Let me fall asleep
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Let me fall asleep: Chapter 5

T - Words: 2,371 - Last Updated: Mar 07, 2014
Story: Complete - Chapters: 24/? - Created: Nov 04, 2013 - Updated: Nov 04, 2013
151 0 0 0 0

When Kurt came home he looked for his dad, hoping he wouldnt be told off for being so late. But when he looked around the house his dad was nowhere to be seen. A slight panic attack overtook him until he saw the note on his desk. "Kurt, Im out for a little bit. I shouldnt be too late. Love, dad x" he swallowed roughly, fearing the worst. What if his dad was out for a drink? He sighed and searched for his phone, dialling his dads number. He tried three times but every time it went straight onto voicemail. Annoyed he threw his phone onto his bed and grabbed his laptop. He couldnt believe that such a lovely day would be ending this miserable. Signing in on facebook, he scrolled through his timeline in a bored manner. Nothing and no one on there still held any interest to him. All his old friends had either moved on or were so far away that they barely had any contact. He closed the site in a matter of minutes only getting more agitated. He hated being reminded of all those people he once called his friends and found it even harder to see how all of them were moving on with their lives, growing up and working on their dreams while he was here. Stuck. He loved his dad more than anything in the world but he was at an age where he wanted to start living his own life instead of trying to make sure his dad wouldnt lose his own.

Kurt sat up straight when he heard the door downstairs open and close and then the familiar sound of keys being put away reached his ears. "Kurt?"
"Dad?!" Kurt replied, jumped up from his bed and ran downstairs, he wanted to yell at his dad about how he couldnt believe that hed gone out drinking. He wanted to scream how disappointed and angry he was but froze when he saw his dad looking, what seemed like, completely sober.
"Im sorry that Im home so late, Kurtie." Burt smiled, "did you eat already? I brought Chinese just in case?"
Kurt shook his head, still baffled to see his dad in a sober state. "I-I thought you were going out?"
"I did." Burt nodded, "why?"
"I just-I just thought..."
"Oh." Burt seemed to realize where Kurt was going, "you thought I was out drinking?" Kurt bit his lip and nodded, feeling embarrassed. He looked down at his feet. "Kurt, I know Ive not done much in the past to have earned your trust but I hope that in time you will," Burt spoke calmly, "I swear that I havent been out drinking, I just went to see a movie. I was slowly going nuts inside this house and needed something to take my mind off things."
"Thats fine dad. Im sorry that I was out all day." Kurt admitted, feeling guilty for leaving his dad behind when he was obviously still trying to figure this new situation out.
"Dont apologize, Im glad you did. You deserve it." Burt stood there awkwardly bouncing on his feet, not sure what to do. Kurt smiled endeared before he went in to give his dad a hug, "Im proud of you." he whispered.

Kurt and Burt shared a meal of take-out Chinese, filled with conversational chatter and Kurt telling Burt all about Blaine. "It seems like you like him?" Burt inquired.
Kurt shrugged, "It feels nice to finally befriend someone again." he admitted and it was true. He really was looking forward to becoming good friends with Blaine, he already felt like he wanted more and more of him in his life. The image of those golden brown eyes sticking to the back of his eyelids, appearing every time he closed his eyes. The tingling sense of blood rushing through his veins when he thought about the few times their skin had touched. "Just friends, Kurt?"
"Dad?" Kurt felt himself flush and looked down at his plate. Burt laughed loudly and gave his son a pat on the back. "Dont worry Kurt, I wont tell anyone."
Kurt stuck his tongue out before quickly finishing his dinner and asking if he could be excused. His dad just gave him a meaningful look and laughed some more but allowed Kurt to go upstairs.
"Goodnight dad."
"Night son."
Kurt crawled in bed, his laptop on his lap and found himself looking for a link to watch Once Upon A Time. He wanted to catch up on the previous episodes so he could follow the next time him and Blaine would watch it. Not to mention that he'd love to have another thing in common with Blaine, something they could talk about. As he waited for the episodes to load his mind went straight to Blaine, the colour of his eyes, the shape of his face, the bouncy curls on top of his head, that brilliant smile whenever he got excited about something. He tried to ignore the butterfly like feeling in his stomach, how could he even like someone he's only known for such a short time so much already? Blaine. The word felt sweet on his lips and seemed like a constant thing on his mind. It amazed Kurt that in only two days, Blaine had seemed to have already completely found his way into Kurt's mind.

