Chasing Your Love
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June 17, 2013, 10:01 a.m.

Chasing Your Love: Chapter 5

E - Words: 3,199 - Last Updated: Jun 17, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 15/15 - Created: Feb 04, 2013 - Updated: Jun 17, 2013
1,164 0 5 0 0

Author's Notes: A/N: The song I used here is: Bad Things by Jace Everett, people who watch True Blood should recognize it!Things are about to get sexy!A big thank to my sweet little beta:InTheDarkOfTheNightRead on lovelies!

Two days after, Nick and Jeff accompanied by Sebastian stopped by Blaine's place, bringing coffee and snacks. They let themselves in and made their way to the living room where Blaine was lying on the sofa.

"Well you look like shit." Sebastian stated before plopping down onto a chair.

" 'lo to you too" Blaine mumbled. Nick came closer to the man and worriedly put his hand on the singer's forehead.

"You don't look very well, Blaine. You don't have a fever and you mostly look tired. Do you want us to call a doctor?"

"M'fine." Blaine said, clutching his pillow. Jeff sat near to the sofa, close to his friend's face.

"Do you need anything, man?"

"I'm just tired. What are you all doing here?" Blaine sat on the couch, making room for his friends. The couple sat next to each other, cuddling closely.

"We just wanted to stop by. We haven't seen each other in forever!" Jeff answered while Sebastian read over a magazine with a bored look on his face.

"What's with the glove?" Sebastian asked, pointing at Blaine's left hand.
"Forgot to buy foundation, so I'm wearing this to hide my mark." Blaine answered sleepily.

"Very typical of you, so what's up?" Nick asked.

"Nothing, really." Jeff eyed his friend and turned fully toward him.

"Blainers, remember that I know you. Now tell me what's going on! Those pants are the 'I need cuddles and love' pants." Blaine rolled his eyes and looked over to Sebastian, when he saw that the man was very much interested in his magazine Blaine answered.

"I asked Porcelain out." Jeff automatically started to bounce up and down on the sofa, clapping and smiling broadly.

"That's so great! You two look so cute together and –" Nick placed his hand on his boyfriend's arm, the touch acting like an off-button. Blaine looked away and whispered.

"He said no and told me that he would never see me as more than just a friend. I just..." Blaine looked again to Sebastian who still wasn't paying attention to them. Blaine didn't particularly want the man to hear him. Porcelain was his flatmate after all. "I just don't how to act with him. I want to... I mean."

"You wanna seduce him and kiss him and cuddle with him and make beautiful gay babies!" Jeff whispered happily too. Blaine glared at him but after a while slowly nodded.

"You're gonna need to sex up your game. Add some leather. Also lose the bowtie, it makes you look, like, 12 and I'm not sure he is into Daddy kink." Sebastian shouted from the other end of the room in a bored tone. The three men on the sofa turned their heads to look at him and the man shrugged. "Look, he picks up men, fucks them, and that's it. He is not gonna fall for your sweet little wooing process. He likes sex and sexual tension. Give him that, tease him and he'll be all yours for the evening."

Blaine's brows furrowed as the couple turned to see his reaction. Blaine held his pillow to his chest and asked shyly.

"What if I want him for more than just a night, though?"

"Be a fucking sex God, I don't know. I don't even want to be here." The taller man answered exasperatedly, returning to his article. Jeff took Nick's hand in his and faced Blaine.

"Blaine, what about your –"

"I don't know. I just... He is insufferable, obnoxious and rude, he doesn't talk to me and most of the time shouts at me but... He is trying and, I don't know, I... It's complicated." Blaine sighed.

"Hey, it's alright. You don't need to have all the answers. You like the man, that's obvious, don't give yourself a headache for nothing. Alright?"

Blaine smiled and nodded a little, his eyes dropping. Jeff moved around to the curly haired man and both he and Nick pulled him into a hug, letting the man rest a little.

When Blaine woke up he was covered with a blanket and had a little note stuck on his forehead, courtesy of Jeff Sterling, he assumed. Blaine thought about what Sebastian had told him, about what the couple had tried to ask him and sighed loudly. It was all too much confusing but he really wanted to be closer to Porcelain. Blaine thought about it for hours and sent a text to his friend as a plan formed in his head.

