Shall We Dance?
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Shall We Dance?: Chapter 1

M - Words: 3,416 - Last Updated: Dec 02, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 3/? - Created: Nov 30, 2013 - Updated: Nov 30, 2013
183 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

Blaine and the Warblers had talked about his participation to the show and had decided that while Blaine would be dancing for his life they would all take long earned holidays.

They all know that the show was something he had bonded with his mother over, and it seemed rather important to him, so they all agreed to let him do it. They said that they would vote for him and launch a campaign for him. They were also hoping that Blaine would really learn to dance and forget to jump on furniture once for all.

This is how Blaine walked into the rehearsal room the first morning. It was a week and a half before the first live show, and he was buzzing with anticipation, running through all the different dancers in his head trying one last time to try guess which one he would be partnered up with.

The cameras were settled in the room, already turned on and filming his every movement. It was a little weird, to say the least. He was used to the constant attention from the media, and from the fans, but having a camera following him all the time was different.

Blaine was sitting on the bench, waiting for his partner to finally arrive. The door opened loudly and a small woman with long brown hair appeared. She peaked to see who was her celebrity and the moment she recognized Blaine the woman squealed happily and ran right into his arms.

"I cant believe I got you! Its going to be amazing. We have a lot to work on, obviously, but with your skills and my talent we could go all the way and win!" The woman stopped for a second before stepping back a little and offering her hand. "Im Rachel Berry, nice to finally meet you Blaine Anderson leader of The Warblers." Blaine took the womans hand and shook it.

"Pleasure to meet you as well, Rachel Berry." Rachel giggled at that and put her bag down.

"Okay did you start warming up?"

"Uh, no?" The dancer rolled her eyes at him, putting her hair into a messy bun before walking to Blaine.

"Okay, lets start. Like I said, we have a lot to do and this year I want to win!"

Hours later Blaine was lying on the floor, legs weak because of how many times he had to repeat the same movement. Blaine knew Rachel, of course. Hed learn from the tv show that she was merciless and definitely fierce when it came to competition. She became one of the dancers three years ago, and managed to win the first year she had been in the competition. People loved hating her, and fearing her.

Blaine was still lying on the floor, legs and arms wide apart, trying to rest his body before Rachel decided it was time to train again. Blaine was not sure he would ever move again at this point.

"Come on, Little Warbler, one more time."

"Rachel!" Blaine whined from the floor, as the woman took his hands and hauled him from the ground. Blaine made his body as heavy as possible, but Rachel was strong for someone that small so he didnt stand a chance.

"One more time, you big baby. We wont win if you complain all the time." Rachel put her left hand on Blaines shoulder and her right hand in his, readying them to start the routine again.

"Five, six, seven, eight." Blaine took a step forward as Rachel stepped backward, his right leg moving in synch with her left leg and so on and so forth. They twirled around the room until Blaine took Rachels hand in his, helping her down into a developpé and a split before making her jump into his arms, her body encircling his as he tiptoed backward. They continue to dance together until the song ended.

"It was alright." Rachel admitted, handing a bottle of water to Blaine. The man was panting and he was sure that he just discovered new muscles in his body. The cameraman was too busy making fun of him and Blaine didnt notice when the door of their rehearsal studio opened, letting another dancer in.

"Kurt!" Rachel yelped when she saw who was in her studio. "Youre not supposed to be here!"

"Oh come on, Berry. Its not like I need to steal ideas from you to win." The woman let an offended gasp out and eyed the dancer menacingly.

"Beware, Kurt Hummel. You wouldnt want you dear scarf collection to be ruined because of my seaweed mask!"

Blaine stood up with difficulty and wobbled toward the pair. Kurt Hummel had joined the tv show at the same time as Rachel, three years ago, and even if Rachel had won the first year, Kurt had won the previous two years.

"Kurt, let me introduce you to my celebrity: Blaine Anderson, lead of the War-"

"I know who he is." Kurt cut in before turning to Blaine. "Its nice to meet you, Blaine. Im also glad to see youre still alive after a whole day of rehearsal with that one." Kurt tilted his head in Rachel direction who frustratingly threw her hands in the air and walked to her bag.

