I've Said Too Much, Yet Not Enough
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I've Said Too Much, Yet Not Enough: Chapter 2

T - Words: 2,460 - Last Updated: Apr 28, 2012
Story: Closed - Chapters: 12/? - Created: Nov 11, 2011 - Updated: Apr 28, 2012
1,386 0 1 0 0

Author's Notes: So, I would like to thank any of you who have this story as a favorite or an alert. It is amazing for people to actually read and like my writing.This characters have taken over this story, and it is now going in a direction that I did not even imagine.

The light of day looked unnatural to Blaine as the door closed behind him. Because his insides were dark and writhing, he had almost expected that it would still be dark outside. Everything felt like he was in a sort of fog, his brain not fully comprehending the new situation that he had been thrown into. Squinting into the brightness, Blaine stopped in his tracks, heart jolting.

Seeing one of his father's cars in the Hummel's driveway practically gave him a heart attack before he vaguely remembered that he had grabbed the keys and drove over here at 2 AM. With a sigh of relief, Blaine gave a nervous laugh that had nothing to do with cheerfulness. I can't believe I though my father would actually be here. I guess I'm just a little jumpy still, he considered.

He took another look at his father's car, trying to figure out if he should drive the car that Burt Hummel had handed him the keys for. The twisting of his stomach told him that he really didn't want to be in his father's car. I know that I'm going to have to go back into my house soon… but I just want to escape him. At least for a little bit longer.

Heading towards the car he knew as Mr. Hummel's, Blaine couldn't suppress his thoughts.

Last night had practically turned his whole world upside down, but as Blaine rode down the street, he realized that the rest of the world was still continuing like normal. Children were playing hockey in the street, and parents were raking leaves. It's so normal and perfect. Why couldn't I have just kept up that facade for longer? Blaine knew he shouldn't be thinking these things. Coming to Kurt was the best thing to do. Even that, though, wasn't really a decision that he made. It was more of just his subconscious keeping him safe. If it had been up to Blaine, he would have tried to just keep pretending. But when he was terrified and didn't know what to do, his subconscious had probably saved him. It didn't just save him from his father; it saved him from himself too.

Already reaching his neighborhood, Blaine's heart sped even faster. For the first time, he cursed just how closely he and Kurt lived. It was generally rather helpful, but now he wished for a much further away house.

On his street, he slowed the car to a crawl. Blaine knew that his father should be at work, but he just wanted to be careful. Holding his breath, he squinted into the distance at his house. The driveway was empty. Though that was what should be expected, Blaine still felt a sense of relief.

As he got out of the car and walked up to the front door, his legs were moving of their own accord. It went against everything that he was feeling and thinking to return to his house. It's not my home, he realized as he forced his feet to keep moving. There's nothing left for me here, anyway.

Key clicking in the lock, Blaine hesitated to open the door. Nausea was twisting in his stomach at the prospect of going back into that house with so many bad memories in it. Just one night of being away, and I never want to return.

Nothing had changed, yet everything was different.

I was finally able to say something to Kurt about… Almost afraid to think it, Blaine tried to block out his thoughts. Of course, it was impossible. If I had just told him that…well, I guess I still could… No! Picturing Kurt's terrified look that morning when he had awoken from his nightmare made Blaine's decision. For now, at least, I don't think that Kurt could handle it. He is very delicate after all. Even though he's been through so much in his life, he's still just a child.

"I am not a child anymore!" Kurt shouted at his father, jumping to his feet. "I can't believe you don't trust that I am responsible and able to handle this!" As he became more worked up, his voice raised a few octaves. No, it was not fair! He knows better than anyone just what I have gone through! Why can't he understand that this is almost more important than any of that!

Even though Burt's expression was empathetic, his raising discomfort was obvious. "That's not what I meant," he said, attempting to stay patient "What I was trying to say was that you and Blaine haven't exactly been in a relationship for very long and this is a very serious subject."

"You think I don't know just how serious this is? Earlier this morning I saw my boyfriend walk into my room bloody and beaten! I was the one to clean him up and take care of him!" It is so unreal to say that, but it's true. Feeling his throat closing up, Kurt struggled to keep getting his words out.

"Just…just let me help him…let him stay…" Kurt's voice dropped to a whisper. Damn it! I have to show my dad that I can handle all of this. I'm not supposed to cry! Blinking his eyes slowly, he suppressed his coming tears.

"Of course I'm saying that Blaine can stay!" Looking just a little bit overwhelmed, Kurt's father tried to backtrack what he was saying. "It's just that with all of this causing Blaine to move in, I don't want your relationship to be…um…rushed."

