Chasing Your Love
Chapter 8 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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June 17, 2013, 10:01 a.m.

Chasing Your Love: Chapter 8

E - Words: 3,441 - Last Updated: Jun 17, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 15/15 - Created: Feb 04, 2013 - Updated: Jun 17, 2013
133 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: A/N: cockblocking cliffhanger!!! Yep, I'm evil like that. But it just means sexy time in the next chapter!Anyway, what did you think about that chapter?

After weeks of struggling to acknowledge the mutual attraction they had finally fallen into the very nice pattern of flirty dates in restaurants and calm gatherings in small coffee shops, always ending the date with a chaste kiss. They were sharing their secret spots in the city, little secret shops or and hidden treasures with the other and talked late into the night on the phone before either one or even both fell asleep. Not a day passed without a text or a phone call as they were quickly becoming inseparable. They had yet to spend a night together at Kurt or Blaine's place and it was a silent agreement to take it slow, or at least not to rush into anything.

It was why it took Kurt a little by surprise when Blaine asked him on a date at his place. Yes, Kurt was surprised but not against it in the slightest and he had agreed happily. That was why he was currently nervously knocking at Blaine's door and waiting for the man to open it.

Kurt heard footsteps behind the door and a few seconds later, Blaine was standing in front of him, looking as gorgeous as ever.

"Hi," Kurt offered, a little breathless before stepping in and kissing his boyfriend on the lips. "You are ridiculously attractive, you know." Blaine blushed bright red at the compliment and pecked the designer once again before closing the door.

"Well, you look rather good yourself."

"Thanks." Kurt pulled his coat off and hung it up before joining Blaine in the kitchen. "So what are we eating, Chef?" the taller man asked, hugging Blaine from behind and placing a light kiss to his head.

"Chef, huh? I like that. Nothing too fancy though because I'd like some place for improvement to wow you when time will come."

"You want to wow me?" Kurt wondered playfully, feeling Blaine tensing a little and seeing his neck becoming a little red.

"Yeah... I mean not that... but, uh..."

"I'd love to be wow by you. Please wow me, Chef." Kurt giggled and Blaine relaxed immediately, elbowing his boyfriend for playing with him.

"You won't be that smug when you'll be all wow over me."

"I can't wait for it, until then can we eat? I'm starving."

They moved to the kitchen table to eat and shared light discussion about their day and what had happened. Blaine told Kurt how Jeff had tried to woo Nick with a song he had come up with and how he miserably failed, and Kurt told Blaine all about his work at Vogue.

After that Blaine became rather silent and more than once Kurt caught the man looking attentively at him. The designer offered little smiles and the evening went on. They moved to the couch and started to watch a movie, but apparently Blaine had something else in mind because Kurt wasn't even sure he watched the screen for one second.

He turned to face his boyfriend who was worrying his bottom lip with his teeth and frowning in deep concentration.

"I have a question." Blaine suddenly blurted out.

" And I most certainly have an answer, ask away."

"It's nosy and personal, I'm not sure I should..." Blaine lingered and looked away for the first time, worry all over his face.

"Blaine, just ask me whatever that is going on in your head. If I'm not comfortable with answering you I won't."

"You sure?" Kurt smiled gently at his boyfriend and gave an approving nod. "What is your real name?" Blaine whispered, almost afraid that his boyfriend might hear it.

"I'm sorry?" Blaine sighed and asked again.

"I'm just wondering why you go by 'Porcelain' and why you don't use your real name." This time it was Kurt time to frown.

"It happened after his... After the ... I decided not to go by my name. For different reasons. One of them being the fact that since I know I don't have a soulmate there is no purpose for me to go by my name and let people hope I'm someone I'm not. I'm sharing the same name with lots of people in the world and it's not fair to let people hope. So not going by my name is just easier for me and them. They won't think I'm someone I'm not and I don't have to explain my story to other people."

Blaine watched his boyfriend as he explained his reason, confusion on his face.

"But it's highly improbable to meet someone with somebody else's name."

"It's more common than you'd think."

They both fell silent at this and Kurt could see the wheels running wild into Blaine's head. The man was obviously sorting what he could and couldn't ask, or maybe thinking over all the hypothesis he had.

"Is there another reason?"

"Yes." Blaine nodded and fell silent once again, too afraid to ask what the other reason might be.