"Kurt Hummel, right? Pleasure to meet you, too. And I have to admit that Im feeling lucky to still be alive, but my body is screaming at me so tomorrow is not going to be fun. " They both laughed. Blaine noticed how Kurts cheeks became a little red and how his nose scrunched up when he smiled. Blaine had had a very healthy crush on Kurt Hummel since the first time he had appeared on his screen. He also knew that Kurt was an very talented dancer and some of his performances had shaken Blaine up.

"Take a long, hot bath tonight, and drink lots of water with some lemon juice in it. You shouldnt hurt too much tomorrow." Blaine nodded and Kurt turned to Rachel who was stuffing her bag.

"Do you want to go home now or do you want to keep rehearsing?" Kurt asked the woman.

"No, Im ready, just give me few minutes with Blaine and Ill be out." Kurt kissed Rachels cheek and waved at Blaine before disappearing.

Blaine didnt like to stereotype, but he had always thought that Kurt was gay and well, not only did he had a girlfriend but he also lived with her. Blaine felt a little ashamed, but quickly turned his attention to his partner.

They rehearsed every day for a week, training until Blaines body would give out and he would beg for a break. Kurt came by often, keeping track on how Rachel was torturing Blaine and laughing at his expenses. Blaine couldnt help but flirt a little. It was completely wrong especially with Rachel in the room, and in Kurts life, but it was fun, and Blaine didnt have any intention of taking it further.

On Friday, Kurt finished early and stopped by their rehearsal studio. Blaine and Rachel were once again training and rehearsing their routine. Blaine felt comfortable with every movement and step, finally able to appreciate dancing with a professional dancer.

Rachel turned the music on, tapping on Blaines chin for him to lift it before they started dancing around the room, almost flying with how quick they were gliding around the room. Blaine lifted Rachel a little, twirled her, and helped her down in a perfect lift, before continuing the routine until the end.

"You have to think about how you position your head to lift your arms or they are going to grill us. Overall it wasnt that bad." Rachel growled, before sitting on the bench with Kurt.

"Slow down with him, he is good." Kurt warned, eyeing Blaine who was once again lying on the floor, almost dead from exhaustion.

"He is average, at best."

"Rachel. Stop it. He is good."

They finished the rehearsal quickly after that, Rachel and Kurt leaving together again.

On Saturday night, Rachel and Blaine were rehearsing one last time, barely miming the movements when Kurt snuck behind them and put a hand on Blaines arms.

"Break a leg tonight."

"Thank, you too."

Rachel eyed him suspiciously before taking her place next to the other contestants.

Blaine did averagely well during the first live show, his performance ranking him in the top ten, a place before Kurt. Which made Rachel squeal happily for half an hour.

Rachel and Blaine exchanged few texts during the weekend. Blaine knew that it was important for them to get to know each other. He liked the girl, to some extent, but she could also be a tad too loud and on the wrong side of meticulous.

On monday, Blaine arrived after Rachel, who was patiently waiting for him. She marched right to him and hugged him before getting right to business.

"This week you are going to dance on a song that means a lot to you. So tell me more about it."

Rachel asked, mainly for the camera. They had talked about it during the weekend by text, so the girl would have time to come up with a routine. Blaine still had to get comfortable with the camera but he was getting better and better with it.

"The song I chose is Last Friday Night by the amazing Katy Perry. Im a big fan of Katy Perry and this song is fun and makes you want to grab your friends and dance together. Its a fun song."

"Well thats really good because we can actually dance the cha-cha-cha on this song. Now for this we are going to make your hips move!" Rachel put her hands on Blaine hips and made him rotated playfully, both of them laughing at that.

They started rehearsing, Blaine trying desperately to keep up with the tempo and with his partner, who was on fire. They spent the first day practicing the basics steps of the cha-cha, trying to make Blaine keep up with the music and the steps.

Blaine was struggling with keeping up when Kurt poked his head in the rehearsal room.

"Blaine, dont train too hard, my partner and I will be first place this week." Kurt smirked at the man, earning an eye roll from Rachel.

"Oh but Kurt, if I recall correctly Rachel and I were better than you last week. So dont wish too much for first place. Its ours." Blaine answered cockily. He hoped for a second that they wouldnt put that on the show, especially if they didnt do better than Kurt and his partner.

