Dec. 2, 2013, 6 p.m.
Dec. 2, 2013, 6 p.m.
Thank you all for reading and remember that reviews are more than welcome...*wink wink nudge nudge*
When Blaine arrived on Tuesday morning, Rachel and the cameras were already waiting for him.
"Hello Rachel." Blaine said hugging the woman.
"Hi there little birdy." The dancer clapped her hands, a wild grin appearing on her face. "This week youll have, again, two routines to learn. But one of them is going to be slightly more challenging than usual."
"Okay." Blaine answered, dragging the first vowel and looking around to find some clues.
"This week is trio week. Im guessing that if you didnt already know what it was it kind of clear that we are going to dance not only together but with a third person."
"You mean that Im going to step on somebody elses toes for a week? More toes for me to crush, yeah!" Rachel giggled at her partners silliness and brushed her bangs to the side.
"Would you like to find out who our third partner is going to be?" Blaine nodded and the woman turned him to face the door, staying behind him and circling her arms around the mans chest, hugging him. They waited a little, so the cameraman had something for the post production, and then the door opened.
"Oh my god!" Blaine exclaimed when Kurt poked his head inside of the room. Both men crossed the room quickly, hugging each other tightly before indulging into several light kisses.
"You are our third partner this week?"
"I do believe I am, yes." The dancer answered, his hand clasped into Blaines, not letting go.
"I already told Kurt my idea for this routine and in my opinion its a brilliant idea. So, for this specific routine, we are going to dance to a song called Une Femme Avec Une Femme. The singer agreed to change the nouns and pronouns into men and his so it would fit. Originally its a song about two women falling in love and living their life in public. The song was written in 1998, and at that time in France homosexuality was still a huge taboo. I was thinking about making this about you, Blaine, falling in love with Kurt and slowly detaching yourself from me with all the issues and troubles that this might have entailed."
"You want to put all that into a dance?" Blaine asked a little afraid at the challenge before him.
"Well, of course. Now, positions gentlemen, and lets begin this weeks rehearsal!"
They practiced all week, Kurt and Blaine trying to stay professional even though it was more complicated than they thought it would be. Both men couldnt help but kiss the other, or tickle him, usually ending with Rachel throwing a fit and making them blush at their silliness.
They stayed late several nights, Blaine wanting to get this number right, more than right, perfect.
When Saturday came, Blaine asked to rehearse the routine again and again until Kurt stopped him.
"Blaine, you know the routine. Youre beautiful when you dance to this song and we are all perfectly in synch. Stop pushing or youre going to hurt yourself. Okay?"
"Okay." Blaine breathed before letting Kurt kissed him.
Their names were announced and all three stepped onto the stage.
The lights slowly faded, showing only Blaine and Kurt, sitting on the floor next to each but not touching. They both had their own spotlight, their shadows reflecting on the ground as the music started. They were hugging their laps, their head hidden in between their arms. Slowly, they started to extend their hands, reaching out for the other before turning their head and gazing into each other eyes. They put their back against each other, still sitting on the floor, before kneeling face to face, their hands passionately cupping the others cheek, leaning into the others touch, their faces coming closer and closer, almost kissing. They stayed like that for few seconds, seeking the reassurance of the other and feeling the warmth from the others hand.
Suddenly Rachel dragged Blaine on the ground, and the celebrity stood up quickly, hugging her tightly, both of his arms hugging her back and holding her head as she sensually rolled her body against his. They stayed in each others arms, waiting for Kurt to join them. The dancer made his way behind Blaine, following the couple as they started moving forward the second Kurt came to them. Blaine turned and twisted away from Rachel as Kurt waited for him and hugged him passionately, while taking him away from her. They danced, bodies moving together, as their foreheads touched. It was tender and sweet, their touches almost loving. Kurt put a soft hand on Blaines hip before making him turn into his embrace. The celebrity reached out to Kurts waist, leaning backward as Rachel caught his hands again, bringing him away from Kurts body and hugging him tightly and forcefully, as Blaines arms widened.
