Sept. 12, 2012, 10:18 a.m.
Sept. 12, 2012, 10:18 a.m.
Kurt Hummel and Blaine Anderson dating?
What has in the past been passed off as a friendship is now clearly a lot more. Chart-topping musician Blaine Anderson, and popular talk show host Kurt Hummel, were spotted exchanging passionate kisses in Central Park last week.
A source says that the two men were walking through the park hand-in-hand and overheard them expressing their love for each other. They also allegedly often spend the night at each other's apartments and it is rumoured that Hummel joined Anderson in LA when he was out there on his recent national tour.
Speculation of a romantic relationship between the pair began early last month when they were photographed leaving a workshop performance of a new Broadway musical together, but both denied anything more than friendship when asked about it.
Neither Anderson nor Hummel were available for comment, but no confirmation of their romantic relationship is needed from either of them - the pictures say it all.
Closing his eyes, Kurt sprayed some hairspray over his carefully styled locks. Opening his eyes again, he examined his hair from all angles in the mirror before, satisfied, capping the bottle and setting it down on the vanity. His phone rang as he was straightening his tie. Getting to his feet, he crossed his dressing room and scooped his phone up from where it laid on the small table in front of the couch. He smiled when he saw the name on the screen.
"Hey, honey, how's the writing going?"
"I'm not getting much done to be honest," Blaine admitted.
Kurt stood up straight, picking up on Blaine's resigned tone. "What's wrong?"
Blaine sighed. "Someone took pictures of us kissing in Central Park on Friday." He sounded haggard. "So, that's it, the world knows about us now."
Kurt dropped down onto the couch. "Fuck," he muttered.
"We were also apparently overheard saying that we love each other and they somehow know - or have taken a lucky guess - that we regularly spend the night together and that you came out to LA to see me." Blaine sounded more tired than annoyed now.
Kurt let his head fall back against the couch. "I don't understand how they got the pictures, we're always so careful in public and-" He broke off, suddenly remembering something.
Kurt barely heard him; his mind was back in Central Park by the bench where they had messed around together, knocking each other's hats off and kissing. "I saw someone when we were in the park and were joking around with our hats. Someone ducked behind a tree just as we were walking away, I saw them out the corner of my eye, but at the time thought it must have just been a bird or something. That must have been who took the pictures." He growled in frustration. "I should have said something at the time or gone and looked to see who it was! I shouldn't have doubted what I saw."
"Kurt, it's not your fault," Blaine said firmly. "Whoever it was must have followed us to that spot because there was nobody around when we got there. They must have known who we were somehow and followed us until they got the chance to get some pictures that clearly showed we're together."
Before Kurt became someone the paparazzi liked to follow around he would have been worried at the knowledge that someone had been following them, but he was used to that behaviour now, to having people with cameras trail behind him to try and get some photos that were worthy of selling. Now it was something else that bothered him.
"How did they know it was us? Neither of us have been recognised before when wearing hats and sunglasses to hide our faces."
"I have no idea, Kurt. Maybe they heard us speak and recognised our voices?" Blaine suggested. "I don't know."
Kurt sighed again. "Why are people so determined to make our relationship public?"
"They just want to try and make more money by being the one with the exclusive." Blaine paused and Kurt could picture him slumped on the couch in his apartment, dressed in sweats and an old t-shirt and running his hand through his un-gelled hair. "My publicist has been telling anyone who calls asking to talk to me about it that I'm busy and unavailable for comment."
Kurt nodded. "I'll just have to do the same until we decide what we want to say to these people."
There was a knock at the door and Kurt held the phone away from his mouth as he told whoever it was to come in. The door opened and Taylor stepped into the room, closing her mouth when she spotted the phone in Kurt's hand.
"What is it?" Kurt asked her, seeing the expression on his producer's face.
Taylor hesitated for a moment, and then said, "We're getting quite a few calls asking if you could comment on your relationship with Blaine Anderson." She looked apologetic.
Kurt held back a sigh. "Tell them I'm unavailable."
Taylor nodded and swiftly left the room.
"I take it the phone calls have started?" Blaine said, obviously having heard his exchange with Taylor.
"Yeah, they've started."
Blaine just sighed. "You still coming over tonight?"
"Of course."
"I'll let you finish getting ready for your show. Love you."
Kurt smiled. "Love you, too."
Frowning, Blaine peered out the window down at the street below. He could see a couple of men dressed in jeans and t-shirts and with cameras slung around their necks standing talking a few feet away from the door of his apartment building. A little further down the road more paparazzi were gathered, eyeing all the cars and pedestrians that went by.
He turned away from the window, feeling a little puzzled as to why who he was dating had caused the paparazzi to hang around outside his building when they had never done so before. Was all of this really just to get a few pictures of Kurt entering his apartment or the pair of them leaving together?
He picked up his phone from where he had left it on the coffee table earlier and sent a text to Kurt, warning him about the paparazzi. When he got a reply less than a minute later telling him that Kurt was only a few minutes away and should hopefully be able to avoid the paparazzi, he hurried back to the window and stared down at the street.