Kurt had no idea why Sebastian had insisted to meet at the bar. It had been two weeks since he had talked to Blaine and Kurt knew very well that he and his band were playing tonight. The designer just hoped that he wouldn't have to interact with him. He didn't want to talk to the man, didn't want to let him get closer but at the same time the singer just filled a hole in Kurt's soul the way nothing else or nobody else did before. The brunette waited for his friend as more and more people gathered in the already crowded bar.

The lights went out and the band entered the stage. Kurt didn't see Blaine at first but when he did, his jaw dropped and he felt hot waves rolling through his body. The leader was wearing really tight, white leather pants with knee high boots and a white leather jacket with nothing underneath. A long necklace bounced against his naked chest with every step he took. Kurt couldn't look away. The man look like a sex god, the pants hugging his ass and thighs exceptionally. Blaine grabbed his mic and gave a little nod to his band, which started playing.

When you came in the air went out

And every shadow filled up with doubt

I don't know who you think you are

But before the night is through

Blaine was singing slowly in his low voice, searching out the designer's eyes in the crowd. The second he did, he locked eyes with him and murmured into the mic.

I wanna do bad things with you

The singer grabbed his mic and crossed the stage, rocking his hips and running his hand through his hair. He could feel the attention of the crowd growing, could feel how much his lust was radiating from the way some of the men and women every time his voice dropped low.

I'm the kind to sit up in his room

Heart sick an' eyes filled up with blue

I don't know what you've done to me

But I know this much is true

I wanna do bad things with you, okay

Blaine licked his lips meticulously before biting them and making his head rolled back to expose his neck, letting his body move and his hips undulated with every note. The tension in the bar was thick and Blaine could felt all the eyes lingering on his sweat-slicked, naked chest as he ran his hands along it, curling his fingers playfully in his necklace. He snapped his head back to the mic and whispered seductively while locking eyes with the designer.

When you came in the air went out

And all those shadows there filled up with doubt

The singer smirked and turned his eyes to another man in the crowd and continued.

I don't know who you think you are

But before the night is through

I wanna do bad things with you

I wanna do real bad things with you
I don't know what you've done to me

But I know this much is true

I wanna do bad things with you

I wanna do real bad things with you

Blaine made sure to finish his song while looking at some stranger in the crowd, deliberately avoiding the Porcelain's eyes. He carefully grinded against the stand of the mic, biting his lip and smirking knowingly to the stranger in the crowd. He could see the man blushing and growling with frustration and lust.

I don't know what you've done to me

But I know this much is true

I wanna do bad things with you

I wanna do real bad things with you

Blaine hopped from the stage and made his way into the crowd, near enough to the bar but close enough to the stage to perfectly hear the band. He chose a place where he knew for sure that the designer would see him and started to dance by himself, rocking his hips and sensually moving his body. Quickly a man came behind him and gripped his hips, making them move at a tantalizing pace. Their bodies were flush against each other and Blaine slowly turned around to place his hands around the man's neck, bringing him closer. They moved together, grinding against each other for a few seconds. The man dropped his hands to Blaine's ass and brought him closer, lightly bumping their foreheads.

Kurt was intently watching Blaine. The man was moving closely and intimately with the stranger, their bodies rocking against each other and almost dry humping on the floor. Blaine was even sexier than on stage, his body dancing and following the song, moving with every beat, undulating his hips and running his hand along his and the other man's body. Kurt licked his lips when he noticed sweat dripping from Blaine's chest. The man looked deliciously dangerous like that. But it was all very wrong, for different reasons. Kurt's first thoughts were a growling and possessive: mine. Blaine's behavior was uncharacteristic and disturbingly wrong.

Kurt crossed the floor and grabbed Blaine's hand, jolting him toward the bathroom. He entered the room and growled at the men in there:

"Out!" Everyone stopped and quickly moved out. Kurt locked the door and turned to face Blaine. He maneuvered him toward the sink and brought a hand to caress Blaine's cheek.

"What are you doing Blaine?" Kurt asked as he started to carefully remove some of the eyeliner that had smeared when the man was dancing.

"Having fun and hopping to get lucky tonight. What about you?" Blaine answered cockily, a smirk on his face. Kurt eyed him and frowned a little before repeating.

"What are you doing, Blaine?" Kurt grabbed Blaine's chin and tilted his head so he had no other choice than to look into the designer's eyes. "What are you doing?" Kurt breathed worriedly.

Blaine's shoulders slumped down in shame and he looked away, not able to hold the man's gaze.

