While We Are Asleep
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While We Are Asleep: Chapter 8

E - Words: 6,000 - Last Updated: Aug 01, 2015
Story: Closed - Chapters: 12/? - Created: Nov 17, 2014 - Updated: Nov 17, 2014
211 0 0 0 0


Kurt didnt go to school that day. Instead, he called McKinley and explained what had happened. He wasnt all too convinced the receptionist believed him despite the school being well aware he was an oneironaut, but she assured him she would let all of his teachers know and they would email him about the work he had missed.

With a stifled yawn, he headed downstairs and into the kitchen where he spent a good few minutes looking at the clock and trying to decide what the best thing to eat would be. In the end, the thought of chocolate chip pancakes was too appealing to pass up. He felt like he deserved a sweet, comforting meal after the night hed had.

He deliberately set his phone down on the far end of the counter and got to work on making his brunch. He put far more effort than was necessary into chopping fruits to go with the pancakes, cutting strawberries and bananas into precise little pieces to try and distract himself from looking at his phone. He even read some of his dads newspaper while he was eating to keep from obsessing over the careless text hed sent Blaine.

The ping signalling Blaines reply sounded just as Kurt started clearing up. Biting his lip, he looked over at his phone, watching it until the lit-up screen faded to black again. With his jaw set in determination, Kurt made himself wash the dishes, clean the splash of syrup off the kitchen table, and tidy everything away before he picked up his phone.

‘If we shared all of our dreams I can guarantee you would not be thinking like that. That sucks about your dream, though; its happened to me many times. I take it youre not going to school?

Closing his eyes and tilting his head back, Kurt breathed a sigh of relief. He was glad Blaine was perceptive and seemed to be able to gauge what sort of mood he was in and knew when not to look too deeply into his words. Kurt was just glad he hadnt made things awkward between them.

The emails from his teachers started coming in as he tapped out a quick reply to Blaine. Before getting started on the work they had sent him, he headed back upstairs and took a shower. Then, dressed in comfy sweatpants and a t-shirt, he settled down at his desk to do some work.

His phone buzzed.                                                                                                                                                                  

‘You know, I sometimes wonder if doing school work from home all the time would yield better results. It would probably get lonely quite quickly, but you dont have to deal with all the shit that being at school entails.

He smiled as he sent Blaine a reply, his math textbook temporarily forgotten.

‘Not having to encounter most of the students at my school and some of the teachers would be a definite plus, and it would be a lot easier organizing my own time and not having to worry about my irregular sleeping habits. But I would miss seeing my friends and Glee club and even the familiarity of it, in some strange way.

Setting his phone aside, Kurt tried to focus on his work. He really wanted to get everything he was missing that day done before tomorrow so he wouldnt have to play catch-up, but it was proving hard when Blaine was occupying most of his mind. He knew he could tell Blaine he was busy and Blaine would respect that and stop texting him so he wouldnt be distracted, but Kurt couldnt bring himself to do it. He was enjoying the conversation far too much - he liked Blaine far too much.

His phone buzzed again and he scooped it up with an anticipatory smile.

‘I know what youre saying: I would certainly miss the nice, comfortable, secure bubble Ive got at my school. Were somewhat sheltered here and given a strict, set path to follow that makes life relatively uncomplicated for a while. Once we graduate its all our own choices and theres no more being nudged down a specific path. Its all more real and frightening being out of high school. I suppose thats why they tell us to enjoy it while it lasts.

‘Speaking of graduation, what are your plans for the future? Kurt replied.

It was a question hed wanted to ask Blaine for a little while now. He couldnt help but wish there was a possibility of their futures intertwining more physically, and for them to end up in the same city, or at least close by. He knew Blaine loved music and theatre as he did, but he didnt know if that was something he wanted to pursue as a career or if he was going down another route entirely.

This time he didnt set his phone down while he waited for Blaines reply. Instead, he twirled the phone in his hand and stared absently down at his notebook.

It buzzed in his hand.

