Family Ruins
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Family Ruins: Chapter 3

T - Words: 1,616 - Last Updated: Jun 05, 2012
Story: Closed - Chapters: 4/? - Created: Dec 11, 2011 - Updated: Jun 05, 2012
696 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: Oops I forgot to update this fic on here, so there'll be two chapters today, maybe three if I decide to write this one
Kurt, now standing all alone in the hallway of his boyfriend’s house, made to go downstairs. He stopped when he saw a girl, probably only a few years younger than himself opening a doorway into another room, stopping and looking curiously at him before approaching him. Kurt smiled at her and waved just a bit awkwardly.
“Hi,” she said, minutely tilting her head to the side. “Who are you?” Glancing to the doorway of Blaine’s room, she raised an eyebrow.
“I-um,” Kurt stuttered out for a moment, blushing and already cursing Blaine for leaving him alone in the maze of a home. “I’m with Blaine.”
“Obviously,” she said the word slowly, stretching it out and smiling suggestively. “So you’re the boyfriend, huh?”
“What?” His cheeks felt incredibly hot now, and he honestly wanted nothing more than to pick the lock of Blaine’s door to get away from the brown eyes, boring into his own.
“Oh Blaine just gushes about you- oh probably shouldn’t say that,” she cut herself off, covering her mouth, but barely hiding the grin. “You are hot though, damn.” She looked Kurt up and down. “By the way, I’m Claire, his younger sister, though he probably never bothered to mention me.” She grabbed a shocked Kurt by the shoulders and pulling him into a bone-crushing hug, swaying to the side a couple of times before releasing him.
“Why aren’t you with Blaine right now?” Claire asked him, pointing to the door. “Did he honestly not take advantage of you and an empty bed?” At Kurt’s fidget, she grinned. “Oh.”
“He told me he had a surprise for me, and then kicked me out,” Kurt said, rubbing his neck, trying to change the subject. “He also told me to find your mom-“
“Say no more,” Claire interrupted, raising an open palm towards him. “I am now your escort for the evening. At least until your boyfriend gets out.” Kurt smiled at her, relieved. Kurt took a closer look at her. She was wearing a stunning red dress, cut off just below the knees. It had a plunging neckline, and Kurt couldn’t help but think it fit her personality extremely well. She was very beautiful, with long eyelashes, curled up, light brown hair and dark red lipstick. Wow, they are one attractive family.
They got better acquainted as Claire led Kurt by the arm down the elegant stairway. They walked into the kitchen, where Blaine’s mother sat, chatting lightheartedly with two other women, all about the same age as her. She smiled when they approached.
“Claire, you look beautiful,” she gushed once she looked the girl over. “Oh and Kurt, I have some people I’d like you to meet. This,” she gestured to the woman on her left, “Is my sister Gina, Blaine’s aunt.”
“Nice to meet you ma’am,” Kurt said politely, unhooking his arm from Claire’s to take Gina’s hand and shake it. She looked him up and down, and he felt uncomfortable, shifting on his feet.
“Yes, and you as well,” she replied, still looking him over, and Kurt looked away, feeling like he was being judged. “So how do you know our Blaine?”
The air in the room changed instantly, and Kurt could see Blaine’s mother stiffen slightly. Kurt wasn’t absolutely sure if Blaine’s aunt knew he was gay, or if she just didn’t accept it, but either way, he was now nervous. He looked from side to side, wishing for his boyfriend to just hurry up already. Clearly, the woman was waiting for an answer, so Kurt mustered up a bit of courage and said, “Well-gulp- I’m his boyfriend.”
No one moved, save for Gina, who leaned back in her seat, a surprised look donning her face. Then, she placed a hand on her chin, looking contemplative. The other woman, who Kurt had yet to be introduced to, glanced between all of them. Kurt’s muscles tensed a bit, and he wondered why he wanted to impress Blaine’s family so much, but as he thought about it, he figured it out. If he couldn’t do that, and his family hated him, Blaine would have to choose between his family and him, and Kurt would never make him have to make a decision like that-
His gibberish thoughts were disrupted by Gina humming. “That’s interesting.” Looking deep in thought once more, she placed her hands on the granite countertop and clicked her blue nails along the top. “Well, I suppose it’s good that Blaine has finally found someone,” she said at last, and it seemed like the whole world was able to breathe once again.
