April 28, 2012, 4:49 p.m.
April 28, 2012, 4:49 p.m.
When they first got in the car, Blaine just let Kurt talk about whatever arbitrary things came to his mind. He knew that Kurt was trying to do that on purpose, trying to bring Blaine into a more positive mood. It wasn't that Blaine didn't appreciate the distraction from his thoughts, but at the same time, it truthfully hurt a little bit. I know I made it clear that I didn't want to…that I couldn't talk about what happened this morning. I know that I promised to do something fun today, and not only for Kurt's sake. But how do I know that I'm not just pretending. For so long, that's what I've been doing, and now it's gotten to the point that even I can't tell what my true feelings are anymore. How do I know if I actually feel cheerful or if it's just an automatic defensive wall that I'm so used to having up all of the time? I just so sick of all this pretending, but does that mean I can't be happy?
Scrunching his eyes shut, Blaine tried to drive these thoughts out of his mind. When he opened them up again, he realized that Kurt's eyes were trained on him and there was a worried expression on his face. "Are you all right?" Kurt's voice suddenly lacked its previous energy and enthusiasm, now filled with concern that sent another pang through Blaine's heart. The last thing I need to do right now is make Kurt feel like that. After he went through all of the trouble of trying to make this day as special as possible, I owe him to at least try to not think about those negative things for just a little while.
"I'm fine," the words flowed smoothly out of Blaine's mouth before he realized what he was saying. Wait… why am I still lying to Kurt? He has been the one person I have felt safe enough with to let in just a little bit. No matter how untruthful I have been with him, Kurt has been there to comfort me, and not only for the past few weeks. Kurt deserves for me to tell him the truth. Still, though, Blaine couldn't bring himself to ruin the mood that Kurt was working so hard to build. "I was just trying to figure out where you are kidnapping me to." There was a slight waver and a hint of pain in his voice that betrayed his attempt at sounding lighthearted.
A knowing look appeared in Kurt's eyes, showing that he hadn't missed the little stumble in Blaine's demeanor. Gently, he said one of the things that Blaine most needed to hear. "We can always just turn around and go back any time you need; just say the word." It wasn't that Blaine was actually going to take the offer. God, no, not after Kurt did all of this for me. Yet the words being offered him were more than enough to warm his heart. Kurt was giving him a choice, something that he was so used to being denied. That control was something that he had longed for in his own life, not as just another pretense that he portrayed to everyone else. Now, though, Kurt was offering him the choice, and that was all he needed. Of course he would not turn around now, but just knowing that he was the one that made that decision was all the difference it took. I'm the one choosing what I am doing and how I feel about it, and right now, I need to stop dwelling in the things I can worry about another time and instead try to enjoy this day that Kurt is working so hard at making just perfect.
Lost in his own thought, Blaine glanced up a moment later to realize that Kurt was still gazing at him with those teal eyes speckled with grey. It seemed as if they could just penetrate through right through Blaine, see through the fake. But that's not true, Blaine had to remind himself. He can't tell the thoughts that are going on in my head. If he could only… In these little moments, Blaine could pretend in a different way than ever before. Blaine could pretend that instead of his usual attempt of a fantasy where Kurt knew nothing, he knew everything. Blaine could pretend that he didn't need to say anything, that they didn't need to talk about any of those agonizing things. In those moments, he could talk and not feel the emptiness in his words; he could breath without the crushing weight on his chest.
But then, the instant was over. Blaine had to go back to what he was used to, conjuring up the energy and showing the excitement a normal person should have, but instead he was pushing himself on.
"So…" Blaine's slightly hoarse voice broke the silent anxiousness that was building in the car. "Are you ever going to tell me where we are going? Or am I going to have to find a way to make you?" Starting out slowly, Blaine could feel himself slipping back into the comfort of the personality he was almost defined by. Kurt's eyes were now trained on the road as he focused on driving on winding road, yet Blaine could still see the muscles of his jaw relax at the more casual tone of voice.
For the next half-hour, he continued attempting to sneak some information out of his boyfriend, but Kurt was astute. Every time that Blaine made another sly venture at luring Kurt into giving away even just a clue, Kurt was ready with another comment sidetrack him. As the car ride just kept drawing on, Blaine could feel himself reverting to the character he usually embodied around Kurt. Blithely, he could joke around when he was with Kurt, he could smile. But is it real? His mind would ask. Wondering about that had never gotten him far before. It was true that there were so many times that he only feigned his positive attitude, that he just pushed away everything else as if it wasn't there. But isn't this different? When he was with Kurt, Blaine could feel some of the pressure alleviated; they could just fall into almost effortless conversation.
