Starter for Ten
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Starter for Ten: Chapter 2

T - Words: 3,937 - Last Updated: Sep 01, 2014
Story: Complete - Chapters: 2/? - Created: Jun 29, 2014 - Updated: Jun 29, 2014
129 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

Second part as requested by odellcriss!


"The Navier-Stokes equation governs the behavior of what form of matter?"

The three other members of the Oxford team turned to look at Blaine. They all expected him to know the answer. It had only been a mere two weeks ago that hed talked to them about this very subject. The problem was, the answer was nowhere to be found in his head.

Digging the heel of his hand into the centre of his forehead, Blaine willed the fact to surface. He squeezed his eyes shut as he strained to remember, the process of racking his brains seeming to take physical exertion as well as mental. For some infuriating reason, he just couldnt remember. Normally he had an excellent memory - it was one of the reasons he excelled at his academic studies - but facts still sometimes evaded him. He just wished that now hadnt been the moment for a memory relapse.

As he fought with his uncooperative memory, a member from the opposing team buzzed in.

"Fluids," a familiar voice called.

Despite his frustration at being unable to recall something he knew, Blaine couldnt help but smile. Of course Kurt would get the answer if he couldnt.

The Cambridge team cheered while Blaines teammates groaned, drowning out the sound of the question master calling the end of the competition. Kurts answer had pushed Cambridge out of their tie-break to win the competition.

The competition announcer declared the Cambridge team to be the winners and Blaine let out a tiny sigh of disappointment, inaudible over the cheers and applauding of Cambridge and their supporters.

"We cant win them all, I guess," Ryan said gloomily. Blaines teammate was slumped in his chair, a tiny, weak smile on his face as he watched Cambridge celebrate.

Blaine hummed in agreement, his disappointment at losing and frustration with himself fast disappearing as, across a short stretch of grass from him, Kurt smiled and laughed in delight. He stood up and crossed over to congratulate his boyfriend. As he walked he could feel the eyes of his teammates on his back. He knew they didnt exactly approve of his relationship with Kurt - sleeping with the enemy, they called it. He called it true love.

Kurt saw him coming. He turned away from the teammate he was talking to, his smile taking on a new edge as he met Blaines eyes.

"So," he said when Blaine was only a few feet away. "I beat you."

Blaine couldnt help but smile wider; he knew where this was going. "You beat me," he confirmed.

Kurts smirk lifted the corners of his mouth higher, making his eyes narrow. "We all know what it does to you when that happens." Smugness radiated off him, he was almost bouncing on the balls of his feet with it. He took a slow step towards Blaine. "You should be annoyed at me for buzzing in before you could remember the answer, you should be jealous that I got there first and won, and you should probably be in a sulky mood with me for at least twenty-four hours until you realise I am more important than some silly little quiz competition. But youre not." Hed moved closer to Blaine, close enough that Blaine could just tilt forward on his toes and kiss him. Blaine waited and listened.

Kurt lowered his voice to a volume only Blaine could hear. "Instead, you kiss me a lot, growl about how smart I am and how hot it is when I get the answer before you, and you tear off my clothes." He leaned forward to whisper in Blaines ear. "Which is why I work my ass off to beat you."

Grabbing blindly at Kurts shirt, Blaine pulled Kurt in for a hard kiss, his lips colliding with the corner of Kurts mouth. Pressing closer, he tilted his head and sealed his mouth over Kurts. Hand caressing Blaines arm, Kurt hummed in satisfied appreciation.

They broke apart to catcalls and laughter from Kurts teammates and supporters from the university. Kurt waved them away.

"I deserved that congratulatory kiss!"

Blaine smiled up at him. "You did." He pecked Kurt on the lips. "You really did."