‘I want to study music. Im not sure whether I want to go into performance or teaching as I love performing and the push to better myself that it drives, but I also love working with kids. Something to think about in the near future, I suppose. As for where I want to go to do that, Im not too sure. Juilliard would be the ultimate dream. What about yourself?

Kurt took a minute to re-read Blaines text. Juilliard - Blaine was thinking (dreaming) about New York, just like he was. It was a small ray of hope, a tiny spark of light, but he would cling to it. There was a chance this didnt have to be all in his head or via the phone.

‘I definitely want to go into fashion, or perhaps theatre, but I also really love photography - maybe I could major in one and have the other as a minor? Its been my goal to move to NYC after I graduate and my friend Rachel wants to come, so Im hoping to get into a college there. Really, I just want to get out of Ohio.

Theyd already discussed Kurts desire to leave Ohio and its small town mentalities behind. Despite not wanting to move too far away from his family, he needed to get out of Ohio to somewhere he wouldnt be so heavily discriminated against. New York, with its equality, bright lights, and diverse culture, seemed like the perfect option.

‘And youll get out of Ohio. I know it. If Kurt Hummel wants something that badly he will do his damnedest to get it. Anyway, sorry, Ive got to run - Warbler practice!

Setting his phone aside, Kurt reluctantly pulled his books back towards him and settled down to work. His conversation with Blaine had left him feeling a bit more rejuvenated and the last lingering memories of the nightmare had disappeared sometime when hed been texting. Catching up on a days missed work didnt seem so bad anymore, though he would have much preferred to still have Blaines company.

With the distraction of Blaines texts gone, he started going through his work at a pretty good pace. It was terrible that Blaine had such an effect on him, but he couldnt seem to keep him off his mind and he could feel the first tendrils of Blaine curling into his heart, ready to grow and flourish there. Blaine had well and truly embedded himself in Kurts life.

The exciting feelings of sparking connection and fondness grew over the next few weeks. They continued to text regularly, talking about all of the little things and telling each other whatever stray, random thoughts had entered their minds. Blaine called him one night and they fell into the habit of talking on the phone before going to bed. It was unlike any other friendship Kurt had experienced. He had thought he might have been feeling a bit exasperated and frustrated with talking to Blaine so much on top of sharing some dreams with him, but he didnt. If it had been anyone else he would have been trying to put some space between them by now, but with Blaine it was different, and that wasnt only because of the large crush he was harbouring for him.

One night during their routinely phone call, Kurt broached a subject that had been lingering in the back of his mind for a while, one that he knew could either lead to excitement or painful disagreement: the two of them meeting.

He waited until they had finished talking about Blaines afternoon volunteering at a local childrens theatre group to mention it.

"Blaine," he began tentatively. "Have you ever thought about us meeting? Outside of our dreams, I mean." Before Blaine could say anything, he added hastily, "I know we dont live all that close, but summer vacation starts in a week and I have enough money saved up from working extra hours at the garage to pay for a flight to Massachusetts. Its the perfect time for us to do this."

His heart raced and he gripped his phone tightly in his hand, pressing it to his ear so firmly he could hear the small scratching sound it made against the side of his head over the top of the noise of the connection. He swallowed nervously.

"I would love to meet you," Blaine enthused, his voice sounding slightly breathy with what Kurt thought might be relief. "Ive thought about it a lot since we started texting, but I wasnt sure whether you would want to."

"Oh, I want to," Kurt reiterated. "I definitely want to."

"Im glad," Blaine sighed, and Kurt could hear the smile in his voice. "I cant wait to see you in person. Dreams are different; youre there but not really there."

Kurt beamed at his empty bedroom. He was so relieved they were on the same page. Hed always felt that he and Blaine were connected through more than the dreams and were on the same wavelength with a number of things, but hed still worried this would be something they had opposing views on. He was so excited, he wanted to plan it all now, to set a date in stone so he could mark it on his calendar and know it was really, truly happening. Rationally, he knew it would take a while to plan. Aside from the basic organization and travel plans, they would both have to inform their parents about this and Kurt wasnt sure how either of their families would take it.

