April 28, 2012, 4:49 p.m.
April 28, 2012, 4:49 p.m.
Seeing Kurt standing across the room with apprehension clear in his eyes, Blaine felt reality hit him like a ton of bricks. All I am is a burden. All that I'm doing is just hurting Kurt. No! I can't hurt him the way that my father hurt me! I can't turn into my father!
Kurt shifted his feet, yet he still stood a few paces away from the bed, his eyes wide and sad. No! I can't be the cause of his sadness! I can't be the cause of his pain; I know what it feels like! So how could I hurt him? Somewhere inside, Blaine knew that the reason he had hurt Kurt was just a reflex; he hadn't known that it was Kurt's hand that touched him. But to Blaine right now, he didn't care the reason. All that he knew was that he had hurt Kurt. Oh, God, Blaine realized, I'm no better than my father. His breath was growing shallow and his heart was beginning to speed to an insane pace as he lost control of his thoughts. No! I don't want to be like my father! How could I do that to Kurt? He was falling apart. After holding it together for that long, he was finally just falling apart, because he just couldn't, he wouldn't be like his father.
Taking a wary step closer to him, Kurt reached out his hand. No! Blaine scrambled backwards on the bed, but his legs twisted with the sheets and he felt trapped. Shoulder blades pressed firmly against the hard headboard of the bed, Blaine didn't care that it was digging into his back. What he really needed to do right now was get Kurt as far away from his as possible. I can't let him get any closer to me. Who knows when I will become a monster just like my father? I've added enough pain to Kurt's life, why can't I just make him happy for once?
This time when he spoke, Kurt's voice was steadier, his composure regained. Expecting Kurt to withdraw, Blaine was shocked at how secure Kurt sounded; it was as if Kurt would be able to steady Blaine's shaking world. "I'm not afraid of you." Those five words were all it took for Blaine to remember. This is the boy I love. How could I forget? Kurt is the strong one. He can deal with this when I can't. He is the courageous one. Tension began to release Blaine from his trap as he realized that Kurt could handle him, that Kurt was strong "You're don't have to do this alone anymore." God, when Kurt said things like that, all Blaine wanted to do was tell him the truth. He had already told Kurt so much of the truth. Too much of the truth. I was supposed to keep it hidden, but instead all I did was make him hurt.
Yet there was still so much left unsaid. After that night, he had known that there was something else he wanted to tell Kurt, something else he needed to tell Kurt. But he didn't, he couldn't. Physically, he could not, because there was just a gaping hole. There was a moment that he just could not remember, no matter how hard he tried. All that was there was a blackness that his mind could not penetrate.
And really, he didn't want to. If he spent too long staring into that inky blackness, he could feel his chest tightening, his lungs closing in on themselves, his world breaking. So he just tried to be happy, to smile when he was supposed to, and he blocked out all the bad memories until the didn't even exist. Truthfully, though, they were always there, in the back of his mind, never clear, but always there. It was a hazy cloud that he could keep at bay. Why have I been so… so… stupid? What made me think that I could just keep pretending, and maybe it would work out this time? When did I get so lost in that pretending that I though it might even be real? I thought that I might even actually be happy sometimes, not just hiding behind yet another mask that I created. I am such an idiot! All I did was go around hiding behind a fa�ade that I thought was actually happiness.
At school, he could pretend so well that none of this was going on. Maybe it was because he had been pretending for so long already, but he realized that ever since that night, he had still been pretending; he had never given up the front he had worked on creating for so many years. It wasn't exactly the same, now that the Hummels knew about it, but he was definitely still pretending. Truly, he had never stopped pretending. All that had happened that night was that Kurt found out a tiny piece of a big puzzled. Because they hardly even talked about if, Blaine could just pretend that other things hadn't happened; he could even almost, just almost, actually forget.