As the car turned sharply around a corner, Blaine is forced to snap out of his reverie to keep himself from sliding across the leather seat. "Sorry," Kurt mumbled, "The roads are starting to get a bit icy, but I promise that we are almost there." Right then, Blaine realized that there were small, white blurs speeding at the windshield. Gradually at first, and then more rapidly, a small snow flurry was beginning. Miniature snowflakes were floating down from the sky, and the ground was growing pale due to accumulated flakes. It was only two weeks before Christmas, so it wasn't uncalled for, yet it still seemed absolutely magical to Blaine. He wasn't positive, but he didn't think he could ever remember it snowing on his birthday before. Even if it had, Blaine knew, it wouldn't have been nearly as beautiful as today.
"Here we are," Kurt announced, twisting the wheel in his hands once more as he pulled into a gravel parking lot that Blaine hadn't even noticed. At first, he couldn't see anything other than the trees and a few other cars, and then he got a glimpse of a little log cabin in the gap between a copse of trees.
As Kurt adjusted the car in an imaginary parking space and brought it to a stop, Blaine was completely confused. "Where are we, and what can we be doing out in the middle of nowhere?" In response to Blaine's slightly apprehensive tone, Kurt just threw him a smile that only moderately reassured him. Stepping out of the heated car, Blaine could feel the bitter cold of winter assault him and he pulled his coat tighter around himself. The two of them started towards the log cabin, because where else was there to go?
Smoke was billowing out of a slate chimney on the left, and Blaine hoped that it would be warmer inside. As they headed towards the maple colored building, Blaine could see more of an opening between the vertical trunks blocking his view. Behind the final row of trees he could catch glimpses of figures darting by, some quicker and some much slower. Wait…is it…? Finally reaching the cabin, Blaine's assumptions were confirmed when he saw other people walking away with pairs of skates fastened onto people's feet as they wobbled across the solid ground.
Snapping his head up to meet Kurt's gaze, he still wanted a little more verification. Eyebrows quirked, Kurt asked, "So, did I make a wrong choice, or are you all right with skating?" Blaine could feel as his lips spread wide, parting to let a sincere smile shine through and reassure his boyfriend. It's absolutely perfect, he wanted to say, yet he couldn't find the right words make that clear. Instead, he just tried to portray it through his face, but he wasn't quite sure how effective that was. Looking slightly encouraged, Kurt said, "I can just go get us some skates if you want to wait here for a minute?" After a slight nod from Blaine, Kurt took a step forward before turning back for a second to ask, "Oh, what shoe size do you need?"
"Ten," he answered thoughtlessly, his mind still thinking about skating. It's not like I commonly got to go stating when I was a kid, my parents had much more important things to do, Blaine tried to keep the acrimony out of his thoughts. Focusing now, he thought of how the first time he actually went skating was with the boys at Dalton. Some of the warblers were going skating, and somehow he had let it slip that he had never been before. They were incredulous, yet they teased him nonetheless and dragged him along with them. To tell the truth, Blaine considered, even though I complained as they zipped by me and caused me to fall so many times, it was amazing. After that first time, he was hooked on skating. It felt like he was finally free and no one could touch him as he flew across the ice. It was those times that had made him feel free, and that had been one of the best feelings he ever had. But are those feelings lost? I just can't feel that anymore, but I thought it was supposed to get better from here?
Footsteps approached him and saw Kurt coming towards him with two pairs of skates dangling from his hands. "Here you go," Kurt offered the smaller pair of skates to Blaine. "There's a bench over there where we can change out of our shoes." Just nodding again, Blaine tried to focus back in the moment. Quit thinking these things! Today Kurt has worked so hard to make my birthday wonderful, why do I have to screw this up! Determined to make the two of them enjoy the day, he took a seat next to his boyfriend. Lacing up his skates as quickly as he could, Blaine stood up and held out his hand for Kurt to place his own in it.
When he focused on the scenery and blocked out his thoughts, everything seemed breathtaking. Snowflakes were still falling, adding to the surreal feeling of the surroundings. Blaine hadn't even known that places like these still existed somewhere other than the movies, and it was amazing that Kurt had found this place, let alone that it was out in the middle of this open rural area. It's just…beautiful.