Blaine hummed in consideration. "Im not sure when youre available, but you could visit early August. My family always goes away for a few weeks later in the month, so anytime other than that would be fine, but-" He hesitated for a brief moment. "I want to see you as soon as possible - Id fly out to Ohio today if I could."

Kurts stomach squirmed in delighted pleasure. "I could probably manage early August," he said. "I dont think Id have much restriction on how long I could stay; Id just have to be back before my dad needed help at the garage. His workers always take vacation around that time and I usually put in extra hours to help cover."

Kurt could almost hear Blaine nodding.

"Of course," Blaine replied. "Talk with your dad and well work out a time that gives you the maximum stay over here." There was a short pause. "I really cant wait to meet you, Kurt," he said sincerely.

Closing his eyes, Kurt smiled. He wished he could see what Blaine looked like at that moment, what the expression on his face had been when hed said those words. He could guess, hope, dream that Blaines eyes had been warm honey, his smile soft, and his expression wistful, but he couldnt know for sure. He could only imagine it.

"Me, either," Kurt said. He reluctantly checked the time. "Id better go," he sighed. "Im working at the garage tomorrow and I need to be up early."

"Okay - Ill talk to you tomorrow. Goodnight, Kurt."

With one corner of his mouth curled up in a wistful smile, Kurt pressed his phone closer to his ear. "Goodnight."

The prospect of meeting Blaine got Kurt through a, frankly, shit last week of school. With another school year winding down, most of his classes were a waste of time and the bullies seemed hell bent on making up for not seeing him over the summer. The thought of seeing Blaines smile in person kept his spirits up even when he was thrown into a dumpster round the back of the school cafeteria that had been deliberately filled with out-of-date yogurt.

Once school had officially ended for summer, Kurt and Blaine started planning Kurts visit to Massachusetts more seriously. They researched flight times and compared costs, jotting down itineraries and pencilling in possible things they could do. Kurt also started thinking about getting the green light from his dad; practicing what he would say and trying to decide when would be best to tell him. Knowing his dad, it wasnt something he could do offhandedly.

Shortly after summer vacation started, two days after Rachels end-of-school party that was only prevented from being completely lame by Noah Puckerman sneaking in a stash of vodka, Kurt shared another dream with Blaine.

Kurt arrived in the hallway of what appeared to be some beautiful, old building. The ceilings were high above his head, decorated with intricate cornicing, and the floors were a glossy marble beneath the thick rug running a strip down the center of the hall. Tall wooden windows let in generous amounts of sunlight, making the wooden benches and window seats gleam. A little further down the hall from him the area became brighter and he could see the black banister of a staircase curling out of sight. Kurt walked towards it.

The hallways opened out onto a stunning curved staircase with white marble steps. Kurt paused at the top and tipped his head back to see the source of the bright light: a large, domed window set into the ceiling with black detailing. It was one of the most beautiful places Kurt had ever been.

Sensing Blaines presence, Kurt tore his gaze away from the domed glass above him and looked down the staircase to see Blaine standing halfway down it, looking up at him with a small amused smile on his face.

"I see you like my school," he commented when Kurt reached him.

Kurt frowned, wondering if he was missing something. "Your school?"

Blaine nodded. "Yes, this is Dalton Academy." He wrinkled his nose. "I dont know why Im here when I just finished for the summer."

Kurt smoothed his hand over the banister railing. Hed known Blaine went to a prep school, but hed always pictured him strolling around some edgy, ultra-modern building, all sleekness and right angles, not the halls of Hogwarts.

"I cant believe you go to school here," Kurt said, looking back up to the glass ceiling.

Blaine took hold of his hand and tugged on it gently. "Lets sit down here."

Kurt followed Blaine down the stairs and over to a small wooden bench seat curved to fit against the wall under the staircase. They still held hands as they sat: Kurt drinking in the sights of Blaines school, Blaine watching Kurts reaction to it all.