I thought that I was finally going to be normal, but all I was doing was lying to myself. Tricking myself that none of it had happened. But just blocking the memories doesn't mean they never happened. All they do is come back when I finally think that everything is done. I will never be the normal person I have been deceiving myself to believe I am. All I am is broken. No matter how hard I smile, they will always be hanging there, in the not so distant depths of my memory, just waiting for the moment when I finally think "maybe this is what happiness feels like", and then they come back. How could I even think of forgetting? How could I?
Kurt's voice cut through his thoughts, "I'm not afraid. I'll never leave your side." It was as if those penetrating eyes could see right into Blaine's heart and just made him melt. Those blue eyes just looked so green suddenly, so familiar to him. And he knew exactly why. In those aqua eyes of Kurt's begging for the answer, Blaine could clearly see someone else's emerald eyes begging for help, and all he wanted to do was help her. But he failed. He couldn't help her, he was just too weak. Now, those eyes looked bluer, and Blaine knew that it wasn't someone else begging to be saved anymore; it was Kurt who just looked so sad. That sadness is for me, but it's the last thing I want Kurt to feel. I just want him to be happy. I just want him to be safe. I want to be the one to make him safe. This time, Blaine knew, he was going to keep this one that he loved safe. This time, Blaine knew, he was going to be strong enough, brave enough, courageous enough.
Truthfully, when Kurt had first pushed open the door to the bedroom with the tray in his arms, he was scared. Blaine had been lying there, writhing as the blankets twisted around him. Forehead creased with what looked like pain, Blaine's mouth was open as if he was screaming in agony, yet no sound was coming out. And Kurt froze. He didn't know what to do. He saw his boyfriend in torment before him and he just froze. Feeling a pain in his chest, Kurt didn't see anything but the boy before him.
Over the past two weeks, Kurt had known that the smiles Blaine threw at him just weren't the same. The light just wasn't reaching his eyes like it had before that night, and that just confused him even more. Isn't everything supposed to be getting better now that Blaine is here, now that Blaine is safe? Yet nothing seemed better. If possible, the boy in front of Kurt looked even more broken and devastated than he had that night.
For a second, Kurt almost dropped the tray that was forgotten in his arms, but then his instincts kicked in and took over his mind. Placing the tray down on the nightstand, he reached out his hand to brush his boyfriends cheek, hoping to gently wake him up. If he had taken a moment to consider what he was doing, maybe Kurt would have realized that that wasn't the best idea, but he would never have anticipated the response that he would receive.
The moment that Kurt's fingers ghosted over his skin, Blaine had lost it. As Blaine swung his arms frantically to fend off whatever had just touched him, he made harsh contact with Kurt's arm. With a sharp intake of breath at the blunt pain, Kurt backed up as fast as he could, but then he regretted stepping away. Blaine's eyes were now wide with terror as he realized that it was Kurt, not anyone else.
"Blaine?" Feeling his eyebrows scrunch together with concern, Kurt didn't want his boyfriend to have that look in his eyes. It was a look that meant so much more than just that he was sorry; it meant that inside, he was killing himself for that one little slip of his composure. That was the last thing that Kurt wanted Blaine to do. He has already been through enough; he doesn't deserve to beat himself up any more than he already has been.
Staring into the tormented face of the boy he loved, Kurt begged him to answer. "Blaine? Please, Blaine, tell me what's wrong. Tell me what I can do." Right now, his heart was echoing through his head as he tried to concentrate on the right things to say. Lowering his voice, Kurt tried to make it calmer for both himself and Blaine. "Please, just tell me the truth, you've done it before." This time, Kurt could feel the lump growing in his throat and he tried to swallow it back down. I'm the one who needs to comfort Blaine now, and I won't be much help if all I do is start crying. Then, he thought one single word. Courage. That was the word that Blaine always texted Kurt when he was still being bullied at McKinley. That was the word that Blaine said to Kurt every time his eyes filled up when the two of them were talking at the Lima Bean. That was the word that Blaine whispered in Kurt's ear each and every night as he said goodnight. Maybe he's the one who needs someone to give him courage for once.