Kurt rubbed his eyes after a sleepless night filled with thoughts and dreams of Blaine. Both good and bad dreams. He dreamt about watching series with Blaine and spending days in the sun eating ice cream but he had also dreamt about Blaine being incurably ill. He had dreamt that they were tied together on a rope but couldn't get closer to him. At some point the chord snapped and Blaine disappeared and Kurt had felt lost. Thinking about it now made him shiver, he kicked off the tangled sheets and sat up. He wrapped his arms around himself and repeating in his own mind that it all had just been dreams. He wanted to talk to Blaine, hear his voice and see his face, see the light in Blaine's eyes and the joy that he lived his life with to reassure himself. He wanted Blaine out of that hospital and he wanted that whatever it was Blaine was in there for to be over. He stumbled down the stairs and saw his dad was already up. “Morning.” Kurt mumbled, still feeling incredibly sleepy.
“Morning Kurt. Sleep well?”
Kurt shrugged and opened the fridge “Not really, and you dad?” he poured himself a glass of orange juice and gulped it down, he squinted at the taste.
“I slept okay. You do look knackered, do you want breakfast?” Kurt nodded and watched his dad put two slices of bread in the toaster. “Are you going out today?”
Kurt thought about Blaine, the memories of his dreams flooding back in his mind and swallowed roughly. “I promised Blaine I'd be coming round again.”
“Is this going to be a daily thing?” Burt asked, curious.
“Dad?” Kurt frowned.
“Oh Kurt, don't get me wrong. I don't have a problem with it or anything, I was just wondering.”
“I don't know. I think, maybe...” Kurt admitted
“I think it's nice that you are.” Burt smiled, “but maybe before you go to see him, can we spend some time together first?”
Kurt looked at his dad and realized that even though his dad only had just come back, he had already started to neglect him. Kurt felt horrible about it, especially considering his dad was doing so well this time. He nodded, “I'd love to dad.”