When people heard that Blaine and Kurt, rival University Challenge team captains, were dating, they all immediately assumed that would be the end of their quiz championship titles. Most people presumed they would be unable to compete against each other and would deliberately hold back to avoid upsetting the other, and as Cambridge and Oxford were rivals so frequently, it would be the downfall of their respective universitys quiz teams. It wouldnt have really been a particularly big problem if that had been the case. As past competitors, they were unable to be a member of the next years University Challenge team, but they were both mentoring the currently competing teams for their universities and some worried their relationship would interfere with this. Even now, seven months on from the final of the last University Challenge and a few months into the new competition series, a few people still thought it was wrong that they were together. Then again, they knew neither of Kurt and Blaines competition between themselves over the University Challenge teams they were assisting, nor the one between the two of them at each quiz they were rivals at.

Kurt and Blaine moved away from the still-celebrating team and walked slowly across the gardens where the competition was being held. Now that they were both in the middle of studying for their Masters, the desire to celebrate after each win at a quiz or competition was low, especially at small events such as this one, which was more of a friendly competition than anything.

The shouting and laughter of the crowds behind them soon faded away, allowing the pleasant sounds of their feet on the grass and the soft twittering of birds to be heard. Kurt slid his hand into Blaines, swinging their clasped hands gently between them as they walked.

"Coffee?" Kurt asked as they neared a couple of narrow pathways leading off the university campus and onto the surrounding streets.

Blaine nodded, his spirits lifting at the thought of them enjoying their own private little celebration of Kurts win. "Sure," he replied. "Im assuming you know somewhere good," he added as they walked off campus and emerged out on a street with one or two cafés on it. Despite visiting the university a few times, he wasnt all too familiar with Cambridge itself.

Kurt was already tugging him purposefully down the road. "I know somewhere that does really good coffee and the best cupcakes."

Blaine smiled; it sounded exactly like what hed had in mind.

As they waited at some traffic lights to cross the road, Kurt looked over at Blaine. "Youre still staying tonight, arent you?"

Blaine nodded again. "I dont have to be back in Oxford until Thursday, so I can stay until tomorrow afternoon."

Kurt beamed at him. "And youre staying at my place, right? I told my roommates that youre coming and they promised to make themselves scarce for most of the evening." He paused for a moment as they started to cross the road. "Unless you wanted to go out?"

Blaine thought for a moment. "Nah, were cash-strapped students. Ill cook for you."

Steering Blaine down a side street, Kurt leaned in to kiss his cheek. "Youre the best!"

The coffee shop was one of a franchise chain, but according to Kurt, the baristas were excellent and the owner had been selling his own homemade cupcakes for years, making the café extremely popular with locals. True to his word, the café was bustling when they walked in, the couches by the front windows and most of the surrounding tables taken by people drinking teas and coffees. Three baristas were busy behind the counter, serving the line of customers that snaked past the glass-fronted bakery cabinet. Kurt and Blaine joined the end of the line, both of them looking up at the menu boards contemplatively.

"I think Ill just get my usual," Kurt announced musingly. They shuffled forward, coming to a stop at the end of the bakery cabinet where they could see the display of assorted cupcakes.

"And Ill get you a cupcake to celebrate your win," Blaine said brightly, running his gaze over the different cakes. His eyes lit upon the perfect one. "How about the one with the little gold stars on it?"

Smiling, Kurt leaned closer to the glass to read the label in front of it. "Red velvet - yum."

When they reached the front of the line to order and pay, Blaine told the barista what they wanted and handed over some money before Kurt could reach for his wallet.

Kurt shook his head at him. "You paid last time."

Shoving his wallet back in his pocket, Blaine shrugged. "Yeah, but this is my treat for your win."

They squeezed their way through to one of the few remaining tables towards the back of the coffee shop, sitting down in armchairs opposite each other. Once they were settled and had their drinks in front of them, Blaine lifted his coffee aloft.

"I think a toast is in order for one Mr. Kurt Hummel."

Kurt shook his head, his smile betraying his amusement. "Blaine."

