Let me fall asleep
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Let me fall asleep: Chapter 15

T - Words: 2,275 - Last Updated: Mar 07, 2014
Story: Complete - Chapters: 24/? - Created: Nov 04, 2013 - Updated: Nov 04, 2013
141 0 0 0 0

“Morning.” Kurt greeted his dad as he walked in.
“Morning,” Burt nodded, “you were back late, Kurt?” he observed, “I take it your date went well?”
Kurt nodded. “It was good, he really seemed to enjoy it. I think being outside that hospital did him good.”
“So he'll be okay?” Burt asked. He still remembered how much of a mess Kurt had been when his son had found out about Blaine's illness. Seeing him so much better right now, all smiling and happy, gave him hope.
“Uh,” Kurt's face fell slightly, he looked at his plate and bit his lip to avoid tears. As much as he tried to be okay with it, it still broke Kurt's heart knowing that his time with Blaine was so limited. “no, not really. He is still very ill.”
“Oh.” Burt bit his lip, “I'm sorry to hear. But he'll get better?” he inquired.
“uhm, no,” Kurt swallowed, he was having a hard time pushing the tears back. His eyes stung. “He won't get better, dad. Blaine will die.”
“Excuse me.” Kurt wiped his eyes and got up.
“Kurt!” Burt called after him but knew it was pointless. He sighed. He couldn't help but wonder how much Blaine's illness would cost Kurt. He was well aware of how much his own had cost Kurt already and he would never be able to make up for it. He could however stop Kurt from having to go through it all over again. He followed Kurt's path and knocked on his door.

“Kurt? Can I come in?”
“Sure.” He heard the muffled sniffling of his son and his chest tightened. How much more pain would Kurt have to endure. He slowly opened the door, showing Kurt lying on his bed, his head in his pillow. Burt felt lost and unsure of what he should do. He'd never been much of a father figure to Kurt before, for the most of his life Kurt had been taking care of him instead of him doing it for Kurt. So standing in Kurt's doorstep for once being the one having to comfort his son was unknown territory for him and he felt weirdly self-conscious. He didn't want to screw this up, he needed to do good this time. “Kurt...I...,” he felt lost for words. He sighed. How he missed his wife, Kurt's mum would've known exactly what to do. He took a few steps eventually finding his way to Kurt's bed.
“I'm sorry about Blaine.” Burt sighed, “but Kurt, you've only known this boy for a little while.” He started.
“Don't.” Kurt stopped him, pushing himself up on the bed. His eyes were red from crying but his face was hard. “Don't dismiss it as unimportant, dad.”
“I wasn't-“
“You were. Or at least you were trying to for some reason.” He snapped.
Burt swallowed. He was obviously screwing it up and shifted on the bed. How do people do this?
“Kurt,” I wasn't. I promise. I know this boy means a lot to you but-“
“Dad, I'm in love with him.” Kurt stressed, crossing his arms and legs, “don't you remember what that's like?”
Burt really felt as if he was being put in his place by his own son and quietly smiled to himself. He was actually proud of him, how could he not be. He rubbed his head. “I do,” he sighed, “I guess it's just been so long that I'd forgotten it.” He looked at Kurt and realized how much Kurt had changed over the  time he'd met Blaine. He'd gotten happier and more confident. He had initially thought it was because Kurt didn't have to worry about him anymore considering he was doing so well at AA, but now Burt realized it might have also been Blaine. “Tell me about Blaine then?”
“Will you tell me about mum afterwards?” Kurt blinked.
Burt swallowed roughly, he felt his stomach churn. The look of hope in Kurt's eyes was too much to deny him of this. He nodded.