"I cant imagine what it must be like to go to a school like this," Kurt remarked. "Being in such a beautiful setting must be incredible, but Im not sure Id like the uniforms."

Blaine laughed softly. "The blazers are alright." Looking around at the polished floors and framed paintings on the walls, he shrugged. "You get used to the setting just like at any other school. Its the atmosphere thats the best part."

Intrigued, Kurt looked at Blaine. "How so?"

"Everyones friendly - or, at least, pleasant - towards each other. The zero tolerance for bullying may help with that, but I also think the relatively small number of us and community of the school play a big role."

A faint throb of wistfulness pulsed through Kurt - what he would give for an effective zero tolerance policy at McKinley. Though, mentally, hed become better at dealing with the bullies, there was no way for him to protect against the physical effects.

Kurt let his gaze wander over the space before them. "I maybe dont have the atmosphere this school has, but its gotten better at my school recently, mostly thanks to you." He smiled shyly at Blaine, a blush fighting to color his cheeks. "Having you in my life has made me feel more positive about school." He licked his lips, choosing his next words carefully; not even his family knew how bad the bullying was and he wasnt sure it was the right moment to tell Blaine the extent of it, either. "Now that I have someone in my life who really understands me, I dont feel so weighed down with everything all of the time. It means Im going to school feeling lighter, better."

Blaine squeezed Kurts hand and smiled at him. "Well, meeting you has given me freedom from all of the treatments I was continuously trialling before. Meeting you changed my attitude towards this condition - its really not such a bad thing." He looked down at their joined hands for a moment, before meeting Kurts eyes again. "While its difficult at times and its not easy going through life tired, without it I would never have met you and thats more than enough for me to embrace this condition and be grateful for the unique ability we have."

"Me, too," Kurt murmured.

They held their gaze for a few seconds longer, before a blush rose on both of their faces and they looked away, flustered. Kurt looked wildly along the hallway leading away from the staircase, his heart racing and what felt like every nerve ending in his body zinging with sensitivity, his tense muscles reacting with a twitch to every tiny impulse they received. He had never felt so on edge with anticipation for something he couldnt name.

"Im glad it was you," Blaine said softly.

Kurt whipped round to look at him, his heart beat and breathing sounding loud to his ears. Blaine was still facing away from him, his cheeks and ears a deep pink, the blush spreading down his neck. Kurt watched the flutter of his long eyelashes as he blinked and the movement of his throat as he swallowed.

Blaine turned to face him. "I could have ended up being here with someone else; someone not as interesting or understanding as you are. I wouldnt have this friendship, this-" he gestured between them with his free hand, "-this connection." Something shifted behind Blaines eyes, making them softer and more like melted honey than ever. Kurts breath caught somewhere in his chest. "Im so grateful its you."

Kurt wanted to say something to convey the same message, something more than just a simple agreement, something that would take Blaines breath away, too - but with the way Blaine was looking at him, all soft golden eyes and gentle smile, he was too breathless and overwhelmed to find the words. So he found another way to tell him.

Leaning in, he pressed his lips to Blaines, his eyes slipping closed at the feeling of Blaines smooth, full lips against his own. For a long, suspended second, Kurt kept his mouth there, waiting for Blaines reaction or for himself to be able to pull away - and then Blaines lips parted beneath his own and Blaine leaned into the kiss.

Inhaling sharply through his nose, Kurt brought up the hand not clasped in Blaines to cup Blaines jaw, cradling his face as he kissed him with more vigor. Kurts heart continued to race, but the tingling electricity in his nerves had vanished and had been replaced with a stomach curling and squeezing pleasure to the point of it almost cramping. It wasnt what Kurt had expected, but it wasnt something he questioned or considered off; it just was.

When they finally parted, Blaine laughed lightly, giddily, and rested his forehead against Kurts.

"So glad its you," he breathed.



