Chasing Your Love
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June 17, 2013, 10:01 a.m.

Chasing Your Love: Chapter 2

E - Words: 3,319 - Last Updated: Jun 17, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 15/15 - Created: Feb 04, 2013 - Updated: Jun 17, 2013
1,380 0 5 0 0

Author's Notes: A/N: So is everyone still on a klaine high after this episode? I know I am!My sweet little beta is, as always: InTheDarkOfTheNight. Thank you for working your magic on my chapter every time!

It was all he could think and talk about. His random collision with the most beautiful man on the face of earth. Blaine had been mesmerized by him, the coffee shop man. Granted he had made a fool of himself by first spilling all his coffee on the man and then proceeded to blatantly stare at him, mouth wide open. But how could he not? The man was gorgeous and his eyes were the most amazing thing Blaine had ever seen in his life.

It had been days since the accident and Blaine was going on and on about the man, repeating every little detail of the collision and describing him over and over again. Wes was a good friend, well he liked to think so at least, but if he had to hear Blaine's description of Coffee Man one more time he would go on a killing spree. That's why, as the unofficial manager of the band, Wes had decided to organize a concert and to invite all the formers Warblers that were currently in New York. And just like he had hoped, Blaine stopped talking all that much about the man and focused on their set list and what he would be wearing for that evening and whatnot.

Blaine was fidgety as always before a concert and being able to hear the people gathering in the bar was even more unnerving. He turned around to see Jeff and Nick holding hands and looking into each other's eyes. It was their way of dealing with stress. They would just stay in a corner quietly and look into each other's eyes, touching and nothing else. Blaine smiled at the sight. His friends had the chance to find each other in high school and never let go of each other. They both had each other's names on the palm of their hand. So whenever they would hold each other's hand, their marks would be touching and they were always connected.

Wes motioned to them that it was time to go and start the show. Blaine, as the lead singer, took his place and started to talk. It was one of the things he loved the most about stage, being able to interact with the crowd. It was quite a love story too, they always received as much as they gave during a set and the feeling was amazing.

Once again Jeff had decided on a girl band song to open with and of course Nick had supported his idea. Of course he did. So Blaine had to open with Wannabe and if he was being really honest with himself it had been fun to sing it. Everything was so empowering about being on stage. Blaine felt at ease and felt like he belonged. Nothing could touch him when he was performing. That is until something caught his eye and he gazed at the bar. Amber met with deep ocean blue and Blaine couldn't look away. Coffee Man was here, he was listening to him and looking at him. He was smiling and Blaine shivered at only the thought of this man being in the same room as him again. He missed a word or two, but didn't really pay attention. Nothing was really important now that he knew the man was here. He continued his set, never looking away. At some point Blaine stepped forward and introduced his band and then himself, he said one or two other silly things before looking back to Coffee Man, only to see him rushing outside. Blaine searched through the crowd for the people he had been with right before and found Sebastian Smythe, of all people, who shrugged at him like it wasn't important.

Blaine finished what he had to do, one more song, another little speech and rushed off stage. He didn't take any time to change and almost ran into Sebastian.

"Hey, Bas!"

"Anderson, that was quite a show, want to take it to my place?"

"I don't think so, no. Um... The man that was with you, was he alright? I saw him rushing outside and, I don't know, he didn't look fine."

"Who? Porcelain? Don't mind him, he can be a bitch sometimes. Maybe he didn't like your rendition of the soul shattering song that is Wannabe."

"Aha, funny. No but seriously, was he alright?"

"Yes he was fine. So how is the band ..."

"Yo, man! That was ballsy to sing that song!" Blaine looked away from Sebastian only to see a giant with a Mohawk walking right up to him. Blaine took a step back, a little frightened. Sebastian burst out of laughing at the sight but didn't do anything to help his former classmate.

"Um, thanks." Blaine answered, unsure.

"Yeah, it was awesome dude! So you're Sebastian's friend?"

"We are not friends, Puckerman." Sebastian stopped him, before adding, "we were part of the same show choir though, so that makes us sort of acquaintances." Blaine laughed a little at that and nodded at the Mohawk man.