Rachels arms circled Blaines waist as the man bend his body backward in two, trying to escape the woman. Kurt gently supported his head, helping him up again. Rachel put her arms around Blaines chest, caging him while Kurt put his two hands on Blaines waist. They then quickly ran away from the woman. They turned on themselves, relaxing into each others embrace and exchanging shy little smiles just for them to see.
They were lost in the dance, their bodies thrumming with passion and love for each other. They werent listening to the song anymore, their bodies knew where to go and what to do. Nothing mattered besides them, how their bodies were moving together, and what it meant to them to dance together.
They faced each other, their arms touching above their heads as Rachel grabbed Blaine around the waist and held him, dragging him away, again, from Kurt. Blaine took one of Rachels legs, making her cage his body with her legs and head, and making them turn in on themselves. They repeated the same movement Kurt and Blaine had just done, sharpening their movements to show how forced it was in comparison of when Kurt and Blaine had danced together, just seconds ago. Blaines arms reached out to Kurt while still vaguely dancing with Rachel. The two men slowly put their hands on the others arms before Rachel forcefully took Blaines arms, making him dance with her, while Kurt mimicked Blaines movements behind him.
The two men were completely in synch, their bodies harmonizing flawlessly together, while Rachel made sure that her body came out strong and harsh in comparison. She put herself in between the two, pushing Kurt away as she continued to dance with Blaine. Kurt and Rachel both took one of Blaines hands, pushing the man away and making him come closer again. Rachel used the motion and Blaine leg to jump on his shoulder before bending her body backward and rolling off him in a perfect split. Kurt leant closer to Blaine, reaching out to his arms before Rachel took the other and pushed Blaine away, facing Kurt menacingly. They danced together in a forceful battle, their movement harsh and unforgiving, showing the struggle both could have in the situation where both wanted Blaines attention and affection. Kurt rolled away and pretended to fall as Blaine ran over Rachel to stop her. Kurts shrunk on himself on the floor as Rachel jumped above him before running into Blaines arms, who caught her. Blaine put her on the floor as she made her way behind him, one of her hand sneaking around his neck as he quickly pushed it away. Her other hand gripped his waist and received the same treatment. Blaine and Rachel fought like that for a few seconds before Blaine extended his hand to reach out for Kurt who took it and removed him from Rachels embrace.
Blaine put his hands and arms around Kurt, yearning for warmth and love after such a battle. Kurts hand reached above his shoulder to cup Blaines head as they walked away from Rachel. The lights putting Rachel in the dark as the only spotlight showed the pair walking together with grace and passion until the song slowly faded away.
They both stayed like that for few more seconds, breathing heavily from exhaustion but also from how emotionally involved they had been in the dance. It had everything to do with the fact that it was them, together, sharing a stage and showing how passionate and strong a love could be. They couldnt hear how loud the crowd was cheering and clapping for them, as they looked intensely into each others eyes, seeking comfort after a dance that left them both raw and vulnerable. It took Rachel jumping on them happily to shake them out of their reverie.
They both smiled at her and put her in the middle of them, hugging her tightly. They waited for the jury to tell them what they were thought of the performance. None of them had anything bad to say, praising the trio on how perfect the movement were, how passionate and emotional it had been to see them dance like that. They loved that beside the movements and the perfectly executed routine, they had been telling a story.
Blaine and Rachel placed first this week, both knowing that it was due to Kurt and Blaines dancing that night.
The day after, all the gossip websites erupted with pictures of the two dancing and smiling at each other, titles stating how hot they had been together and wondering how long their relationship had been going on.
"Blaine what is going on with you?" Rachel asked, furious after Blaine had dropped her for the third time in a row. "Your body is here but your head is so far away Im not even sure its still in this galaxy." Blaine ran a hand over his tired face before rubbing his eyes in frustration.