Tipping his cup towards Kurt, Blaine raised his eyebrows. "To Kurt: conqueror of the demanding Oxbridge quiz!" He took a drink of his coffee.

"Dork," Kurt said fondly. He stretched out a hand across the table, making grabby gestures at the plate with his cupcake on it. "Do I get my cupcake now?"

Blaine smiled. "Of course." He set the little cake down in front of Kurt with a flourish. "The winners prize."

Kurt picked one of the golden stars off the top of the cake and held it out to Blaine. "Heres a star for coming in second place."

"And here was me thinking it was for always being your star," Blaine sighed, accepting the icing star with a look of mock disappointment.

Licking the smear of frosting off his fingers, Kurt grinned at him, making Blaines belly warm with a pleasant, gentle heat.

It was always like this with Kurt: easy, carefree, as comfortable as being around someone hed known for years. Though their first meeting and subsequent first date had been a bit sticky with nerves, both occasions had quickly settled into something that felt as right and simple as purely existing.

While their initial meeting had been nerve-wracking because of the admission of long-hidden feelings, their first date had Blaine in a nervous wreck because he didnt want to lose Kurt before hed ever really had him. It was during this date, however, that their penchant for little competitions against each other had begun.

After agreeing on a day and deciding to go into London for their date, Blaine spent countless hours trying to plan the perfect date. He wrote lists of possible things they could do and spent hours researching each possibility. He drove his roommates crazy talking about it, but eventually he managed to narrow his list of ideas, bouncing around between something traditional and safe like dinner and a movie, something romantic like a picnic in Hyde Park, or something a bit different like visiting the London Dungeons. In the end it was an exasperated roommate telling him to stop overthinking and go with his instinct that he decided on where he would take Kurt: dinner and the British Museum.

On the days preceding their date hed been rather proud of himself for thinking of something that was a mix of both the traditional and the different. He wasnt risking the dejection of going to see a movie Kurt may not like, of awkward silences when they couldnt find something to talk about, of Kurt not liking where they were, or worse, being bored. To be on a university quiz team and succeed at University Challenge, you had to be genuinely interested in subjects such as history, literature, and art; it would be extremely difficult otherwise to find the drive to learn and study all the knowledge over hundreds of topics in preparation for the competition, most of which wouldnt even be needed. Blaine knew Kurt shared his passion for learning, understanding, and history; the museum would be a perfect place for a date. They would learn, never run out of things to talk about, and enjoy themselves, he was sure of it.

It wasnt until the night before their date that the nerves kicked in. Blaine had been looking through his closet, trying to pick out the perfect outfit, when the fear that a trip to the museum was far too nerdy. Going on a date was supposed to be fun and all about getting to know the other person - why had he thought a museum would be a suitable location for that? What if Kurt found it boring? Or thought he was boring; someone who had no life outside of learning and studying? He maybe thought a museum was an enjoyable, fascinating day out, but what if Kurt got enough of that sort of thing at university and preferred his down time to be less intellectually stimulating?

He had started considering changing his plans to a movie instead, but it had been too late to start researching movies, theatres, and show times. Blaine was a very organised person who liked to have everything planned and sorted well in advance to feel comfortable, a last minute change to plans for something as important as his first date with Kurt wasnt feasible. Hed had no choice but to stick with his original plans.

He was sweating when he arrived at the train station in London to meet Kurt. At first his worries were entirely over how Kurt would feel about going to a museum for a date; however, as their meeting time grew closer he started stressing over whether Kurt would actually show up. His stomach twisted up into a sickening knot - what if Kurt had only been pacifying him when he had agreed to go on a date? Or worse, what if he was having him on and was currently sitting back in Cambridge, laughing at his stupidity?

He searched the crowds inside the station again and again, scanning every face for Kurt. The time ticked by dreadfully slowly and his heart raced on faster and faster, his palms clammy, his stomach knotting and unknotting itself.

