March 7, 2014, 6 p.m.
March 7, 2014, 6 p.m.
Kurt sat with his knees pulled up, his head buried in his arms, slumped against the wall at Blaines door. He was waiting for the nurse to come out together with Trent. Jeff and Nick had apologized for having to leave earlier. "Kurt...," Trent started and waited for Kurt to look up and meet his gaze, "Im sorry but Im afraid I have to go too." his face was filled with remorse and Kurt wondered if it was because of pity for him or guilt he felt towards leaving Blaine. Whatever it was Kurt nodded “I'll tell Blaine.”
“Thanks. It was really nice to meet you, given the circumstances.” Trent smiled and patted Kurt's shoulder before getting up.
“Likewise, maybe I'll see you again soon.”
“Should be.” He smiled and after once again exchanging goodbyes he left the corridor.
Kurt sighed annoyed. It had been an hour already and he'd only seen the nurse come out and go back in once. He had clamped onto her when she returned with a cart, demanding to know more but she had told him politely to wait outside. But Kurt was getting sick and tired of waiting until all of a sudden the door of Blaine's room opened. Kurt jumped up and watched the nurse push out her cart again. She stopped him before he could even open his mouth. “He needs to rest but you can go see him if you want to. Please, do keep it short.”
Kurt nodded and muttered a small thank you before he entered Blaine's room. Kurt winced when he saw Blaine all wired up again, eyes closed. “Blaine?” His voice came out hoarse. Blaine blinked, slowly opening his eyes. “Kurt.” His hands fumbled on his sheets as he attempted to get up.
“No, no. Don't move.” Kurt stopped him, putting his hands on Blaine's. Kurt's heart jumped when he felt Blaine link his fingers in his own and put on a small smile.
“I thought you'd left.”
“Of course not. Everyone else apologized though, they wanted to stay but…”
Blaine shook his head. “I know. They told me beforehand that they had to leave around three. To be honest, I had expected all of you to have left already. I wouldn't have minded if you had.” Blaine squeezed Kurt's hand, “but I'm glad you're still here.”
“So…how're you feeling?” Kurt asked, concerned.
“I'm alright Kurt, will you please stop worrying.”
“Blaine, you're not alright! I told you to stop lying to me. You were bleeding so don't tell me you were alright!” Kurt said, raising his voice, feeling angry, fighting back tears. He was still shaken up about earlier. He lowered his voice again when he spoke next, not wanting to be kicked out of the hospital by the staff, “she was in here for about an hour. Don't tell me that's nothing. I've had to deal with an alcoholic father ever since I was five, I can handle this too.”
“It was just a really bad coughing attack, Kurt. Nothing else. It took so long because she had decided to already give me all my medicines, too.”
“Oh.” Kurt looked down, embarrassed for making so much commotion but he still felt like Blaine was hiding something from him. He wanted to ask Blaine about the truth and so much more but he could see Blaine's eyes drooping closed and realized how exhausted he must be. “I'll let you sleep.”
Blaine nodded. “I am sleepy.”
Kurt got up and paused hesitatingly mid-air. Eventually his heart got the better of him and he bend down, brushed Blaine's hair aside and planted a kiss on Blaine's forehead. His lips lingered a little longer than he had planned on but he brushed his thumb over the skin afterwards and smiled when Blaine's eyes met his. “Get better soon.”
“Will you come tomorrow?”
Kurt nodded and watched how Blaine, content with his reply, closed his eyes again and tried to get comfortable without tugging at any of his wires.
Blaine heard the door close behind Kurt and let out a sigh. He felt exhausted, his body drained of energy. He had expected Kurt to start asking questions and that he had to reveal everything but for some reason, once again, he had escaped it. However, he knew that he couldn't hide the truth from Kurt for much longer, not if he wanted to keep Kurt in his life.
When Tess had closed the door behind her, she sighed. “Oh Blaine.”
He raised his hand at her, wanting to reassure her he was fine but they both knew he wasn't. Tess shook her head and walked over to the boy she'd grown so fond of. She knew she wasn't supposed to get close to the people she nursed, not to get emotionally attached. It went against everything she had learnt.