Kurt clicked his tongue at him before turning to Rachel to talk to her and finally going back to his room.

"We cant let him be better than us." Blaine told Rachel the seconds Kurt closed the door.

"You want to be the best and win first place?"

"Yes!" Blaine said with conviction.

"You want to crush all the other contestants and win that prize?!" The woman asked, her fists tight with excitement.

"Uh, maybe not crush them, but I do want to win."

"Perfect," the woman answered with sparkles in her eyes. She pointed at Blaines abdomen and continued. "You feel that rage? that envy to win? Fuel yourself with that! Keep your goal in mind and work for it!"

Blaine made a face at the camera, showing how much the tiny woman was scaring him sometimes.

On Wednesday, Blaine, Rachel, Kurt, and his partner had lunch together. They were all choosing what they were going to eat from the buffet that was set up in the dining room in the studio.

"Blaine, you dont want to eat that. Youll put weight on, and I want to win fairly." Kurt winked at Blaine who poked his tongue out at that.

"You stand no chance."

"Im the professional here." Kurt crooked an eyebrow at Blaine, waiting to see what the man was going to answer at that.

"Maybe, but Im cute and very likeable." Kurt laughed at that and hummed in agreement before leading them to the table.

They spent the rest of the week bantering in between rehearsals, sneaking into each others room, and getting on the others nerves.

When Kurt and his partner danced together, Blaine cheered and clapped loudly at the couples performance. Rachel elbowed him in the ribs to calm him and Blaine sat back in his chair.

They didnt perform perfectly, and Rachel made sure that Blaine knew that. They still placed before Kurt though, and Blaine smirked at the dancer, perfectly happy with himself, before being dragged away by Rachel who was growing frustrated at how the two were behaving around each other.

The third week went smoother than the week before. Curiously, Blaine was much better at contemporary. They spent the first rehearsal going over the routine and trying to make their bodies move together, and Blaine counted it as a win when Rachel called it a day and he could almost feel his legs. They both made their way to Kurts room, Rachel always waiting for Kurt or the other way around, since they lived together they went home together.

Blaine and Rachel sat on a bench watching as Kurt rehearsed with his partner. Blaine couldnt help but notice how Kurts arms and legs were moving. He was wearing tight yoga pants that hugged every muscle in Kurts leg, accentuating the way they flex every time Kurt showed his partner how to make a stag leap.

"Stop ogling!" Rachel admonished Blaine as quietly as she could. Blaine turned to her, a mask of horror settling on his face.

"No, no its not, Im not. Oh my god, Im so sorry. I know you two are together, its not, I wont…." Rachel stopped him by placing her hand on his mouth and trying to muffle her own laugh.

"Blaine, you know that Kurt is gay, right?" Blaines eyes grew big at that and the man gaped unattractively at his partner.

"But arent you two… together?"

"Im lacking certain parts, if you know what I mean." Rachel admitted mockingly. "We are flatmates and we dance together outside of the competition, but thats it."

"Well, thats, hum... nice." The woman rolled her eyes at Blaine and patted his hand fondly before turning her attention back to the duo, who were still rehearsing.

The rest of the week, Rachel and Blaine finished rehearsal rather early and always ending up in Kurts room, watching him finish.

Blaine saw him and his partner getting better and better at the Viennese Ballet so it wasnt a surprise to Blaine on Saturday night how good they were. What Blaine hadnt thought about was that maybe Kurt didnt give his best during rehearsal, and when Kurts body started moving that night, Blaine, unashamedly, stared. Kurts body lightened up and Blaine was mesmerized by Kurts elegance and gracefulness. Blaines eyes followed Kurts body moving to the music, in awe of how strong Kurts arms looked, and how he could bend his body and make the audience hold their breath during the whole performance.

When the music faded Rachel smiled at him knowingly.

"You are so obvious, Blaine Anderson." The woman laughed before taking their mark to begin their routine.

Blaine and Rachel placed in third that evening, Kurt and his partner taking first.

"Blaine! Stop. Fighting. It!" The petite woman yelled in frustration, after hours and hours of rehearsal, pushing a finger into the mans chest at every word. "Weve been training for two days now and you still dont get the routine right. Whats happening?"

