March 7, 2014, 6 p.m.
March 7, 2014, 6 p.m.
“Kurt, are you-oh.” Burt froze in the doorway. His eyes grew wide at the scenery in front of him. He was mostly surprised than anything else and an endeared smile spread across his face. Kurt was lying there, still in his childhood bed, Blaine in his arms. His little Kurt wasn't so little anymore. He backed away slowly, closing the door as quietly as possible. He guessed Kurt wouldn't be having breakfast with him then. Burt chuckled as he made his way down. “I'm out for one night.” He mumbled to himself. Coming downstairs, Burt took a moment to look around. The house looked lighter. He felt lighter in many ways. He squeezed the badge in his pocket. He couldn't wait to show Kurt the badge he'd deserved for being sober for six months now. He crossed the living room and felt pleased with the change not only he himself had gone through but also the house and even Kurt. His hand stroked the mahogany wood of the cupboard he used to be so familiar with. It still contained the alcohol he used to be so fond of and Kurt still had the key to it, even if he didn't need to anymore. He made himself a mental note to have a cleanup of that specific cupboard together with Kurt at some point. It'd be a step in his recovery and he felt it was important to have Kurt there to share it with. He let out a sigh of relief as he looked around another time. He Only one thing was missing. He opened one of the drawers and took out the with dust covered picture frame. His thumbs rubbed off the dirt as a small smile spread across Burt's lips. “I miss you.” he whispered, “we both do. And Kurt needs you. I don't know what I'm doing or if I'm doing it right.” Burt sighed, “I miss you so much.” He lightly hugged the frame before putting it down back on its original place, on top of the cupboard.
Blaine blinked feeling dazed and confused. What time was it? Where was he? What was that noise? For a moment he panicked, before he realized the noise he heard was actually a snoring Kurt. quickly followed by realization where he was and what had happened the night before. An instant smile spread across his face and he wrapped his arms around Kurt, pulling him in for a hug. Kurt stirred in his sleep. “Morning.” Blaine whispered, biting Kurt's earlobe.
“Mmmm, could get used to this.” Kurt muttered, his voice filled with sleep, “what time is it?”
“You tell me?”
Kurt glanced over at his alarm clock. “Almost 9.”
“I should be back at the hospital by noon,” Blaine sighed, “got another check up.”
Kurt stretched and curled up even more inside Blaine's arms. “Breakfast then?”
“I'd love some.” Blaine nodded and as to prove his point, his stomach groaned. They both laughed before slowly climbing out of bed and finding their clothes back from the floor. Blaine took a sneaky glance at a naked Kurt, while they got dressed and smiled. He still couldn't believe last night had happened. His eyes sliding to the bed and back to Kurt, a blush creeping on his face. “Ready?” he felt Kurt lacing his fingers with his own and nodded.
“I think my dad is already up.” Kurt explained the clattering noise that came from downstairs, “Dad?” he shouted.
“Yes?” Kurt walked down the stairs, immediately followed by Blaine. “Morning boys.” Burt smiled.
Kurt wondered why his dad was not in the slightest surprised to see them and frowned.
“Morning dad. You're up early?” Kurt smiled, him and Blaine awkwardly hovering in the doorway.
“You're just up late, Kurtie.” Burt smiled, “come on, sit down and have some breakfast.” He pointed to the two plates on the table. Kurt's eyes grew even bigger but he and Blaine joined at the table anyway.
“Have you been up for long?” his eyes immediately fell to the picture frame on the usual empty cupboard but he decided not to comment on it just yet.
“Not really. So, how're you Blaine?” Burt asked, smiling, “and the treatment and all?”
“I'm alright Mr Hu- Burt,” he smiled, “and it's going alright. Nothing new there really.”
“You can't give up son. You've got a lot worth living for and one of them is sitting right in this room.”
Blaine glanced over at Kurt with a smile. He slid his hand over the table and grabbed Kurt's in his, squeezing it. “I know. I'm not going down without a fight.”
“That's my boy.” Burt acknowledged and it took Kurt every power in himself not to cry. Just the fact that his dad had taken to Blaine so easily and was now treating him like family already made him feel like welling up. He tried to swallow the lump in his throat before turning to his dad.