"Im sorry, its just… difficult." Blaine admitted, wishing that for once the camera werent there.
"What is difficult, Blaine? The routine?" Rachel gently asked, sitting beside him on the floor and tucking her legs under her body, taking Blaines hand in hers gently.
"No, the routine is fine. I mean its complicated and really sophisticated, but it will be fine."
"Then what is it?" Rachel has a motherly tone and she is looking at him so gently and caringly that Blaine wished for a second that it was his mother instead. It had been too long since he saw her and yes, he had spent more than ten weeks away from her before but he had been with his friends, on tour with the Warblers so he had had his other family there with him. So it didnt matter the if things were overwhelming or if he got homesick, he still had his support system with him.
But here and now he had no one. He had Kurt, beautiful, amazing, loving Kurt. But Kurt didnt know him like his mother and friends, not yet. And right now, Blaine needed a little piece of home with him.
"I think Im starting to feel the exhaustion from weeks and weeks of rehearsal and stress. Im sorry. Its just… Its overwhelming sometimes." There wasnt much more to say now. Rachel knew that Blaine didnt like to say too much in front of the camera, so the woman leant into him and hugged him tightly.
Rachel released Blaine quickly, not wanting to push him too much. Blaine walked back to his hotel, his chest and heart heavy with the realization of how much he missed his friends and family. Luckily Kurt was there, waiting for him in the lobby of the hotel. Blaine welcomed the strong arms around him and the warmth of Kurts breath against his cheek.
"Rachel texted me and told me that you had a little break down. Do you want me to stay with you?" Blaine took Kurts hand in his, his head still against the mans shoulder.
"Would you mind staying the night? Please. I just need someone to hug me." Kurt stepped closer at that, putting his free hand on Blaines back and pushing him closer to him.
"Of course. Come on, lets go to your room." They quickly walked to the elevator and then the room, getting rid of their coats and shoes before stumbling onto the bed and finding each other in the middle.
Blaine tangled their legs together and put his head under the dancers chin, hiding against his chest. Kurt lay on his side, encircling Blaines body with one arm and scratching his hair lightly with his other hand.
"Hi." Kurt gently said once Blaines breath evened out a little.
"Whats going on, babe?" Blaine nuzzled against Kurts chest, before finding a good spot and inhaling deeply.
"Its just …. Its too much. There are always cameras and stress and new dances to learn. People are good, great even, but its just… its overwhelming. Im used to having the attention of the media but not this much and its just…Usually I have my support system, my family or my friends. The Warblers, we are more than just a boy band. We are friends before anything and I have known the guys since high school. When things get difficult and heavy on tour, when we have rough days or anything, they are there, we are there for each other. I know they support me and I know my mom is watching, but its not the same."
"And Im here but I dont know you like they do, so its nice, but not nearly enough." There was not regret in Kurts voice, it was just a statement. Kurt was trying to help, to understand, and it was the undeniable truth. He missed his friends.
"Im sorry." Blaine whispered after a while, not sure what else to say. Kurt gently placed a kiss on his forehead and then on his nose.
"Dont be. This is an amazing experience but its rather exhausting and we all have our up and downs." They fell asleep like that, cuddling and still fully clothed. Blaine couldnt believe that someone like Kurt was willing to be there for him the way he was, and Blaine felt better knowing that someone would stay with him, holding him all night if he needed. He didnt have his friends, but he had Kurt, and right now it was what he needed.
Blaine didnt see Kurt for the next couple of days after their night together. The dancer was apparently busy working for a video clip, and according to Rachel when he came home at night he barely made it to his bed before passing out. Several times Blaine had offered to come by and to be there for the dancer just like he had been there for him, but Kurt had shut the idea down every single time.