"I see that Sebastian is still not quite open to making friendship. I'm Blaine and you must be..." Blaine extended his hand to shake the man's.

"Puckerman. I'm his flatmate. We're living with a third person but he ran off a few minutes ago."

They continued to talk, the group growing with the rest of the band and some friends that came to meet them. Coffee Man didn't come back and after a few drinks Blaine forgot to ask about him. But now that he knew Sebastian knew the man he had a way to get to him.

At the same time, back at his apartment, Kurt had just texted some man that was on his way. He didn't want to spend the night alone, not after the turn of tonight's events.

A few days later, Blaine was walking from the library to one of his afternoon classes. He was late, as usual, and was almost running but something stopped him. He took a few steps back and saw Coffee Man in the middle of a heavy make out session with another man. Blaine stood there, frozen on the spot. The two men let go of each other and as Coffee Man walked away the other redid his buckle. Blaine frowned a little, he wasn't jealous, he had no right to be after all, but he didn't like the idea of his Coffee Man hooking up with someone where everyone could see him.

Blaine jogged to catch up with the man and once he was at his side start speaking.

"Well, hello." The other man jumped in the air at the sound and turned around quickly, only to meet Blaine's smiling face.

"What do you want?" Coffee Man spat.

"Hum, well. I just thought it was kind of funny that we ran into each other at that coffee shop and then at the concert and here now. So I just wanted to say hello." Blaine said with a broad smile.

"Well you said your hello." Coffee Man stated.

"Yes, well... Was that someone important?" Blaine asked, trying to hide the fear in his voice.

"No, it was just two friends helping each other with a really hard situation." The taller man whispered in Blaine's ear and took a step back, smirking. "Can I go now?"

Blaine blushed furiously at the man's words and at how close they were and then nodded. Coffee Man started to walk away and Blaine, as an afterthought, yelled at him.

"Can I at least have your name?"

The man didn't stop, didn't say anything but turned around to walk backwards and to be able to look at Blaine and shook his head before disappearing.

The same week Kurt was moping in his room. He didn't like to be that way or to feel that way but he couldn't help it. He had now seen the man three times and even if the first time he hadn't known his name Kurt still didn't like all those coincidences. He didn't like that the man had the exact same name as his late soulmate, he didn't like knowing that some prick was walking around with his name. He didn't like that this man was as gorgeous as he was.

Kurt was lying on his bed, and he let his thoughts wander. He started to think how he could've met his soulmate, what he would've said to him, what it would've been like to wake up in his arms and to kiss him good morning. It was all fantasy, though. Kurt knew it but he couldn't help but dream about it. It was bitter and brought more pain than joy to him. But just because he would never been able to have this reality didn't mean he couldn't imagine it. He brought his left hand to rest above his heart and mark, wanting desperately to feel some bond, to know that there was someone at the other end, that he wasn't alone. But nothing happened; nothing ever happened anymore.

Angrily, Kurt swept away the tears that had started to roll down his cheeks. He wasn't going to think about this, he didn't have a soulmate and he could live with that. He'd had years to assimilate it. He was his own support system and he didn't need anyone but himself. Some off-key,half-size singer wasn't going to make him question himself.

Kurt took a deep breath and heard the doorbell ring. After few minutes he heard it ring again and after rolling his eyes in irritation, stood up and made his way to the door, opening it violently.

"What?" The man behind the door jumped back at the violence. "You! What the hell are you doing here?" Kurt spat at a rather incredulously shocked Blaine.

"I, hum. I'm here to see Bas? Is it a bad moment? Are you two... I can come back later, I'm sorry I didn't know..." Kurt stood there, letting the man ramble and fumble over his own words. He crossed his arm over his chest and crooked an eyebrow before interrupting the man.

"When you're finished assuming that I would ever sleep with some like Sebastian, maybe you could come in and go see him. I'll leave the door open for you. Feel free to talk to the wall if you weren't done." And with that Kurt made his way back to his room and closed his door.