Blaine woke up with a pleasant tingling feeling in his belly, like hed swallowed fizzing bubbles and they were tickling his insides. He could still see the look on Kurts face before theyd kissed, the smile hed worn afterwards, still feel the phantom ghost of Kurts mouth on his own. This both puzzled and saddened him a little as he had both kissed Kurt and hadnt - because it had been a dream. It had all been just a dream.



Some of the bubbles inside of him burst. Even if they were completely lucid in the dream, it had still only happened in their heads - or whatever space they occupied in dreams. How much more substantial was it than something of his imagination? If it werent for all the scientific evidence and accounts from hundreds of other people, hed be convinced he was going crazy and that hed slipped too much into his own head, putting too much stake in his imagination. He just had to hold onto what he knew to be true.

Fighting against his deflating mood, he shoved back his blankets and got out of bed. Stretching languidly, he looked towards the window, and froze, his arms still stretched out above his head.

The light filtering through the curtains was far too strong for it to be morning and the angle it hit the carpet at was different to what he usually saw when he woke up. He spun around to look at the clock on his nightstand; hed slept over half the day away.

He lowered his arms back to his sides.

Having no plans for the day, oversleeping didnt bother him any, but he knew it would make his parents worry, especially if they knew hed been dreaming and not just being a teenager with nothing better to do than lounge around in bed all morning. Then something in his peripheral vision caught his attention and a few more of the bubbles sank and popped: his bedroom door was open. Before going to bed each night he always closed his door, which meant someone, probably his mom, had been in his room and knew hed been in a long lucid dream. This wouldnt result in anything good.

Deciding to get it over with and ease his parents of their worry, Blaine made a quick bathroom trip and then padded downstairs where he followed the sound of computer keys through to the kitchen.

"We should have just got him on that trial," his dad said. He was sitting at the kitchen table next to his wife, looking at the screen of the laptop she was typing away on. "Hes still a kid; he doesnt know whats best for him. He only sees the here and now, he doesnt think about the future."

The horrible sinking feeling returned. Blaine hovered in the hallway just outside the kitchen, listening to what was being said despite not wanting to hear it. Like how it was difficult to drag your eyes away from some terrible sight, Blaine had a strange need to listen to his parents angrily bemoan how hed refused all therapy, their annoyance and frustration with him palpable. His stomach churned with a sickening mixture of nerves and hurt, but running away from confrontation now wouldnt do any good.

Stepping into the kitchen, he cleared his throat to announce his presence.

Abruptly breaking off their conversation, his parents whipped round to look at him. Relief broke across his moms face, but his dads expression remained stern and set in a way that had Blaine knowing it wouldnt be easy to talk his way out of doing whatever his parents suggested. He swallowed as he approached the kitchen table.

"You had us worried, Blaine," his mom said, her voice slightly chastising, like it was Blaines fault that hed slept so long. "Did you just wake up?"

Blaine nodded. "Just a couple of minutes ago." He stood gripping the back of one of the wooden chairs set around the table until his dad shifted his stony gaze from the laptop to him, then he sat down, perching himself on the edge of the seat. He cleared his throat. "Im sorry I made you worry."

His dad dipped his head a little until his eyes were more on level with Blaines. "Were you stuck in one of those dreams again? Its been a while since you last slept as long as that - I wonder if theres some kind of trigger..."

The way he said this implied that he knew there was a reason behind the dream. Blaine shifted nervously in his seat. Despite knowing there was no reason for the long dream and that, according to scientific data, there were no known triggers for longer than average dreams, he still couldnt help but think rather guiltily of Kurt. If his parents knew about Kurt they would be blaming him for this, he knew that for certain.

"It cant be a coincidence that this has happened while you are not on any kind of therapy," his mom said. "You need to get back on some treatment; surely you can see that now?"

"I had plenty of long dreams while I was on therapy," Blaine pointed out. "Remember that time I slept for over twenty-four hours? I was on medication then."

"That was a while ago - the treatments have improved a lot since then."