By Friday, Blaine was almost certain he had done something wrong. He had no idea what though. They hadnt seen each other since the night they had spent together, and their exchanges had been more than cold the few time they had talked. Now it was around nine in the evening and Kurt hadnt answered any of his texts. Blaine tried to remember what he had said, or done, the previous day, but nothing came to his mind. He usually spent Friday night with Rachel, Kurt and other people from the show but he had hoped that tonight he and Kurt could spent the night together, alone. He had offered this hours ago and was still waiting for Kurts answer.
Suddenly his phone flashed and turned on, telling him that he had just received a text. Blaine braced himself an opened it when he saw it was from Kurt.
Could you come down to the lobby please?
Blaine put his shoes on and with trembling fingers opened the door of his room and took the elevator down. Kurt hadnt said that they needed to talk, but it was implied, and everyone knew what those words meant. Blaine wasnt ready to hear what followed, he didnt want to. He cared about Kurt, the man was everything Blaine had always wanted. He was funny and witty, he had enough of confidence to be sure of himself but it didnt come off as arrogance. Kurt was kind and loving and Blaine knew he could tell him everything and the dancer would just listen to him. Blaine didnt want it to end but he didnt know what to do to prevent it.
When the doors of the elevator opened it felt like rocks were sinking into his stomach. Blaine stepped out, walking slowly around the lobby until he spotted Kurt.
Kurt crossed the lobby quickly, joining Blaine where he was standing unable to move and waiting for the unavoidable.
"Blaine? Are you okay? Youre a little pale." Kurt asked, concern in his voice. Blaine couldnt take it, Kurt didnt have the right to look that concerned and worried when he was going to break up with him. It wasnt fair.
"Just do it, Kurt." Kurt took a step back, frowning in confusion and shock at Blaines icy tone. Kurt nodded quickly, sharply and suddenly Blaine was engulfed in a bone crushing hug.
"Blainers!" Blaine couldnt see anything, being shorter than average had its flaws. "you big, stupid idiot. Couldnt you just say that you missed us? Youre such a moron, Blaine Anderson, I swear to god!" Blaines eyes widen in recognition of the terms of endearment that were being thrown at him.
"Yes, Jeff, who else?" In the excitement Blaine didnt see the other arms around him, didnt notice that there were actually three pair of hands touching him and hugging him.
"Just so youre aware, Nick and myself are here too, Blaine." Wes added, when Jeff started to jump in the air, his head still hidden beneath all the limbs.
"Oh my god, Nick? Wes!" Blaine turned around with difficulty and smiled even wider when he saw the two smiling faces in front of him.
Jeff started to make them turn and turn, created a wheel of four men, hugging each other and turning in circles like crazy people, in the middle of a very fancy hotel.
"Jeff, I think Blaine is going to launch his lunch on your shoes." Wes warned, noticing how Blaine was still compressed between them all.
"Ew, dude. Thats gross." They all stepped back a little, giving Blaine some space to breathe and finally greet them properly.
"I cant believe youre here, guys. Its so good to see you." Blaine said again, nodding happily.
"Were glad to be here, Blaine." Nick said, holding his boyfriends hand in his while Wes was patting Blaines shoulder.
"How long are you staying here?"
"Depends on you, Blainey. If you win this week well stay for the grand finale!" Jeff answered making a round in the air with his hand.
"Also, you should thank Kurt. He is the one who arranged everything." Blaine suddenly remembered Kurt and searched him with his eyes in the lobby before spotting him in a corner watching the four men with fondness. Blaine walked to him and took his hand, squeezing it gently.
"You did this for me?"
"No, it was mainly to have good eye candy this Saturday. But if its making you happy then thats a really good bonus." Kurt answered playfully, earning an eye roll from Blaine.
"Thank you. Youre amazing." Blaine confessed, pecking Kurt as a thank you. "Would you like to meet them?"
"Lead the way." Blaine lead Kurt to his friends, his hand still holding the dancers.
"Kurt, those goofs are my friends. This is Wes, Nick, and Jeff."