Standing at the edge of the ice, Blaine was hesitant; it was always the first step on the ice that was the hardest. He could put on the skates and walk around on the solid ground, but it wouldn't compare to the way the ice responded to the metal blades of the skates. Steeling his breath, Blaine took the first step onto the ice. His feet skimmed over the frozen pond, yet they were still a little wobbly at first. It took a few laps, but Blaine could feel his muscles relaxing and his strides growing smoother. Feeling a warm hand slip into his own, warm fingers lacing through his cold ones, Blaine turned his head slightly to look at the boy next to him. "So…" Kurt nervously bit his lip, "What do you think?" Gracefully gliding his legs across the ice in long sweeps, Kurt was obviously rather skilled at ice-skating. Blaine could have just watched him practically float over the ice and be content; he didn't even need to be skating himself, though that made it so much better.
Leaning in closer, he whispered in Kurt's ear, "It's absolutely wonderful. I can't believe you did this just for me." In response, Kurt gave a slightly embarrassed smile and squeezed Blaine's hand. Blaine wasn't positive whether it was just from the cold, but Kurt's cheeks and nose were flushing pinker than normal. For some reason, he had to fight the sudden, inexplicable urge to reach up and run his hand down the side of Kurt's velvety cheek. Instead, he settled for gripping his boyfriend's hand tightly in his own as they skated in sync with each other. He didn't care if some mothers were giving them disapproving glances out of the corners of their eyes; yeah, it did hurt a little, but the warmth of Kurt's hand in his own much more than compensated for that.
Blaine didn't know for how long they just skated hand in hand, but he didn't really care. It's not only that I can just pretend so easily when everything is like this, but it also is the closest I actually get to those feelings that flit around the edges of my mind. Today is actually turning into something positive from all of the pain that I felt this morning. Well, it was until Blaine heard a shout come from the other side of the ice. Hyperactive senses had come from years of straining to hear sounds like a car door slamming, but they were now something that Blaine cursed. Though he hated how perceptive his ears were right now, he couldn't argue with the fact that there were times he had thanked God he could hear so well. But right now he wished he were either deaf or blind, because in those cases he wouldn't have snapped his head in the direction of the voice.
He didn't know exactly what the boy had done, but by the looks of a little girl with tears in her eyes, he had probably pushed his sister over or something trivial. That wasn't what caused a pang of pain to shoot through his chest, though. As he watched the father harshly dragging his son along by his arm, Blaine could practically feel his own father's grip on him. It was a ghost sensation, yet his lungs tightened immediately and his heart sped up. Why does this have to happen after everything else I've dealt with today? Haven't I been reminded enough? I know that I can't just go back to pretending like I have been anymore; I'm in too far for that now. But why does that mean that Kurt has to see me all of these times that I break down. It's as if the whole world I have built up over the past few years and struggled to keep composure of these past weeks is just determined to come crumbling down on me today.
There was nothing he could do to stop his feet from faltering. He could feel his legs sliding out from under him, but suddenly he remembered the hand holding his own as it squeezed tighter. Kurt was there, holding Blaine steady, not only by just holding his hand, but by with the reminder that it wasn't just Blaine, it was them. Finding his footing again, Blaine could feel a sense of relief that he wasn't in the past anymore, that he wasn't alone anymore. That still wasn't enough to prevent his thoughts from growing venomous, though. God, I'm so pathetic! How could I be that stupid! All I can do today is fall to pieces.
"Blaine?" Kurt's voice was unsure, and Blaine hated to think of what was going on in his head. Shaking slightly, Blaine welcomed the tight grasp of Kurt's hand. "I'm here, and I promise that that I will stay right by your side. No matter what, I won't let you fall." Some little voice in Blaine's head told him that Kurt wasn't just talking about him falling on the ice; the words he said meant much more than that. Blaine wasn't sure what it was, but something that Kurt saw when he looked at him made him ask, "Would you prefer to leave now, Blaine?" Worrying his bottom lip between his teeth, Kurt was trying to read the emotions playing across Blaine's face.
"No," Blaine answered before he even cognitively made that decision. Recently, his brain had been doing a lot of that, but right now, he was glad to not have to decide. Sometimes his subconscious knew what he needed more than the logical part of him brain. For now, he needed to skate hand in hand with his boyfriend, and maybe a little piece of him would be all right.