This couldn't be his life, it wasn't Blaine Anderson in his apartment, he'd just had too much coffee or maybe eaten something that Puck had cooked and it gave him hallucinations. It had to be because just knowing that the man was in his home made Kurt bite back a sob.

How could one man bring out so many of his insecurities? He was just a name, nothing more. How could he cause so much trouble for Kurt?

Kurt lay back again on his bed, head in his pillow, repeating again and again to himself that the man was just a name and nothing else. He didn't have to be more. Kurt hated him, hated what he represented and what it did to him.

Hours later Kurt walked out of his room to make himself some tea. He started to rummage through the cupboard to find his mug and wait for the water to boil.

"Um... Bas fall asleep so I'm gonna leave now." A tiny voice said behind Kurt. The man turned around to look at the curly haired man and instantly closed up.

"Very classy. Do whatever you want." Kurt snapped. Blaine frowned a little and stepped into the kitchen.

"No, it's not like that. We were studying and he just fell asleep. So I thought it was better if I let myself out." Blaine started to explain, not seeing the other man tense more and more with every word.

"Look, I don't care. Just go now. I don't need to know your life." Blaine saddened at the words but didn't make a move to leave.

"I'm sorry if I offended ..."

"Listen here, Short Stuff. I don't like you and I don't care about you. You could be walking around on fire and I still wouldn't stop to help you or even look at you. So save your breath and leave." Kurt spat angrily, looking directly at Blaine and towering over him with all his height.

The short man frowned and blinked back some tears. He had his arms wrapped around himself and his head bowed. He quickly made his way to the door and opened it only to see a bulky man standing there.

"I'm here to see K." the man stated and before the curly man could say anything Kurt walked by him and kissed the man at the door, grabbing his shirt with his fist.

"Let's take this to the room, babe." The bulky man said, walking with Kurt to his room and leaving the singer alone in the entryway.

Blaine gulped loudly and with a crestfallen look on his face,silently closed the door and made his way home.

He didn't want to think about Coffee Man with other men, he didn't want to think about what they were probably doing.

Blaine felt his stomach tighten. It just didn't feel right. He locked his door behind him and crawled under his blanket, playing again and again what the man had told him. He didn't like him and didn't care about him. Those words were spinning in his head and hurt him more than it should have. Blaine was feeling nauseous. Between this bulky man and Coffee Man's words it was just too much for Blaine.

He didn't like it when people hated him and disliked him. Blaine didn't feel comfortable knowing that someone was holding a grudge against him. That was the reason why he was going to make Coffee Man or whatever was his name, like him. Not because he was insanely attractive, or because Blaine was drawn to him for some unknown reason, but just because on a larger scale Blaine didn't like it when people hated him. Period.

Kurt's mind was set on the idea of forgetting about Blaine. The man was nothing, they didn't know each other and stopping thinking about him should've been easy. Except that it wasn't. The shorter man had started to pop up everywhere and anywhere at any time. Kurt was almost afraid he was going to find him behind the shower curtain. After their altercation in the kitchen Kurt hadn't heard or seen the man for a week but after that the singer was just everywhere. They had first bumped into each other at the library. Well, Kurt had spotted him and tried to backtrack. Blaine was trying to reach a book on a shelf and Kurt had tried to walk away, hoping that the man wouldn't see him. Unfortunately it didn't really work that way for Kurt and the man had nothing less but launched himself at Kurt.

"Hey!... I just remembered that I still don't know your name." Blaine said to himself with a frown before looking up expectantly. When the man in front of him didn't say a thing Blaine added; "So, what's your name?"

"It's none of your damn business. What would you need it for anyway? It's not like you're gonna use it anytime soon." Coffee Man answered with a smirk. Blaine looked puzzled but pressed on anyway.

"Well if I want to complain about you, I can't keep calling you Coffee Man, so I might need a name." Blaine shrugged under the taller man's gaze.

"I go by Porcelain." Kurt said, a neutral expression on his face. Blaine on the contrary looked even more confused with every new piece of information.

"Your parents... Oh, um. That's a nice name. I'm Blaine." The singer extended his hand to shake the man's but he barely looked at it with a disgusted expression.

