Shall We Dance?
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Shall We Dance?: Chapter 2

M - Words: 3,861 - Last Updated: Dec 02, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 3/? - Created: Nov 30, 2013 - Updated: Nov 30, 2013
181 0 0 0 0

Nothing extraordinary happened during the sixth week. Rachel made him work harder and harder, wanting her champion trophy back, and also wanting to beat her roommate for the first time in three years. The four of them continued to have lunch together, giving time to Kurt and Blaine to tease Rachel to no end about her dictatorial tendencies, making the woman usually huff and puff before storming to the rehearsal room. Blaine often glanced at Kurt, or smiled shyly at him. Now that he knew Kurt was gay it had been extremely difficult for the celebrity to keep his mind from fantasizing. His crush on Kurt after seeing him dance to one of his songs was becoming hard to hide, and he just hoped that the man didnt mind too much, or the situation was bound to become awkward quickly.

Blaine kept up the flirting and the teasing about who was going to win this week and Kurt kept teasing him about how big his head was, because there were no way he was beating Kurt again.

Rachel often cut them short, calling for Blaine to get to rehearsal already.

The dance they had this week was complicated but it wasnt something Blaine couldnt work his way around.

Contrary to how quiet the week had been, the live show was actually hectic. The professional dancers had several numbers to get ready for, and with them, several costumes changes. Blaine and the other celebrities tried to make themselves as scarce as possible when all the dancers were suddenly flooding the makeup room.

The host announced a short film about the backstage of the five weeks of rehearsal with an unaired clip. They showed the celebrities that had already been eliminated, and how some dancers were far more horrible than Rachel, and then they showed Kurt, dancing behind Blaine and helping him with his dance from the week before. They showed several shots in which Blaine was looking at Kurt like he hung the moon and where Kurt had a dreamy look on his face while observing Blaine. They had playfully added some little pink hearts here and there, floating around them or coming out of Blaines eyes, making it look like a joke more than a serious thing. Blaine was mortified that they had caught how he was looking at the dancer, mortified that they spotted his heart eyes for the man, and was completely ashamed to be called on it on television.

Blaine searched for Kurt in the crowd, twisting his head until he finally spot the man, talking with Rachel, his head down and a bright blush on his cheeks. The two dancers turned their heads to Blaine at the same time and Blaine quickly looked away, feigning innocence.

Blaine spent the weekend avoiding Rachels texts and calls. They were mainly about their performance and about everything that Blaine needed to work on, they were also about their next performance and Rachel had already emailed him the song so he could listen to it on repeat all weekend to know it by heart by Monday.

When Blaine arrived Monday morning at the studio, Rachel was already waiting for him, a smirk on her face. She was ready already, wearing her black shorts and harboring a messy bun. She barely gave him time to change and directly started to rehearse.

"This week is all about unusual craft. So," the woman marked a pause, giving some drama to the scene. "Were going to mainly dance in the air!" The woman pointed her fingers happily at the ceiling.

"Im sorry?" Blaine looked at her like she was crazy.

"This week were going to dance in the air with silk ropes. Aerial choreography if you like. We have to be in synch for it to be perfect. Its going to be a lot of work. First, we need you to learn how to move around those ropes, and then were going to need to make sure we are always moving at the same time.

Two new dancers entered the room and they immediately started to teach Blaine how to twirl and twist his legs, waist, and arms in the ropes to use it to his advantage. Luckily for him they had put some mattress on the floor, so when Blaine inevitably fell, it didnt hurt too badly.

They practised all morning, and by noon Blaine already had a rather good idea of how to work his way around the silk.

"Blaine, your toes and your fingers! You need to point them. They look like dead spaghettis!"

"Dead -"

"Yes, now from the top!"

They rehearsed all afternoon, eating only half a sandwich. Rachel was being even less forgiving than the other weeks, making Blaine work until his legs and arms hurt as much as they did the first week. Dancing in the air and with ropes was essentially based on the strength you had in your arms and legs, and Blaine had been relentless all day about getting it right.

He had two choreographies to learn that week, and even with all the time Rachel was spending with him he knew he wouldnt be ready.

"Okay, I think its enough for today." Rachel admitted, looking a little tired at the end of the day, the two aerial dancers already gone. "What are you doing tonight?" The woman asked, handing him a bottle of water. Blaine took a gulp, watching the dancer gathering her things.

"Im going to stay here a little longer. Its not fluid and I want to be more comfortable with the ropes. I want to practice a little more."

"Do you want me to stay?"