 “Nervous?” Kurt asked, nudging Blaine's shoulder. He looked really smart in a suit and the bowtie was just too much for Kurt to handle. His hands itched to undo it. Men with bowties were his weakness and even though he was sure he'd never told Blaine before, Blaine somehow seemed to have found out.
“A little.” Blaine nodded. He leaned in to kiss Blaine, feeling his nerves ease a little. It had been three days since their date and Kurt was introducing Blaine to Burt today. Kurt really felt that after he and his dad had had a talk two days ago, he seemed to be having a better understanding of what was going on.
“Ready?” Kurt asked, grabbing Blaine's hand and squeezing it. Blaine nodded and watched Kurt open the door, following him inside. “Dad! We're home!” Kurt called.
“I'll be right there!” Burt called from the kitchen. Blaine stood there bouncing on his feet as Kurt hung away his own coat and kissed his cheek. “Relax.” He whispered. Kurt ran his fingers up and down Blaine's spine, smiling when he saw some of the tension in Blaine's shoulder leave.
“So! This must be the great Blaine Anderson that my boy's been talking about?” Burt smiled when he walked in. He grabbed Blaine's hand and shook it.
“Nice to meet you s-sir.” Blaine spoke shyly.
“It's Burt son, not sir or mister or anything.” He corrected. Blaine nodded in understanding and watched Burt envelope Kurt in a tight hug. “don't be standing there on our doorstep, do come in. Do you want the small tour? Our house is not much but it's ours?”
“Not necessary, dad.” Kurt smiled. He wasn't sure right now who was more nervous for today, his dad or Blaine.
“Oh. Well okay, do you guys want anything to drink?”
Kurt chuckled, waiting for Blaine to answer before he replied himself. His dad nodded and walked back into the kitchen. “I think he's as nervous as you are.” Kurt whispered in Blaine's ear. The boy looked at him with nerves written all over his face, Blaine's eyes as big as Bambi's and cheeks flushed feverishly.
“I'm not sure I'll be very good at this, Kurt”. he mumbled.
“Just be you and he'll love you.” Kurt whispered back, wrapping his arms around Blaine's waist and nibbling his ear lobe. Blaine couldn't suppress a low moan and covered his mouth with his hands as he did. He felt his knees go weak and grabbed onto Kurt for support, who laughed.
“You're mean, you know.” He glared.
“Just teasing.” Kurt raised his hands in defence. A glint in his eyes. It would be a total turn on for Blaine if he wasn't so nervous. Part of him wanted to let Kurt continue what he was doing and see where it would lead to but the biggest part of him wanted to leave a good impression on Burt. And Blaine was quite sure that dry humping his son on the sofa wouldn't be the way to do it. “Kurt, help me carry these glasses!” Burt called.
Kurt pecked Blaine's cheek one last time before going after Burt into the kitchen.

The two of them reappeared soon enough and as he got handed his drink by Kurt, he got pulled down onto the sofa to sit down. “So, tell me a bit about yourself,” Burt said, getting comfortable, “obviously Kurt has told me some but I'd like to get to know you.”
“Well, uhm. I went to an all boy's school named Dalton Academy. I was part of the glee club there called The Warblers. Until obviously  I got sick and I had to leave school. It was great fun, we sang loads of songs together and competed a few times.” He smiled.
“That sounds like something you would've liked, Kurt.” Burt smiled. Kurt nodded, not wanting to point out that to be in a glee club you needed to be in high school and he had had to drop out because of his dad's drinking problem. “So these warblers then, what do you sing?”
“All kinds of stuff, from more classic stuff to poppy songs.”
“Blaine and his friends sang a beautiful song last time.” Kurt added, “it made me choke up.”
“And then Kurt joined us!” Blaine smiled at Kurt. Kurt felt himself blush when both his dad and Blaine looked at him beaming.
“It wasn't all that special.” He mumbled.
“Oh Kurt, it's been years since I've heard you sing. Maybe you and Blaine could sing something for me one day?” Burt suggested.
“Oh dad, no. I mean, I really can't sing. Like it was a one time thing.” Kurt started.
“Oh...yeah that's alright. I understand.” Burt's face fell.
“No, Kurt you're amazing. We'd love to sing for you Mr. Hummel!” Blaine smiled, grabbing Kurt's hand.
“Burt.” Burt corrected.
“Burt.” Blaine nodded again.