They had been rehearsing the Waltz and Blaine was having a problem with getting anything right. He was struggling and they both knew it, that was why the two days had been a little tense.

"You know what? I think that we need to approach this from another angle. Give me a minute."

The woman rushed out of the room, giving Blaine some time to take his bottle of water and gulp down half of it, already extremely tired. Rachel came back with Kurt in tow, dragging him by the hand.

"So, Blaine. Kurt and I are going to show you how its supposed to look like and then well try again. Alright?"

Blaine nodded, smiling at Kurt, who smiled back, before taking Rachels hands and starting the choreography. They twirled and slid effortlessly, and Blaine barely looked at Rachel, completely captivated by Kurt.

"That is how its supposed to look, Blaine. Now get up and well try again." Blaine stood up and take the womans hand before starting to move. They barely made it thirty seconds into the song before Blaine sighed in defeat, knowing perfectly well that he did nothing right.

"Alright, Rachel, Blaine?" Kurt cut them before they could snap at each other, "I see why youre both frustrated. Lets try all together. Ill help Blaine. Rachel?"

Rachel resumed her place as well as Blaine and Kurt stepped behind Blaine, placing his hands on Blaines and encircling him with his body.

"Im going to guide you through it, is that okay?" Kurt asked already in position. Blaine gulped with difficulties before nodding, avoiding looking into Rachels eyes.

The music began and the three of them started moving together. They moved slowly, slower than how Rachel had imagined the routine to go, Kurt helping Blaine with every movement, holding his hands and guiding him, their bodies touching from calves to chest. Blaine tried to concentrate on Rachel and the routine, he tried to forget that it was Kurt behind him, he just wanted to learn. But Kurts hand on his, Kurts chest against his back, and Kurts everything being so close to him distracted Blaine a little. Kurt often put his hands on Blaines waist, making him turn at the appropriate time, before taking his hand to guide it back into Rachels hand. Kurt also tapped Blaines legs interior with his foot, making Blaine reposition his legs, his feet, or move somewhere. The dancer didnt have to say a lot, every time just the smallest touch lead Blaine perfectly, showing exactly what he was supposed to do and how he was supposed to do it. Blaine felt more comfortable, more in synch and so much better at dancing with Kurt behind him than he had been with Rachel during the five weeks they had been rehearsing together.

Blaine wasnt sure if Kurt did it on purpose or not, but they did the choreography with three people two others time before reluctantly letting the dancer get back to his partner.

"You know whats interesting, little bird of mine? You got way better the moment Kurt started touching you and helping you. I wonder what that could possibly mean." Blaines mouth fell open at that and the man threw himself after his partner, tackling her on the floor and tickling her to death.

"That is not the truth and you know it. Stop spreading rumors." Blaine warned, helping Rachel up after she held her hands up in surrender.

"But its not a rumor if its true!" Rachel wiggled her eyebrows before twirling the camera that was right next to her.

Blaine and Rachel danced first on Saturday nights live show. He tried to remember every single tip Kurt had shown him and tried to remember how to position his head and his arms, he also paid attention not to step on Rachel toes. Waltz, albeit being extremely elegant, was definitely not something Blaine wanted to dance ever again. When the song finally ended, Blaine hugged Rachel and turned his head to where the remaining contestants were. Kurt was standing up, cheering and clapping his hands, a big, broad, toothy smile on his face. Blaine smiled back and when Kurt gave him two thumbs up Blaine felt his insides melt a little.

They listened to what the judges had to say, their critiques and notes before going back to the makeup room to get their post dance interview.

They got back to their seats just in time to see Kurt and his partner starting to dance. The song began and Rachels hand directly found Blaines.

"Thats a Warblers song!" Blaine whispered to the woman, his eyes big.

"I know." Blaine turned his head back to where Kurt and his partner were dancing, to a slow version of Somewhere Only We Know. Blaines heart was beating hard in his chest, probably leaving bruises on his insides, his stomach was a fluttery mess, and he knew that the camera must have been on him sometime, but he just couldnt help the look of bewilderment and shock that was painted on his face. When the couple ended their choreography Blaine jumped on his feet, clapping and yelling loudly to cheer on them. Kurt gazed quickly at Blaine before turning his attention to the judges.