When they were two steps away from the Hummel-Hudson's front door, Kurt tugged Blaine's hand backwards, forcing him to a stop. Almost the entire day, their hands had been intertwined, whether it was while they glided across the ice, or as Kurt had driven with one hand woven in Blaine's and the other on the wheel. Blaine wasn't sure if Kurt could tell that was just what he needed, or if Kurt himself wanted to keep holding on, but it was absolutely perfect either way.
Standing on the doormat that read 'Welcome Home', the two of them were paused for reasons unknown to Blaine. To tell the truth, the way that Kurt is biting his lip right now is making me sort of nervous. Before Blaine could tell Kurt to just say what he wanted, he was already opening his mouth to talk. "I just want to warn you before we go inside," Kurt started off, and Blaine could feel an anxious twist in his stomach. "I'm pretty sure that once I let it slip to Carole that it was going to be your birthday, she um… kind of started planning to do a little something for you too." The air escaped Blaine in a rush, and he could feel his heart beating again.
"Seriously," Blaine's tone was lighthearted again, "That's what you were getting me all worried about?" At this, Kurt gave another squeeze to Blaine's hand and a slightly sheepish grin. His breaths of air were visible in the frigid air, and Kurt's nose was still flushed with the chill. Holding back from pressing a chaste kiss on the tip of that rosy nose, Blaine asked, "So, can we go in now before we both freeze to death out here?"
Pushing open the door, they both stepped into the heated house only to be greeted by a spattered call of "Happy Birthday" from the three other people who stood in the foyer. Blaine could feel a smile spread his lips wide and a different kind of warming glow fill his heart that had nothing to do with the temperature inside the house. Is this how a birthday is supposed to feel, he wondered, warm and welcoming? As Carole's arms enveloped him in a hug, his only regret was having to break away from Kurt. Carole was soft, though, and her hugs reminded him of how he used to curl up on his own mother's lap when he was younger; it made him feel like he was finally home.
She must have felt the small twinge that made Blaine stiffen when the word Mom filled his head, because the next second, he could feel her arms tighten a fraction. Before pulling away, she pressed a soft kiss into his curls and whispered so that just he could hear, "Please know that I'm here for much more than just your birthday, sweetie. You can come to me any time you need to, and that's not just a gift for today." Blaine had no idea where all of this was coming from, but he could see in her chocolate eyes that she truthfully meant what she was saying. This was one small doorway out of the world that Blaine could feel crumbling down around his shoulders, yet he still shut that door too. Really, he wished that he could spill his guts out to her or to Kurt, but that time was supposed to have happened weeks ago, when they first found out. It hadn't though, because Blaine still held on to trying to be the perfect, strong, courageous person he was still supposed to be; that was the person he had to be. Closing that door that gave him a way out, Blaine tried to shut down those unpleasant feelings and memories. Something he saw in Carole's face as she stepped backwards, though, still made him smile a large thank you.
Both Finn and Burt were standing uncomfortably to the side, neither stepping up in the same way that Carole had, yet Blaine hadn't really expected them to. "So," Carole broke through the slight awkwardness. "I'm guessing you two didn't have any dinner yet, did you?" While Kurt shook his head, Blaine gave his boyfriend's watch a quick glance. It took him a moment to read the scrawling cursive writing on the decorated silver face, but Blaine finally made out that it was around six o'clock. Wow, I didn't realize we were gone for that long. After the slight disturbance while ice skating, Blaine had relaxed back into just gliding across the ice and listening to Kurt's stories of how he used to absolutely love going skating. Blaine learned of how his mother had given him "lessons" on how to spin without getting dizzy and how his father had to talk him out of wearing a leotard and tutu. Somewhere in his visions of Kurt twirling across the ice in a form-fitting outfit, Blaine had completely lost track of the time and fallen into some kind of winter fantasy where the two of them skated until they couldn't feel their toes or fingers, but they wouldn't let go of each other's hand.
Stomach growling, Blaine was brought out of his thoughts as Carole gave a small laugh. "I guess that's your stomach's way of telling me that dinner would be very much appreciated right about now, huh sweetie?" Now that he thought about it, Blaine didn't think he had had anything to eat since the French toast that morning, and, well, he was a teenage boy after all, growing or not. "Come on," Carole beckoned, "I actually have dinner in the oven right now, but we usually start with the cake anyways on birthdays, so it's all right." Cake? When was the last time that I actually got a chance to have a cake for my birthday, let alone a homemade one?
