Painting Masks
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Painting Masks: Chapter 10

T - Words: 763 - Last Updated: Sep 27, 2012
Story: Complete - Chapters: 35/35 - Created: Jun 12, 2012 - Updated: Apr 13, 2022
1,261 0 2 0 0


I climb up the stairs leading to the upper tiers. I didn’t tell Rachel that I’m actually going to watch Blaine’s performance –the same way she watched mine. It helps a lot that it’s high up in the auditorium and that there isn’t much light here. Adding that no one performing on stage would ever look this way unless they’re told to, and wouldn’t see anything anyway, blinded by the lights. But I still can’t risk being caught, so I keep as low as possible. He’s already started as I settle.

I gasp when I hear him sing. He’s good! And not just good good. He’s amazing! He’s taking my breath away. I stare at him, gobsmacked. Everything about his performance is flawless, from his singing, to his dancing, to his song choice. He’s chosen a song from the musical itself ‘Something’s coming’ and I admire how much balls he has –obviously not literally speaking- for doing so. Any hope I had of nailing my own audition is now gone.

“Amazing, Blaine!” Gina claps. She hasn’t said anything like that to me... I don’t want to be here anymore. I begin to leave my spot, feeling completely hopeless.

“Gina, excuse me, but is there any chance you could tell me when Kurt’s performing?” he asks. I stop in my tracks. I’m sure I heard it right. Why did he just ask this?!

“Well, I normally can’t because in the past we’ve experienced people going to boo their competition, but... Kurt’s already performed.”

Of course! What else! He wanted to come and disturb my performance. I don’t understand him! What did I ever do to him?! Just when –after seeing his performance- I start to think more of him, he goes and ruins it again. I sigh in frustration as I climb back down from the tiers.


Rachel waves the moment I enter the coffee house. I try to smile but fail miserably. I join them at the table. “Hey.”

“Dude, you look even more than usual.” Finn says, looking worried.

“What happened?” Rachel rushes to my side, “Kurt, what’s wrong?”

“I-I-I went to spy on Blaine.” I stammer, sitting down.

“Oh my God,” she gasps, “How was he? And why didn’t you let me join?!”

“Rachel!” Finn slaps her hand but she ignores him and looks at me.

My throat feels dry, I swallow, “Well...he was amazing.” I feel l might be sick.

“Kurt, I saw your performance! You were amazing too! I am sure that you were better!”

I shake my head.

“What did he sing?” she asks. Oh God, scary Rachel is coming out; the competitive one.

“Something’s coming.” I manage to say.

She gasps dramatically, “NO!”

I nod.

“How dares he?! Rule number one of the ‘Rachel Berry audition book: Thou shall not audition with a song from the musical you’re auditioning for’!” she rants.

“Rachel, to break your rules he would actually need to know them.” Finn states.

“Don’t you defend him!” Rachel hisses.

“Yeah Finn. He’s some tough competition, you’ll have to give it your all.” I tell him. Rachel and Finn look at each other, exchanging glances. “What?” I snap. I’m already in a bad mood, I don’t need any secrecy right now.

“I’m not auditioning anymore.” Finn admits. My eyes grow big and I’m surprised that Rachel is okay with that.

“Why not?”

“With football and the talent scouts coming and all the school work, I just can’t add the musical to it anymore.” He shrugs, “it’s too much.”

“Kurt, with Finn gone I need you to be my Tony! I don’t want that macho guy to be my Tony.”

“How are you even sure you’ll be Maria?” I ask.

She looks at me in shock, “I’ll pretend you didn’t say that. I’ll blame it on the after-shock of seeing Blaine perform,” she says, “Of Course I’ll be Maria! Have you seen my competition? The only real threat is Santana.”

“She’s good,” I nod, “you’re better but still...” I quickly add. Scary, competitive Rachel is hiding beneath the surface and ready to come out with the slightest opportunity.

“I know! But that’s why I picked the perfect song. It’s challenging and shows off all my assets perfectly. It’s emotional and with a little touch of drama. I’ll be able to fully put myself out there. And you know I might even let a little tear slip out, that’ll definitely convince them.” She rambles. Finn shoots me a ‘please-change-the-subject’ look.

“So...what are you singing?” I ask.

“’On My Own’ of ‘Les Mis’, there’s no doubt in my mind that I won’t get that part.”

“I love it when you do that song!” I smile.

“Kurt, this musical is ours!” she smiles, grabbing my hand reassuringly.

I nod and smile back but on the inside I don’t feel so convinced.



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I bet he wanted to go cheer him on! BLAINE HAS A CRUSH!!! :D

ooh who knows ;)