March 7, 2014, 6 p.m.
March 7, 2014, 6 p.m.
I hope everyone had great holidays and is not suffering from too much of a food coma :D
Best wishes for 2014 to anyone reading this <3
Thanks for giving my story a read ^^
“Trent! Jeff! Nick!” Blaine smiled, sitting up more as his friends approached.
“Hey Blaine!”
“Mate, how've you been?”
“Looking good today, Blaine.”
Kurt watched the three boys each give Blaine a hug and chat excitedly all at the same time. When they all had taken a seat, Kurt could feel their wondering gazes on him and felt uncomfortable. It wasn't as if they were scowling but the three pairs of eyes were curious and waiting for Blaine to tell them more.
Blaine, talking to Trent about something involving Trent's little sister was oblivious to the looks Kurt was getting from all three of them. He didn't even seem to notice Trent's eyes flashing back and forth between him and Kurt. “Er, Blaine?” the blonde one finally spoke.
Blaine looked up from his conversation with Trent, “Yes?”
“Who's your friend?”
Blaine followed Jeff's gaze to Kurt and it was only then that he realized that he hadn't introduced Kurt yet. He was so used to Kurt being there with him that it felt like he'd always been a part of his life. He'd completely forgotten that Kurt had never been a part of his Dalton life. “Oh, this is Kurt. He's my best friend.”
Kurt's eyes widened and he looked at Blaine surprise, who just gave him the most warming smile he'd seen in a while. He felt the blood rush through his veins and his cheek glow. He smiled back, realizing that it was actually true; Blaine had become his best friend too, even if it was over this short amount of time. All the nights of phone calls where they shared secrets and dreams had defined their relationship as it was now. He couldn't imagine it anymore without Blaine in it. “Kurt, these are Trent, Jeff and Nick. Friends from my old school; Dalton.”
“Nice to meet you. So, Dalton friends? Does that mean you have some embarrassing stories to tell about Blaine?” Kurt laughed.
“Please don't!” Blaine gasped, sinking deeper in his bed, wanting to hide his face.
“Well,” Trent chuckled, “there was this one time during Glee practice when Blaine tried to jump on one of the sofas, like he usually does, and completely missed his step and fell flat on his face.”
Jeff and Nick laughed remembering. “You should have seen his face when he fell. He was like struck with shock or something.” Nick added.
“And then looked all confused when he got up.” Jeff agreed.
“Guys.” Blaine grumbled.
“Or that time when he wanted to slide through the main hall and slipped over a wet spot.” Nick laughed loudly.
“You see, our Blaine here always tried out the most awesome moves, but it didn't always go as smooth as he planned out.” Jeff explained to Kurt.
Kurt chuckled, imagining the scenes they had just described to him. He could just imagine Blaine crawling from behind the sofa, his face bright red with shame and a confused look in his eyes, his brows angled upwards with shock. The image made him laugh and he let out a small yelp when Blaine punched his arm. “I'm sorry, it just sounds too funny.”
“Laugh all you want but those moves did bring us to nationals.”
“I've never been part of a glee club, never really been part of anything.” Kurt said, looking at the three boys and envying them.
“Kurt, it's so epic. You should totally join at your school.”
“Oh…” Kurt looked down at his hands, “I don't know.”
“Hey, we could show you.” Trent spoke.
“Yeah Blaine, let's show him!” Nick seemed very excited.
Blaine looked at Kurt, understanding what Kurt must be feeling right now. it was only minutes ago they had discussed how he had to drop out and now it got pointed out to him once more. He didn't blame his friends, they didn't know, but he wanted to do something for Kurt. He just had no idea what he could do.
“What did you have in mind?” Blaine asked his friends.
The three of them looked at each other and smiled. “Teenage dream” They said in unison.
“Blaine, do you think you could do it?” Jeff asked, worry written on his face.
“Should be. Let's just slow it down a little bit, guys.”
Kurt watched how Blaine sat up completely and briefly flinched, before straightening up some more, taking in a deep breath and started to sing.