They still didnt get first place, but they were once again better placed than Kurt, and Rachel was very pleased with that.

Blaine and the Warblers had talked about his participation to the show and had decided that while Blaine would be dancing for his life they would all take long earned holidays.

They all know that the show was something he had bonded with his mother over, and it seemed rather important to him, so they all agreed to let him do it. They said that they would vote for him and launch a campaign for him. They were also hoping that Blaine would really learn to dance and forget to jump on furniture once for all.

This is how Blaine walked into the rehearsal room the first morning. It was a week and a half before the first live show, and he was buzzing with anticipation, running through all the different dancers in his head trying one last time to try guess which one he would be partnered up with.

The cameras were settled in the room, already turned on and filming his every movement. It was a little weird, to say the least. He was used to the constant attention from the media, and from the fans, but having a camera following him all the time was different.

Blaine was sitting on the bench, waiting for his partner to finally arrive. The door opened loudly and a small woman with long brown hair appeared. She peaked to see who was her celebrity and the moment she recognized Blaine the woman squealed happily and ran right into his arms.

"I cant believe I got you! Its going to be amazing. We have a lot to work on, obviously, but with your skills and my talent we could go all the way and win!" The woman stopped for a second before stepping back a little and offering her hand. "Im Rachel Berry, nice to finally meet you Blaine Anderson leader of The Warblers." Blaine took the womans hand and shook it.

"Pleasure to meet you as well, Rachel Berry." Rachel giggled at that and put her bag down.

"Okay did you start warming up?"

"Uh, no?" The dancer rolled her eyes at him, putting her hair into a messy bun before walking to Blaine.

"Okay, lets start. Like I said, we have a lot to do and this year I want to win!"

Hours later Blaine was lying on the floor, legs weak because of how many times he had to repeat the same movement. Blaine knew Rachel, of course. Hed learn from the tv show that she was merciless and definitely fierce when it came to competition. She became one of the dancers three years ago, and managed to win the first year she had been in the competition. People loved hating her, and fearing her.

Blaine was still lying on the floor, legs and arms wide apart, trying to rest his body before Rachel decided it was time to train again. Blaine was not sure he would ever move again at this point.

"Come on, Little Warbler, one more time."

"Rachel!" Blaine whined from the floor, as the woman took his hands and hauled him from the ground. Blaine made his body as heavy as possible, but Rachel was strong for someone that small so he didnt stand a chance.

"One more time, you big baby. We wont win if you complain all the time." Rachel put her left hand on Blaines shoulder and her right hand in his, readying them to start the routine again.

"Five, six, seven, eight." Blaine took a step forward as Rachel stepped backward, his right leg moving in synch with her left leg and so on and so forth. They twirled around the room until Blaine took Rachels hand in his, helping her down into a developpé and a split before making her jump into his arms, her body encircling his as he tiptoed backward. They continue to dance together until the song ended.

"It was alright." Rachel admitted, handing a bottle of water to Blaine. The man was panting and he was sure that he just discovered new muscles in his body. The cameraman was too busy making fun of him and Blaine didnt notice when the door of their rehearsal studio opened, letting another dancer in.

"Kurt!" Rachel yelped when she saw who was in her studio. "Youre not supposed to be here!"

"Oh come on, Berry. Its not like I need to steal ideas from you to win." The woman let an offended gasp out and eyed the dancer menacingly.

"Beware, Kurt Hummel. You wouldnt want you dear scarf collection to be ruined because of my seaweed mask!"

Blaine stood up with difficulty and wobbled toward the pair. Kurt Hummel had joined the tv show at the same time as Rachel, three years ago, and even if Rachel had won the first year, Kurt had won the previous two years.

"Kurt, let me introduce you to my celebrity: Blaine Anderson, lead of the War-"

"I know who he is." Kurt cut in before turning to Blaine. "Its nice to meet you, Blaine. Im also glad to see youre still alive after a whole day of rehearsal with that one." Kurt tilted his head in Rachel direction who frustratingly threw her hands in the air and walked to her bag.