Oh my God! This is so awkward! If Burt's face was getting flushed, Kurt was sure his own face was red as a beet. Attempting to cover his face with his hands, Kurt tried to keep his mind out of the practically nonexistent gutter. I don't even know very much about…

With a more serious expression, Burt continued, "You, my son, are more important to me than anything else. Not that I don't trust you, but I will be keeping a close eye on you." That is most definitely a threat, Kurt thought apprehensively. "I know that you and Blaine are…together now, but this is my house. Nothing inappropriate is going to happen in my house!"

"DAD! I can't believe you…I don't even…oh my God…Dad…" Kurt was so flustered he couldn't finish a single sentence he was trying to get out. Though he was trying to convince his father contrary, Kurt couldn't help but imagine his father finding him and Blaine making out. Practically squealing with nervous embarrassment, he covered his mouth even tighter. This conversation could not get any more uncomfortable.

That was until the Carole opened the front door to let his boyfriend back in.

Coming back to the Hummel's house was stranger than Blaine thought if would be. Even though I've been here so many times before, it seems so different now. From outside he could see the lights coming from almost every room, inviting him in. Inviting me home, he reminded himself.

Everything just felt so unreal. Home was a place that Blaine had been missing since he was a little boy. His house just never felt like where he belonged. Always fearful, always dreading, always waiting, he didn't feel safe there. When he had gone to Dalton, it was most definitely an improvement. It was as if he had a hundred brothers, and the fact that they all cared for him so much was something that he could hardly fathom.

But it still hadn't been home. He couldn't have the care his mother used to give him, or the paternal affection he desired from his father. Brothers were wonderful in their own ways, but he didn't have a family there. Hell, Blaine didn't even have a family before that either. Mr. Anderson did not count as a father. Though his mother loved him, she couldn't stop the things that were done to herself or her son. Secretly, Blaine had even hoped that he would be an older brother at one point. He had always loved little kids, and he had a soft spot for little girls in particular. They just seemed so fragile that he wanted to take care of them. He just wanted to make something turn out right.

In Blaine's household, though, that never happened. Mr. Anderson decided that he hated children, and he took special care to make sure that he never created another horrible abomination like that of his failure of a son.

Shaking these memories from his mind, Blaine attempted to think more optimistically. I finally get to come home. He gave a small smile of anticipation. This is the family that I have always been wanting; a father to care for me no matter who I am, a mother to bake me cookies for no reason at all, and a brother like Finn to play video games and sports with. Last but not least, I am loved and I have someone to love in return.

Love had become Blaine's favorite word. He was still afraid to use it, though, because he knew how much those three words meant to Kurt. It wasn't that Blaine didn't mean them, but it was that he didn't want to rush them. This was both of the boys' first significant relationship, and Blaine just didn't want to mess anything up.

Figuring that it was probably time to go inside, Blaine got out of the car and headed up to the front door. Suddenly, a question sprang to his mind. Should I knock or just walk in? It was a silly worry, but Blaine didn't want to be rude by letting himself into the Hummel's house.

Saving him the awkwardness of making this decision, Carole opened the door to let Blaine inside. She gave him a sad smile that Blaine attempted to return, but it was more likely a grimace. Of course Carole would have to know, too. After all, I am going to be living in their house.

"Welcome home Blaine." He didn't know how Carole always knew exactly what he needed to hear, and this only made Blaine like Carole even more than he already did. Not only did she make Kurt cheerful, but she also truly cared for him. She was the most openhearted when Kurt had first introduced Blaine to the Hummel-Hudson family. From then, Carole had grown to become a second mother to him.

Ushering Blaine into the kitchen, Carole said loud enough for Burt and Kurt to hear, "I was just coming downstairs. There were some loud noises that seem to have woken me up." Looking pointedly at her husband, she raised her eyebrows.

Well, this is really uncomfortable. Blaine remembered that before he had left that morning it had been obvious that Mr. Hummel had really wanted to have a little talk with his son. I guess they had a chance to talk, Blaine presumed by the tension in the air.

"These are your things, I assume," Kurt's father said tersely, gesturing to the duffel bag that Blaine was carrying. Looking absolutely horrified, Kurt drew in a gasp of air. Practically laughing, Blaine could guess what was going through his boyfriend's mind. Duffel bag. Singular. As in, all of my clothes are shoved in a tiny little bag, becoming wrinkled and mangled.