After several minutes of seeing nothing but passing cars and milling paparazzi, a young man wearing a fashionable outfit with a clock-patterned bowtie appeared in view of his window. His face was hidden, but Blaine recognised everything from his outfit to the way he walked - Kurt.
At first the paparazzi took no notice of him and Blaine began to think that Kurt would be able to get away with entering the building without being recognised, but then one of the men in the group of paparazzi furthest from the doors hurried forwards wielding his camera. There were a few seconds of confusion, then the others realised that the man they had passed off as a casual passer-by was Kurt.
There was a mass dash over to the doors of the building and all cameras were raised and directed at Kurt in an almost perfect unison. Kurt just continued walking the last few paces into the building, ignoring the cameras and the shouts directed his way. Blaine knew when Kurt disappeared out of sight of the cameras as the paparazzi all shuffled away from the doors and lowered their cameras.
Blaine stepped away from the window and strode across his apartment to the front door so he could unlock it for Kurt. He had only just turned away from the door when there was a knock on it. He spun around and pulled it open, his exasperation at the paparazzi and annoyance with whoever took and sold those pictures of himself and Kurt in Central Park vanishing as he smiled at his boyfriend.
Kurt removed his hat and sunglasses as he stepped into the apartment. "Hi," he said, greeting Blaine with a kiss.
"I saw you got caught by the paparazzi," Blaine said as they moved away from the door into the living area.
A small frown line appeared between Kurt's eyebrows. "Yeah, I don't know how they suddenly recognised me." He sat down on the couch. "How long have they been hanging around out there?"
"Most of the afternoon," Blaine replied, sitting down next to Kurt.
"They were outside the studio when I left, but I doubt they got much since I got in a car straight away."
Blaine drummed his fingers on the couch. "What are we going to say to all these reporters? I mean, obviously we have to tell them the truth about our relationship - we can't deny it anymore - but..." He trailed off.
Kurt nodded his head slowly. "But how much do we say?" he finished. "We need to tell them enough so that they are sated and leave us alone, but not too much - I don't want everybody knowing every little detail of our relationship.
"Me neither," Blaine agreed. He nibbled on his bottom lip and reached absentmindedly for Kurt's hand, lacing their fingers together on top of Kurt's thigh.
Kurt rubbed his thumb along the tops of Blaine's knuckles. "If we say how long we've been dating and a brief description of how we got together, then that should be enough to keep them happy," he said slowly, his eyes slightly unfocused as he thought it all through. "That covers the main things they would want to know, doesn't it?"
"I think so," Blaine agreed slowly. He smiled at his boyfriend and shuffled closer to him, letting his head rest on his shoulder. A small, happy sigh escaped him when Kurt put an arm around his shoulders and held him close.
They sat in silence for a moment, revelling in the closeness, Kurt still stroking Blaine's knuckles and tracing random patterns on the back of his hand.
"I like your bowtie," Blaine said quietly, his voice small. And Blaine felt small whenever Kurt held him like this, but it was nice, he felt safe; being in Kurt's arms was like home.
He glanced up in time to see Kurt smile down at him. "I knew you would. Wait until you see what I have back at my apartment for you!"
"What is it?" Blaine asked curiously.
Kurt shook his head. "Nope, not telling. You'll find out once it's ready," he said with a grin.
Blaine pouted, his eyes large and bright. Kurt placed a hand over his boyfriend's eyes, covering them, knowing he wouldn't be able to resist them otherwise. "Put the eyes away, Blaine. Don't you have any patience? If I tell you now it will ruin the fun of the surprise."
Huffing out a breath, Blaine mumbled an indistinct agreement to wait.
"Thank you," Kurt said brightly, starting to remove his hand, Blaine reached up and grabbed hold of Kurt's wrist and pressed a wet, noisy kiss to the centre of his palm, pulling away with a ‘mwah' sound.
Kurt giggled adorably and Blaine smiled at the sound, his eyes drinking in Kurt's blue gaze, lit up in a bright sparkle; his soft, pink lips stretched in a smile to show his teeth; his pale skin with the cheeks flushed a light pink. Unable to resist, he tilted his head to press a kiss to the underside of his jaw.
Kurt met his gaze and smiled down at him. "I promise it's worth the wait; I'm sure you're going to love it."
"I'm sure I will."
Over the next few weeks the paparazzi and reporters pestering them got worse. They had both given a short comment on their relationship to the media, but it hadn't satisfied them for long. Their relationship was hot entertainment news just now and magazines, entertainment TV shows, and media websites were clamouring for any new scrap of information that hadn't yet been revealed. For some reason Blaine couldn't quite fathom, his and Kurt's relationship was apparently of great interest to hundreds of people. More articles speculating about various aspects of their relationship had appeared in numerous different publications, leaving Kurt and Blaine puzzling over how they came up with some of the stuff and how they managed to correctly guess some things, like how Blaine had visited Kurt at work one day and that Blaine had written a song for Kurt.