The relief he felt when he spotted Kurts face felt like someone had spooned the liquid emotion into his mouth where it had trickled down his throat and spilled warmth through his insides. He smiled as Kurt neared him.

"Hi," Kurt greeted breathlessly when he was close. He hesitated and there was a brief prickle of awkwardness between them, before he stepped forward and hugged Blaine. "Sorry Im a little late - my train got held outside the station. Have you been waiting long?"

Giving Kurt a gentle squeeze, Blaine stepped back, dropping his arms from Kurts back. He shook his head, too happy and relieved to remember if he had been waiting a while. "Not long. Howve you been?" He indicated with a small wave of his hand that they should start walking.

"Good," Kurt replied, smoothly dodging a harried looking man running for a train. "One of the girls who was on the University Challenge team with me - Laura - wanted to go over everything we did wrong in the final and make notes for next years team, but she was outvoted." Kurt rolled his eyes. "Its not like you guys absolutely hammered us - we only lost by one question!"

Blaine stepped closer to Kurt to stop them becoming separated by a group of people dragging suitcases behind them. "She must be pretty competitive."

"Well, so am I, but even a competitive person has to accept defeat some times."

They headed out of the station and into the dazzling sunlight, the loud chatter of voices and announcements being replaced by the droning of car engines and squealing of brakes.

Kurt turned to Blaine as they walked up the busy street. "So, where are we going? Or is it still a secret?"

Opening his mouth, Blaine hesitated. He wasnt sure if it was better to tell Kurt where they were going now and give him the chance to change his plans if he didnt look particularly impressed, or to wait until they got to the museum and surprise him, as hed originally planned. He closed his mouth again.

"Youll see when we get there," he said as lightly as he could, hoping he sounded teasing and not nervous. "Its not far," he added as they stopped to wait to cross a road choked with London traffic, a mixture of mostly red buses, black cabs, vans, and sleek cars chauffeuring businessmen.

Kurt didnt guess where they were going until they were standing right in front of the museums doors.

"The museum?" he asked in surprise. His voice was lifted in surprise, not at all sounding disappointed or as though he were wishing he never came. "Were going to the museum?"

"Um, yeah." Blaine anxiously watched Kurt examine the grand entrance to the building, searching his face for any hints that he would rather go somewhere else. However, Kurts forehead was smooth of frown lines and his eyes were bright and intrigued as he read the sign by the door advertising some new display the museum had. There was no listless slump to his shoulders or resigned dullness to his gaze. He had clearly not been expecting to visit a museum today, but as far as Blaine could tell, Kurt didnt see this as a bad thing.

Straightening his shoulders, Blaine smiled at Kurt. "I wanted to do something a little different," he said. Before Kurt could do more than turn to look at him, he took hold of his hand and gently tugged him towards the doors. "Lets go."

Blaines taunt nerves didnt begin to loosen up until they had gone through the first exhibit and had moved in to another room. As they had moved through the first area of displays, hed been stressing over whether Kurts noises of interest and comments on the artifacts were genuine or faked to make Blaine feel better. It was only as they examined more artifacts and Kurt said even more about various ones that Blaine began to think that maybe, just maybe, Kurt was truly enjoying himself.

They spent a long time looking at an Egyptian cat sculpture, carved from bronze and decorated with gold rings. They stood close together to read the description board beside the display. After a minute or two, Kurt cocked his head to one side, a contemplative look on his face.

"You know, the cat goddess Bast represented protection, fertility, and motherhood," he said, his eyes still fixed on the display.

Blaine nodded slowly; he remembered reading about that in a book hed taken out from the local library a few years back. "The Egyptians supposedly mourned the death of a cat as if they were a human relative," he said, remembering more from that book. "Sometimes, they shaved their eyebrows to signify their loss."

Looking up from the display, Kurt blinked at him, his expression difficult to read - until the smallest of smirks quirked a corner of his mouth.

