Aug. 16, 2013, 10:22 p.m.
Aug. 16, 2013, 10:22 p.m.
Blaine walked down the narrow hall to Rachel and Kurt's apartment. He knew what he wanted to do -which was probably gonna be the most stupidist thing he had ever done- but he wasn't sure if he could do it. The alcohol in his system had already flooded the most sensible part of his brain, so he figured he would at least get ten points for doing this under the influence.
'This is it i'm already here I have to do it.' Blaine thought to himself. He mustered up all the courage he could find and knocked on the door.
"Kuuurrrtt! You need to do the dishes tonight. I have an early audition tomorrow and if I don't get enough sleep my voice is not going to be up to par and I won't get the audition and we won't have any money and then the bills won't get paid and we will have to sell our clothes and then that won't be enough and then we'll be on the streets and then you will be forced to become a stripper and-
" Hold the hell up, why do I have to be the stripper?
" Because-"
" Don't worry about it Rachel I'll do the damn dishes but you so owe me tomorrow!"
"Yeah, yeah, yeah. I love you anyway." That was what Rachel loved the most about living Kurt, he was clean, funny, he was always there when she needed him, she loved him, she could have playful banter with him and neither one of them would get upset. He was the perfect guy to live with and there was no chance there would ever be be any love drama between them because he was as good as gay.
"Yeah unfortunately." Kurt mumbled.
Before Rachel could give her smart reply there was a knock at the door signaling a visitor.
"Were we expecting anybody?"
Kurt shook his head in reply and went to the bathroom to grab a towel for his wet hands allowing Rachel to get the door.
Rachel opened the door not expecting to see an obviously drunk and disheveled Blaine in the doorway.
" Heeey Raaacheel!!" Blaine slurred when she opened the door.
" W-what the hell are you doing here Blaine, aren't you suppose to be at your senior prom?" She whisper yelled so Kurt wouldn't hear her.
" No, there are more important things that need to be handled right now, including talking to Kurt." He said stumbling past her into the apartment. 'Well' Rachel thought 'Kurt is definitely going to see him now.'
" Rachel who was at the do-"
" Hey Kurt"
To say Kurt was surprised to see Blaine in his apartment after 8 months was an understatement. He was completely shocked. Sure the little skype chats and rushed phone calls they had had over the last few months brought back feelings that weren't already gone, but seeing this gorgeous soon to be high school graduate in the flesh wearing a simple black tux with the top button undone and his bow tie undone had brought back all those feelings he had and they were making him salivate.
"B-B-Bl-Blaine? what are you doing here?"
'There he was. As beautiful as he had remembered live in the flesh. Kurt. His Kurt. His sexy Kurt.' Blaine thought.
As if all alcohol in his system had been flushed he replied.
" I am here to see you. I don't know how long it's been since I've seen you, but I know that it's been too long. I had originally planned to go to prom and come see you tomorrow but as you can see my plan didn't work. The minute they got to the first slow song 30 minutes into the evening, I bolted. I saw couples dance with their significant others laughing, dancing, and celebrating being together and I couldn't get you out of my mind. I thought about how if you were there we would be slow dancing. I would have one hand on your slim waist and one hand resting where your ass meets your back, holding you, and feeling your body pressed against me. Your hands would be wrapped around my shoulders with your nose tucked in my neck. I would be able to smell you, feel your chest rising as you breathe, feeling your heart beat as one with mine. Then I would whisper in your ear about how much I wish could hold you like this forever because it felt so right. That if I could freeze time I would stay in that moment with you for eternity because nothing else would be greater. You would then look up at me and smile that smile you have reserved just for me. I would lose my breath because with one look at those beautiful blue eyes that held so much passion I would lose myself in you. I would lean towards you and kiss your soft delicate lips. Tracing your mouth with my tongue, tasting you so I could remember how good you taste. After a few mind blowing, earth shattering seconds we would break away and you would take my hand and put it to your heart so I could feel your love and how fast your heart beats for me, and then I would do the same."
By the time Blaine had got to the part about feeling each others chests Rachel had already got a box of tissue out of the cabinet and had made her way out of the room knowing they were going to need their privacy. Kurt was still standing in the same place he was when Blaine had found him with tear filled eyes.
" I would then tell you that I love you and that you made my night perfect by just being here and then I would kiss you one more time and then the song would end."
Once Blaine had finished talking he was standing behind Kurt with his hands on his hips simply just breathing him in, putting his smell into his memory in case this was the last he saw him.
When Kurt had simply closed his eyes and just stood there not saying anything Blaine began to walk to the door knowing that he had crossed the line and there was no way Kurt would forgive him for bombarding him with this stupid dream he had. With his hand almost on the door he didn't think Kurt would say
"Dance with me Blaine."