Where The Lines Overlap
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Where The Lines Overlap: Chapter 1

T - Words: 1,178 - Last Updated: Jun 29, 2012
Story: Complete - Chapters: 21/21 - Created: Jun 19, 2012 - Updated: Jun 29, 2012
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The weather was beginning to turn to winter and the cold air had a bite to it at this hour, causing Kurt to shiver and shove his hands deeper into the pockets of his coat. His breath hung in a cloud in front of his face until a gust of bitter wind blew it away as he paused outside his apartment building to adjust his scarf before setting off down the street, walking quickly to try and warm himself up. Thankfully it wasn't a long walk to the subway station and Kurt was soon allowing the crowds of New Yorkers to sweep him down the stairs into the station. He checked the time on his cell phone as he swiped his travel card, slowing his marching pace when he realised he still had plenty of time until his train was due. Descending the stairs onto the platform, Kurt automatically scanned the crowds of people waiting on the platform – sometimes one of his friends from college took the same train as him – recognising no one.

He found a free spot on the platform to stand that was well away from the stairs and the platform edge, knowing from experience that unless he wanted to be run over in the rush of people hurrying to catch their train, it was best to keep away from those areas. Pulling out his iPod he inserted his ear buds and picked a song, cranking up the volume so he could hear it over the sudden surge of noise on the platform as a train arrived. He watched people spill out of the train and head for the stairs like cattle being herded, the people rushing to catch the train fighting their way down the stairs, struggling against the flow heading up out of the station. Shivering, Kurt glanced up at the electronic board to check the time his train was due, sighing when he saw he still had to wait another five minutes.

The time flew surprisingly fast when Kurt got lost in his music, and soon his train was slowing by the platform and he joined the crowds moving towards it. He quickly found a spot to stand on the train and shifted aside slightly to let the last rush of people boarding the train to pass him.

"Sorry." A voice said as someone jostled him slightly when they struggled to stand beside Kurt in the wave of people cramming on the train.

Kurt turned to glance at the source of the voice, planning on shooting them a quick smile in response to their apology, but ending up gazing at them for several seconds longer than he intended as he met the bright hazel eyes of the person standing next to him.

He was stunningly attractive with dark, curly hair, tanned skin, long eyelashes, and a wide, infectious smile. He looked to be a few years younger than Kurt, but he suspected the slicked back hair, bowtie and sweater combination, and short stature made him look younger than he was.

"It's fine," he squeaked, inwardly wincing at how high his voice sounded.

Bowtie guy smiled at him before turning his attention to the paperback he was holding as the train pulled away from the station.

Kurt stared down at his feet, thinking about how ridiculous it was for him to get flustered just because a good-looking guy smiled at him – he hadn't even acted like this in high school when he'd had a crush on someone, so why did he have to start now? He shook his head at his own thoughts, he shouldn't be feeling embarrassed over a quick exchange with a stranger he would never see again. The train stopped at a station and Kurt took the opportunity to glance at the bowtie guy again. He hadn't looked up from his book and there was a tiny line between his eyebrows as he read. Before his glance became staring, Kurt looked away, cursing at himself when his eyes drifted back to look at him.

His phone buzzed in his pocket and he pulled it out in relief, glad to have something to look at other than an attractive stranger. He had never been more glad to receive a text from Rachel in his life, she rarely just sent him one or two texts, instead she had conversations with him that lasted until one of them had to stop for some reason.

Texting Rachel kept him occupied until the train slowed as it neared his station. Typing a quick goodbye to Rachel, he adjusted his bag into a more comfortable position on his shoulder and watched Bowtie out the corner of his eye as the train slowed to a stop at the station. He didn't look up from his book as the train stopped and people began swarming out the doors, and Kurt, shuffling along behind the crowd stepping out onto the platform, didn't know if he was relieved or disappointed that he wasn't getting off at the same station as him.

It was only as he stepped onto the street and started walking towards his college that he realised his music was still playing. He yanked his ear buds out and switched his iPod off, he wanted to walk in silence, or as close to silent as you could get on a busy New York street. He ran through the lines for the monologue he had to perform in one of his acting classes in his head as he weaved through the crowded sidewalk, trying to keep his mind from wondering if he would see Bowtie again – if he would be on the same train tomorrow. He was glad his first lecture was on something that interested him so that his mind wouldn't wander back to hazel eyes and a bright smile.




"Hey, Kurt!" Rachel said brightly, dropping into the chair opposite him and setting her coffee down on the table. "How has your morning been?"

"Pretty great actually," Kurt smiled at his best friend.

Rachel swallowed a mouthful of coffee. "You're very cheerful considering how much you were stressing about that monologue – I'm guessing it went well?"

Kurt, whose mind had been back on the early morning train, blinked at her. "What? Oh, yes it did go well." Kurt told her, realising as he said it that it was true.

Rachel frowned across the table at him, setting her coffee down. "What else happened this morning?"

Kurt cursed how Rachel knew him so well that she was able to notice that there was something else on his mind. "Nothing," he said, feigning innocence, "I just really enjoyed my classes this morning." He took a nonchalant drink of his coffee.

"I see," Rachel didn't look convinced, and Kurt knew she would try and pry it out of him later. "Well, my morning has been pretty good as well. Remember how I asked if it would be possible for me to perform-"

As Rachel launched into a tirade about songs and musicals she wanted to perform and who knew what else, Kurt allowed himself to daydream about curly hair, hazel eyes, and a gorgeous smile.



End Notes: Inspiration for this came from taking the train to university everyday, unfortunately there are no Kurt's or Blaine's on my train.Obviously as Kurt and Blaine have never met before and they are now both in college, Kurt never went to Dalton during season 2 and as a result Blaine stayed at Dalton for the rest of his high school year after his transfer, sad stuff.I have never been on the subway system in New York city and everything about the subway system in this story is based on my own experiences on the underground systems in London and Paris, the trains I take to university, and some information from my friend Google. If anything is completely wrong then feel free to point that out to me (apologies for the mistakes about the subway in the first 2 chapters, they are corrected from chapter 3 onwards).Oh and a little word of warning I guess, as Kurt and Blaine are older, at university/college/whatever, and have never met before there are some OC's in this story and with OC's comes some storylines that I didn't really enjoy writing as much as I enjoy writing some other storylines. Vague comment is vague. It's not anything to do with abuse or that sort of thing in case anyone was thinking that, so don't worry, but yeah...


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So far I like what I'm reading ;) x