March 7, 2014, 6 p.m.
March 7, 2014, 6 p.m.
waaa! So sorry it took me so long to post the next chapter! :O
I was so busy with NaNo that I totally lost track of it!
“Dad!” Kurt shouted, “I'm going to see a friend.”
“Have you hid the key?” his dad yelled from the kitchen. Last night, after his dad had given him the key he'd racked his brain to find a safe place to hide it. It had taken him a while before he had finally realized that the best place would be to keep it close to him as much as possible. He played with the key ring around his finger, he was sure his dad would never look on his keychain or even consider that's where he would hid it. And if he did, Kurt was sure that his dad would not be able to tell the key from the others. He screamed something confirming to his dad and closed the door behind him. the moment he shut the door, all thoughts about the key slipped his mind and the thought of Blaine sneaking in.
Kurt felt nervous, his hand hovering over Blaine's door. What were they supposed to talk about? Why did Blaine even want him here? How long should he stay? He took a few deep breaths before knocking. “Come in.”
Kurt entered and his eyes fell on a broad smiling Blaine, he nervously smiled back but yet his stomach was filled with butterflies. “Hi.” Blaine beamed.
“I'm glad you're here, sit down.” Blaine suggested, sitting up more himself. Kurt's eyes fell once again on all the machinery in Blaine's room and he couldn't help but wonder what it was Blaine was in here for. It seemed something serious but Blaine didn't seem very ill, not to him anyway. “How're you feeling?” Kurt asked, not sure that was even a question you were supposed to ask someone who's obviously in a hospital for a longer time.
“Same old.” Blaine shrugged but the smile didn't disappear off his face, “and you? How is your dad?”
Kurt thought back about last night and how much it had felt like a home again. “He's doing good so far. Bearing in mind it's not even been 24 hours yet, but he seems to be willing to make an effort.”
“That sounds promising.” Blaine sounded genuinely interested.
“Mhmm, he even gave me the key of the liquor cabinet.” Kurt said matter of factly. He didn't want to sound too excited because he still wasn't sure whether he should start hoping already.
“Sounds like he's trying.” Blaine reassured him.
“I know...”
Kurt looked up surprised that Blaine had picked up on his doubts. He wasn't used to that. He sighed and slouched down in his seat, “I guess I'm just scared that I'll get my hopes up and end up being disappointed again. I love him but there's only so many times I can deal with.” He looked down at his feet and bit his lip. Electricity shot through his body when he felt Blaine's hand on his –just like he had the other day- and looked up to meet those golden eyes.
“I'm sorry Kurt. But have some faith.” He smiled encouragingly.
Kurt nodded quietly, his eyes falling on the book on Blaine's bedside table and felt relieved he had an opportunity to change the subject. “What are you reading?”
Blaine followed Kurt's gaze, “Harry Potter. And it's more like re-reading.” He chuckled.
“Re-reading? How many times have you read it maybe?” Kurt wondered out loud.
“Oh, only like my seventh time.” Blaine giggled, seeming proud of it.
“Wow, that's crazy.” Kurt said, impressed but Blaine shrugged. “it's nothing really. Every time a new book came out, I just started reading them from the beginning again.”
Kurt giggled “You're a geek.”
“Don't you mock me.” Blaine punched Kurt's arm playfully, “you're lucky you're cute.”
Kurt felt himself blush. “Well...you did read harry potter seven times already.” Kurt pointed out.
“Kurt, come on! You know how good they are! I just adore them. Besides it's not like I have anything else to do here.” Blaine explained. Kurt ignored the flutter he felt when Blaine pronounced his name, he did it in such a way that it made his stomach contract. Kurt would do anything to see Blaine's face light up like the way it just had when he talked about his books.
“So which one is your favourite?” Kurt asked, and feeling happy when he could see Blaine's eyes glint with excitement.
“I'm not sure, I love all of them so much. I think though maybe the first one. Just because Harry finds out his life isn't an ordinary thing anymore. He finds out he's special, that there's more than living under a staircase. His whole life changes and it's like, I can't even explain it.” Blaine smiled.
“You talk with so much passion about them.” Kurt admired.
“Don't you like them?” Blaine asked, sounding genuinely shocked.
Kurt shrugged, “I like the first three. But life got in the way, I never got round to reading the others. I never really got round to reading in general.” He admitted. Blaine looked at Kurt as if he couldn't believe what he'd just heard. “You don't read?”
Kurt shook his head, “not anymore. Not since,” he paused not wanting to tell Blaine the entire story, “not since.”
Blaine smiled sadly but didn't ask for more information, “well, I have all of them right here if you fancy borrowing them?” Blaine suggested, “you have to read them, Kurt! I don't care when you do but you just have to!”
“Alright, I promise you that I will.” Kurt laughed, the innocent excitement of Blaine being contagious.
“Pinkie promise me.” He stated, holding out his pinkie. Kurt frowned but eventually hooked his own finger with Blaine's and shook it. “Deal.”
“You know what, in fact! I think you should just start right now!” Blaine smiled.
“What?” Kurt gulped, “No! No way.”
“Why not?”Blaine pouted and it made Kurt's heart melt, he nearly gave in with just seeing Blaine's face.
“Because I'd get way too self-conscious if you'd watch me read.” Kurt blushed, just the thought of Blaine watching him while he read already made him feel weird. The kind of weird you couldn't exactly describe, the one of which you weren't sure either what exactly you were feeling.
“Well, I'd be reading too!” Blaine smiled, trying to convince Kurt. He chuckled and shook his head “Nice try.”
“At least promise me you'll read them!”