"Kurt Hummel, right? Pleasure to meet you, too. And I have to admit that Im feeling lucky to still be alive, but my body is screaming at me so tomorrow is not going to be fun. " They both laughed. Blaine noticed how Kurts cheeks became a little red and how his nose scrunched up when he smiled. Blaine had had a very healthy crush on Kurt Hummel since the first time he had appeared on his screen. He also knew that Kurt was an very talented dancer and some of his performances had shaken Blaine up.

"Take a long, hot bath tonight, and drink lots of water with some lemon juice in it. You shouldnt hurt too much tomorrow." Blaine nodded and Kurt turned to Rachel who was stuffing her bag.

"Do you want to go home now or do you want to keep rehearsing?" Kurt asked the woman.

"No, Im ready, just give me few minutes with Blaine and Ill be out." Kurt kissed Rachels cheek and waved at Blaine before disappearing.

Blaine didnt like to stereotype, but he had always thought that Kurt was gay and well, not only did he had a girlfriend but he also lived with her. Blaine felt a little ashamed, but quickly turned his attention to his partner.

They rehearsed every day for a week, training until Blaines body would give out and he would beg for a break. Kurt came by often, keeping track on how Rachel was torturing Blaine and laughing at his expenses. Blaine couldnt help but flirt a little. It was completely wrong especially with Rachel in the room, and in Kurts life, but it was fun, and Blaine didnt have any intention of taking it further.

On Friday, Kurt finished early and stopped by their rehearsal studio. Blaine and Rachel were once again training and rehearsing their routine. Blaine felt comfortable with every movement and step, finally able to appreciate dancing with a professional dancer.

Rachel turned the music on, tapping on Blaines chin for him to lift it before they started dancing around the room, almost flying with how quick they were gliding around the room. Blaine lifted Rachel a little, twirled her, and helped her down in a perfect lift, before continuing the routine until the end.

"You have to think about how you position your head to lift your arms or they are going to grill us. Overall it wasnt that bad." Rachel growled, before sitting on the bench with Kurt.

"Slow down with him, he is good." Kurt warned, eyeing Blaine who was once again lying on the floor, almost dead from exhaustion.

"He is average, at best."

"Rachel. Stop it. He is good."

They finished the rehearsal quickly after that, Rachel and Kurt leaving together again.

On Saturday night, Rachel and Blaine were rehearsing one last time, barely miming the movements when Kurt snuck behind them and put a hand on Blaines arms.

"Break a leg tonight."

"Thank, you too."

Rachel eyed him suspiciously before taking her place next to the other contestants.

Blaine did averagely well during the first live show, his performance ranking him in the top ten, a place before Kurt. Which made Rachel squeal happily for half an hour.

Rachel and Blaine exchanged few texts during the weekend. Blaine knew that it was important for them to get to know each other. He liked the girl, to some extent, but she could also be a tad too loud and on the wrong side of meticulous.

On monday, Blaine arrived after Rachel, who was patiently waiting for him. She marched right to him and hugged him before getting right to business.

"This week you are going to dance on a song that means a lot to you. So tell me more about it."

Rachel asked, mainly for the camera. They had talked about it during the weekend by text, so the girl would have time to come up with a routine. Blaine still had to get comfortable with the camera but he was getting better and better with it.

"The song I chose is Last Friday Night by the amazing Katy Perry. Im a big fan of Katy Perry and this song is fun and makes you want to grab your friends and dance together. Its a fun song."

"Well thats really good because we can actually dance the cha-cha-cha on this song. Now for this we are going to make your hips move!" Rachel put her hands on Blaine hips and made him rotated playfully, both of them laughing at that.

They started rehearsing, Blaine trying desperately to keep up with the tempo and with his partner, who was on fire. They spent the first day practicing the basics steps of the cha-cha, trying to make Blaine keep up with the music and the steps.

Blaine was struggling with keeping up when Kurt poked his head in the rehearsal room.

"Blaine, dont train too hard, my partner and I will be first place this week." Kurt smirked at the man, earning an eye roll from Rachel.

"Oh but Kurt, if I recall correctly Rachel and I were better than you last week. So dont wish too much for first place. Its ours." Blaine answered cockily. He hoped for a second that they wouldnt put that on the show, especially if they didnt do better than Kurt and his partner.

Kurt clicked his tongue at him before turning to Rachel to talk to her and finally going back to his room.