Blaine shook his head sagely. "None of them have helped any more than the medication I took back when I was first diagnosed. There is no cure for my condition and nothing that affects any of the dreams I have. Testing all of these therapies is just a waste of time and hope."

Jaw tightening, his dad clenched and unclenched the fist he had resting on the table top. He looked like he was restraining himself from slamming his hand on the table in frustration. "Weve pandered to your silly idea long enough, Blaine. Its time you stopped being so short-sighted and started thinking about your future. You need to go back on therapy."

"Why cant you just accept that I dont want to? Why do you want to force me back into doing something that was having such a negative impact on my life?"

"Why has it taken this long for you to be bothered by this?" his dad asked, spreading his arms wide in question. "Why has it taken almost five years for the treatment to affect you like this? Just a few months ago you were desperate to find a cure and were willing to try almost every therapy out there. Why the sudden change in attitude?"

Lacing his trembling fingers together in his lap, Blaine swallowed again. He never had been good at lying; he didnt know how much longer he could last without spilling out the whole truth. While the impact on his life of testing treatments was a major reason for his dramatic shift in attitude, Kurt was also a big reason. He didnt know how much longer he could keep quiet about that. He never had been someone who deliberately kept secrets from his parents; the drive to please them and make them proud of him was too strong.

He looked to his mom, half-hoping she would tell his dad to back off a bit, but knowing it was futile. Her eyes were narrowed in suspicion and when she caught Blaines eye, she said, "I find it very hard to believe that your sudden change of heart has come on randomly."

"Everyone has their limits," Blaine argued. "I have reached mine."

"Oh, come on, Blaine," his dad said in exasperation. "Youd think you had been suffering something onerous for years the way you are acting. Youve only been taking some pills!"

Blaine gritted his teeth. "You werent taking them - you dont know what it was like! The side effects, the constant doctors appointments, the time all these weird therapies took up... And none of them worked in the slightest! Ive had enough of it!"

"I dont believe that is the only reason," his mom said. She shook her head. "No - youve never complained before and now all of a sudden youre at your limit? No." She scrutinised him for a moment, her expression considering, suspicious. "Did someone say something to you; convince you your condition was okay? Did you read something online?"

"It wasnt that stupid kid from your school spouting nonsense, was it?" his dad demanded, looking all ready to believe this as being the truth, as though Blaine was constantly being influenced to change his behaviour by his schoolmates.

Heart racing even faster and his tongue thick and clumsy in his dry mouth, Blaine shook his head frantically. "No, no one has said anything to me." His sweat-dampened palms slipped against each other as an image of Kurt appeared inside his head. His stomach clenched painfully. Nothing good would come of him telling them about Kurt - he knew that - but his protests sounded weak to his own ears and he could feel the resolve hed managed to build up over the few weeks beginning to crack. He just couldnt disobey and argue with his parents like this.

"Whoever put this reckless idea into your head isnt who you should be listening to," his mom said, her voice firm and tinged with annoyance. "They dont know whats best for you; we do."

A spark of anger flared up inside Blaine at that. It had been his decision to do this, not anyone elses. Why did his parents always think he was incapable of making his own decisions without the influence of someone else? Even when hed (mistakenly) expressed his desire to study music in college theyd demanded to know who had put such a stupid idea in his head. They wanted him to follow their ideas and to have their attitudes for things and if he wavered from that then it had to be due to someone elses influence, because they hadnt raised him to behave or think in any way but their own. It was infuriating.

His anger dampened down to a simmer, a red glowing ember of a nearly extinguished flame, as his parents continued to rant on about why he was wrong and they were right. He barely heard any of it; his attention focussed on trying to find a route of escape, a way of being able to stay off the treatments and away from anything that may jeopardise what he had with Kurt. He was drawing a blank.

"-cant ruin your prospect of a bright future because of what some ignorant kid with no common sense and no decent career ahead of them has said. You need to stop listening to what some stupid, loud-mouthed kid is saying and start listening to your parents, those who actually care about you and have your best interests at heart."