“Your dad's nice.” Blaine smiled, linking his fingers with Kurt. They were both lying on Kurt's bed, after dinner with Burt. Kurt's dad had to go to another AA meeting and Kurt had brought Blaine upstairs to show him his room. They were now snuggled up together and just enjoying each other's company.
“Yeah, he's a good dad. Especially now that he's gotten so much better. I'm really proud of him.”
“It shows, you know,” Blaine whispered, looking at Kurt, “you might think that you don't tell him enough but it shows on your face how proud you are of him.”
“I still wish I could do something to show him.” Kurt sighed.
“How about you sing him a song, Kurt?” Blaine suggested, “I can help you?”
“I'd like that.” Kurt nodded.
“Is that a Mickey mouse?” Blaine sat up, giggling.
“Oh,” Kurt followed him, “yes it is. My mum bought it for me on my fifth birthday. I slept with it every night until she passed away.”
“I'm so sorry.” Blaine slid his other hand in Kurt's free one. He planted a small kiss in the corner of Kurt's mouth, feeling him shrug.
“I didn't have much time to think about it. After that my dad got sick and I had to grow up because someone needed to take care of him.”
“That couldn't have been easy.” Blaine mumbled, squeezing Kurt's hand.
“As easy as having to leave your life behind to be admitted in the hospital,” Kurt replied, looking at Blaine. He shrugged, “I got used to it. At least I made this my own little space.”
“I like it here.” Blaine smiled, “oh! Is that your mum?” he got up and grabbed a frame from Kurt's desk.
“Yes.” Kurt acknowledged.
“She's beautiful, you look like her.” Blaine smiled, he felt Kurt wrap his arms around his waist and resting his chin on his shoulder blade. He tilted his head to plant a kiss on Kurt's cheek. “She'd be so proud of you.”
Kurt swallowed, trying to push back the tears created by Blaine's words. “I love you.” he said, kissing the skin of Blaine's neck. Blaine turned to face Kurt again and linked his arms around Kurt's neck pulling him down into a long kiss. “I love you too”
Eventually they broke apart, but stayed in an embrace. “When do I get to meet your parents?” Kurt whispered, nibbling Blaine's earlobe. Blaine could feel his knees give in and moaned, clinging onto Kurt.
“Kurt...it's complicated.”
“Please, Blaine,” Kurt continued working Blaine's body, “we agreed that we'd do everything faster than usual.”
“Yeah but...argh, mmm.” His nails dug in Kurt's scalp.
“Please Blaine.” Kurt's hands massaged Blaine's shoulders.
“It really isn't that simple.” Blaine panted, he needed everything he had not to get turned on too much. His hands found Kurt's chest and even though he reluctantly pushed Kurt away, who pouted at him. “Listen,” he sighed. He didn't even know why he was ending their make out session to talk about his parents but he felt he was only seconds away from giving in and he needed Kurt to understand the situation, “when we found out about me being ill there was technically not much they could do for me. My parents wanted me to go to the best doctors so I could get better but I told them I didn't want that. Instead I participated in this treatment. I'd rather help doctor Schue in his research for an equally effective yet much less painful remedy than all weird treatments they have around now.”
“And your parents didn't agree?”
“Exactly,” Blaine sighed, “they were angry with me for giving up and not fighting this. They wanted me to change my mind. Every time they came to visit me in the hospital they started nagging about it again. eventually I told them that it was my life and that I was of age and they couldn't force me to do anything.”
“Blaine, I don't know what to say...”
“There's nothing to say, really.” Blaine shrugged, “it's like it is.”
Kurt crawled close to Blaine and wrapped his arms around him, kissing his cheek. “so we're not seeing your parents then?” he whispered.
Blaine shook his head. “I'm sorry. I'd love for you to meet them but I can't.”
Kurt nudged Blaine's cheek with his nose. “It's okay. There's still plenty of other things that we get to do together.” He smiled. Blaine nodded, swallowing lightly when he thought about the one thing he really wanted to do with Kurt.
“Would you do me a favour though?” Blaine mumbled.
“Anything.” Kurt agreed.


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