Recalling all of those times where Blaine encouraged him, Kurt could feel warmth coming from inside his heart. That's how I want Blaine to feel. I just want him to know what it means to not have to be the strong one for once; what it feels like to have someone tell you that you don't have to do it alone. "Remember what you always say to me?" Kurt asked, and without even waiting for a response, he breathed that one word. "Courage. You're the courageous one, but that doesn't mean that I can't help you." That's all I really want to do, help you. You've been through so much for so long, always being strong for me no matter what was going on secretly in your own life. Kurt's heart ached and he couldn't keep the sadness away every time he though of Blaine's… situation…
No, Kurt corrected, I might as well accept it now. It wasn't just a situation. It was abuse. It still sent a pang through his stomach every time he used that word. In all the time Kurt knew the other boy, he had never expected he would be uttering the words "abuse" and "Blaine" in the same sentence. But then again, he hadn't expected so many of the moments that he spent with the boy he met on the staircase in Dalton, the boy that now looked so small, terrified, and lost. More than anything, Kurt just wanted to comfort the boy before him.
Subconsciously, Kurt's feet moved forward, obeying the idea that he hadn't even decided on yet. Reaching out his hand slowly, he didn't want to move too quickly for fear of startling Blaine. Still, though, Kurt's slight movements were enough to set Blaine off. Sheets tangled with Blaine's limbs as he recoiled from Kurt's outstretched hand, slammed his back tight against the headboard of the bed. At first, Blaine cringed and a frantic look flashed in his eyes. The heart-wrenching expression on Blaine's face left a pang in Kurt's heart. But I won't give up, he realized."I'm not afraid of you." Kurt heard the words leave his mouth, and he knew what he was saying was absolutely true. Blaine wasn't the one he was afraid of; it was Blaine's father who terrified Kurt. And that's exactly the person who Blaine is afraid of right now. Kurt could see as Blaine began relaxed away from the headboard, his fearful eyes visibly softening. Kurt could hear that Blaine's breathing was still ragged, but at least it was a good sign that he didn't have that frantic look in his features anymore.
Yet as Kurt stood there, he could still see a deep-rooted fear, one that he used to see flashes of whenever Blaine used to fall silent for reasons that Kurt hadn't understood back then. As Kurt took another cautious step forward, he hoped that Blaine wouldn't scramble backwards again. So slowly, Kurt eased his way towards Blaine, trying not to startle the boy as he was just beginning to bring his wall down. He was just starting to let Kurt see him at his weakest point, with no more masks or pretending. Now, Kurt only wanted to help him. Blaine has been dealing with this on his own for so long, but not anymore.
Steeling himself, Kurt stared right into Blaine's eyes as he told him, "You're don't have to do this alone anymore." Doesn't he get it yet? He doesn't have to be the brave one anymore. It's his turn to relinquish some of this burden that he had been carrying around with him for so long. It's his turn to be taken care of, and it's my turn to be the one to help him. Why can't he understand that? I'm not going to go running in fear. No matter what, I will be there for him.
"I'm not afraid. I'll never leave your side," Kurt said with all the truth of his heart. I'm here now, and nothing you do will ever make me leave. The effect that his words had on Blaine was immediate, and he could see as the boy's face softened. Unclenching his jaw, Blaine visibly let go of some tension. There was still some pain in his eyes, but Kurt knew that wasn't immediately going to just disappear. Blaine had lived through years of this nightmare; no matter how much Kurt wished he could just make it all disappear, he realized it wasn't going to be that easy. Right now, he knew that Blaine's world was extremely rough, but he would do his best to steady it.
Growling undeniably loudly, Blaine's stomach interrupted Kurt's thoughts, and both Blaine and Kurt let small smiles play across their mouths. Even though Kurt could see that Blaine's did not reach his eyes, it made him feel a little bit better. It gave him hope that, maybe, Blaine wasn't broken beyond repair.
