Sept. 5, 2013, 8:34 p.m.
Sept. 5, 2013, 8:34 p.m.
It apparently didn't matter to Blaine when the other man was leaving. He spent the last day with him, crossing the street for the last time. The musician spent the day watching Kurt pack, handing him shirts or toiletries or anything the man might be forgetting.
They stayed together in a companionable silence, exchanging kisses every time they crossed paths, which was quite often considering the size of Kurt's room.
"I think I got everything." Kurt stated in the middle of the afternoon, as he looked around him, taking in the almost empty room. Blaine was seated on the bed, looking expectantly at him, a slight pout on his lips.
"Come here," The musician said, making grabby hands at Kurt who smiled fondly at the man in front of him before crawling in bed. Blaine spread his legs to Kurt could settle between them, his back to Blaine's chest. Blaine's arms circled Kurt's waist, one of his hand taking it's place on Kurt's stomach under his shirt. Blaine caressed the skin with light touches. He placed several kisses on Kurt's temple before asking.
"So, what do you want to do?" Kurt tried to look at him but the curly haired man had hidden his face in the crook of Kurt's neck.
"About what, Blaine?"
"Us. Where does this leave us?"
Kurt didn't really have an answer for that. He had hated Blaine for much longer than they had been together. Well at least who he thought was Blaine. But then again, the last week had been nothing but exactly what he had dreamed of for his vacation. It had been better, as a matter of fact, for just one simple reason: Blaine. The man was still a mystery and maybe it was the reason that had made this week so much more than a good week. Blaine, who was caring and funny, apparently shy sometimes and insecure, completely obnoxious and Kurt hated him for playing that badly and being infuriating. But, because yes there was a but, Blaine was everything. He was a friend and a lover and Kurt could see himself falling for that man if he had more time. They didn't have time though, Kurt was leaving in a mere few hours. So like Blaine asked him, where did that leave them?
"I don't know." Kurt sighed, rubbing his cheek against Blaine's head, which was still hidden in his neck. "I don't even know where we're at right now."
"Good point." Blaine mumbled before placing a kiss on Kurt's shoulder and leaning against the bedframe. He brought Kurt closer and resumed his petting on the other man's chest now. "Friend? Lover? Boyfriend? Pick one."
"Uh, all the of the above."
"Pushy." Blaine laughed. "Do you really think that being boyfriends after a week of dating and two days of kissing before parting ways and having a freaking ocean between us is the best idea?"
"Probably not. Especially since we don't even know if we'll see each other ever again. But I like you. A lot. And I want to keep in touch, I'm not ready to say goo bye to you."
That last part was rushed out in a murmur and Blaine had to focus to understand everything that Kurt had just said. Once he did, he took the other man's hand and brought it to his lips. He kissed it gently before answering Kurt.
"Good, because I'm not ready to say goodbye to you either."
"So, Skype?" Kurt wondered, almost falling asleep under Blaine's ministrations.
"Skype, Facebook, everything that will help us stay in touch. And maybe I'll try to come and see you in New York in the fall."
"Don't make promises you can't keep, Shorty."
"We'll see."
They didn't talk more about it, they didn't make any more promises, they just cuddled together for a while and when it was time for Kurt to leave, Blaine drove him to the airport. Kurt checked in, left his luggage for the airline to keep and then waited in front of customs for a while. When he really couldn't wait any longer Kurt hugged Blaine tightly. The musician brought his hands around his waist and squeezed them flush against each other, not caring who was looking. They buried their heads in each other neck's, taking one last breath of the other's smell, taking in how well they fit together. Kurt broke the hug and looked into Blaine's eyes, smiling sadly at him.
Blaine stepped closer and kissed him on the lips, it wasn't sweet, it wasn't passionate, nor was it hungry or rushed. It was them and everything they could have been but didn't have the time to be.
Kurt took one last look at Blaine's sad face before stepping further into the airport, behind the barriers.
They chatted the rest of the summer, sending each other pictures of how tan or red they were. They talked about themselves and finally got to discover everything that they had left out. Kurt talked about his mother, Blaine about the reason why he was living in France instead of good old Ohio. They talked about books and songs, about dreams and silly things that happened to them during the day.
Then school started again and the messages started to become fewer and far between. They were still trying to get in touch as much as possible but life was hectic and the time difference didn't help either.
