope so.” I say, doing a fake pose. He pounces me and kisses me strongly. As we break apart I chuckle seeing his face covered with glitter, too. “You’re wonderful.” I sigh content.
“I know.” He winks. I sometimes wish I could slap the smug out of him but part of that actually makes him more attractive, “Hey Burt, can I have some of that,” he says, grabbing the bag of chocolate, “Oh…and you don’t mind me calling you Burt, do you?” he blushes.
“You’re so silly.” Slapping his arm, taking a chocolate myself. This day couldn’t have gone any better. I smile at my dad and feel him smiling back at me.
Naw! This is just too.. beautiful.
tehehehe thank you ^^