March 7, 2014, 6 p.m.
March 7, 2014, 6 p.m.
Days passed and Kurt tried to divide his time equally between spending time with his dad, Blaine and reading more Harry Potter books. Blaine had given him the remaining others to read and they could talk about it for hours when they were together.
“So you don't think Dumbledore's gay?.” Blaine winked.
“Well, how am I supposed to know that?” Kurt frowned, “it's not like he has a sign above his head saying ‘Albus Dumbledore, greatest wizard of all. Oh btw, I'm gay'.”
Blaine laughed. “That's quite an interesting image you've given me there, Kurt. Maybe I should've tried something like that at my old school, who knows what would've or could've happened.” He giggled. Kurt smiled slightly and swallowed. “If only I had had Dumbledore's magic. I could have just turned everyone who shoved me against lockers or kicked and pushed me aside into a ferret. Blaine's eyes locked with Kurt's, as much as he had tried to divert his gaze, seeing those amber eyes always made him feel like Blaine could see right through him. “I'm sorry you had to go through that.”
Kurt shrugged. “It's over now. Because of dad I had to quit school anyway. I never saw them again.”
“Kurt,” Blaine grabbed Kurt's hand and squeezed it, “I-“ Blaine bit his lip, his eyes were blazing with fire and it made Kurt's heart skip a beat. He'd always known Blaine with his eyes being slightly glazed due to him being weak by his treatment. He had always wondered how Blaine's eyes, beautiful as they were with their honey colour, had looked like when he had still been strong. When they blazed with fire like this and they ended up looking like liquid gold, Kurt felt like that's what they might have looked like. “Blaine?” Kurt held his breath as he waited for Blaine to say what he had to say.
“I-just, I wish I could show you how important you are to me. I-“ but before Blaine could say anything else a short knock on the door interrupted him midsentence and the door swung open. A handsome young man walked in. He had dark brown hair, a strong jaw and piercing blue eyes that shone with kindness. He wore a huge grin on his face that was still there when he spoke. “Hey little bro-oh…,” he stopped in his tracks, “Ah, I see you've got company already.”
Kurt looked at the tall, broad shouldered guy in the doorway. The resemblance between him and Blaine was obvious and Kurt looked from one to another; gobsmacked.
“Hi Coop.” Blaine smiled, “Kurt, cooper. Cooper, Kurt” Blaine introduced the two to each other, “Cooper is my big brother.” He explained to Kurt.
“I figured that much.” Kurt smiled, “nice to meet you.” he said, taking Cooper's outstretched hand and shook it.
“So this is the famous Kurt,” Cooper smiled, “I've heard a lot about you.” he winked. Kurt raised his eyebrows, looking at Blaine who'd gotten a soft pink tinge on his pale cheeks. “I just told Coop about how you've been visiting me every day.” Blaine mumbled under his breath.
“Of course you did little brother, come here you!” Cooper pulled Blaine in for a tight bear hug but at the same time being careful not to accidentally cause him too much pain. “Ah, I missed you. So, how've you been?” Coop smiled, sitting down on the other side of Blaine's bed and putting his feet on the it in a casual manner.
“Oh you know,” Blaine said, “went to the spa and then ran a marathon and now I think I'll go and swim across the canal.”
“I think you forgot rock climbing.” Cooper suggested.
“No, that's for tomorrow.” Blaine joked, making Cooper chuckle. Kurt looked from the one to the other, amazed over how the two of them were so casual on the subject. He'd gotten used to Blaine dismissing his illness like it was nothing important but it still felt strange to him. He understood that they wanted to pretend that everything was normal but how do you do that when everything about your environment clearly screams that it isn't.
Cooper flicked on the television and told Blaine all about his latest trip, which had something to do with being an extra in a movie. Kurt, who felt like he shouldn't be here, not when there was family visiting Blaine - but couldn't bring himself to leave, not wanting to leave Blaine - sat as still as possible.
“So, what time is the doc going to be here?” Cooper asked, focusing back on Blaine. Kurt's eyes widened and noticed Blaine shooting him a quick look before he replied to his brother. “Around two. Are you staying?”
“Of course! I always do, don't I?” Coop smiled.
“Did mum and dad send you this time?” Blaine frowned and Kurt was surprised by the underlying tone in his question. Cooper's face changed slightly but his tone was still light when he spoke next, “I'm only here for you little brother. I'm here because I support your decisions no matter what.”
Blaine nodded in comprehension and then turned his attention to the television. Kurt had started to feel more and more uncomfortable as the conversation had continued past him and was starting to wonder if it'd be easier for Blaine if he left. All these thoughts that were running through his mind, disappeared the moment he felt Blaine's hand brush against his. He looked at their hands, lying on the side of Blaine's bed, lying next to each other. They were only just touching, their pinkies next to each other like a connection that could be broken at any time, yet the heat of the touch send tingles down Kurt's body, stronger than anything else he'd ever felt.
“Be right back little brother,” Cooper said, ruffling Blaine's hair before he stepped out to find his way to get some snacks, Blaine knew. The moment Cooper was out of sight, Blaine turned to Kurt “You've been so quiet?” he observed.
Kurt's eyes were kind but concerned when he spoke next “I felt like it was personal.”
Blaine sighed, he knew today he couldn't keep anything from Kurt anymore, “I'm sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable.” He mumbled, moving his right hand just an inch but it was enough to break the connection between their hands.
“No, of course not,” Kurt said and Blaine couldn't suppress the butterflies in his stomach when Kurt placed his hand over his own, “you could never make me feel uncomfortable. I just felt like maybe it was better if I left?” Kurt whispered.
“No. Please,” Blaine sounded exhausted, “Please stay. I want you here. I need you here.”
Kurt swallowed roughly and nodded. “I'll stay”, he smiled and squeezed Blaine's hand.