The tension erased from Kurt’s shoulders at the statement. He smiled, relieved, and the polite woman tried her best to return it, though Kurt could tell it was a real strain on her.
“So,” suddenly Melinda said, now pointing to the other woman. This is my other sister, Eva.” Kurt and Eva also shook hands, both smiling, and instantly clicking.
“Is it okay if I sit here for a bit?” Kurt asked the women, nodding towards the empty seat. “Blaine sort of abandoned me here while he gets ready.”
“By all means!” Eva exclaimed, already pulling the chair out so he can take a seat. Gina just nodded. Kurt takes a seat, Claire grabbing another chair to sit on as well. The five of them talked for a while until more family members started to arrive, all elegantly dressed, making Kurt feel awfully embarrassed about his outfit choice. After voicing that he felt underdressed, Eva waved her hand. “Don’t be silly Kurt, you look great!” Kurt smiled and couldn’t help but ask if she were married to Blaine’s uncle Stan. “Yes, I sure am!” she said, holding up her wedding ring. “How’d you know?”
“Lucky guess,” Kurt said smiling. They must all be nice.
So far, Kurt had met two cousins of Blaine, who were twin boys. They were very enthusiastic and immediately hugged Kurt when they met him, squashing him into a sandwich. He also met some more uncles and aunts of Blaine, and Kurt was astonished at the size of the family. They just kept coming too, and he was starting to become overwhelmed trying to remember all of the names. He was extremely grateful to have Claire there to remind him if he happened to forgot.
“Kurt, would you like to help with dinner?” Melinda asked him when he was done being introduced to everyone who had arrived so far, and he immediately agreed to help out.
“Thank God,” Eva said out loud. At the questioning look Kurt gave her, she said “Oh, well my poor baby sis unfortunately cannot cook for her life.” She laughed when Melinda gave her a glare. Kurt just patted her hand and set to work.
The women were all surprised at his cooking skills, and Kurt sort of liked all of the attention that he was getting. He skipped around the kitchen wearing an apron, singing lightly to himself, while they all watched, deciding not to get in the way. With Kurt in charge of the food, it would probably be done an hour earlier than usual, which made them all happy.
“Wow, mom. Can I keep him?” Claire asked from her place at the counter, wiggling her eyebrows.
“Sorry, taken,” Kurt answered her without looking up from the potatoes he was slicing. All four women giggled, including Gina, and Kurt felt accomplished.
“But I want someone who can cook as well as you,” Claire whined out, and Kurt could tell she was pouting. He chuckled and just kept to his work.
“Didn’t I tell you he was the best?” A voice rang out, and Kurt immediately looked up with a huge toothy grin.
Then almost dropped the knife he was holding on his foot. It fell with a clatter onto the wooden floor, but Kurt barely even noticed. Standing there, wearing jeans and a really tight black button-down shirt was Blaine. His boyfriend. Blaine his incredibly hot boyfriend. But that wasn’t all. His hair was free of all of the gel that usually restrained it, and Kurt nearly passed out at the sight of the unruly curls framing his face, which somehow made his eyes look even greener and holy shit.
Someone wolf-whistled, and Kurt figured it was probably Claire, but he didn’t really care at the moment. He was looking at Blaine, just staring. Blaine was grinning, and Kurt had never seen him look so confident before, so free, besides the times when it was the two of them together. He also had never seen Blaine in anything else besides his usually adorable but occasionally dorky clothes.
“Damn,” Claire said, and was reprimanded by her mother as Kurt just stared, his mouth wide open. He really shouldn’t have been that surprised, but he was. Cause “damn” was right, his boyfriend was hot.
Blaine and Kurt both stared at each other, until Blaine walked up to him, grabbed him and pulled him by the waist so he could kiss him. They pulled back and Blaine smiled, pressing their noses together sweetly and swiping his thumb along Kurt’s sides.
“Well double damn,” now Eva was the one to speak, and Claire laughed, high-fiving her aunt while Melinda glared at them both.
“Well that was certainly a surprise, Mr. Anderson,” Kurt chuckled, still not able to help himself from ogling at Blaine, especially his arms.
“The good kind?” Blaine asked, looking nervous for the first time since he had shown up in the doorway. Kurt smiled and kissed his cheek.
“The very good kind.”
“God, someone please call me a dentist.”
End Notes: Thanks for reading! I love you all!


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