It was November, right after hanging up with Blaine from a too-short Skyping session that Kurt understood how attached to him he really was. It was always too short, no matter how many hours they could find to talk it was never enough. They had known each other for four months plus that week. How could he forget about that week. He wished there were pictures of them, of silly things they did or just pictures. But they hadn't thought about it at the time, and now Kurt was in New York and all he wanted to do was take Blaine on coffee dates, walks in the park while they would hold hands buried in his pocket because it was freezing, late nights of watching TV and cooking together. He wanted to hear the man play for him again but what he wanted to do the most was hug him. It had been so good being able to just hug and let himself be hugged. He barely remember how well they fit together, he just knew they did.
"Kurt!" Rachel yelled across their flat, "Someone for you on the phone!" Kurt saw a wild Rachel appear, running with the phone in her hand and throwing it at him, almost knocking him out. Kurt shooed her out before looking at the device and taking it to his ear. It probably wasn't his father because he had talked to him last night and most of his friend didn't bother calling instead they usually texted.
"Kurt Hummel?" Kurt didn't recognize the voice, at least he thought he didn't.
"Yes, it's me, how can I help you?"
"Oh thank god! Do you know how difficult it was to find you? Seriously you could've helped me a little here and leave a note with your address and your Skype and your social security number. All I had was a name! I'm freaking amazing at stalking people online but still I had to hack into his phone to get your number. Not that it was very difficult or a one time thing but still!" The man said in a rush, almost yelling some parts.
"I'm sorry but who are you?" Kurt asked confused. Anyone who knew him already had his phone number so it was either a joke or some creeper he didn't want to talk to.
"Cooper Anderson, nice to finally meet you. I have to admit I'd never would have matched that ass and back with your voice. But it's good, it suits you."
"Are you calling to insult me?" Kurt asked, confused and growing more angry with every second. This man was infuriating.
"Ah, no, not exactly. I'm calling you about a certain Mozart Smurf we both know. Dude, I don't know what you did to him and seriously it must have been all kinds of epic, but there is only a certain amount of times a man can listen to Thinking Of You by Katy Perry before going on a killing spree. You need to do something and I know exactly what!" Kurt looked at the phone and made a mental note to buy a new one with caller ID, or at least to put their number on private because he had seen crazy, he'd lived in New York for almost four years now. But this was beyond everything.
"I'm sorry but I think you phoned the wrong person." Kurt heard shuffling at the other end of the line before hearing the man speak again.
"You're Kurt Hummel, currently in your fourth year at Parsonyou went to Nice last summer and rocked my baby brother's life only to leave him all alone and sad. He's been moping around for months! I can't take it anymore. I'm making you fly to him."
"Wait, you're Blaine's brother? and you're making me do what now?"
"Of course I'm Blaine's brother, why would I want to talk to you if I wasn't? So now, you'll be flying on the 15th of December. Sorry, I couldn't get the private jet so you'll have to fly in business class, I hope that's okay. You'll be staying here for two weeks and then flying back. It won't be said that Cooper Anderson isn't the best wingman ever."
"I"m sorry but can I talk to Blaine, please?" Kurt heard a shriek and rolled his eyes. This was getting slightly ridiculous and if all of this was true he could certainly tell the resemblance between the two brothers: they were both obnoxious as hell.
"You don't even think about it! You're my christmas gift to Blaine! It has to be a surprise!"
"Are you making a habit of making boys fly around the world for you brother?"
"Not just any boy, young padawan. So get lots of sleep, be all pretty and don't bring too much clothes. i'm sure they won't be needed. Give me you mail address I'm sending you all the informations."
Kurt reluctantly did so, still wary and afraid he was dealing with a crazy person who'd just stolen his login and password and was playing a trick on him.
However on December 15th Kurt was boarding a plane to France just like Cooper had said. Kurt hadn't talked about this with Blaine, for some unknown reason he actually hoped this was going to be a surprise but it could also go very very wrong.
When Kurt finally landed in Nice a man, Cooper apparently, threw himself at Kurt and drove them to Blaine's place, leaving Kurt in front of the door before driving away.
The two men fell into each other's arms, they didn't let go for the full two weeks, doing everything they had missed the first time, taking time to be together and really enjoying it. They had days to be with each other and to let go of all the tension that had been there when they just had Skype to talk to each other.
They had little dates here and there, walked hand in hand and reveled in the presence of each other.
The two weeks passed in a blur, Kurt met most of Blaine's family and saw Cooper too many times for his liking. That man was crazy!