Paparazzi always seemed to know where they were going to be and when, like they had some secret insider knowledge on both their whereabouts and plans. Blaine could barely leave his apartment these days without being swamped by greedy paparazzi and their cameras, shoving at each other in their desperate attempts to get a decent picture and shouting questions at him which blurred into a nonsensical roar as they yelled over the top of each other. Kurt had it as bad as him and their days of being able to stroll along the street together and grab a coffee in peace were gone. Now their dates were restricted to being at each other's apartments or at a restaurant with Blaine's bodyguards standing sentinel both inside and outside the building.
He knew it was starting to frustrate Kurt, was starting to get him down - he felt the same way - as neither of them had any idea how they somehow always seemed to know where they were going to be, like how they had been found in Central Park that day, not to mention that they knew things about their relationship that only their close friends and family knew. However, he could see a small bright spot on the dark paparazzi-crowded horizon. He was playing at a festival in LA next weekend and that would give him and Kurt a break away from it all since Charlie was doing all he could to keep Blaine's hotel and travel plans a secret. Blaine was looking forward to being able to walk undisturbed down the street with Kurt and go and sit in a coffee shop again.
But it wasn't to be.
"I'm so sorry, Blaine, but I won't be able to come. I have a show to do on Friday and an important meeting with my producers on Saturday." Kurt reached for Blaine's hands, squeezing them gently as he apologised profusely, his eyes pleading with Blaine to understand that he really wanted to go with him, but just couldn't.
Blaine nodded sadly. "It's ok, I understand, you can't just skip your work." He gave Kurt a small, weak smile as he struggled to hide the disappointment he felt; he had been really looking forward to Kurt coming to LA with him. "Maybe next time."
Kurt's eyes searched his and Blaine knew his boyfriend could see how disappointed he was about this - Kurt could always tell exactly what he was feeling.
"Come here," Kurt murmured.
Blaine slid closer to him on the stylish couch that was one piece in a tastefully matching set of furniture in Kurt's living room. Kurt's arms enveloped him, drawing him against his chest. Blaine clutched at him, gently squeezing Kurt's back and burying his nose in the soft, pale skin of his neck.
"I really wish I could come," Kurt whispered after a moment. "At least you're only gone for a weekend this time."
Blaine hummed in agreement, squeezing his eyes shut and holding Kurt a little tighter. "I'll still miss you, though," he mumbled against Kurt's neck.
"I know," Kurt whispered, "I will too." He gave Blaine one last squeeze and pulled back, dropping a kiss to Blaine's temple. "I have something for you. You can wear it to your performance in LA, so then a part of me is with you."
"Kurt, a part of you is always with me," Blaine told him in a low voice constricted with emotion.
Kurt just smiled and gave him a quick kiss before getting to his feet. "I'll just go and get it."
He returned less than a minute later, carrying a small, shallow cardboard box which he handed to Blaine with the simple instruction to open it.
Curious, Blaine lifted the lid off the box to reveal a blue and grey plaid bowtie nestled on a layer of tissue paper. He set the lid aside and picked it up, the fabric smooth and soft beneath his fingers.
"It's beautiful," he gasped softly. He looked up at Kurt who was watching him with a smile. "You made this?" He knew he had, but he couldn't help the question escaping his lips in a stunned voice.
Kurt nodded. "I know how much you love bowties, so I wanted to make one for you; one you can wear while you are on tour so, like I said earlier, a part of me is always with you."
Blaine leaned forward and kissed him softly. "Thank you, I love it."
Kurt reached for the bowtie, lifting it out of Blaine's hands. "Here," he said, setting it down on his lap and removing the one Blaine was currently wearing and replacing it with the new one.
Blaine gazed up at him as he tied it and Kurt smiled at him when he was finished. Just when Blaine thought he was going to kiss him, Kurt took his hand and pulled him to his feet.
"You need to see how it looks on you," Kurt said as he led Blaine over to the mirror hanging on the wall of his living room.
Gazing at his reflection, Blaine raised a hand and touched the edge of the bowtie whilst Kurt watched him in the mirror. "I love it, Kurt - really. Thank you so much, no one has ever given me something like this before." He turned away from the mirror and pulled Kurt in for a kiss, biting down gently on his bottom lip and then smoothing his tongue over it, causing Kurt to open his mouth, allowing Blaine to slip his tongue inside with a soft groan. Kurt pulled him closer as they kissed so Blaine could feel his boyfriend's pounding heart through his shirt.
"I love you," Blaine murmured when their kisses slowed.
Kurt hummed in agreement and held Blaine tighter, suddenly kissing him passionately and almost frantically again instead of the slow, languid kisses they had just been sharing. He pulled away when the need to breathe could no longer be ignored, leaving Blaine gasping for air.
"I'm sorry I can't come to LA," Kurt panted.
Blaine stroked his cheek. "Kurt, it's fine. I'm only there for one weekend and you have to work. I'll call you whenever I can and I'll wear your bowtie for the performance."
Kurt kissed the tip of his nose. "You better," he warned with a smile.