"Did you ever meet someone with his name?" A sad smile appeared on the designer face as he looked away, trying to hide the tears in his eyes, a soft "Yes" falling from his lips.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked, it was stupid." Blaine quickly added, not wanting to bring any pain to his boyfriend.

"No, it's not. You just want to know who you're dating and so you have questions. They just don't have an easy answer, that's all."

They scooted closer to each other and held hands as they fell into a heavy silence while watching the rest of the movie. Blaine tried not to feel too guilty and gently squeezed his boyfriend's hand when he could feel that the man was still tense. After long minutes Blaine finally felt the other man relaxing a little next to him and he smiled to himself.

He did that. Without any words or big actions he actually managed to make his boyfriend feel better.

The movie came to an end and as the credits rolled Blaine turned again to ask his boyfriend something.

"Stay the night? Please." Blaine scrunched his nose as he smiled at the same time while playing with the hem of his shirt nervously.


"Forget about it, it was stupid and – "

"Hey, I wasn't going to say no," Kurt answered, coming closer to his boyfriend and encircling him with his arms, "I was just going to ask you if you were sure." Blaine looked up at that and smiled broadly before nodding.

"Yeah, I'm sure."

"Good, so I'd be happy to stay. Will you let me borrow some of your stuff though? I didn't really plan to stay over tonight." Blaine's mouth went dry at the thought of his boyfriend in his clothes, sleeping in his bed and in his arms. Maybe it wasn't such a good idea after all.

"Yeah, sure."

They moved to the bedroom and once Blaine lent some pants to his boyfriend, before he retreated to the bathroom to change. He washed his teeth, when suddenly realisation dawned on him. His boyfriend was staying the night. His boyfriend who used to have multiple sex partners in a week before they got together. And his boyfriend who he still hadn't done anything with but sharing light kisses and ... Surprisingly it wasn't fear or anxiety that Blaine felt but excitement. He wasn't necessarily ready to go all the way but he most certainly wanted Porcelain to take him and mark him as his, to let Blaine do things to him that he had only ever fantasized about and never dare to say aloud.

Blaine looked at himself in the mirror and took a deep breath before stepping out of the bathroom and going straight to the bedroom.

"Hey, there. Ready for the night?" Blaine gulped and nodded fervently, almost jumping into the bed. He let Kurt maneuver him, so he would be the little spoon and his boyfriend had an arm looped around his waist. Kurt turned the light off and kissed Blaine neck before snuggling closer and whispering, "Good night, Chef."

Blaine stayed awake for minutes, confused as to why his boyfriend hadn't tried anything with him but shrugged it off before falling into sleep.

When he woke up the next morning he was alone in bed. The man frowned at that and before he could do anything his bedroom door opened to let in his boyfriend who was carrying a tray with something that smelled amazing on it.

"Oh, you're awake. Shame, I wanted to wake you." The brunette pouted a little before plopping in the bed and putting the tray carefully on it, next to him. "So I made breakfast. "

"I can see and smell that. You didn't have to." Blaine yawned and smiled at the tray and all the food in it.

"I know I didn't have to, I wanted to, that's all. I hope it's okay."

"More than okay. Can we eat now?" Kurt rolled his eyes and motioned at Blaine to start eating.

"Did you sleep well?" Kurt asked while sipping at his coffee.

"Better than ever, probably because I had someone holding me all night."

"That someone must be really nice to make your night better than ever just by holding you."

"Yeah, he is pretty special." Kurt blushed at the compliment and the meaningful look that Blaine was giving him.

They finished eating and did the dishes together before the designer had to go, though not without a dozen goodbye kisses.

Blaine found himself alone in his flat, dancing like a madman to no music at all. He'd had the most amazing date ever, with the sexiest man alive who had also cooked him breakfast and cuddled with him.

There was just something about the lack of initiative in the sex department that left Blaine confused and maybe a little frustrated.

"So he didn't sleep with you and now you're all disappointed because you wanted some naughty activities? I thought you wanted to wait for Mr Right?" Jeff asked, shoving an amazing amount of pancakes in his mouth. Blaine laughed at his friend and nodded.

"Yeah I think I was, well maybe not disappointed but... I don't know. I just expected something to happen and it didn't and I don't know how to feel about it. "

"What about Mr Right?"

"What about him?" Blaine asked back to Nick who was trying to pull the plate of pancakes away from his hungry boyfriend.