As they made their way into the kitchen, Blaine found himself growing more excited. Within a moment of Blaine taking a seat at the table, Carole had whisked over a cake, frosted in chocolate with his name written across the top. Inside, Blaine could feel his stomach twisting in knots. I don't deserve this. They have already done way too much for me by just letting me stay here, and I can't even repay them with the truth. Yet they still do everything in their power to make me happy. I'm not worth it; I'm just too broken, and the only reason they don't see that yet is because I've just gotten so good at hiding it.
Reaching in front of Blaine, Carole clicked the lighter a few times before a flame shot from it and the wicks of the candles finally combusted. Someone got up and flicked off the overhead light, but Blaine wasn't sure if it was Finn or Kurt's father. All he was focused on was the flickering of those candles, thinking about just how different this situation was from where he usually was on his birthday. The Hummel-Hudsons started singing happy birthday, and Blaine could hear each of their distinct voices. Burt was slightly out of tune, yet it was still touching that he was trying. Finn's baritone blended easily with the other voices, and Carole's voice was like a gently lullaby. Last, but certainly not least, Blaine could feel Kurt's steady voice holding him together, and he knew that he loved this moment much more than just sitting in his room alone and singing a whispered happy birthday to himself.
When the last ring of "Happy Birthday" died away, Blaine glanced over at Kurt, who had a smile of encouragement on his face. "Now you get to make a wish," Kurt beamed at him. There are only two things that I want right now, Blaine thought. One is for my whole past to be gone so that I can just be perfect for you, and two is just to have you. But that wouldn't be fair would it? All I would do is make you hurt with the truth, and I don't think I can go back to being that cold, hardened person I keep pretending to be. I just wish you were happy. With an exhalation of air, Blaine blew the dancing flames out, leaving only a puff of smoke lingering in their place.
By now, it was eleven o'clock at night, and Blaine was reclining on the couch as the television buzzed quietly with some show that he didn't even know. Burt had fallen asleep an hour earlier, and Carole had gently shaken him awake for them to go up to bed. Then, Kurt had snuggled into Blaine's side and drifted off too, and Blaine could feel the rise and fall of his boyfriend's chest against his own. After that, Finn obviously felt a bit out of place, and he awkwardly gave Blaine a little wave before retreating up to his bedroom.
Stroking a hand over Kurt's silky soft hair, Blaine pressed a kiss to his boyfriend's forehead. Though he thought he had been tender enough, Kurt's eyes still fluttered open at the contact. As he raised a hand to rub at his eyes, he sat up, much to Blaine's disappointment. "Crap," he mumbled, "It's eleven o'clock already! Sorry for just falling asleep on you like that," Kurt added, and Blaine could have sworn that even in the dark, he could see Kurt flushing a faint pink.
"It's no problem at all," Blaine commended. In fact, I wish you would do that more often. When you sleep you're even more surreal than normal; you look like an angel. If Blaine had said that aloud, he knew it would have sounded almost cheesier than it had in his head, so he refrained from speaking those thoughts.
"Oh, yeah!" Kurt looked like he just remembered something, because, well, he had. "There is one more thing that I wanted to give you as a sort of gift." You don't need to give me anything else, Blaine wanted to say. You've already given me much more than I deserve. But he didn't, because there was a happiness shining in Kurt's turquoise eyes that Blaine knew he had shattered before, and he didn't want to again. Instead, he just slipped his hand into the warmth of Kurt's and curled up the corners of his mouth into a smile. He let Kurt pull him up from the couch and lead him down the hallway. "So, it's not exactly a present, per se," Kurt bit his lip timidly. Leading Blaine up the stairs, Kurt tread quietly so that they wouldn't wake up anyone who was still awake. They made their way past Finn's room, where a light still shone from underneath the door, and they continued past Kurt's room, too.
Finally, Kurt reached out to the handle on another spare room that Blaine had never paid much attention to. In a quiet whisper, Kurt tried to explain, "So, once my dad married Carole, they sold their individual houses and we pooled the money together to buy this new house where we all had our own room. To tell the truth, this house probably had a few too many additional rooms that we didn't need. But I'm still glad that we got it because having extra rooms kind of came in handy, kind of like in your case," Kurt was rambling a bit at this point, but it didn't bother Blaine at all. "This room is kind of used as storage, almost, for some of the things that neither Carole or my father really wanted to get rid of when they moved."