“How did the meeting go yesterday dad?”
“Really well, Kurt!” Burt smiled enthusiastically, “they gave me a badge. Like, none of those official ones yet, but one as a reward for being 6 months sober already.” He reached in his pocket and showed it to Kurt and then to Blaine.
“Dad, that's great! I'm so proud of you!” Kurt reached over to hug his father.
“Thanks son, I couldn't have done it without you. But if you boys will excuse me, I'd like to go get ready. I've got an appointment later.”
“Dad, do you think you could drop Blaine off at the hospital while you're at it?”
“Of course, it's on my way anyway.” Burt nodded before making his way upstairs.
“Well, that was...”
“Weird.” Kurt finished Blaine's sentence.
“Yes that amongst many other things.” Blaine chuckled, “do you think he-“
“Knows? Oh, he knows alright.” Kurt nodded, “Just all of this was not how I expected it to go.”
“I didn't mind though.” Blaine pecked Kurt's lips with a smile.
“I so could get used to this.” Kurt mumbled. His hands locking Blaine's face, pulling him in for another kiss. Tracing his hands down to Blaine's waist and guiding him onto his lap.
“What about breakfast?” Blaine chuckled, already allowing Kurt access to his neck.
“It can wait.” Kurt bit Blaine's skin.
“Kurt, what if your dad walks in on us?”
“I feel it'll be interesting to see his reaction, don't you think?” Kurt asked with lust filled eyes.
“No. I still have to be in the same car with him later on.” Blaine laughed, pushing on Kurt's chest. “Come on, I'm starving.”
After breakfast the two of them lay cuddled up in the sofa, waiting for Burt to reappear from upstairs. “You look like your mum you know.” Blaine smiled, kissing the base of Kurt's throat.
“The picture.” Blaine nodded.
“Ah,” Kurt smiled, “so you noticed that too. I wonder what brought it on. But it's nice to see my mum in the house again.”
“She's beautiful.” Blaine acknowledged.
“She really was.” Kurt agreed, his thumb stroking up and down Blaine's arm absentmindedly. “I miss her.”
Blaine stayed silent. He wanted to continue talking about Kurt's mum but part of him felt like they'd end back up on the subject of mortality and death. He didn't want to remind Kurt of his mum's death and even less of his own, which was inevitable. Luckily he heard the shuffling of footsteps of Burt coming downstairs. “Ready boys?” Burt smiled.
“Dad, what kind of meeting is this?” Kurt asked, looking at Burt all dressed up, “is that...are you wearing perfume?”
“It's eau de cologne.” Burt mumbled embarrassed. He started fumbling with the collar of his shirt, “it's just a meeting Kurt.” Kurt raised an eyebrow in disbelief but he let it slide. “Are you boys ready?”
“I am.” Blaine nodded.
Burt looked confused. “Kurt's not coming?”
“No, I'm not. Blaine's getting treatment, they usually chase me out of the room then.” He smiled sadly.
“Looks like it's just you and me then eh son?” Burt patted Blaine's back, his arm around the boy's shoulder. “Come on, let's go. I do not want to be late.”
Blaine did as he was told but pecked Kurt quickly on the lips before following Kurt's dad outside.
The car ride to the hospital was quiet, but nothing with Burt around ever felt uncomfortable. From the moment he'd met Burt, Blaine had felt at ease around him and so he wasn't very surprised when he ended up blabbing out, “I really do love your son, sir.”
“I'm glad you do,” Burt acknowledged, “it's a beautiful thing, love, and my boy only deserves it. And it's Burt, don't make me say it again.” he winked.
“I'll try to remember.” He smiled.
“You know, I was thinking something,” Burt started, capturing Blaine's attention, “those hospital rooms aren't ideal to spend so much time in. I would know. After a while it just gets depressing to be in there, so I just wanted to let you know that you're always welcome at our house to stay. Even if it is for a night or two to get out of the hospital life for a while. I'm sure Kurt would love having you around more, too.”