The two weeks had been nothing but amazing, just like the first time he spent with Blaine. The man was everything he had been when they first met and so much more, he was all the little things Kurt had grown to like when they were talking and chatting. Kurt felt happy, he felt like he belonged.
And when Kurt once again board for the States, he had a clear plan of what he had to do.
He knew what he wanted and he was going to get it.
In June Kurt landed once again in Nice, he had very little baggage and crossed town in a record time. He made his way around the little street in the old city, smiling at the crowds and the ambiance of that city that were just like he remembered.
The moment he arrived in front of the building Kurt a pair of drumsticks out of his bag and started tapping against the door and the windows, yelling loudly and definitely not in tune.
Going back to the corner where I first saw you
Gonna camp in my sleeping bag, I'm not gonna move
Got some words on cardboard, got your picture in my hand
Saying if you see this man can you tell him where I am
At the lyrics Kurt also got a carboard with bright yellow letter painted on it stating: BLAINE
Some try to hand me money, they don't understand
I'm not broke I'm just a broken hearted man
I know it makes no sense, but what else can I do
How can I move on when I'm still in love with you
'Cause if one day you wake up and find that you're missing me
And your heart starts to wonder where on this earth I could be
Thinking maybe you'll come back here to the place that we'd meet
And you'd see me waiting for you on the corner of the street
So I'm not moving
I'm not moving
People were starting to gather around him, some walking by with a confused and scared look on their face, probably thinking he was completely losing it. Kurt tapped with his drumsticks against the door with more strength, almost shouting the lyrics more than he was actually singing. It was atrocious and so not in tune that it made Kurt wince. The neighbor started to open the windows to see what was happening, some even had their phones out, taping the whole thing.
Policeman says son you can't stay here
I said there's someone I'm waiting for if it's a day, a month, a year
Gotta stand my ground even if it rains or snows
If he changes his mind this is the first place he will go
'Cause if one day you wake up and find that you're missing me
And your heart starts to wonder where on this earth I could be
Thinking maybe you'll come back here to the place that we'd meet
And you see me waiting for you on the corner of the street
So I'm not moving
I'm not moving
I'm not moving
I'm not moving
Suddenly the door opened violently, letting out a confused Blaine, apparently unaware of what was happening in his street. He stopped dead in tracks, choked to see who was in front of him and what exactly he was doing.
The moment Kurt saw him, he smiled sheepishly and shrugged a little. He sang the last "moving" in a shriek before stepping closer to Blaine. He let the drumstick roll somewhere in the street and gazed sweetly into the musician's eyes before singing the rest of the song perfectly.
People talk about the guy
Who's waiting on a man, oh whoa
There are no holes in his shoes
But a big hole in his world
Maybe I'll get famous as the man who can't be moved
And maybe you won't mean to but you'll see me on the news
And you'll come running to the corner
'Cause you'll know it's just for you
I'm the man who can't be moved
I'm the man who can't be moved
The crowd fell quiet at the last note, waiting to see the reaction of the man that was being sung to. Most of them were now snapping pictures or filming the whole scene. Some were even cooing a little at how sweet it was.
"Did you just butcher that song?" Blaine asked, blushing even harder.
"I might have done that intentionally to get back at some musician prick that bothered me last year." Blaine smiled a little at that and squeezed Kurt's hand.
"How long are you here this time?" Kurt could feel the hopelessness in Blaine's voice, like he was resigned to seeing Kurt leave him every time.
"I think I might have arranged things to stay here at least this year and the year after that if I can find a job."
Blaine looked up at that and threw himself into Kurt's arms, kissing him several times on the lips and then on the neck, completely oblivious of the crowd around them.
"I asked to do my last year in France. I transferred schools, we have an exchange program."
"It sounds like something I could've done."
"Blaine?" Kurt mumbled into the musician neck. "Maybe we could just take this inside?"
"Wait let me ask for a video of this. I need proof it actually happened."
"Yup, but now I'm your goof." Blaine placed a noisy kiss on Kurt's lips before trotting toward two girls who were giggling at each other.
"If I gave you my email address do you think you could send that to me?"
"Oh please," one of the girl answered, a hand on her hips, "we're gonna photoshop the shit out of this and send everything to you. We've been rooting for you for a year now. It was about time!"
Blaine wrote down his email address before taking the cardboard, the bag and his boyfriend's hand, dragging him inside, well intending to ravish him and never let him go ever again.