Kurt stared at the four boys who seemed to be a perfect ensemble, Blaine was doing the main vocals and he was sounding absolutely amazing. Kurt had to close his mouth, realizing he was looking at all of them dumbfounded. It amazed him how good the four of them together sounded and it amazed him even more how beautiful Blaine's voice was. The way he could occasionally see Blaine's chest heave, got him worried but it didn't seem to bother the brunette at all so he allowed his worries to be overtaken by amazement. When they finished Kurt applauded them. “That was amazing! I didn't know you could sing like that.” he looked at Blaine in awe.
“I'm a bit rusty.” Blaine muttered, blushing.
“Oh shush, that was brilliant. I wish I could do that.” Kurt sighed dreamily.
“You can, Kurt” Blaine smiled, “come on.”
“Yeah! Just follow Jeff, Nick and I.” Trent encouraged. Kurt felt unsure and looked at Blaine for reassurance. All he got back was this chesire grin and a pressuring nod. Kurt sighed and got up, standing next to the Dalton boys and took in a nervous breath. “Do you know the song ‘hey soul sister'?” Blaine asked mainly to Kurt. He nodded, already feeling like he could barely get a word out. He'd never sung anywhere else than by himself in his room. He'd always thought of himself as an adequate singer, not too bad considering, but after what he'd just heard he was seriously doubting his own qualities. In his moments of doubts he had missed the starting moment and he snapped back to reality hearing the guys next to him sing some ‘dun's' and ‘do's'. He quickly tried to follow their lead and listened to Blaine's singing filling the room. He got an encouraging nudge from Nick, who shot him a bright smile and Kurt could feel his confidence grow more and more. He looked at Blaine, joy written on his face and went all fuzzy inside when he saw the look in Blaine's eyes. Blaine nodded in his direction and it took Kurt a second to realize that not only Blaine was singing much more quiet but that also the other three were looking at him expectantly. His eyes grew wide with shock when he realized, they were all expecting him to join Blaine in the lead and sing some lyrics. With the last bit of confidence he had, he jumped in on the next lyric and finished the song, together with Blaine. “Kurt!” Blaine smiled.
“That was amazing!!”Jeff whooped, “such a shame we didn't have you when Blaine was still in Dalton too!”
“You never told me you could sing.” Blaine looked at him amazed. Kurt shrugged and felt his cheeks get warm. “I don't really, I mean, I can't really sing.”
“Are you kidding me!”
“Kurt, you were amazing!”
“That was so good!”
“I don't know.” He scratched the back of his neck in a nervous manner, feeling uncomfortable with all the attention he was getting. He looked up alarmed when Blaine coughed but he brushed Kurt's worry off and smiled “You were wonderful.” He coughed again. Blaine winced and grabbed his chest as the coughing continued.
“Blaine?!” Kurt panicked.
“I-I-I'm fine – Kurt” Blaine coughed.
“I'll go get a nurse.” Trent said, hurrying out.
“Guys-I'm fine-honestly.”
“No you're not,” Jeff protested, “lie down.”
Blaine pushed his hand away and stayed upright, ignoring everyone's attempts to help him.
“Blaine please.” Kurt pleaded, feeling desperate, seeing how much Blaine was suffering.
“What happened?” the nurse demanded as she burst into the room.
“We don't know!” Nick said distraught, “he just ended up having this coughing fit.”
“Oh dear.” she looked at Blaine, knowingly.
“I-am-fine.” Blaine wheezed. He wiped his mouth, leaving a streak of blood across his cheek. Kurt gasped, his hands covering his mouth. “Blaine! You're bleeding.”
“Tess, I'm fine.” Blaine said, but it still came out choked.
“Could you all wait outside, please” the nurse asked politely but pressuring “Now.” she added, pushing Kurt towards the door as he tried to get to Blaine again.
The nurse closed the door behind them and all Kurt could think of was how he wanted to get back inside. He wanted to be next to Blaine and help him, make a difference.
“This is the worst I've seen him so far.” Nick sighed and slumped down on the floor.
“I know.” Jeff ran a hand through his hair and joined his mate on the floor.
Kurt didn't want to listen to them, he didn't want to hear how ill Blaine apparently was. Because Blaine had to get better, he needed Blaine to be better.