"Why do you care?" Blaine asked angrily. "It's not like I matter to you. I'm just a disposable friend. You take interest in me when I can be valuable to you or when I'm dry humping a stranger in the middle of a drunk crowd."

Kurt let go of Blaine's chin, not acknowledging what the man had just said. It stung; it was the truth but it hurt to hear it so clearly. Kurt bit his lip to prevent himself from saying anything and silently removed all the makeup that the man had on his face. Blaine didn't say anything either and let himself be taken care of and letting out short breaths of anger.

"You're not a disposable friend..."

"Oh yeah, right, I'm not even a friend. Now if you excuse me, there is a man that wanted to take me home." Blaine pushed Kurt off him and marched to the door. Kurt stopped him by grabbing his hand and gently moved behind him so Blaine's back was flushed against his chest. Kurt sighed and let his forehead fall against Blaine's head.

"Let me take you home. Don't... Don't leave with him." Kurt moved his arms to circle Blaine's chest and brought him closer, hugging him from behind, tightly. He had no idea why the need to keep Blaine away from the man was so strong. All he knew was that if Blaine went home with this man, it would crush him. The mere idea of it iced Kurt's heart and a white cold panic settled in his stomach. "Please, leave with me." Kurt repeated, eyes closed tightly. Blaine brought his hands above the designer's and intertwined them as he let the bubbling anger die down.

"Why? Why should I?" Blaine asked quietly. Kurt slowly spun the man around, trying to keep their hands clasped together and kissed him just as gently and desperately on the lips, trying to make Blaine understand everything that he didn't in the kiss.

"I don't know. I don't know why you should leave with me and not him, but please. I... I want you to, Blaine."

Blaine looked at the man in front of him. The designer was the picture of confusion, want and desperation. It was clear that nothing that was happening made sense to him and that he was fighting against all his being to say those words. It didn't make sense to Blaine either. Dancing with the stranger had been so wrong on so many levels. And then the brunette had asked him not to and to leave with him instead. Blaine hadn't known he needed those words before hearing them. The warmth of the designer's arms around him and his pleading eyes made Blaine dizzy.

"I don't understand." The singer confessed, Kurt let go of Blaine's hand and ran his into the curly hair of the man in front him, stroking the back of his neck and bringing his head closer, kissing him lightly over and over again, whispering between kisses.

"I don't understand either, please. Blaine. Come home with me."

Blaine let himself embrace the taller man, he let his arms tightly hold the other man and let himself lean into the touch.

"Ok. Yeah, ok, let's go. But can we go to my place? I don't want to be around other people tonight."


They let go of each other and quickly stepped out of the bathroom. A long line of angry men waiting to go inside grunted at them. But neither man listened and it wasn't long before they'd left the bar and hailed a cab. They sat closely, not letting go of each other's hand, the night surrounding them and the lights of the lamps lulling them into a calm peace.

They silently entered Blaine's building and then his flat, not bothering to turn the light on. Kurt lead Blaine's to his room and made the man lay in bed, head propped against the pillows. Kurt lay on top of Blaine, head right under Blaine's chin, a hand on his chest.

"Hold me?" Kurt asked, unsure. Blaine's arms instantly came around him, hugging him closer and holding him in a needy embrace.

They stayed like that, silently, for minutes or maybe hours, listening to the other's heartbeat, being appeased by the other's smell, letting themselves be calmed and grounded by the other's arms and body.

"We should sleep; it's been a long and eventful night." Blaine stated as Kurt tightened his grip around the man's arm. A peaceful smile appeared on Blaine's face and he leaned forward to kiss the designer's forehead. "I want to sleep with you tonight. I want to hold you close to me, if it's okay. "

Kurt was completely at lost with what was happening with him tonight. Nothing made sense and somehow everything was perfectly clear. He was too tired to think about anything and to analyze everything. For once he wanted to give in, to let himself want and take what he craved. The strong arms around him held him tighter; it was like Kurt wasn't close enough no matter how tightly they were pressed against each other. The simple gesture made Kurt feel protected, cared for and loved. The man closed his eyes and appreciated the moment, carefully taking some time to let all the feelings sink in. He wanted to be able to remember that moment; he wanted to remember how it felt to be treasured like that.