"We cant let him be better than us." Blaine told Rachel the seconds Kurt closed the door.

"You want to be the best and win first place?"

"Yes!" Blaine said with conviction.

"You want to crush all the other contestants and win that prize?!" The woman asked, her fists tight with excitement.

"Uh, maybe not crush them, but I do want to win."

"Perfect," the woman answered with sparkles in her eyes. She pointed at Blaines abdomen and continued. "You feel that rage? that envy to win? Fuel yourself with that! Keep your goal in mind and work for it!"

Blaine made a face at the camera, showing how much the tiny woman was scaring him sometimes.

On Wednesday, Blaine, Rachel, Kurt, and his partner had lunch together. They were all choosing what they were going to eat from the buffet that was set up in the dining room in the studio.

"Blaine, you dont want to eat that. Youll put weight on, and I want to win fairly." Kurt winked at Blaine who poked his tongue out at that.

"You stand no chance."

"Im the professional here." Kurt crooked an eyebrow at Blaine, waiting to see what the man was going to answer at that.

"Maybe, but Im cute and very likeable." Kurt laughed at that and hummed in agreement before leading them to the table.

They spent the rest of the week bantering in between rehearsals, sneaking into each others room, and getting on the others nerves.

When Kurt and his partner danced together, Blaine cheered and clapped loudly at the couples performance. Rachel elbowed him in the ribs to calm him and Blaine sat back in his chair.

They didnt perform perfectly, and Rachel made sure that Blaine knew that. They still placed before Kurt though, and Blaine smirked at the dancer, perfectly happy with himself, before being dragged away by Rachel who was growing frustrated at how the two were behaving around each other.

The third week went smoother than the week before. Curiously, Blaine was much better at contemporary. They spent the first rehearsal going over the routine and trying to make their bodies move together, and Blaine counted it as a win when Rachel called it a day and he could almost feel his legs. They both made their way to Kurts room, Rachel always waiting for Kurt or the other way around, since they lived together they went home together.

Blaine and Rachel sat on a bench watching as Kurt rehearsed with his partner. Blaine couldnt help but notice how Kurts arms and legs were moving. He was wearing tight yoga pants that hugged every muscle in Kurts leg, accentuating the way they flex every time Kurt showed his partner how to make a stag leap.

"Stop ogling!" Rachel admonished Blaine as quietly as she could. Blaine turned to her, a mask of horror settling on his face.

"No, no its not, Im not. Oh my god, Im so sorry. I know you two are together, its not, I wont…." Rachel stopped him by placing her hand on his mouth and trying to muffle her own laugh.

"Blaine, you know that Kurt is gay, right?" Blaines eyes grew big at that and the man gaped unattractively at his partner.

"But arent you two… together?"

"Im lacking certain parts, if you know what I mean." Rachel admitted mockingly. "We are flatmates and we dance together outside of the competition, but thats it."

"Well, thats, hum... nice." The woman rolled her eyes at Blaine and patted his hand fondly before turning her attention back to the duo, who were still rehearsing.

The rest of the week, Rachel and Blaine finished rehearsal rather early and always ending up in Kurts room, watching him finish.

Blaine saw him and his partner getting better and better at the Viennese Ballet so it wasnt a surprise to Blaine on Saturday night how good they were. What Blaine hadnt thought about was that maybe Kurt didnt give his best during rehearsal, and when Kurts body started moving that night, Blaine, unashamedly, stared. Kurts body lightened up and Blaine was mesmerized by Kurts elegance and gracefulness. Blaines eyes followed Kurts body moving to the music, in awe of how strong Kurts arms looked, and how he could bend his body and make the audience hold their breath during the whole performance.

When the music faded Rachel smiled at him knowingly.

"You are so obvious, Blaine Anderson." The woman laughed before taking their mark to begin their routine.

Blaine and Rachel placed in third that evening, Kurt and his partner taking first.

"Blaine! Stop. Fighting. It!" The petite woman yelled in frustration, after hours and hours of rehearsal, pushing a finger into the mans chest at every word. "Weve been training for two days now and you still dont get the routine right. Whats happening?"

They had been rehearsing the Waltz and Blaine was having a problem with getting anything right. He was struggling and they both knew it, that was why the two days had been a little tense.