After a busy morning spending time in the city and eventually having lunch, Blaine dropped Kurt off at the hospital. “Any idea when you'll be home?” Burt asked.
“Probably after visiting hour finished.” Kurt smiled.
“I'll wait with dinner then, say hi to Blaine.”
“I will, see you tonight dad.”
“Love you, son.”
“Love you too.” Kurt watched his dad drive off and waved when he turned the corner. He took in a deep breath before walking in the hospital again, trying to ignore his nerves. He made his way to Blaine's room and knocked twice. “Come in.”
He popped his head around the dear and smiled “Hey!”
“Kurt!” Blaine smiled, “I was wondering when you'd show up.”
“I spend some time with my dad this morning,” Kurt explained, “but we have al afternoon.”
“Great!” Blaine sat up a little bit more, wincing slightly when he did but it went unnoticed by Kurt.
“I brought us something,” Kurt smiled and pulled out a game, “do you think it's inappropriate to play operation in a hospital?” Kurt giggled.
“Ooh! I love that game!” Blaine said excitedly.
“Great! Because this time, I happen to be a pro at it.” Kurt winked, not mentioning that it had been years since he'd last played it.
Kurt cursed and reluctantly gave the tweezers to Blaine who was singing “my turn, my turn, my turn.”
He had forgotten how frustrating this game could be and now bad he actually was with nerve racking things like that. Yet, he adored the game. He just didn't like losing. So far, Blaine was two items behind on him and there were only three left, so it was all a matter of this last one whether Kurt would be sure of a victory or to sit through more minutes of anticipation. The moment he heard the buzzing sound, he snapped out of his train of thoughts and held out a greedy hand for the tweezers again. Blaine pouted as he placed them in Kurt's hand, but he wouldn't give in, “that look won't work on me.” He smiled wickedly, “this time I'm winning.”
“We'll see.” Blaine grinned and his eyes fell on Kurt who was focusing incredibly hard. The tip of Kurt's tongue stuck out of the corner of his mouth, his nose twitching as he concentrated in trying to grab the little apple shaped plastic, without touching the metallic sides. When Kurt almost had the little apple shape, Blaine couldn't bear the thought of losing and poked Kurt in the side. “Oi!” Kurt said surprised, his hand moving brusquely and making the game buzz again. He looked at Blaine betrayed and pouted.
Blaine outstretched his hand “Give me, give me, it's my turn.”
“Noooooo!! You cheated.” Kurt said, defending. He kept the tweezers in his hand and clutched them to his chest. “I'm allowed to go again,” Kurt protested, trying to ward off Blaine's grabbing hands and at the same time attempting to keep a straight face, “you cheated!”
“I didn't! My finger slipped!” Blaine lied, a smile playing on his lips.
“Bollocks.” Kurt laughed, failing at hiding his amusement, “you just know I'm going to win this time!”
“We'll see about that.” His hand went around Kurt's, trying to pull free his fingers but Kurt wasn't budging. He could feel the heat in rushing through his body, caused by Blaine's touch, even thought Blaine's hands were considerably cold. He looked at Blaine with a frown. “Are you cold?”
Blaine shrugged, “I'm alright.”
“Blaine, your hands?”
“Oh, it's nothing Kurt,” Blaine smiled, “I just get easily cold.” as to proof his point, Blaine pulled his blankets up a little bit higher. “Really, I'm fine.” Blaine reassured him, seeing Kurt's worrying frown. “Come on, I thought it was your turn.” Blaine smiled. Kurt shot him another worried glance before turning his gaze on the game. When Blaine felt sure Kurt's eyes were not on him anymore, he slipped his hands under the blankets, too, in the hope of warming them up a little bit. He cursed himself mentally for not having thought about it. The small remark of Kurt and the way his worried eyes had looked at made him wonder how he would tell Kurt about his illness, what could he say to Kurt? He didn't want Kurt to treat him any differently than he did now, Kurt was one of the few who didn't treat him like he was someone who was ill but just like a normal person. He liked that a lot about Kurt, that amongst other things. He thought about the little things he'd grown fond of in such a short period of time. Starting with the colour of his eyes, the – Beep. Blaine jumped lightly as the buzzing noise pulled him out of his train of thoughts. Kurt pouted as he gave the tweezers back to Blaine, “I nearly had it.” He sighed and Blaine couldn't help but giggle. Kurt looked at Blaine with twinkling eyes, amazed at that cute sound he had just heard. He was used to Blaine chuckling or laughing but this was such a childish giggle that it spread a smile across his face. The smile faded quickly as he saw how Blaine finally managed to take out the little apple and looked at him with widened eyes. Blaine chuckled “Sorry.”
“It's not over yet!” Kurt pointed out.
“We'll see.” Blaine winked and fished out the next plastic figure with surprising ease. Kurt couldn't help but gape. “How did you do that?”
“I just got lucky.” Blaine smiled, showing off the bucket to Kurt.
Kurt pursed his lips and looked at the little pieces of plastic lying between the two of them. They both had the exact same amount now and there was only one left. He really wanted to win this time. So when Blaine buzzed again, He couldn't be eager enough to have his go again. he reminded himself of how this was his last chance of winning. He took in a deep breath and focused on the butterfly that was left, it wasn't that hard to do, once you knew how. He used to be a pro at it but now he could feel his palms turning sweaty and nerves kicking in. He held his breath as he tried to grab the small object and then-
Then he got it and he let out a small squeal of excitement. “I won!” he smiled, clapping his hands.


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