"Well, you always wanted to wait for him. So I'm just wondering if you changed your mind, I guess."

Blaine sighed heavily and dropped his head in his hands, earning a surprised look from the couple in front of him.

"I still want to, I mean... I always wanted my first time to be with my soulmate, to mean something. But it doesn't necessarily have to happen with my soulmate to mean something. I want to share things with Porcelain and I thought about it -"

"Sex dream." Jeff coughed loudly for everyone to hear.

"Not... not just that. But I thought about it and is it bad to want to have sex with your boyfriend who is not your soulmate?" Blaine leant closer to the couple in front of him to whisper his question like he was sharing very important and confidential information.

"Of course not. If you feel good and comfortable enough with him to have sex then go for it. But just ask yourself if you won't be disappointed not to be able to share this with your soulmate." Nick finished as Jeff blurted his question.

"Who said he is not though?" Blaine and Nick turned to him expectantly. "I mean, his name can't really be Porcelain, right? So maybe he is your soulmate, that's would explain why you talked about him for days after only spilling your coffee on him and why you so want to get some," Jeff made a pause to wriggle his eyebrow and add. "with him. So maybe he is your soulmate."

"It's not possible." Blaine answered, not wanting to tell his boyfriend's story, it wasn't his place anyway. "But does that make me a slut or something to want him?"

"Yep, a slut for him, his little slut, Porcelain's slut." Jeff chanted loudly in the diner.

"Would you shut up, Jeff?!"

"Oh come one, you finally want someone to get all sexy on, I've waited years for this! I earned the right to be obnoxious."

"Yeah, well it's not like anything's going to happen. He had lots and lots of... partners and he didn't even try a single thing with me the only night we slept together." Blaine played with his fork and his food, pouting.

"Blaine," Nick laughed at his friend behavior and rolled his eyes, "give him time. Maybe he doesn't want to rush into it."

"Or maybe he doesn't want me."


"Yeah, I know."

"So you actually want to have sex with him." Nick started, "What exactly do you want to do to him?" The man asked, earning a high five from his laughing boyfriend and a disapproving groan from Blaine.

Kurt stayed over a few more times, never going further than light make out sessions and cuddles in bed. It was the same if Blaine stayed over at Kurt's apartment. And even if Blaine was grateful for his boyfriend and for their relationship he kind of wanted more. He had no idea how to tell his boyfriend that, though. He definitely didn't think he could gather the courage to just go and ask him, and he was certainly sure that even if he wasn't completely ugly he couldn't really play the sexy card. Which only left him with one thing he could do.

Blaine innocently asked Kurt to come to one of their next gig and of course the man had accepted, as well as the proposition to stay over for the night.

The set was going well and as usual the audience was wonderful. Blaine felt a little nervous, though, and was waiting impatiently to move to the next song.

"So, guys, thank you so much for tonight, you were all amazing. This is gonna be the last song for tonight, so let's spice it up." Blaine said, turning to say something to Jeff before turning back to add, "Oh, and this is for someone special." He finished, looking right at his boyfriend while doing so.

You're such a motivator, I gotta get you where

So sick of saying yes sir, yes sir

You're such an instigator, you wanna play the game

Take it or leave it, that's him, that's him

And I can't wait another minute

I can't take the look he's giving

Your body rocking, keep me up all night

One in a million

My lucky strike

Kurt's eyes grew wide at the first lyrics. He wasn't a hundred percent sure but he was fairly certain that his boyfriend was serenading him with a song about sex.

Got me so high, and then he dropped me

But he got me, he got me, he got me bad

Took me inside and then he rocked me

He keep up all night, this is what it sounds like

Blaine danced around the stage, making sure to look at his boyfriend over his shoulder, moving his hips in sync with the music or to look right at him while running his hand over his body or through his hair.

Oh oh oh my lucky strike

Oh oh oh my lucky strike

Your body rocking, keep me up all night

One in a million, my lucky strike

Stuck in an elevator, he take me to the sky

And I don't wanna go down, go down

He said i'll feel you later, go ahead and fantasize

He make me want him right now right now

Kurt's mouth went dry and he could feel his body buzzing with arousal at the sight of his boyfriend dancing and singing to him. Blaine wasn't playing fair, the man was drop dead sexy when he was not even trying but this, him on stage singing right at Kurt that he wanted him, made Kurt growl with desire for his boyfriend.