"Good for you." The taller man started to turn around to leave but Blaine grabbed his hand, creating a jolt of electricity where their skin touched. Kurt jolted out of the grasp with a shriek and turned back to Blaine who looked just as incredulous.

"What gave you the right to do that? What is your problem?" Kurt snapped, now quite angry.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to! It was only static electricity. I... Would you like to go and have coffee with me? We started off badly and I think we could use a fresh start and once you get to know me you can either stop wanting to kill me or start liking me without telling anyone?" Blaine offered in a rushed tone before becoming a shy and insecure one. "We could even be friends." The smaller man added in a whisper.

Kurt looked down at him silently, studying the man's face before speaking.

"I don't think so." And with that Kurt left promptly the library.

The second time they bumped into each other Kurt was once again getting coffee when he heard behind him an annoyingly happy voice. The man scrunched his face and closed his eyes hoping that it would make the tiny person behind him go away but apparently he didn't have such luck.

"Porcelain? Hi! I knew I'd recognize you. We have to stop meeting like this, people are going to think you finally got to like me." Blaine joked, waiting for the other man to turn around. Kurt sighed and finally turned to face Blaine.

"What are you doing here, Blaine?" Kurt asked with an irritated tone, pressing the man in front of him to answer quickly with a little movement of his head and his crooked eyebrow.

"I'm getting coffee, just like you apparently. Do you want us to share a table?" Either the man was incredibly oblivious or he was playing it pretty perfectly, Kurt thought to himself.

"And once again, I'd go with: no." Kurt stepped to his left and started to walk by Blaine before stopping right by his side and whispering to his ear. "Stop whatever that is that you're doing, we won't be friends and I won't sleep with you either, even if your ass kind of looks delicious in those pants." With that, he walked away.

Blaine eyes almost popped out of his head and a deep crimson blush appeared on his face. He turned around quickly to say something back but the taller man had already left the coffee shop.

The last time Blaine popped up out of nowhere was at the gym. Kurt had just finished running for half an hour on the treadmill. He was panting, sweating and all he was dreaming of was a shower, when suddenly a mop of curls entered his vision.

"Porcelain! I knew it was you. Hi!"

"Oh for God sake, you're everywhere! Are you replicating or something?" Kurt was growing angrier and angrier. He tried to calm himself and without acknowledging the man any more Kurt walked to the locker room. He stopped in front of his locker, letting his things fall to the floor and put his hands to his face, sighing loudly and trying to collect himself. He couldn't let that man get to him; he couldn't let his name make him angry. He was going to stay absolutely stoic about it or at least try.

Kurt didn't hear the door open nor the man approaching him, so when he heard the smooth voice he jumped at the sound.

"I'm just trying to be nice you know." Kurt spun around in surprise but quickly put his walls up when he saw who it was. Furiously Kurt marched right into Blaine, cornering him against the locker and putting his hands on each side of the shorter man's head.

"What do you want, Anderson?" Kurt spat, directing all his anger to the man.


"Why are you doing all of this? What are you trying to achieve here?" Kurt pressed, punching his palm into the locker next to Blaine's face.

The shorter man tensed for seconds before looking into Kurt's eyes. He didn't see burning hate towards him but desperate loathing against the man himself. So Blaine held the taller man's gaze for a few more seconds before taking a deep breath and answering softly and truthfully.

"I just want you to like me."

End Notes: A/N: Blaine was kind of everywhere in this chapter!Leave me a review, they make me write faster!


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Blaine is so adorable!! He is so cute! Kurt is an as ... to be honest if you thought you would end up alone without your soul mate, you would randomly have short one time things with men. I understand why kurt is like that, but he's mean to Blaine, although at the same time it's funny to read! :)

pleaseupdatesoon, Ilovethisstory

Aw, I do love me some adorable, relentless Blaine and snappish, sassy Kurt. Looking forward to more of both!

Thank you for taking time to leave a review :)Snappy Kurt is so fun to write so I'm happy to see that he is fun to read!

Awww poor Blaine. Kurt is such a bitch lol. Why didn't Kurt tell him his real name? It's driving me crazy!