"You know what? I think that we need to approach this from another angle. Give me a minute."

The woman rushed out of the room, giving Blaine some time to take his bottle of water and gulp down half of it, already extremely tired. Rachel came back with Kurt in tow, dragging him by the hand.

"So, Blaine. Kurt and I are going to show you how its supposed to look like and then well try again. Alright?"

Blaine nodded, smiling at Kurt, who smiled back, before taking Rachels hands and starting the choreography. They twirled and slid effortlessly, and Blaine barely looked at Rachel, completely captivated by Kurt.

"That is how its supposed to look, Blaine. Now get up and well try again." Blaine stood up and take the womans hand before starting to move. They barely made it thirty seconds into the song before Blaine sighed in defeat, knowing perfectly well that he did nothing right.

"Alright, Rachel, Blaine?" Kurt cut them before they could snap at each other, "I see why youre both frustrated. Lets try all together. Ill help Blaine. Rachel?"

Rachel resumed her place as well as Blaine and Kurt stepped behind Blaine, placing his hands on Blaines and encircling him with his body.

"Im going to guide you through it, is that okay?" Kurt asked already in position. Blaine gulped with difficulties before nodding, avoiding looking into Rachels eyes.

The music began and the three of them started moving together. They moved slowly, slower than how Rachel had imagined the routine to go, Kurt helping Blaine with every movement, holding his hands and guiding him, their bodies touching from calves to chest. Blaine tried to concentrate on Rachel and the routine, he tried to forget that it was Kurt behind him, he just wanted to learn. But Kurts hand on his, Kurts chest against his back, and Kurts everything being so close to him distracted Blaine a little. Kurt often put his hands on Blaines waist, making him turn at the appropriate time, before taking his hand to guide it back into Rachels hand. Kurt also tapped Blaines legs interior with his foot, making Blaine reposition his legs, his feet, or move somewhere. The dancer didnt have to say a lot, every time just the smallest touch lead Blaine perfectly, showing exactly what he was supposed to do and how he was supposed to do it. Blaine felt more comfortable, more in synch and so much better at dancing with Kurt behind him than he had been with Rachel during the five weeks they had been rehearsing together.

Blaine wasnt sure if Kurt did it on purpose or not, but they did the choreography with three people two others time before reluctantly letting the dancer get back to his partner.

"You know whats interesting, little bird of mine? You got way better the moment Kurt started touching you and helping you. I wonder what that could possibly mean." Blaines mouth fell open at that and the man threw himself after his partner, tackling her on the floor and tickling her to death.

"That is not the truth and you know it. Stop spreading rumors." Blaine warned, helping Rachel up after she held her hands up in surrender.

"But its not a rumor if its true!" Rachel wiggled her eyebrows before twirling the camera that was right next to her.

Blaine and Rachel danced first on Saturday nights live show. He tried to remember every single tip Kurt had shown him and tried to remember how to position his head and his arms, he also paid attention not to step on Rachel toes. Waltz, albeit being extremely elegant, was definitely not something Blaine wanted to dance ever again. When the song finally ended, Blaine hugged Rachel and turned his head to where the remaining contestants were. Kurt was standing up, cheering and clapping his hands, a big, broad, toothy smile on his face. Blaine smiled back and when Kurt gave him two thumbs up Blaine felt his insides melt a little.

They listened to what the judges had to say, their critiques and notes before going back to the makeup room to get their post dance interview.

They got back to their seats just in time to see Kurt and his partner starting to dance. The song began and Rachels hand directly found Blaines.

"Thats a Warblers song!" Blaine whispered to the woman, his eyes big.

"I know." Blaine turned his head back to where Kurt and his partner were dancing, to a slow version of Somewhere Only We Know. Blaines heart was beating hard in his chest, probably leaving bruises on his insides, his stomach was a fluttery mess, and he knew that the camera must have been on him sometime, but he just couldnt help the look of bewilderment and shock that was painted on his face. When the couple ended their choreography Blaine jumped on his feet, clapping and yelling loudly to cheer on them. Kurt gazed quickly at Blaine before turning his attention to the judges.

They still didnt get first place, but they were once again better placed than Kurt, and Rachel was very pleased with that.


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