Sept. 27, 2012, 10:03 p.m.
Sept. 27, 2012, 10:03 p.m.
Chapter 21:
I close the door behind me and feel relieved, tonight went better than expected. It was actually nice having Finn and Rachel join Blaine and I. Too bad him and I didn’t get some alone time but there’s still plenty of time for that.
My phone beeps and I smile, hoping it’s him.
23.10 – Finn
Okay, he’s alright. I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt. See you Monday, dude!
I smile, I’m so happy that Finn finally likes him. He’s my best friend after all. I text him back a quick ‘thank you’ and get changed into my pj’s. I hear my phone go off another time and run to my bed hoping once again that it’s him.
23.20 – Rachel
Blaine’s so cool! I really had so much fun!!!!!! KURT! You two would be so great together! I hope it’ll happen!!! Xxxxx See you tomorrow xo btw: I think he won Finn over, too!
Even though I’m a bit disappointed he didn’t text me, I feel extremely happy. This night really couldn’t have gone any better. I put my phone on the side table and crawl in bed, pulling the covers over my head, going over the things said tonight. Only one thing really bothers me: The other guy.
I close my eyes and tell myself that there’s nothing to worry about. And as I finally feel sleep wash over me, my phone beeps again. I curse and swear that if it’s Rachel or Finn I will seriously hurt them on Monday.
23.45 –Blaine
My heart skips a beat as I open it.
Enjoyed getting to know Finn and Rachel a bit better now. They’re awesome! X
I’m so happy he texted me that I immediately forgive him for disturbing me when I was nearly falling asleep. I quickly text him back. “You must have left a good impression! They seem to like you! Xx”
The worst part about texting: waiting for the person on the other end to reply. There’s a time-window during which I feel people have to text back, and if they don’t, then there’s the doubt. Maybe he fell asleep? Maybe he doesn’t have any credit left and can’t text me now? Maybe I said something wrong? Maybe? Maybe? Maybe? My mind goes over every possibility and I can’t help myself but let out a little scream when the noise of my phone surprises me.
23.59 – Blaine
Hah! Great! Not long and I’ll know your darkest and deepest secrets, Hummel! You watch me, I’ll wrap those friends of yours around my finger! ;) x
I think I might slap the smug Blaine out of him one day, he was always annoying at the times at which I was hoping we could talk about us. And unlike him, I am a person who does reply within that certain time frame. “Great plan but I don’t think you were supposed to actually tell me about it! :P Besides, I think poor Finn might need a little while to process what you said about that friend of yours ;) xx
00.01 – Blaine
Jealous? ;) x
I smile feeling caught again. I never know whether he’s being serious or just joking. I hate that about texting! “Not really, but...was that really what Francks read when he took your phone? Xx”
00.02 – Blaine
I feel my heart starting to beat faster. I knew it! I knew that he was lying. Well...I didn’t really, I just had this feeling. I hesitate a little, not sure of what to say next, how to say it without sounding too curious. “Oh dear God, please don’t tell me it was something worse! Don’t tell me it was a naked picture?!?! :O x”
I wonder if he’ll get the hint.
00.04 – Blaine
LOL! No! Actually..I was texting you. X
I read the text three times to make sure I didn’t misread it. I feel butterflies in my stomach and don’t know what to text back. I figure being subtle won’t cut it this time. “What did it say? Xx”
I hold my breath, feeling very nervous. I’m shaking when I hear my phone beep again. I’m so nervous to read what’s in it. If it made Mr. Francks react in such a way it really must’ve been something...
00.08 - Blaine
I’m not telling you now. Blame Francks, he interrupted the moment, it’s over now! ;) x
I feel disappointed, I really want to know what it said... “Dang it Francks! Xx”
00.09 – Blaine
Haha! Night, Kurt! Xxx
Night? Night?! NIGHT?! How did he expect me to sleep after dropping such a bomb on me!!!!! Ugh! I hate him and the feelings he gives me!
Damn Francks! I'm going to die if you don't post the next one soon! :D
tehehehehehe :') posting it tomorrow!!! :D but I'm not so sure if you'll like it! D: thanks for your lovely comment darling!