Dance with me
Chapter 2 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Dance with me: Chapter 2

E - Words: 1,885 - Last Updated: Aug 16, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 5/? - Created: Aug 03, 2013 - Updated: Aug 16, 2013
184 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: Haha!! Tell me how you liked it and I'm gonna add non-con to my categories.

Blaine awakes slowly and feels something heavy attached to his whole left side. He turns his head and is met with the sight of a completely naked and hair rumpled Kurt with his leg and arm on top of his body with his head on his shoulder. Even in this state Kurt had never looked so beautiful with the sun shining on his lithe body cascading on his skin showing his slightly freckled shoulder Blaine thought'.

"Mmmm, hi sleepy." Kurt says in a dreamy tone of voice.

Blaine leans down to lay next to Kurt. "Hey I thought you were asleep?"

" I was but I felt you moving and I wanted my kiss." he said leaning in for a morning kiss that maybe was a bit too passionate for the time of morning, but neither cared.

"So I was thinking we could go out for breakfast and then I could show you around New York." Kurt said once they had broken away from the kiss.

"That actually sounds great just let me call Burt and tell him I made it in and then I can go get my stuff from the hotel then we can leave."

"My dad knows you're here?" Kurt says inquisitively.

" Yeah, he was actually the only one I told." Blaine says with a hint of blush on his cheeks.


"Well because I felt like I needed permission to talk to you and I needed advice on if I should come up here or not, I was kind of scared that you would reject me that's kind of why I got drunk, so that if you did it wouldn't hurt so bad." he said as he bent his head down so he wouldn't see the tears in his eyes.

Kurt slowly lifted Blaine's head so that he could kiss him softly. "I would have never rejected you I love you too much, and I'm sorry it took me 8 months to realize it."

"So, now that that's cleared up why don't we get in the shower, it's been awhile since we've had shower sex." Kurt said seductively as he ran a finger down Blaine's chest.

" I'll beat ya!!" Blaine said jumping out of the bed naked and racing into the bathroom. All Kurt could do was sit there and enjoy the view while thinking , 'He is gonna be the death of me.', before running in the bathroom after him.

They were half through their shower-after the sex of course- when an angry and rushing rachel runs in the bathroom.

Kurt sticks his shampoo covered head out from behind the curtain. "Rach! We're kind of occupying the bathroom and you are seriously damaging my cleansing routine knowing you're on the other side of the curtain!"

"Nuh uh, you have no right to talk to me about interruptions! Who was it that had loud obnoxious sex last night! You apparently was in so much of a rush to get curly over there- "Hey!" says Blaine- "into bed last night that you left your door open and I had to apologize to our neighbors early this morning interrupting my sleep!" Rachel grabs her brush and shoes and rushes out of the bathroom out into the living room.

"I thought you closed the door Kurt?" says Blaine as he rinsed the soap out of Kurt's hair. After a while when they both got out of the shower Kurt finally says something.

"Blaine? I think we rushed into this. We should probably talk about some things before we advance in our relationship."

"Yeah we kind of did get together before we talked about anything really. Or if we have a relationship." he added to himself.

"So how about this, I take you out to my favorite restaurant in New York and we can talk there. No interruptions. Just you. And me." Kurt offered.

He wanted to get Blaine out of the house for 4 reasons.

  1. So he wouldn't have sex with him.

  2. So Rachel could get some quiet time.

  3. So they could talk and think about where they wanted their relationship to go.

  4. So he wouldn't have sex with him.

Thinking about it started to make a familiar heat come up in his stomach and he was trying to make it out of the bathroom without being pushed against a wall and fucked just the way Blaine knew he liked it.

'Ok Kurt, we really have to stop thinking about sex. Naked Rachel, naked Rachel naked Rachel! Annnnd gone, that was close.' Kurt thought

"Oh my God, what am I doing here?" Rachel thought aloud as she paced the airport floor. She was waiting for that familiar face to pop up any minute now.


" What am I doing, I can't call him! He's probably asleep by now." she thought aloud. The ringing of someone calling someone on the phone cuts through the midnight air.


"Hey Finn, it's Rachel."

"Rach?! I thought we weren't gonna talk-"

" Finn!" Rachel cut in. " Finn there is something I need to tell you... I know we haven't talked in awhile and I know we said we were gonna cut off all communication but I..I-I..."

"But what Rachel?" Finn said with concern edging his voice.