"Oh no, dont worry. I think I just need to put myself really into it." Rachel smiled at him proudly before taking her bag.

"Good, your competitive streak is still here! Well have to fuel it so we can use it to crush the others. Keep this feeling in mind, Blaine Warbler. Well work on it tomorrow!" The woman ran off, letting Blaine alone with the cameras.

After a while the cameraman started to gather his things.

"Im going, I think we have everything we need. Youre going to be all right here?" the man asked.

"Yes, dont worry. Ill do the routine one or two more times and Im done. Good evening!" Blaine waited for the man to leave the room before turning the music on again, Cosmic Love starting to play as Blaine turned the volume as loud as what could be acceptable.

The man made his way to the rope and climbed it until he was high enough from the ground. He wrapped one of his legs into one of the ropes and then proceed to the same with the other. Once his legs were secured, Blaine moved enough to wrap his waist as well. With his hands he gathered the two ropes and started turning in the air, his legs slowly parting until he was almost in a split. Feeling a little bold, Blaine took only the right rope in his hand, and made himself move so his body was parallel to the ground and he slowly bend his body backward, until his toes almost touch his head.

Blaine didnt hear the door opening, nor did he see Kurt entering silently and sit on the bench to watch him. Blaine was too focused, too enthralled in what he was doing, too captivated by the void under him and how high he was in the air to notice anything around him that wasnt the music or the silk.

The celebrity freed one of legs, keeping the other as a prisoner of the silk and put the free leg in between the two ropes, making his body stand up a little and his chest rest against one of the ropes, he did the same movement several times, wrapping his body in the rope, before twisting one last time and letting his body fall freely. The different twists made the rope float and create a soft and aerial aspect in comparison to the body that was falling. Blaine caught himself, barely an inch from the ground, before using his wrapped feet to stand up in the air and releasing his body from the silk.

The moment Blaine touched the mattress two strong arms encircled him, hugging him from behind. Blaine looked in the mirror in front of him to see Kurts head buried in his neck. The celebrity brought up his hand to Kurts arms and squeezed gently.

"You scared me! I thought you were going to crush yourself on the ground." Kurt said, letting go of Blaine. The celebrity turned around, facing the dancer and smiled at him.

"One of the acrobats taught me that today. I wasnt going to fall. Were you worried?" Blaine asked cockily.

"Absolutely not. But like I said, I like to win fairly, and you dying is kind of a step in the wrong direction."

"Huhu, so you said. What was the hug about then?" Blaine wondered, looking up to Kurts eyes.

"Youre too small to be that cocky." Blaine shook his head at Kurt and made his way to his bag. Kurt caught his arms as the man passed right next to him. Blaine stopped and looked at the hand before leveling his gaze to Kurts eyes. The dancer looked serious and maybe a little insecure.

"Would you like to go out with me?" Blaine noticed how the mans grip went a little loose at the question.

"Im not sure dating the competition is a good idea. I might actually use my body to win and I know how important it is for you to lose fairly." Blaine argued playfully, biting his lips.

"Anderson." Kurt warned, smiling at the man. Blaine stepped toward Kurt and went on his tip toe to place a sweet kiss on the dancer cheek.

"I would love to go out with you. "

"Breakfast? Tomorrow? And then Ill drive us to rehearsal." Kurt offered, watching Blaine tidying the room.

"Sound perfect." They quickly parted way after that and Blaine might have done a little happy dance in his car when he was sure to be alone.

The next morning Kurt picked Blaine up at his hotel and drove them to the nearest coffee shop. It was a tiny French coffee shop owned by a old woman. She made all her own pastries, cookies and cakes herself, and her coffee was to die for.

They sat in front of each other, smiling awkwardly and not saying a word.

"Hello, lovebirds. What can I get you this morning? I have lemon cake with poppy seed, chocolate muffins, croissants, I think I still have fresh baguette with butter and jam."

"Ill take a croissant, please, and also coffee." Blaine asked before turning to Kurt.

"Ill have coffee as well with some baguette and jam. Please."

"Sure thing. Ill be back in a minute." The woman walked away, leaving Kurt and Blaine almost alone in the coffee shop.

"So, Blaine Anderson. What are you doing for a living?" Kurt wondered, waggling his eyebrow. Blaine giggled at that before taking the most serious tone he could make.

"Im a singer, I do gigs and stuff."


"Yeah, worldwide tours, that sort of stuff. Nothing too fancy."

"And youre very modest as well. Thats good." Kurt added snarkily.