And I can't wait another minute

I can't take the look he's giving

Your body rocking, keep me up all night

One in a million

My lucky strike

Got me so high, and then he dropped me

But he got me, he got me, he got me bad

Took me inside and then he rocked me

He keep up all night, this is what it sounds like

Oh oh oh my lucky strike

Oh oh oh my lucky strike

Your body rocking, keep me up all night

One in a million, my lucky strike

Hey, you're taking all my pain away

You're shaking like an earthquake

Hey, you're taking all my pain away

You're shaking like an earthquake

Got me so high, and then he dropped me

But he got me, he got me, he got me bad

Took me inside and then he rocked me

He keep up all night, this is what it sounds like

Blaine licked his lips and locked eyes with the designer as he said the last sentence. And just to be sure to be completely clear Blaine moved his hand playfully over his chest and then down to his groin before turning his gaze away from his boyfriend.

Oh oh oh my lucky strike

Oh oh oh my lucky strike

Your body rocking, keep me up all night

One in a million, my lucky strike

My lucky strike, my lucky strike

Your body rocking, keep me up all night

One in a million

Kurt watched as his boyfriend finished the song and bowed in front of the crowd before disappearing behind a curtain where he knew was the backstage. It didn't take him too long before making up his mind and Kurt moved to the back of the stage, and found his boyfriend rather quickly.

"Someone is getting some tonight and it's not just me for once!" Jeff yelled while being dragged away by Nick.

Kurt locked the door behind him and pushed Blaine lightly against it, body caging him by putting his hands on either side of Blaine's head, flushing their chests together and locking eyes with him.

"I had no idea I kept you up all night." Kurt stated, breathless. Blaine bit his lips and let out a shaky breath. "Blaine?"

"Yeah?" The designer's eyes were dark with desire and Blaine smiled cockily at him, knowing that he did that to him.

"Why do I keep you up all night?" They were both breathing heavily, and Kurt moved his hands to Blaine's hips, putting his hand under the singer's shirt and making him shiver with want at the simple touch.

"Because... because I want you. I think of you and I can't help myself." Blaine hid his face in Kurt's neck, too aroused to be embarrassed. "I want you." He repeated, before running his tongue over the designer's neck.

"Blaine." Kurt moaned, bucking his hips involuntarily against Blaine's leg. "You want to... you don't want to do that with me." The designer said with difficulty, while Blaine mouthed at his jaw.

"What?" Blaine stopped and looked at his boyfriend, genuinely confused.

"You want to wait for your soulmate."

"What?" Blaine asked again, laughing a little.

"Sebastian told me you wanted to wait for your soulmate. You don't want to do that with me." Kurt answered, frustrated.

"Is that why you didn't try anything? With me, I mean, sexually..."

"Yes. I didn't want you to feel uncomfortable." Blaine looked deeply into his boyfriend's eyes and surged forward, urging Kurt into a bruising kiss.

Blaine licked Kurt's lips before nipping at them. The men kissed passionately for minutes, tasting each other and placing kisses on each other's neck before being too hungry for the other and coming back to their mouths.

Blaine rocked his hips against Kurt's, making them moan loudly. Kurt stopped kissing Blaine and studied his flushed face, his lips red.

"I want you, all of you. Please." Blaine pleaded, while moving his hips against Kurt's once again to make his point clear. "I wanted someone who was right, and you are right. You didn't force me into anything and you were willing to give up on sex just because you thought I wanted to wait. You are more than right. Please. I really, really want you." Blaine said, biting Kurt's earlobe, making the man growl.

"I don't want to take that away from you." Kurt answered with difficulty as Blaine sucked and bit at his neck, marking him.

"I want to give that to you. It's not... Oh god... It's not just in the spur of the moment and I won't regret it tomorrow. I've thought about it, I really thought about it. I want you to be my first. Please. I want you so bad."

They rocked their hips against each other, feeling the other man's erection with every thrust, moaning and panting, sharing desperate kisses filled with want and need. It was too much and not enough at the same time.

"Please, just take me, I need you. I want you. Need to feel you." Blaine begged, his head resting against the door as Kurt's lips were attached to his neck.

"Home." Kurt panted, forcing himself to be reasonable and not to take Blaine's clothes off right away. "Let's go home and then we can do whatever you want. Just home."


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