"I'm still in love with you and I want you back!" Rachel blurted. "I miss you everyday. I miss the way you look at me when you have a really good idea and you know in your heart it's gonna work. I miss your horrible horrible dancing and the warm sensation you left on my lips when we kissed, I love you Finn, and I really needed to tell you that."

She hadn't meant to say it like that, but since she did, she just let the silence take over until Finn said something.

" I'm's just a lot to process."

Rachel could tell he had that look on his face when he didn't know when to be confused or happy.

"Rachel I'm gonna get on a plane and I'll see you tomorrow ok?" Finn said

"Ok." Rachel said with a smile on her face.

" I-I love you Rachel."

For a second she just sat in the moment enjoying hearing him say those familiar words.

"I love you too Finn."

End Flashback

Rachel was so caught up in her memory, she barely registered the tall quarterback to feet in front of her.

"Hey Rachel."

"Hello Finn."

Kurt and Blaine seemed to have kicked back to their old routine of watching movies and snuggling on the couch. Before they knew it time had flown by and they were getting ready to leave....well almost.

"Blaine hurry up we're gonna lose our reservation!" Kurt yelled through the bathroom door at Blaine who was still doing his hair.

"Sorry babe I was trying to find my new jar of hair gel." Blaine said as he stepped out the bathroom. "But if its any consolation you look beautiful tonight." he said with a seductive voice.

"Well I have to say you look handsome too." Kurt said leaning in for a kiss.

Their lips were just about to touch when there was knock on the door.

"Who could that be?" Kurt said

He opened the door and his face changed comically. He clearly wasn't expecting this.

"Hey Kurt!"

"D-Daniel, w-what are you doing here?"

"I came to see you I know you haven't been doing so well since the douche you call an ex, told you that he was going to prom, so I figured we could watch movies and eat all the really good bad stuff while cuddling on the couch ." Daniel said while inviting himself in, only to be stopped short by the sight of a seething Blaine standing with his arms crossed glaring daggers at his face.

"Uh Kurt what the hell is going on?"said Blaine.

"Daniel I think its really sweet that you would do that for me but I actually have a date with said douchey ex."

" Blaine this is Daniel. Daniel this is Blaine." Kurt said while stepping in between the two, just in case it got violent.

Daniel was a co-worker at vogue who was always nice to him he often had lunch together, he even went out to a bar one time but Kurt never picked him up on his gaydar.

"Kurt we need to talk." said Daniel without even a glance at Blaine.

"You can say what you want in front of me." said a completely pissed off Blaine.

"Alright fine,"he said turning to Kurt." I really came here to tell you I'm in love with you." he said firmly.

"But-but you're straight?" Kurt sputtered.

"I thought I was but until my sights landed upon your beautiful face I knew we were meant to be together." Daniel beamed.

Blaine on the other hand was one smile away from shooting Daniel.

"Daniel, I'm sorry," Daniel's face began to fall. "but I don't feel that way about you. I'm in love with Blaine." said Kurt who was standing in front of Blaine so he couldn't get to him.

Daniels face had gone a sickly pale and he looked at Blaine with disgust. "Ok. It's alright. I understand. You would rather be with someone who would cheat on you." he said and stormed out.

Kurt stood there flabbergast with tears in his eyes. When he came back to he senses he simply stated, "Come on, we're late enough as it is."

The taxi ride was silent and full of tension. Neither spoke until they had been seated at the their table. Blaine broke the silence.

"What the hell was that?!?" he said calmly.

"Blaine, I honestly don't know. I assumed we were just friends! I mean there was no attraction on my side." Kurt says through a wall of tears and confusion.

"Well he was obviously smitten with you." Blaine says sarcastically.

"Blaine what are you trying to say? Do you think I would lie to you and cheat?" Kurt said obviously more hurt than he was letting on.

"No, not cheating, getting even with me for cheating." Blaine says quietly as silently tears began to well up in his eyes

"Blaine, you are the only man I have ever been with. How dare you sit and accuse me of something you know I would never do." he said getting up from the table. "I figured of all people you would know me better than that!" he said throwing his napkin on the table and leaving a tremendously guilty Blaine alone at the table.

'God I shouldn't have left him there.' Kurt thought to himself as he walked down the narrow hall to his apartment door. When he got there he found the door unlocked. Thinking he forgot to lock it he walked in to find someone sitting down on the sofa.

"Hey Kurt." Daniel greets.


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