"I try." Blaine shrugged a little, not knowing exactly where to go with this discussion.

"And you fail, but thats okay. So how are rehearsals going with Rachel?" The woman came back with a tray full of food and hot beverages. She carefully put everything on the table before going back to her table.

"Well, you sneak in every so often, so one would think that you know. She is very talented and a good teacher, I must admit that I enjoy myself way more than I thought I would. Its an amazing experience, you guys are so lucky to get to do this every year." Blaine smiled at Kurt who was silent and studying him carefully.

"We are lucky, not everyone get the chance to make a living out of dancing and being a part of Dancing With The Stars is a great opportunity as well. But Rachel and I, we worked hard to get there. It wasnt always easy, but we got there, and now we get to do what we love."

They continued to talk, about their life, about their job and how sometimes it was complicated to do this when the people around you didnt understand how much passion you put into it.

They talk about how hard it had been sometimes and how rewarding all of this had been. When the woman came back to offer them a refill, they asked if they could take it away and paid for their breakfast.

"Hum gentlemen?" The woman stopped them before they opened the door. "I dont want to intrude or say something thats not my place to say, but just so you know, they are people with cameras outside and not small ones." Blaine sighed a little and peaked outside. Indeed there were several paparazzi waiting for them to step out of the coffee shop. They probably had been taking pictures the whole time, and Blaine didnt know how Kurt was going to react to this.

"Im so sorry, Kurt. I didnt think they would follow us here." Kurt took Blaines hand in his and gently squeezed it.

"I dont mind, Im not as well-known as you are but I had my fair share of paparazzi hunt since I started working for Dancing With The Stars. I wouldve preferred if they werent here but at least well have pictures of our first date. " Kurt joked a little trying to make the frown on Blaines face go away. Kurt opened the door and stepped outside, hand in hand with Blaine.

The second they walked out, several flashes went on, following them all the way to Kurts car. Blaine knew that since he was looking right in front of him, the paparazzi would catch how much he was smiling. Because Kurt, the man he had been flirting with for more than a month now, the man he had had a crush on for years, the man he just went on a date with, was holding his hand in front of people who had the power to tell their story however they wanted to. Kurt had chosen to tell them that yes, they had been on a date and yes, they probably were together.

Kurt walked to Blaines door and opened it for him, letting the man climb in before shutting the door and walking his way around the car. Kurt sat in the car, the paparazzi still taking pictures, and Kurt tried not to kill any of them will driving away.

"Well that was interesting." Kurt said after a while. "Are you alright?"

"Im fine, they can be way worse sometimes."

"Was the hand holding alright? Im sorry I didnt think." Blaine smiled at that, taking Kurts hand from the wheel and linking their fingers.

"More than okay. I was actually thinking maybe we could hold hands tonight at the restaurant of my hotel?" Blaine asked shyly.

They ate at the restaurant the same night, they knew some of the others clients were looking, and some of them even asked politely to take picture with Blaine as well as Kurt, and they did, talking a little with every one of them.

"Do you want to, maybe, come back to my room?" Blaine wondered at the end of the meal, barely looking at Kurt. "Not, not to sleep together. I mean, maybe well do that, sometime later, but just to… I dont want this to end just now."

"I dont put out on the first date." Kurt answered almost coldly. Blaine blushed in shame at the words, and looked down at his lap. "Good thing its already the second, then." Kurt added playfully after few seconds. Blaine looked up and gaped at the dancer who laughed at him a little.

Blaine lead them to the elevator, to his room, and closed the door behind them when they finally got to his room. Blaine turned around only to be caged against the door, Kurts hands on each side of Blaines head.

The dancer stepped closer to Blaine, his eyes locked with him. Blaine could feel the warmth of Kurts body against his, he could feel Kurts chest against his, heavy and comforting. Kurts breath ghosted against Blaines skin, tickling his cheek and then the crook of his neck. Blaine let himself being surrounded by Kurt, by his scent and his warmth. He let the man came closer until one of Kurts legs was between his own, until their bodies touched everywhere.

Kurt looked again into Blaine eyes, and slowly leant down, giving himself some time to study Blaines face, to see if the man really wanted this, and how much his eyes turned darker the closer Kurt came to his mouth.

Blaine crashed his lips against Kurts, not able to wait anymore. They kissed languidly, taking their time to explore each other, their hands wandering from their hair to their chest and back. They kissed each other, their tongues dancing together and Blaines tongue licking inside of Kurt before biting softly his bottom lip, kissing him again to sooth it after the biting.

