Sept. 27, 2012, 10:03 p.m.
Sept. 27, 2012, 10:03 p.m.
I catch up with Rachel and Finn but halt as I see them arguing. I slow down my pace, watching them. It doesn’t take a genius to know what they’re arguing about. I don’t like causing this kind of problems. I take a deep breath before coming closer, even though they are trying to whisper, they are both kind of failing at it.
“Rach, did you forget what h-“
“No! But Kurt trusts him so I trust him, too. Can’t you see how happy he is?”
“Yes, but-“
I notice Rachel nudging Finn and they both stop talking. Nice try, but it’s not like I didn’t hear them. I’m not sure if I should confront them with what I heard, or just pretend I didn’t. I know they both mean well and I love them for caring about me, but this is my decision.
“What are you guys talking about?” I join them.
“Great input Finn, sounds interesting.” I laugh. He’s horrible at lying, hadn’t I known something was wrong before, I definitely would now.
“Just the musical and stuff.” Rachel puts on a smile, “but we should hurry, don’t want to be late at Francks’ class!”
We enter the classroom and notice most of the students are already there. It’s common knowledge that if you arrive late to Mr. Francks’ class, the next hour in his class will be a living hell for you. He takes great pride in the fact that he’s punctual up to the second. So he would enter the class at 8.30 sharp and close the door. If you dared enter the classroom after that, you’d be his target for the rest of the time. He’d make sarcastic comments and make you answer all the questions. It’s funny when he does it to someone else but definitely not if you are the victim. Needless to say that no student is ever late in his class and if one was, they would often choose to skip it. We make our way to the last row of free desks and take out our books. I spot, out of the corner of my eye, Blaine sitting only two rows before us. I have to make sure I don’t stare too much, if Rachel, Finn or even Francks noticed, it would cause drama I really don’t need.
I’m copying some of Rachel’s notes, things I missed at the last class because I had been staring at Blaine near the end of it. Rachel and Finn are chatting with Joe about the upcoming football match so I tune out that conversation and focus on my notes. I have 3 more minutes before Mr. Francks’ punctual arrival.
“Hey Mark!” I hear Blaine’s voice from where he’s sat and can’t resist the urge to look up. He’s bend over his desk, chatting with Mark at the row before him. This position does him good, giving me a pretty nice view on his bum, and I actually have to bite my tongue to stop myself from letting out a sigh of desire. I stare, as if hypnotised, and my eyes slowly follow the line of his jeans, that fit tight around his lower body and show off one of his –in my opinion- best assets. I bite my lip and remember how Gina once said “I’d so tap that.”, I so agree.
My mind slowly wanders... I can only imagine how it would be to take a handful of those firm cheeks, to sink my fingers into his skin. I wonder how it’d feel like to push him up against the wall and bite the skin of his neck. Breathing his strong perfume. Sliding my hands down. Following the curve of his body. I can almost feel the warmth of his skin against mine, his low voice whispering breathlessly in my ear, his hands caught in my hair.
I let out a longing sigh as Blaine sits back down and immediately turns his head to me, his eyes meet mine. I feel caught and blush. As I notice him chuckle, I realize that he’d done it on purpose. I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket and go, if possible, even redder in the face, knowing all too well who it’s going to be.
8.29 – Blaine:
Liked what you were seeing? ;)
I wish I could find a witty or sarcastic comment to reply with but I’m still too baffled to come up with anything. So I just reply with a lame “Not really.”
Mr. Francks enters the room and I hide my phone back in my pocket, another thing you really don’t want is Mr. Francks catching you while texting. However, when I feel my phone vibrate again I cannot resist the urge to read it.
8.31 – Blaine:
Seen better then? :O x
I smile at the little ‘x’ at the end of it. I have this theory about texts...the moment someone puts the first ‘x’ is the moment it all starts. Rachel nudges me, I look up and she shoots me a glare to warn me. She’s right, I should pay attention, but the teacher is writing something down so it’s the perfect moment for me to text back. “Not really, just a wrong angle. ;) x”
“Kurt, pay attention.” Rachel hisses under her breath. I shoot her an apologizing smile and hide my phone back in my pocket, I’m not really sorry though. Rachel rolls her eyes at me but I notice the little smile on her lips.
“Well, well, what do we have here,” Mr Francks start. Everyone looks up, recognizing the tone. It’s his oh-aren’t-you-in-deep-trouble voice, “Mr. Anderson, you know the rules. No phones in class. Hand it over to me, young man.”
Rachel gives me a panicked look and I, too, feel my heart race. Everyone knows that if Francks ever catches you texting, he’ll read it out loud to the class. Taylor had it once when his mum asked him if he had put his dirty underwear in the washing, Sarah once when her boyfriend told her how much he loved her and so on...
I see Blaine handing his phone over and we all anxiously wait for Mr. Francks to start reading it out loud. Instead, he blinks a few times vividly, his face goes all red and he hands the phone back to Blaine. “Don’t let me catch you again, young man.” He says, his voice trembling slightly and he picks up the lesson where he stopped. Everyone’s face shows shock but probably mine the most. I look at Rachel and the first thing she whispers when she meets my gaze.
“Did he send it?” Rachel whispers, curious.
I don’t think I felt my phone go off but I check the display just in case. Nothing. I look at her and shake my head. I see the same disappointment appear on her face as I have on mine. I really wonder what Blaine has typed to make Francks have such a reaction.
omg omg omg omg omg... that was awesome! I like sooo need the next chapter! *sigh* Write more soon! :D
tehehehe :') I'm glad you liked it! :Dthere's more coming friday!! ^^lots of love coming your way <3