"Yes, please." Kurt whispered, afraid of breaking whatever was happening. He slowly sat down on Blaine's lap and removed the shirt he had on, keeping his undershirt on. He stood up and took his pants and shoes off, keeping his underwear and went back to bed. Blaine had removed everything but his underwear and was rummaging through his drawer to find a pair of pajama pants. Once he found one he handed another to Kurt and waited for him to take it, Kurt quickly put it on. The designer kneeled in bed, not knowing what to do with himself. Blaine crawled in bed and motioned for Kurt to come closer. Kurt straddled the singer and started to pass his hands through Blaine's curly hair, scraping and stroking his scalp. They were still silent and every movement was unsure and tentative. They didn't know what to expect from the night and from the other man. Everything was too overwhelming and confusing for both of them. Kurt peppered kisses on Blaine's neck, eliciting moans and whimpers from the singer.

Blaine's hands flew to Kurt's waist, trying to free the man of his undershirt.

"No!" Kurt shouted, jumping off Blaine. "I..." Kurt started, scared of saying anything. Taking his undershirt off would mean that Blaine would be able to see the crossed mark, the sign that he had lost far more than what he pretended and Kurt didn't want to. It was his secret to keep. No one knew, beside his father, that he not only no longer had a soulmate but that he had no other mark on his skin. He couldn't bare himself like that, not tonight, not in front of Blaine.

"Hey, I'm sorry I shouldn't have... I don't know what we're doing. I don't know what's happening. I'm sorry. Let's just cuddle and sleep, alright?" Blaine offered tentatively. The designer nodded lightly and both man lay in bed, trying to be as close as possible.

Blaine woke up first in the morning and smiled warmly at the man in his arms. The designer had a leg wrapped around his and an arm threw around his waist, grounding him in bed. Blaine started to stroke the other man's hair, scratching a bit. Kurt nuzzled into the crook of Blaine's neck and took a deep breath before kissing him under his chin.

"Don't panic, please." Blaine almost begged as he felt Kurt awakening.

"M'not panicking." Kurt mumbled sleepily.

"Okay, good." Blaine said before once again bringing the man closer to him while he tightened his embrace. Since his outburst the night before in the bathroom and the beginning of whatever this was, the other man could not be close enough to him. Blaine wanted him to be as close as possible, he wanted to hold him and to never let him go, he wanted to be surrounded by him and him alone. He wanted him. Blaine's heart stopped a little as he realized what he'd just thought. At the same time Kurt started to draw patterns on his arm and Blaine came to the conclusion that he didn't care what it meant. He wanted that man, as simply as that. He wanted to love him and to be loved by him. The past evening and this morning were confusing, to put it lightly, but it at least made one thing clear: it was much more than just an infatuation to Blaine.

"I want to –"

"Yes" Kurt answered, not letting Blaine finish his sentence. The singer leant down a little to look into the Kurt's eyes.

"You don't even know what I'm about to say." Blaine said, smiling softly.

"You're about to ask me out. On a date." Kurt answered, eyes locked with the other man before murmuring. "And my answer is: yes."

End Notes: A/N: Things are moving on! What do you think?Thank you for reading!


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I'm so proud of Kurt, it must have been quite difficult for him to do that. And I loved sebastians presence in one of the first parts of this chapter. Please update when you can xxx

Thank you! It's always a pleasure to write Sebastian, he is cocky and always speaks his mind.I will do my best :)

There are alot of soulmate stories in the fandom and I adore them all. However yours holds a special place in my adorement. I love the twist you have given to Kurt and Blaine in thier path to each other. The pull, draw, and unexpalined feeling for one another are delicious. I'm not sure how exactly, but I feel there is going to be a twist that will explain everything and I can't wait to see if my theories are correct. Adn this last chapter was absolutely diving. Blaine Anderson in white leather in nothing short of pure genuis! And it gave me quite a lovely mental image to work with ;) And I would be lying if I didn't say how I much loved Kurt's breakdown of defenses and his surrender to his feelings when he asked Blaine to and I quote "Please, leave with me." One of my favorite lines in the story! I can't wait to see where Kurt and Blaine take us next. Wonderful, wonderful job!

I have the biggest smile on my face right now! Thank you so much for this amazing review. Maybe there is a twist coming, maybe not... Who knows.I'm really glad to have provided you such a great picture that is Blaine in white leather clothes ;)Again, thank you so much, it means a lot to me.

Awwww I love it! I love that there is a pull to each other and even though they don't know the truth they feel something is there. And Kurt is tired of fighting it. Why doesn't Blaine ever talk about his mark anymore? Like about Kurt Hummel? His is still there and not crossed off too right only the name of the person that dies gets crossed out?