"Egyptian woman often wore amulets depicting cats with kittens in a prayer to Bast to have as many children as there were kittens on the amulet," he responded lightly, the smirking corner of his mouth twitching, his eyes twinkling with teasing challenge.

Blaine narrowed his eyes at him; he knew exactly what Kurt was doing. Unable to stop the amused smile from spreading across his face, he moved towards the next display, glancing back at Kurt casually over his shoulder.  

"Bast means she of the ointment jar; named for her soothing and peaceful nature," he said. If Kurt wanted a trivia challenge, then thats what hed get, and Blaine would fight him for the last fact.

Kurt was no longer attempting to hide his cocky smile when he joined Blaine by the next glass display case. They examined the artifact silently for a moment: a necklace with tiny charms in the shapes of lizards and flies.

"The Egyptians saw lizards as a symbol of regeneration because of their ability to re-grow wounded limbs," Blaine said.

"The fly was seen as a symbol of persistence."

"Lizards were thought to be manifestations of the sun-God, Atum."

Their personal competition continued between them as they made their way through the rest of the museum. Blaines worries about his choice of location for their date disappeared in the wake of the incessant, little-known facts they fired at each other. It was impossible for him to worry when he was searching through his memory for anything interesting or unusual he knew about Victorian London, the Ancient Egyptians, or World War I. Kurt may have confidently started their little competition, but Blaine was determined to be crowned the champion of Museum Trivia.

When they reached the section of the museum dedicated to the Ancient Greeks, Blaines face lit up with triumphant delight. He knew scores of random, mostly useless facts about them. Hed read a few chapters in a book on Greek mythology while preparing for University Challenge and had become extremely interested, filled with a desire to learn more. The day after reading the chapters hed gone to the library on campus where he knew he wouldnt be disturbed and had spent a good part of the day on the internet reading more and more about the Ancient Greeks. There was no way Kurt knew as much as he did. This competition would go to him.

Biting his lip in a vain attempt to hold back the smug smile trying to take over his face, Blaine pulled a bunch of facts to the forefront of his mind and held them there, waiting for Kurt to go first.

They reached the first display and examined it side-by-side.

"Although most athletes in Ancient Greece were male, girls ran at Olympia games in Sparta," Kurt stated matter-of-factly.

Smirking, Blaine let his tidal wave of facts pour out of his mouth.

"The word ‘music derives from the names of daughters of Zeus who were patron goddesses of the arts.

"In Greek mythology the men often had male lovers as a symbol of their masculinity and warriorship.

"A playwright called Sophocles developed irony."

Kurt managed to slip in one or two statements of his own, but his words were lost in the shear amount Blaine knew on this particular subject. Giving up, Kurt stopped by a large vase depicting a story from Greek mythology, shaking his head in awe at how much Blaine knew about the Ancient Greeks.

Blaine glanced at the display Kurt was beside and opened his mouth to say something about it, but before he could get the words out, Kurt grabbed him by the shoulders and kissed him.

Caught by surprise, Blaine stumbled backwards a step, his hands floundering in the air until he rested them on Kurts face, cupping his cheeks. They broke the kiss a moment later with a soft smacking sound, and Blaine was left staring speechlessly at Kurt, all thoughts of Ancient Greece sunken back into the depths of his mind.

"Um," Blaine said stupidly.

Smiling, Kurt placed his index finger against Blaines lips. "Shh... You know too much." He took his hand away from Blaines mouth.

"So, did I win?" Blaine asked, still feeling a little dazed, the fizzing aftershocks of the kiss buzzing in his veins.

Walking towards the next display, Kurt smirked at him over his shoulder. "Win what?"

Blaine shook his head at Kurt as he laughed. He caught up with him, standing behind him and placing one hand on either side of his waist, giving him a gentle squeeze. "I definitely won," he said.

Kurt bumped him with his hip as Blaine moved to stand next to him. "This time," he conceded.





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