Remembering his original purpose for coming upstairs, Kurt scooped up the ignored tray from the nightstand. He bit his bottom lip, worrying about what to do. I kind of doubt that Blaine is in a celebrating mood right now… But I swore that I would make this day special for him, and nothing that happened changes that. Anyways, an eighteenth birthday only comes once, and, well, it's an eighteenth birthday. I know it legally only means that he can vote with me now, but what's more important is just the novelty of finally being an adult.
"Umm…" Kurt started awkwardly, unsure of what to say. "Here," he offered lamely. Holding the tray out to Blaine, he waited for a response, but the other boy was only staring at him with an inscrutable expression. Beginning to doubt his decision to bring breakfast to Blaine in bed, Kurt tried to explain himself. "I kind of… umm… made a little bit of breakfast for you. It's not anything stunning, I mean, it's just some French toast and coffee… and some flowers. Sorry… I just sort of assumed that you would want to, you know, do something special… sorry. If you don't want it I can just bring it back downstairs right now. I probably should have said something before today instead of trying to just surprise you with something special like this. I just didn't really… I mean… I didn't stop to think about if you would want to celebrate your birthday or not, I just kind of selfishly jumped in and started planning everything and-"
"Kurt," Blaine interrupted his mindless babbling, "It's okay." Flashing his eyes up quickly to meet Blaine's gaze, Kurt could see that everything wasn't okay; yet at the same time, the smile teasing at the corners of Blaine's mouth was sincere, truthful. As another growl emitted from his stomach, Blaine asked, "So, is there any chance that I can get some of that French toast? I think that my stomach would really appreciate it right about now." Without hesitation, Kurt placed the tray in his boyfriend's outstretched arms, being careful not to spill any of the coffee.
Leaning his head forward, Blaine's un-gelled curls bounced freely. As he buried his nose into the velvety petals of the roses, he mused, "The flowers are beautiful. Thank you so much for doing this for me, you have no idea just how much it means to me."
When Blaine stared at him with those melted-caramel eyes full of emotions that Kurt couldn't even begin to describe, he could literally feel his legs go weak beneath him. I know it's such a clich�, Kurt thought to himself, but when his curls fall in his face and his lips curl into that smile, I can't help but think that he is the most beautiful person I have ever seen. "Those flowers can't even compare to how beautiful you are." A wide smile spread across Blaine's face and his eyes glowed. Holy crap! Did I just say that out loud? No, Kurt groaned, that was one of the cheesiest things ever! I can't believe I thought that, let alone spoke it aloud. He could fee heat rising quickly up his neck, and he was positive that his entire face was a brilliant red.
Before Kurt had a chance to backtrack in an attempt to salvage his words, Blaine had already moved on. "So," Blaine asked, "about the rest of today, is there any chance that I will get to find out about these plans that you have been making?" Oh, yeah, that's right. I had a whole day planned out for us. Excitement was growing in Kurt's chest again as he thought about it; just a whole day that he was going to be with Blaine.
Fixing the most mischievous look on his face as he could muster, Kurt teased, "Well, if you ever actually eat that wonderful breakfast I made for you, I'll let you know. For now, I'll just have to keep it a secret." Blaine stuck out his tongue in such a childish way that Kurt couldn't help himself but to giggle out loud. It seemed like Blaine was excited for the day, because the next second, he started cutting off huge pieces of French toast and cramming them into his mouth. Sitting down next to his boyfriend on the bed, Kurt didn't mean to, but his thoughts just started to wander. Maybe next year will be happier, he thought. Wait, next year? How can I even be sure that I will be with Blaine next year, or the year after that? Not even just for his birthday, but for any day? Yet, though he doubted himself, Kurt knew that there would be nowhere else he would rather be, and before he could stop himself, he was imagining his future; he was imagining their future.