Kurt stopped them, pulling away a little, enough to look into Blaines eyes but close enough to still feel his breath against his lips.

"Im glad it wasnt our first date." Blaine laughed a little at that and put his forehead on Kurts shoulder. "We have rehearsal early tomorrow, well I know I have so, hum."

"Ill let you go to sleep" Kurt decided, pecking Blaine several other times before being ready to leave.

They sneaked out of rehearsal few times for the rest of the week, stealing kisses in between and eating lunch together.

On Friday they were on the cover of few magazines, a picture of the two of them holding hands and Blaine smiling like an idiot. They both received several messages from friends, asking what, where, and when. They both laughed a little at Rachel when the woman stormed into the studio with her copy of Closer, waving it like a crazy woman and ordering them to explain what this was all about.

On Saturday night, Kurt walked behind Blaine right before it was his time to go on stage.

"Listen to the song, Superstar." Kurt walked away, taking his dance partners hand and going on stage. Blaine looked at them on a screen in the makeup room before quickly making his way to his seat. Kurt and his partner were wearing matching jackets. Except that Kurts partner had a blue and red striped tie and her jacket was dark blue. Blaine smiled at the imitation of the Warbler outfit. Kurts partner, Olivia, started out as a superstar who was getting her make up done and who perfected her tie before walking to Kurt. The song Superstar by Jamelia started and they danced around together, getting into their routine. They danced together and Blaine blushed at the lyrics, most of them probably werent for him, but still. Kurt had asked him to listen to the song and the fact that the woman was wearing a jacket that looked exactly like Blaines outfit made him blush even harder.

"Well, thats oddly adorable." Rachel whispered to him, Blaine only nodded and both Kurt and his partner winked at him at the end of the routine. Blaine shook his head at how silly they both were and how you could read all the conspiracy on their faces.

Blaine and Rachel danced remarkably, the silk and the light playing perfectly together, the two of them giving the performance of the season.

They spent the following week rehearsing and rehearsing. Rachel had decided that since Kurt and Blaine couldnt be trusted to be around each other without starting to be completely oblivious to the rest of the world and that it would make Blaine late, more time and it was necessary, theyll just have to wait until the end of the day before seeing each other, which was nearly impossible. After more than a month of rehearsal with everyone, they all started to feel like a big family, and of course they would all sneak around to see each other, to eat lunch together. They were also using all the time they had, rehearsing everywhere and anywhere. It felt like a dancing school right before some important exams. People were just dancing around, always running and going over their routine over and over again. It was empowering. There was so much energy going on, so many people around them all the time and so many things to do that when Kurt or Blaine decided to sneak around to see each other they could barely peck each other on the mouth before having to run back to their rehearsal room or to the costume designer.

The week passed in a blur, and at the end, Blaine once again was the best dancer of the week. Unfortunately, Kurts partner was the one being eliminated that week.

Week eight was practically the same. Blaine was getting better and better at the ballroom dances and now that he had gained some muscles and confidence Rachel was starting to include more and more of her being lifted up in the air. The routines were also getting more detailed and sophisticated. The woman was being ruthless, and Blaine was starting to feel the competition building between all the contestants. It was just light banters and silly jokes between them all, but it was there.

More than once Blaine ended up passing out in his hotel room, exhausted by all the rehearsal and the pressure of the live show. It was also tiring not having his support system. He had been living or on tour with the Warblers most of his life, and not having them was becoming more and more difficult to endure. Kurt stopped by every other day, he still had choreography to learn for the live show, so they saw each other at the studio. Kurt also brought him up takeout in his hotel room, knowing that the man wouldnt be able to leave his bed. Blaine was grateful for Kurt. The man was everything, he was kind and attentive, and Blaine liked the banter they were still keeping up, even if Kurt werent in the competition anymore. It was simple, them being together was easy, easier than anything Blaine had had to do in his life and whenever Kurt stopped by, Blaine thought that he was more than lucky to have the dancer in his life.

Blaine lost his first place that week but still ranked in the top three.

He spent the weekend with Kurt, they visited the city, stopping in coffee shops and shopping here and there. They shared lazy kisses on Monday morning and cuddled until noon when both of them couldnt ignore how hungry them both were. They met Rachel at the loft she shared with Kurt, and the two dancers exchanged knowing glances and suspicious smiles. Blaine didnt ask, too happy to relish into the happy bliss that was the two days off he was having this week. Blaine kissed Kurt goodbye when Rachel almost threw him out of the loft, stating that he needed to be well rested for this week because she was going to ask a lot out of him this week.


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