As Kurt turned the doorknob, Blaine could see fairly clearly into the room. There wasn't a bed or anything, but there was what seemed to be an oak bureau standing to one side of the room. In truth, it was actually a fairly small and sparsely filled room. Other than the dresser, there were only some old canvasses propped in one corner, but what really caught Blaine's eye was the inky-black grand piano that was reflecting a few rays of light off of it's still shining surface.
"This is kind of the room that Carole keeps some of the things of her husband," Blaine could hear how Kurt's voice was choking up and see how his eyes were swimming with unshed tears. "Also, it's where we keep some of the thing that were my mother's." On the last word, Kurt's voice broke and a single tear escaped down his cheek. What Blaine wanted to do more than anything was just pull Kurt into his arms and comfort him, but inside he could feel a different kind of pain than Kurt's, and he knew that he there was no way he could help his boyfriend if he was just as broken. Clearing his throat, Kurt kept going, because he's stronger than me, and he always has been, Blaine knew. "Sorry for that," Kurt apologized, "I thought that this was going to be easier that that. So, going back to what I was saying, I just wanted to show this to you. I know that you haven't exactly had the chance to play a guitar or piano lately, and I'm sorry that it took me this long to get up the courage to show you this, but I just wanted to say that you can use my mom's piano any time you want." He was rushing to get his words out before he started to cry again, but a few more stray tears slid down his cheeks. "So…um…here's your last birthday present," he ended as he tried to smile through his tears at Blaine.
Oh, God, Blaine thought as he pulled Kurt towards him in a tight hug, you are so strong, why can't you see that? I'm just hiding from everything while you keep pressing forward. Everything you do is absolutely perfect, even in your sorrow, but I can't even show you how weak I really am. Letting Kurt just hold on to him for a moment, Blaine could feel the shaking of Kurt's delicate shoulders against his chest. They only stayed like that for a few minutes before Kurt pulled back. "Sorry," he muttered, still wiping the tears from his face, "I didn't mean for that to happen. This was meant to be a good birthday present, not a sad one."
But it is a good birthday present. "It's absolutely perfect," Blaine said aloud. "I can't believe you would do so much for me." I don't deserve how much you have given to me. You gave me a piece of your heart, but I will hardly let you into my own.
Audibly swallowing down the lump in his throat, Blaine asked, "So, um, would you mind if I play a song?" What am I doing? At Kurt's nod of assent, Blaine, still holding his hand, made his way across the room to the piano. Sliding the bench out, Blaine took a seat and gestured for his boyfriend to sit next to him on the worn seat. Gently, he raised the cover on the keys, making sure not to bang it too loudly. As he touched his fingertips to the ebony and ivory keys, Blaine glanced over at Kurt's expectant gaze, still softened by tears. He's given me so much, why can't I just give him a fraction of that? Why am I so weak? Softly, Blaine added pressure to his fingers until a melody began to flow through them. He wasn't sure if Kurt had ever heard it before, but he had personally played it through his mind so many times. Opening his mouth, he let the smooth words flow off of his tongue.
What if I told you
Who I really was
What if I let you in on my charade?
What if I told you
What was really going on
No more masks and no more parts to play
Until he let the lyrics out, he hadn't realized what he was really saying. Oh, God, what am I doing? But there was no more turning back now. Once the first words were out of his mouth, he couldn't stop his fingers from dancing down the keys.
There's so much I want to say
But I'm so scared to give away
Every little secret that I hide behind
Would you see me differently?
And would that be such...a bad thing
I wonder what it would be like
If I told you
What if I told you
That's its just a front
To hide the insecurities I have
What if I told you
That I'm not as strong
As I like to make believe I am
Blaine could feel himself cracking. It wasn't like he was truthfully telling Kurt anything. In reality, though, he was saying that he had never truthfully opened up; that he was pathetic and weak, and that he still couldn't bring himself to say what he needed to, even though Kurt had been nothing but wonderful to him.
There's so much I want to say
But I'm so scared to give away
Every little secret that I hide behind
Would you see me differently?
And would that be such...a bad thing
I wonder what it would be like
If I told you
Oh if I told you
There's so much I want to say
But I'm so scared to give away
Every little secret that I hide behind
Oh would you see me differently?