“I already did.” Kurt winked. Blaine smiled at him, a wide toothed grin that reached all the way up to Blaine's eyes and made them twinkle with a childish youthfulness. For a second they sat there in silence, not sure what they should talk about next but Blaine giggled and asked, “Do you want to play a game?”
“Sure,” Kurt nodded, “which game?”
“I've got a few. Open that cupboard there.” Blaine pointed to the one closest to Kurt and he followed Blaine's direction as he bend down to have a look. “What is twister doing in here?” Kurt sounded amused.
“What? You'd be surprised as to how flexible I am.” Blaine laughed. Kurt ignored the little flutter in his stomach and searched for a game he thought would be suitable to play. “Scrabble?”
“Sure.” Blaine shrugged, “but if I win we get to do what I want.”
“What are you 10 now?” Kurt joked, Blaine just looked at him and fluttered his lashes pleadingly, making Kurt give in, “Fine. But if I win, I get to decide what we do.”
“What's that?” Blaine questioned.
“You'll find out if you let me win.” Kurt lied, not actually knowing what they'd do if he won but he liked teasing Blaine like this.
“No way!” Blaine spoke, his voice tinted with a light growl and Kurt looked at him surprised but it went unnoticed by Blaine as he sat up.
Blaine tried to hide the pain he was feeling as well as he could. He enjoyed having Kurt around, it filled him with joy and life lust. When Kurt was around he didn't think about the pain anymore but that didn't mean it wasn't there. He watched Kurt set up the scrabble board and felt himself getting ridiculously excited. He used to be a master at scrabble, whenever he and his family played it, he always won. He remembered how his older brother Cooper used to hate it when he kept winning. With Kurt around, more than ever he wanted to play to win. He had a few things in mind that he wanted to ask of Kurt and there were also a lot of things he still wanted to know about him too.
“Let's play.” Kurt said.
“Bring it on.” Blaine smirked and he felt nervous about playing, for the first in a long time.
“I won!” Blaine whooped and clapped his hands excitedly. Kurt looked defeated but grinned at Blaine's excitement. “Congratulations.” He smiled, “so what are we doing then?” Kurt asked.
Blaine looked at him curiously, a little twinkle in his eyes, before he grinned. “I'm not telling yet. I'll be calling upon that favour another time.”
“Oh.” Kurt pouted.
“Don't look at me like that!” Blaine laughed, “that is totally not fair.” He punched Kurt's arm.
“Okay okay,” Kurt raised his arms in defence, “I'm sorry”, sticking out his tongue. They sat there grinning at each other like little kids when a knock on the door disrupted the moment and a nurse walked in. She paused when she saw Kurt sitting next to Blaine's bedside and shot Blaine a look. “Blaine, you know you're not allowed company without any of us knowing.” The nurse spoke in an accusing tone. She put the tray of food down next to his bed.
“I'm sorry Tess,” Blaine shrugged, “but it's okay. I promise.” Blaine flashed her a charming smile that seemed to melt her. Kurt wondered how long Blaine had been here, convinced that you must be very familiar with the hospital staff before calling them by their first name.
“It's good for just this once. I expect you let us know next time.” She said sternly but not without adding a smile at the end and walked out the room.
“What?” Blaine asked as he saw Kurt's small frown.
“I was just wondering if you called everyone here by their first name?” he admitted.
“Oh...well Tess is my usual nurse, I thought it more pleasant to call her by her name.” He shrugged.
It sounded reasonable to Kurt but he still wondered why Blaine was in here and how long he had been here. After all, it seemed that Blaines illness was something serious and not just a silly little cold, but how do you even bring something like that up with a person youve only known for a few hours. No matter how comfortable you feel around that person. Kurt watched how Blaine ate and ignored the rumbling noise his stomach made as the smell of the food hit him. However, Blaine had heard him and smiled a toothy grin before asking "Do you want some?"
Kurt shook his head politely, "No thanks, Im not hungry."
"Your stomach says otherwise." Blaine pointed out, "are you sure?" Kurt nodded and prayed for his stomach to shut up, "Kurt, do you mind if I turn on the television? Once Upon A Time is airing tonight, its sort of my guilty pleasure." Blaine asked.
"Of course not, what is it about?" Kurt smiled, watching Blaine flick on the television.
"Im not good at explaining this but uhm, its about fairy tale characters who got stuck in the real world and dont know that they are."
"Sounds nice enough." Kurt smiled, "but also complicated."
"No, its simple!" Blaine said excitedly, "well watch it and if youre confused then just let me know."
That is how the two of them ended up watching the show, with Kurt asking Blaine questions every now and then and Blaine babbling on about little details, trying to explain to Kurt as much as possible.
"Oh hello, whos he?" Kurt exclaimed all of a sudden, seeing the beautiful man appear on screen, "I see why you like this show now."
Blaine laughed before he started to explain who The Huntsman was and what his role had been so far. Eventually the show finished and Kurt had to admit that he had liked it, it wasnt exactly what he had expected but it had surprised him and that was always nice. However, when he checked the time, he saw visiting hour had finished thirty minutes ago and cursed. "Blaine, I have to go. Besides, my dad will be wondering where I am!"
"Oh." Blaines face fell and it made Kurts heart sink. He didnt really want to leave, he enjoyed being around Blaine, "will you come back tomorrow?"
"If you want me to?" Kurt asked, slightly amazed that Blaine still wanted him back the next day.
Kurt could barely hide the smile hearing Blaine sound so convinced when he replied. "Then Ill be back tomorrow." Kurt promised. He put on his coat and gave Blaine a small wave before he left the room.