Where The Lines Overlap
Chapter 3 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Where The Lines Overlap: Chapter 3

T - Words: 1,406 - Last Updated: Jun 29, 2012
Story: Complete - Chapters: 21/21 - Created: Jun 19, 2012 - Updated: Jun 29, 2012
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"Hey, Kurt! Ready for a caffeine fix?"

Kurt smiled at his friend Tim who stood waiting for him outside the lecture theatre when his class was let out. Kurt didn't know how he managed to get from his last class to here before Kurt got out the lecture, but somehow he always did whenever they agreed to meet up after class for coffee.

"Sure am!" Kurt replied cheerfully as they fell into step beside each other. "How did your rehearsal go?"

Tim ran a hand through his dark hair, shrugging. "Ok, I think. I messed up at one point, but we still have several weeks until we have to perform."

Tim was in his third year at NYADA and had to put on performances almost every week, so spent a lot of time rehearsing songs and the parts he was acting. Kurt and Tim had met last year after one of the performances Kurt and Rachel had both been in. Tim had come up to praise Kurt's performance and the pair had become friends not long afterwards.

Kurt tugged at his scarf as a gust of wind blew up suddenly. "Your final performance will be fantastic, you always are."

Tim smiled at him, a light blush staining his cheeks – or he could have just been flushed from the cold wind blowing across the campus.

They reached the best of the campus coffee shops and Kurt pushed open the door, breathing in a deep lungful of warm, coffee-scented air.

"We should be able to have classes in here," Kurt said as they approached the counter.

"The only downside of that is that you would spend all your money on coffee." Tim stepped up to the counter and ordered their coffees, ignoring Kurt's protest at him paying for both of them.

"You need to stop that," Kurt told him as they found a table and sat down.

Tim pulled back the lid of his coffee, dumping a sachet of sugar in it and stirring. "Stop what?"

"Stop paying for my coffee all the time, you do it every time we go for coffee together."

"Next few times you can buy then, how does that sound?" He grinned at Kurt around his coffee stirrer.

Kurt returned the grin as he met the sparkling brown eyes across from him. "It sounds like I'll have to buy you some pretty expensive coffee to make up for all the times you've paid for mine."

"You can buy me food as well." He took a sip of his coffee. "So how are you coping with the early mornings? Smashed an alarm clock yet?"

Kurt absently traced a circle around the lid of his coffee with his finger. "They aren't so bad." He replied, his mind on the hazel eyes he had seen on his train again that morning, had seen on his train every morning except Friday. Kurt watched him every day they caught the train together, watched him read a book, listen to his iPod, play on his phone, or sometimes just wait for the train to take him to his destination. This morning he hadn't been trying to occupy himself during the journey and when Kurt had snuck a glance at him he had met those large hazel eyes for a long second, Kurt's heart leaping in his chest, before they both looked away, Kurt blushing slightly as his pulse raced.


Kurt jerked back to the present. "What, sorry?"

Tim shook his head at him, a fond smile on his face. "I don't think early morning classes are treating you well, you were completely out of it just then."

"Oh," Kurt shifted in his chair and took a quick gulp of coffee. "Maybe I am a bit tired."

"I guess there wouldn't be much point in me asking you out to go see a movie tonight then? You'll just fall asleep."

Kurt stuck his tongue out at him. "I could manage tomorrow night. I don't have class until later on Thursdays."

Tim's eyes lit up. "Great! I'll pick you up from your place at seven, we can get dinner first."

Kurt smiled at him, his heart racing. "Sounds good!"

They discussed their classes for a while and before Kurt knew it, Tim was glancing at the time on his phone and widening his eyes. "Crap, I'd better get going or I'll be late, my next class is on the other side of campus."

"I'd better get to class as well." Kurt finished his last mouthful of coffee and began pulling on his coat.

"I'll see you tomorrow night, but I'll probably talk to you before then." Tim came around the table until he was at Kurt's side. He brushed a quick kiss on Kurt's cheek. "See you tomorrow." He said softly before smiling and hurrying out into the cold.

Kurt could feel the heat in his face as he slung his bag over his shoulder and left the coffee shop. Once outside he lightly touched the spot where Tim had kissed him, smiling softly.




The 'don't walk' sign changed and Blaine crossed the road, swerving around the front end of a taxi that had stopped over the line. He joined the stream of pedestrians walking to the subway station at the end of the block. His eyes drifted slightly to the left and landed on a familiar profile – he recognised the pale skin, the styled hair, and the fashion sense. His head was bent over a pile of papers allowing Blaine to study him discreetly. Blaine's eyes ran up and down him, lingering for a little longer on his face and legs which were once again clad in tight skinny jeans. Blaine moved to walk behind him as they descended the stairs into the station and he caught a glimpse of a section of the papers he was holding, making out the letters in bold at the top right-hand corner of the page – NYADA.

So, he was an actor and possibly a singer as well, and a talented one at that. Blaine knew that NYADA only took the best of the best and entry was extremely competitive. He had considered applying there himself as he enjoyed acting and had been in several musicals at Dalton, but decided that music was his true passion and he would rather focus on that. A small part of him was regretting that decision now, the part of him that was continuing to appraise the blue-eyed young man as they both crossed the platform.

Blue Eyes sighed and slid the papers he had been reading into his bag, his eyes raising to sweep the crowds on the platform. Blaine quickly averted his gaze and pulled out his iPod, scrolling through his songs, aimlessly clicking on different albums and reading the song titles in each one.

He peeked out the corner of his eye at Blue Eyes; he was looking in Blaine's direction, so Blaine pretended to be engrossed with his iPod, suddenly self-conscious. He licked his lips, conscious of his facial expression and no longer able to find a comfortable position for his mouth. Starting to feel a little stupid scrolling pointlessly through songs on his iPod, he searched through his bag for his timetable. Scanning down the column for today, he pretended to be noting what classes he had – he was sure he could still feel the eyes of the beautiful NYADA student on him. As he continued to stare down at his timetable, he realised he didn't have a class until 11am after his first lecture and decided to text Jeremy when he got off the train and ask if he wanted to go and get coffee. If he remembered correctly, Jeremy didn't have class during that time either. On the pretence of checking the time on his watch, Blaine looked up.

Blue Eyes had his iPod in and was staring ahead at the deserted tracks, clearly lost in his music. A small smile tugged at the corners of Blaine's mouth at the sight, the smile widening when the NYADA student's lips moved slightly, mouthing along to the lyrics. It was with some reluctance that Blaine dropped his gaze.

On the train Blaine allowed his eyes to flick to Blue Eyes every now and then. Like they had yesterday, their eyes met for a brief moment and Blaine blushed when he looked away, his heart rate accelerating. Not for the first time, Blaine wondered if this beautiful stranger noticed him like Blaine did, if he thought about him, or if he just thought Blaine was a weird stranger who kept staring at him.





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