Tuning back in to what his parents were saying, the embers of anger flared back up into roaring flames. He was sick of hearing these arguments; sick of his parents insulting his friends, his classmates - anyone they believed to have influenced his life in a way they didnt like. They may have been insulting a hypothetical person in this instance, but Blaine couldnt help but hear it as an insult to Kurt. He hated that his parents were like this and he was so done with having them disagree with everything he did and everyone he had in his life.

Something inside of him snapped.

"I changed my mind because I started travelling and sharing dreams with Kurt," he burst out, his voice loud enough to make his parents blink at him in surprise. "I changed my own mind; it was my own decision."

Stunned into silence, his parents only gaped at him, their faces slowly beginning to flush an angry red. Blaine could feel regret and panic settling in along with fear for what could happen next. All he knew what that it wouldnt be good.

His parents exchanged a loaded look.

"Whos Kurt?" his dad asked, his voice deceptively calm.

Panic rose inside Blaine, battling with the sinking sense of impending doom. Air stuttered and stumbled its way out of his chest, rushing out in rapid pants in some moments and then getting caught somewhere in his throat the next. The altered oxygen levels made his hands tremble worse than ever and his stomach cramp. He wanted to take his words back; he wanted to rewind the last few seconds and sit in silence instead, refuse to give in to his parents, and wait for them to give up.

He wiped his clammy hands on his pyjama pants.

"Kurt is my dream partner - the guy Ive been sharing some of my dreams with." He swallowed, his throat clicking, as a memory of their kiss flashed through him, making a strange hot-cold sensation run through his body. "Hes my friend."

"I see," his dad said slowly. "And how long has this been going on?"

Blaine didnt like the tone of his dads voice at all. He could only imagine what he was thinking. In spite of his parents assurances that they were accepting of his sexuality, he knew they would be balking at the thought of Blaine sharing dreams with another guy. While he didnt know for sure, he was pretty certain that his parents could only stomach his sexuality if he wasnt acting on it. The proof of that was their cold reaction when he told them about his male date to a dance at his previous school. Even his insistence that they were only friends didnt warm their feeling towards him. To them, Kurt was as unwanted as the dream travelling itself.

"A couple of months," Blaine replied. "Weve only shared a few dreams, though."

He wasnt going to tell them about communicating outside of dreams; that would only make things go from bad to worse. That would just have to be one secret he kept from them, no matter how hard he found it.

The snapping sound of the laptop lid being closed brought Blaines attention away from his panicky thoughts. He looked across to his mom, who was now resting her forearms on the closed laptop, leaning closer to him over the table.

"You said you are friends with this boy - do you talk to him? Share some of your life with him?" She raised a curious eyebrow, but the stern line of her mouth and coolness of her tone had Blaine choosing his next words carefully.

"Yes, we talk. We tell each other about our days and discuss things we have in common. Its no different to being with any of my friends from school."

His parents exchanged another look.

His dad straightened up in his chair, inhaling deeply. "Its long past time we put our foot down about this." He levelled his gaze at Blaine, the expression on his face the one hed referred to as the ‘no nonsense gaze when he was younger but which he now knew as the look that screamed, ‘dont you dare disobey me.

"You are going to go and see your doctor as soon as you can and you are going to get back on some form of therapy. Your mother is going to sign you up for one of the recruiting clinical trials and you are going to participate in finding a cure again. This has gotten far too out of hand. Youre getting worse - the travelling is proof of that. You cant let this condition ruin your life."

His mom frowned at him, realisation dawning in her eyes. "Thats why you slept so long today, isnt it? You were in a dream with this Kurt."

Blaine didnt have to say anything in response to that; his blush said it all.

His dads expression darkened. "This is dangerous behavior, Blaine. You will never be able to stop those dreams and control your sleeping pattern if you keep associating with this Kurt. You are to stop doing that - do you understand? Its for your own good. If you really want a normal, healthy life and that freedom you talked about, then youll do this."

Feeling sick and horribly hollow, Blaine nodded.



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