Where The Lines Overlap
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Where The Lines Overlap: Chapter 5

T - Words: 1,261 - Last Updated: Jun 29, 2012
Story: Complete - Chapters: 21/21 - Created: Jun 19, 2012 - Updated: Jun 29, 2012
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A car horn blared in the street outside and Kurt was jolted out of sleep. Sitting up and running a hand through his hair, he glanced over at the clock on his nightstand. He blinked at the numbers displayed.


Leaping out of bed he ran to the bathroom and began brushing his teeth whilst trying to coax his hair into an acceptable style at the same time.

He couldn't believe he had slept in – this was the first time he had ever slept through his alarm. He knew he had stayed up too late on the phone with Tim last night.

For the first time in as long as he could remember he pulled on the first outfit he saw instead of carefully deciding what to wear. He then quickly glanced in the mirror, snatched up his phone and his bag, and grabbed a granola bar from the kitchen before rushing out the door. He took the stairs in his building three at a time and sprinted down the streets to the station.

"Dammit!" He cursed under his breath when he saw the last car of his train disappearing into the tunnel.

With a sigh he took the stairs up off the platform slowly, checking the time on his phone to find he had to wait just over five minutes for the next train. Slumping against the wall beside the entrance to the station, he stared glumly out over the street. Taking this later train wouldn't make him late for class – if he walked the distance between NYADA and the station quickly he could just make it on time – but he was missing out on seeing the guy with the bowtie. It was ridiculous that not being able to see a stranger had pretty much ruined his day. He looked forward to seeing him, partly to just stare at him because he was so attractive and somehow entrancing, like he had some form of magnetic pull over Kurt, but also partly because he liked to speculate on what type of person he was in his head. He often spent an entire train journey pondering if he had a job, if he was studying in New York and if he was then what he was studying. To his own annoyance, he found himself wondering if the other guy was dating someone. It was pointless allowing his mind to go down that track; even if he was single (and with the way he looked Kurt doubted it) there was a strong chance that he was straight. Kurt found it hard to tell just by looking at the other guy if he was gay or not, he didn't scream gay the way Kurt knew he sometimes did, but the way he dressed sometimes had Kurt doubting that he was straight. Bowtie had been with another guy yesterday and Kurt had watched the pair carefully, only feeling slightly stalker-ish. They had joked and chatted with each other, but nothing had passed between them that gave the impression that they were more than friends. Kurt had felt relief at that and had had to remind himself again that he had a boyfriend.

Pulling out his phone he shot off a text to Tim.

You made me sleep in and miss my train. I'm not happy.

A reply came almost instantly.

I'm sorry :( I'll make it up to you! x

How exactly? Buying coffee won't work, you buy me too much of that x

I'll think of something ;) x

Rolling his eyes, Kurt slid his phone back in his pocket and made his way down into the station and over to the train pulling up at the platform.

It was a little strange travelling on the train without seeing Bowtie. Kurt felt almost like a friend he normally travelled with everyday had stayed at home ill and now he had to sit through the journey on his own and it felt quiet and lonely. He wasn't in the mood for listening to music or even reading through his latest script, so instead he spent the journey staring blankly at the opposite side of the train car, his head filled with white noise.




Blaine searched the waiting crowds on the platform as he walked down to the far end where he usually waited. Unless he had missed him somewhere, which he doubted, then Blue Eyes was nowhere to be seen.

'Maybe he's just running late this morning,' Blaine told himself, 'or maybe he's ill…'

Every time Blaine noticed some more people descending the stairs to the platform he would look up, but none of them was ever who he was waiting to appear. When the train arrived he made his way onto it, trying to ignore the pang of disappointment from knowing he wouldn't be able to see Blue Eyes today. This was probably, as Nick had said last night, slightly creepy.

He remembered what Nick had mentioned yesterday about talking to the stranger. Every day he saw him the urge to do so became greater, but actually plucking up the courage to do it was another thing. And what would he say? He couldn't just walk over and say 'Hi, I'm Blaine Anderson and ever since that day I bumped into you on this train a few weeks ago, which you probably don't remember, I've felt this strange sort of pull towards you. Also, I think you're really hot.' Yes, Blaine was sure that would go down well. And how would he do it? He couldn't just walk over and introduce himself. Maybe he could bump into him again?

He mulled over different ways he could talk to Blue Eyes during the journey to NYU, each of them sounding more ridiculous than the last. He was so distracted that he didn't notice Scott until his friend was less than a foot away from him and calling his name, looking exasperated.

"You really do go completely deaf when you're lost in that gelled head of yours, don't you?"

"Sorry," Blaine said distractedly, his mind still on the blue-eyed stranger.

Scott squinted down at him. "What's on your mind, Blainers? Surely you're not worried about the theory test?"

Blaine snapped out of his thought. "What?" He blinked at Scott. "Oh no, I'm not. I'm just-" He broke off, his brain finally focussed on the conversation and realising he couldn't tell Scott the truth, he was friends with Jeremy. "I've just been really struggling to write lyrics to this piece of music I wrote on the piano a while ago. It's really been bugging me."

This was the truth. He still hadn't been able to come up with lyrics for that piece of music. The versus and choruses felt just out of reach and every time he sat down in front of the piano and tried to write he could feel the lyrics almost forming in his head, but he would always loose them just before he could grasp them. It was extremely frustrating.

Scott was nodding knowingly. "I've been there. Sometimes it just takes a while for the right words to come to you." He smiled at him. "You'll probably get inspiration when you least expect it. Sometimes you just have to experience something or meet someone and suddenly it hits you."

They had reached the lecture theatre by now and Scott threw himself down in his usual seat whilst his words echoed in Blaine's head. He sat down slowly and stared at the front of the room where the lecturer was shuffling through some papers without really seeing anything.

"The right experience…" He said slowly.

Scott frowned at him. "What?"

Blaine shook his head as the lecturer started the class. "Nothing."




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