Floundering with his words, Kurt managed, "Y-your clothes… d-duffel bag… really everything?" Continuing to stutter, he looked reproachful when Blaine gave him a sheepish grin. I'm probably going to get a whole lesson on how to properly take care of my clothes. It seemed pretty funny now, but Blaine had truthfully meant to pack more of his possessions in a neater way. The only thing that had stopped him was the fact that he was terrified to stay in his house any longer and had just bolted with whatever he already packed. Anyways, I can always borrow some of Kurt's things. Grinning even wider, he thought, It was a lot of fun shopping in his closet after all.

"You can bring your bag up to the spare room," Burt let him know. "That's where you will be staying." Snatching the duffel from Blaine's hands, Kurt looked like he didn't want to let the clothes be damaged anymore.

Before Blaine had a chance to follow Kurt up to his new room, Burt stopped him. Lightly placing a hand on Blaine's shoulder, Kurt's father smiled warmly. Giving him an awkward pat on his back, Burt let Blaine know that he was all right with him being there. Does this count as his blessing, Blaine wondered strangely.

Bounding up the stairs, Blaine hurried to catch up with Kurt. As he rounded the corner to his room, another door opened. Finn was rubbing his eyes as he walked out of his room, running strait into Blaine.

"Ung…sorry Kurt," he said, eyes still closed. "Whoa, dude!" Caught by surprise, Finn practically jumped back when he realized that it was Blaine who he bumped into. "What are you doing here?" Obviously, he knows nothing of what happened last night. But what should I tell him? Torn between flat out lying or telling Finn the truth, Blaine just stood there silently.

"Oh, sorry, that was a dumb question." It hadn't really been a stupid question, but Blaine wasn't going to correct Finn. "You're just here to see Kurt." Trudging away, Finn headed towards the kitchen to get some much needed coffee.

Well, I guess Finn may be getting quite a shock today. Hopefully he won't find it too weird. He will be living with two gay boys now, Blaine considered. Blaine didn't want the football team to be any harsher to Finn than they already were. If he could keep it this way, Blaine hoped that no one else at McKinley would find out. He hated to imagine what they would do to Kurt. Truthfully, he couldn't imagine going back to a school where someone knew his story, but a part of him realized that almost no one would know his story. That little piece of him though of how, when he was at school, he could just pretend to be the person he always had before.

Again, making his way to his room, Blaine found Kurt sitting on the bed. Coming up to his boyfriend silently, Blaine joined him. Kurt jolted, surprised by this quiet approach. In an attempt to hide his stray tears from Blaine, Kurt rubbed furiously at his cheeks.

Giving up on that effort, Kurt wrapped his arms around Blaine. He loves me, Blaine knew even though no words were shared. Nothing needed to be said. They understood exactly what the other was thinking. Even though Kurt always feels like the weak one, he has proven to be exactly the opposite. Right now, I'm the one who needs this comforting. Smiling into Kurt's shoulder, Blaine knew that this was the boy that he loved.

"It can only get better from here," Kurt hoped with all his might.

End Notes: Thank you for reading! Please review to let me know what you thought!


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Bwahaha, I so remember this. I loved, and still love, Blaine seeing the people outside still acting normal and kids playing and stuff. That SO put everything into perspective! I absolutely love it! It sort of takes you out of that "They're sad, so it must be raining..." movie mindset, and throws you into real life! I could eat it up. I like how he was "slowing the car to a crawl". That's something I wanna use... I LOVE you're vocabulary. Awesome... Also, I like him not wanting to hurt Kurt or anything with what went on in his house. Oh, baby... Bwahahahahaha. You SO write like you talk. So does Laura Jobe... That's adorable, "THIS WAS SO AWKWARD!" I LOVE how you included that whole section. It was AWESOME! Again with perspective thing. Ugh, I could put this in a candy wrapper and sell it... Bwahaha. It is unreal isn't it. I like the mention of living at Dalton like having 100 brothers. That was a cool thought. Oh! Winter Weekend, we're gonna be living with 100 sisters. GET AMPED! It's not only fun, but REALLY inspiring. The love is palpable. Not like a home, you're right, but it IS very cool. (also, you won't have to worry about forgetting anything...) "Mr. Anderson decided that he hated children..." that was actually amazing. I loved that line. I like when people say terrible things like that... "Duffle bag. Singular." See, you are INCREDIBLE at writing Kurt! Like... oh my gosh, incredible! When I asked you for advice, you SO should have poured out your knowledge to me. That was so great... I love how horrified he was... Bwahahahahaha. Poor Finn. I love that boy... He's so slow and silly and I love Blaine being all "Um... what do I say right now?" Cute. He WILL be in for quite a shock, won't he?