"Its nice to officially meet you all." Kurt said with a smile before turning to Wes. "I made reservation at the hotels restaurant. I thought it would be for the best if you didnt walk around. Im not sure creating a riot is the best idea for tonight."
"Good thinking, Kurt." Wes said before turning to Nick and Jeff. " See, this is what maturity and self-preservation looks like!" Kurt frowned at Blaine in confusion and they all started to walk toward the restaurant.
"Oh but I didnt…" Kurt started while being dragged by Blaine toward the restaurant.
"Youre eating with us, right?" Blaine half wondered half asked.
"I thought youd like to be alone with them." Blaine smiled and stepped closer to the dancer.
"Kurt, I thought you were breaking up with me. So if youre not, please come eat with us tonight?"
"Why would I do something like that?"
"You didnt exactly talk to me half of the week." Kurt blushed a little and shook his head.
"Its because I cant keep a secret and I wanted this to be a surprise and I knew that if I talked to you or see you I would just spill everything." Blaine laughed at his boyfriend and kissed him tenderly before looking into his eyes, asking him silently the same question than before.
"Yeah, Ill eat with you."
The rest of the evening was a blur of too much alcohol, with some embarrassment from high school stories and tour anecdotes. Nick and Kurt quickly ganged up against Blaine, while Blaine sought comfort with Jeff who just called boyfriend privileges and sided with Nick as well. Kurt and Wes discussed how complicated it had been for them to become famous that quickly, and how knowing each other from high school had been essential. He told Blaine that Sebastian, John, and Trent couldnt make it, but had sent him a little video.
The next morning, Rachel called Kurt to yell at him, blaming him for the hangover her partner had. She noticed how Blaine seemed more light hearted than the previous day, but didnt comment on it.
The Warblers sat through the whole live show, cheering for Blaine like the crazy bunch they were. Blaine didnt place first this week, but Rachel and him qualified for the final. Blaine couldnt believe that there was only one week left and that he would be participating in the final.
Rachel was going to be hell the next week.
Indeed, Rachel was worse than she had ever been. She pushed the man, making him learn and learn again until Blaine was once again lying on the floor, just like the first week.
But this time, even if the pressure was heavier than it had been before, and with the finale ahead of him, Blaine had his boyfriend and friends to go back to at the end of rehearsal, and it changed everything. Blaine tried to forget the pain and how sore his muscles were, relying on evenings at the restaurant or in Jeff and Nicks room eating takeout and watching movie with everyone. It felt good to have Jeff bantering with his boyfriend, Nick trying to calm down his own boyfriend, and Wes rolling his eyes in despair at the bunch.
When Saturday finally arrived, Blaine didnt want the season to end. During the ten weeks, he had grown fond of all the people working on the show, the dancers had become good friends and it was bittersweet to arrive in the studio that day. They all knew it was the last show and they all wandered around, taking their time to talk to each other a little longer than usual.
When the live show finally started, Blaine knew that tonight his friends were here and his boyfriend as well, he trusted Rachel more than anything, all he had to do was put the nerves aside.
Blaine danced his first routine, shaking his nerves away. Rachel hugged him tight after it, whispering to him that they were going to win, no doubt. He also heard Jeff yelling more than it was appropriate, and this reminder of his friends being here made Blaine smile.
When Blaine entered the stage for the last time, Rachel took his hand and smiled gently.
"Have fun, alright? The rest doesnt matter anymore." The light faded and Rachel started dancing without another word.
Blaine joined her, taking her hand in his . They glide on the stage, moving fast in a flawless waltz that Blaine had finally mastered. Blaine was making Rachel turn and turn, lifting her up in the air before placing her gently on the ground.