Blaine couldn't help but stare wide eyed at the man next to him. He couldn't believe what he'd just heard. “Burt, that is too kind, I couldn't possibly.”
“Oh, leave the manners son. I see how happy you make Kurt and I would do anything to see that smile on his face all the time. Besides I'm quite fond of you myself. So don't give me any of that polite nonsense, I suggested it myself so don't even think it'd be a problem.”
Blaine swallowed, searching for the right words of gratitude. “I would love that.” He said with a choked voice. “Thank you so much.”
“That's quite alright.” After a few more minutes they arrived at the hospital. “Here we are.”
“Thanks for everything mister Hummel. Er, Burt.” He corrected himself.
Blaine felt weird walking through the halls of the hospital, it didn't feel familiar anymore. He didn't feel like he was better off being there than anywhere else. He had a new place where he belonged and it was with Kurt. Opening the door to his own room felt just as weird as everything else had, so hearing the familiar voice hit him by surprise. “Well hello little brother.”
“The one and only.” Cooper waved from the other side of the room. Slouched down in a chair, his feet on Blaine's bed like he always did, even if Blaine was in it.
“I didn't know you were coming.”
“I wanted to surprise you by joining you for this treatment. Imagine how surprised I was myself when I found out you weren't here and had apparently not spend the night in the hospital?”
“So? I'm entitled to do so.” Blaine shrugged.
“I know, I know,” Cooper raised his hands in defence, “but where did you spend your evening? Was it with your toy boy?” Cooper winked.
“His name is Kurt and he is not my toy boy.” Blaine replied annoyed.
“Okay. So did you do the nasty with Kurt then?” Cooper laughed.
“Coop!” Blaine uttered in shock, his cheeks flushing with embarrassment.
“Oh my god!” Coop pointed to Blaine's flustered face, “you totally did, didn't you?!”
“Shut up!” Blaine rolled his eyes, wanting to walk out.
“My little brother is growing up so fast. Oh Blainers, you've become a man.”
“Shut up, shut up, shut up.” Blaine groaned, covering his ears. Cooper laughed even more and even louder.
“Boys, boys! Do I need to remind you that this is a hospital?” Tess came walking in, dragging the equipment with her.
“Sorry Tess,” Cooper winked, making her blush, “it's just that Blainers here just-“
“has decided to live a little bit more outside of the hospital.” Blaine finished his brother's sentence. Both Tess and Cooper stared at Blaine in surprise. “What?” they asked in unison, looked at each other, smiled and then turned back to Blaine.
“Kurt's dad suggested that I'd stay at their home some more and come to the hospital for only my treatment, instead of staying just inside here all the time.” Blaine shrugged, making it sound like the most normal thing in the world. It would be considered normal for most people but for someone who has spend most of his life inside a hospital room? No, then it isn't.
“Blaine! That is amazing.” Tess exclaimed, hugging him.
“So...you're not coming home?” Cooper's voice sounded clipped and distant.
Hearing the tone in Cooper's voice Blaine knew that he should've told him the news differently, but it was out now and he knew that his brother would understand.
“Coop, you know I can't come back home.” Blaine sighed, feeling awkward.
“We'll discuss this some other time.” Cooper answered annoyed, making clear that was the end of it.
“So Blaine, you ready for treatment?” Tess asked, trying to change the subject.
“As ready as always,” he sighed while sitting down, “Tess, any news about the latest tests?” he inquires.
“Blaine, you know I'm not allowed to tell you anything until doctor Schuester informs you.
“But... please?” he begs.
“No. Blaine, I don't know anything and even if I did I wouldn't tell you. I could lose my job by telling you without permission! You don't want that do you?”
“No! Of course not. Sorry Tess,” he sighed, “I just...I need to know.”
She sighed. “I know, but you'll have to wait until later today. Now, work with me here. This won't help if you don't actually undergo it!”
Blaine sat back and went through another treatment as he watched Cooper's eyes look back at him. His brother's face showed betrayal and disappointment but that wasn't what concerned him. The fear on Coop's face, that without a doubt was reflecting his own sentiments, made him feel uneasy and even more aware of the fact that his fear of hearing the dreaded news will finally come true.