He could practically see it; years from now, he would wake up beside Blaine every morning, watching the serene smile play on his mouth before tiptoeing to the kitchen to make breakfast. As he cooked omelets, a groggy-eyed Blaine wearing only his flannel pajama pants would enter the kitchen and greet Kurt with a tender kiss. Kurt would mix up a cup of coffee, just the way Blaine liked it, and sit down to join him at the kitchen table. After a few minutes, they would hear the almost inaudible padding of feet down the hallway and a little girl with sleep-tousled dark ringlet curls would come into view. Looking like an angel in her delicate white nightgown, she would still be rubbing the sleep out of her eyes. Blaine would beckon her over and pull her onto his lap, a smile playing his lips. They would be a family, and through the tough times they would stick together; they would love each other even more, because there would always be a tomorrow. A wonderful, beautiful, breathtaking future was waiting for them.
In the blink of an eye, Kurt was back in the guest room of his house, but the thought still lingered. Instantly, Kurt realized that he had made his decision long ago. I'll stay with him forever. With this thought, Kurt could feel a flutter of nervous excitement in his chest. I will still be standing by Blaine's side, years from now. What Blaine has gone through will not change that; if anything, it will only make that more definite.
So I admit that I was scared of reviewing this fic, mainly because I'm a terrible reviewer, but also because I don't really know what to say. It is amazing. Seriously. You have such a beautiful way of capturing emotions through internal dialogue. You can even portray emotion through describing flipping eye colour. That takes a serious amount of talent! This story makes me so happy, but then I feel like a jerk for liking hurt!Blaine. Ugh, who cares! The point is that your fic has got to be one of the best I have ever read. Which is saying a lot, because Klaining is kinda my thing. In celebration of your general awesomeness, I would like to offer you a virtual hug and a cup of medium drip coffee.
OH MY GOD!! YOU JUST MADE ME THE HAPPIEST PERSON ON THE PLANET!!! First of let me ask a question. In what universe are you a terrible reviewer? Thank you so much for reviewing even if you didn't know what to say! So, I have to say, I don't really have a lot of confidence in my writing ability, and I find it amazing when someone else thinks that I have talent. Oh, and thank you very much for the coffee!!
BAD, Blaine. Kurt LOVES you. You are NOT a burden. BAD. Shhhhoot. Shoot. This whole deal with Blaine feeling like his father cause he hurt Kurt? I can't even process that. Ugh, that was actually really intense, Faery. Like... afjdk. Gah. That's so legit... "...he could feel his chest tightening, his lungs closing in on themselves, his world breaking." Gah, crap just got real... Okay, like, you make it hard to breathe. I read this, and I can't breathe. It's AMAZING and I LOVE IT. Stop acting like I can't or don't, cause this is... gah. This is GAH. Ugh, everything. EVERYTHING. About Blaine pretending and wanting Kurt to be happy honestly hurts my heart more than I can explain... Oh my gosh, my soul... So saaaaaaaaaad. I love Kurt being scared when he first saw Blaine... I love the gentleness of his first attempt to wake him up... I love how he thought things were supposed to be better, but they weren't. Oh Kurt... read a fanfic... "It wasn't just a situation. It was abuse." Wow. That was impacting... For the record, rereading over this dialogue, I have to say that I am extremely impressed with it. Great job. "You don't have to do this alone anymore" a;sdjg;aksdjfa;lksbna;kdjsfh9qwoiengb;asldfjk;alksdcb ae OH MY GOSH! SEE?! LOVE! That is just so... love, and nothing BUT love, and it makes my head hurt, Faery. I love Kuuuurt. Okay, FIRST. You and Kurt are so, like... it's funny cause I read it, and it's just so, so Kurt. I know you don't think so, but it really is... like, him being all "Um... here." Ha. Yes. But then I also see you all over the place... I don't know how to say what I'm thinking... just know that I love it. Second: "I will still be standing by Blaine's side years from now. What Blaine has gone through will not change that; if anything, it will only make that more definite" Like... Faery. Faery. That is crazy beautiful... that is beautiful and amazing and perfect. SKIP A CHAPPY!
Well, I guess you really are going with the name Faery, aren't you?... and I'm just really bad a responding to reviews, aren't I?Just know that all those in my math class probably think I'm insane because I'm smiling so wide!I don't even know what else to say...