Suddenly, Rachel ran off the stage and the song changed, leaving a confused Blaine alone on stage. A hand took his, and Kurt faced Blaine on stage, taking Rachels place. The song changed to The Last Dance and Blaine followed the routine he had learned with Rachel, Kurt following effortlessly. They smoothly danced together, enthralled by the song. The slow tempo served them well as they moved together, gracefully. Blaine couldnt believe that he was having the chance to dance with Kurt one more time on the show. They moved smoothly, passionately spinning together around the floor. Blaine carefully lifted him up, Kurts hands on Blaines shoulders helping him to stay up. Blaine slowly set Kurt down, his body trapped in the circle of Blaines arms around his body. They looked into each other eyes, forgetting that they were dancing in front of million of people, forgetting it was recorded and broadcast around the country. Blaine only had eyes for Kurt and how beautiful he was in his arms and above him, the light of a spotlight making his eyes shine with passion and love. Their faces came close and closer as Kurt was getting closer to the ground, his body flush against Blaines. Kurt gently took Blaines hand from his waist and disappeared, letting Rachel take back her place in Blaines arms. The song switched back to the first they had been dancing to and the couple continued the choreography, finishing it powerfully and putting all they had into the last dance of the season.
When the song finally ended, the crowd erupted in a standing ovation, cheering loudly. Blaine hugged Rachel, laughing in her ear.
"I cant believe you did that, is it even something we can do?"
"You can trust me, Ive read the rules a million times." They turned to the judges who praised them one more time. When Blaine and Rachel walked back to the makeup room, Blaine walked right into Kurts arms.
"When did you learn the routine?"
"Im a professional, Blaine. Rachel left me instructions and we practiced after Id come home every night this week." Blaine let Kurt hug him as they watched the rest of the show together. The closer they got to the result, the more Blaines body was buzzing with nerves. Kurt placed several kisses throughout the show on Blaines neck to calm him down.
Blaine and Rachel walked together on stage to hear the final results. Blaine stood behind the dancer, his arms around her waist. She whispered few words to him before falling silent, then they waited. Blaine hated how long it took to the host to announce the results. They, of course, had to drag it out a little longer, building up the suspense and tension. Blaine almost wanted to rip the cards out of the hosts hands and read the results himself.
Blaine was buzzing with tension, not hearing a single word the hosts were saying, until the red spot lit up on the pair next to him and Rachel jumped into his arms. Blaine shook himself out of his torpor and finally understood that he had won this season of Dancing With The Stars. Blaine gaped in shock and a smile finally creeped on his face. The man encircled Rachels waist and hauled her up, jumping in the hair happily. Kurt and the rest of the crew joined them quickly, followed by the Warblers. Blaine savored his victory with all the people he had recently learned to like, and the ones he had always had in his life. They celebrated together, dancing goofily around and bursting into a song.
They went through the after-show and answer to all the questions, even the ones about Kurt. Finally, Blaine and Rachel were free of duties and went back to her loft where Kurt and the Warblers were already gathered up, celebrating the winners.
They stayed all night together, some of the crew joining them at some point. They drank champagne to celebrate the winning pair, the more they drank, the sillier the dance off became. Around four in the morning, Rachel was sound asleep with Jeff and Nick on either side of her, hugging her tightly, their fingers locked on her belly. Wes was on the couch, and people were spread out everywhere in the loft. Blaine found himself in Kurts bed, the door safely closed.
"I cant believe I won." Blaine whispered, drawing patterns on Kurts chest.
"Its well deserved, Blaine. You worked hard to get there and you didnt give up. I saw you work and I saw you dance. It was amazing, youre amazing." Blaine blushed and continued to silently draw patterns on his boyfriends chest.
"So, hum… well." Blaine finally said.
"The show is over now."
"Yes, Blaine."
"You live here and I split my time between Ohio and New York."
"Im aware, yes." Kurt tilted Blaines chin to make the man look up to him. "What do you really want to ask?"
"What are we going to do?"
"I know for a fact that youre have nothing scheduled for a week or so, so were going to have a real weekend together, and then well figure it out. Ive always wanted to visit New York anyway."