Blaine looked at her and sighed. “It's getting worse.”
“I know.” She nodded.
Blaine hated admitting that he was slowly losing the battle with his illness but this was Tess and sometimes it felt as if she was as a sister to him. Being in a hospital for as long as Blaine has, with the same hospital staff for that exact amount of time. Naturally, it has become a sort of second home to him, with a second, admittedly, artificial kind of family. After Blaine's coughing attack had stopped, Tess took some basic things like his pulse, listened to his chest and got rid of the blood smeared tissues. “I'll be right back.” She said and while she was gone Blaine felt panic wash over him. Kurt would be asking him questions, Kurt wouldn't believe him if he told him now that it was nothing serious. Blaine could hear commotion outside his door, could hear Kurt's pleas for information and Tess's determined requests to stay put. She walked in with her cart, making Blaine dread the night to come. He hated being wired up to the machines that provided him his medicines. They always made it harder for him to be comfortable, to sleep properly.
After caring for Blaine, Tess sat down beside him. “Your friends seem to care a lot. That new one in particular.” She winked.
Blaine sighed. “Kurt's come to mean so much to me.”
“That's good Blainey,” she poked his side, “I've not seen you smile in months.”
“Tess…he doesn't know.”
She looks at him with sad eyes, her hand covering her mouth in shock. “Blaine. You have to tell him.”
“I can't. Not yet. Neither can you, you have to promise me.”
“Technically, I'm not allowed to discuss your health with anyone but your family.” She said, sounding more serious all of a sudden.
“Just like you're technically not supposed to be so attached to me?” Blaine muttered, his voice soft, no accusations in his words, a smile playing on his lips.
“That's different. You made it basically impossible for me not to.” They shared a smile.
It didn't surprise Tess anymore with how much affection she thought of Blaine. She sighed. “You do understand I'll have to discuss this with Doctor Hudson?” Blaine nodded and already knew he could expect another doctor's visit soon enough. He closed his eyes, feeling suddenly exhausted. All this hiding and pretending tired him even more out. He wondered if he'd ever be able to tell Kurt the truth. He wondered if he could actually be that selfless. “You need sleep.” Tess spoke, standing up, “someone will come to check up on you again, later.”
“Thank you.” Blaine whispered under his breath, keeping his eyes closed.
Burt watched Kurt flick through the channels on the television, for the third time and frowned. He'd noticed that something was wrong the moment Kurt had walked in. He'd asked him several times if everything was alright but Kurt had always just shrugged and reassured him that he was okay. He sighed, joining his son on the sofa, took the remote from Kurt's hand and switched off the television.
“Dad?” Kurt frowned.
“What's wrong, Kurt? And I'm not going to ask you three times this time.”
Kurt looked at his dad and slumped down. “It's Blaine.” Kurt sighed.
“What about him?”
“He's really sick, dad.” Kurt sobbed, choking up, “and he doesn't want to tell me what's wrong.”
“You can't force him to tell you, Kurt.”
“I know! But…”
“You care about him?” Burt finished his sentence. Kurt nodded and sobbed in his hands. “Kurt, when he's ready he'll tell you.”
“But what do I do until then?” Kurt choked, feeling like he was stuck.
“You just be the friend to him that I know you are. Unless…” Burt looked at Kurt with raised eyebrows.
“It's not like that.” Kurt blushed, seeing his dad's knowing grin.
“Are you sure? Because I could swear I've seen you draw K+B hearts a few days ago.” Kurt pushed his dad away in a playful manner, making Burt chuckle. “Hey, I'm just saying.” He raised his arms in defense.
Kurt sighed, “It doesn't make matters easier.”
“I know son, but sometimes you can't do more than just show them support.”
Kurt nodded and stared at his hands, playing with his fingers. He looked up at his dad with tear filled eyes, realizing that his dad was right and he couldn't force Blaine into telling him. His dad opened his arms, inviting him in for a hug which Kurt took, gladly.