And would that be such...a bad thing
I wonder what it would be like
If I told you
What if I told you
What if I told you
What would it be like
What would it be like
If I told you
Oh what if I told you
Oh I wonder what it would be like
If I told you
Blaine was terrified to look up into Kurt's eyes; he was afraid that they would be able to see right through him, right through those brick walls he had built up that now just seemed like fragile glass. Hands still poised over the keys, Blaine's mind was spinning. What if I did tell Kurt? But with just one look at the delicate boy with tearstains on his cheeks Blaine decided. Not tonight.
I love this:)! I do hope Blaine will tell Kurt soon, poor Blainers!
I love, love, LOVE Kurt trying to distract Blaine! Ugh, I totally do that all the time to people. I also really love Blaine noticing. I feel like the person always would, so that's awesome. And I love him feeling a bit hurt. Oh, honey! Mama loves you! Awwwwww! CUTE, CUTE, CUTE! I love how Blaine scrunched his eyes up! ADORABLE! AWWW! But more importantly, I love how Kurt noticed. TRUE. FREAKING. LOVE! TRUE LOVE! I love how he didn't want to upset Kurt! So. Adorable. So. Adorable! FREAKING OUT! I love all of Blaine's thoughts. So cute. I love how he so didn't want to ruin things for Kurt. Also, "There was a slight waver and a hint of pain in his voice that betrayed his attempt at sounding lighthearted". Okay... I just died. That was so SWEET! I'm in LOVE! LOVE! D'aaaaw! I love how Kurt is just so... KURT! Ugh, the love, the love, the love! I love how he would take Blaine home whenever needed to be. Awwww! And Kurt giving him a choice, and Blaine not ever getting choices? That's so cute. I think... I think I might pass out. UGH! I think... I think that was the sweetest thing I've ever read. Blaine pretending that Kurt knew everything? Waaaaay too sad and perfect and wonderful. I love him having to push himself on. Oh, Blaine... don't be sad. Mommy and Kurt both love you! (Please ignore my craziness...) I love Blaine feeling more comfortable pretending. Ugh, my baby. That's so sad... I love Kurt so much in this. Look at him being awesome. I love how he WAS clenching his teeth, but how Blaine sounded made him relax. Too adorable. I love how Kurt would sidetrack him and keep everything secret. Blaine, you don't have a CHANCE against Kurt, love. He's too clever. I love how Blaine has been pretending so long that he doesn't know what's real and what isn't. UGH, I LOVE THIS! SNOW! YAY! I LOVE SNOW! Oh my gosh. Kara. They're going ice skating. This is too adorable. I'm in love with everything. HAHAHA! Size 10. Very cute. (Sorry... his feets...) Awww! HE WENT SKATING WITH THE WARBLERS! That's too cute. I'm totally in love with everything happening right now. I love how they made fun of him. I love how he doesn't know how to skate. AH! AND I TOTALLY FORGOT IT WAS HIS BIRTHDAY! That was dumb... Oh my gosh, MINI PANIC ATTACK! Perfect, there is NOTHING I love more than panic attacks. Like, honestly. They make me so happy... Well, they make me sad, but in the words of Sally Sparrow, "Sad is happy for deep people," so... Ugh, Kurt. I want to marry you. You keep Blaine so safe. You won't let him fall! Adorable. OH MY GOSH, KARA! OH MY GOSH! HE HASN'T HAD A GOOD BIRTHDAY! NEVER! SO SAD! Well, he's having one now. So good. Also, like... crap. I love how he stiffened at the word "Mom" and Carole just hugged him tighter. I'm dying from cuteness. Oh my gosh, she made him a Cake. This is so freaking cute. I could actually just cry a little bit. I could, like, honestly cry. I love it so much. Blaine wants to be perfect for Kurt, and he thinks his past means he can't. Oh my gosh. What? No. This is so sweet. I think I may have a heart attack. SO CUTE! SO SAD! UGH, LEMME HUG HIM! I love Finn feeling out of place. That was kind of adorable. I just... I love Finn. I love him. Also, I love Kurt blushing after falling asleep. Favorite. Person. Ever. And I love how you phrased it. "Blaine could have sworn that even in the dark, he could see kurt flushing a faint pink". OOBS ADORABLE! Okay, I just died. He gave him his mom's piano?! Okay, like... the people at my table are looking at me weird cause I'm sniffling, but oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. Blaaaaaaaaaine. Hug him! Ah. Perfect. He just did. IT IS A GOOD BIRTHDAY PRESENT! Oh Blaine... perfect job.