Aug. 21, 2015, 7 p.m.
Aug. 21, 2015, 7 p.m.
Kurt couldn't believe what was happening. Of course, he had heard in the news, but he didn't really believe it. He just assumed it was a joke. He looked down at the letter in his hands. That's how Rachel found him when she came home a few minutes later. Sitting frozen in the kitchen, letter in hands, unable to blink.
He looked up at her.
“Oh, I see you got your letter.”
He simply nodded. Rachel came over and gave him a giant hug.
“Did you get yours yet?”
“Um, actually no, because Jesse and I decided to get married.”
“Oh,” Kurt said. It made sense, after all. She and Jesse had started dating recently. He had moved back to New York, and they were in a production together. They saw each other all of the time. Kurt, on the other hand, had no one. Sure, he knew of other eligible gay men that he could marry, but not one that he wanted to. And it seemed like everyone had already found someone else.
“Well if you want, I could help you find someone. I know this great guy from the theater who…”
“You know what Rachel, that's okay. I think I'll be fine. I don't even have time to think about this right now.” He stood up and discarded the letter on the table. “I really just need to focus on this audition for now.”
“Kurt, this is really important, though. I mean, you're gonna have to spend the rest of your life with this person.”
“Rachel, there's no way I'm going to fall in love in three months, okay? I'm just going to let the government match me and try to work it out.”
Rachel sighed. This whole program was ridiculous. The government had recently passed a new law saying that everyone had to be married by the age of 25. Kurt and Rachel were 24, and Kurt was turning 25 in three months. Neither of them had really believed it until their friends who were older started getting letters in the mail saying that if they didn't find a spouse in three months, they would be “matched” by love.org, a “dating” website that the government set up for this new law. Basically, when the law passed, if you were older than 25, you had three months to find someone and get married. If you were younger than 25, you had to get married by your 25th birthday. If you couldn't find someone and register them as your spouse, then the government made you a profile on the website to help find a match. It wasn't really a dating website, though. You didn't even really have to do any work. In fact, you just had to check to see who your match was. The government would go through all of your social media accounts, phone conversations, texts, and purchases to see what your interests were, and it would use a super algorithm to calculate who would best match you. And that was it. Then you had to meet and marry the person. Once you declared that you couldn't find someone by yourself, and you put it in the government's hands, you were legally bound to marry whoever the algorithm chose for you. Rachel thought it was extremely risky.
“Kurt, you really think that's a good idea?”
“What other choice do I have, Rachel? I don't know anyone who would possibly want to marry me.”
“You could at least try, Kurt.”
“I don't wanna try. Trying requires effort and time, and I really need to focus on this audition. This could be my big break Rachel!”
Kurt was auditioning for his first Broadway lead in a show. It was a new musical, one that Elton John had written the songs for. The book was actually written by one of Jesse's friends. It was about a flamboyant young gay man who was trying to pass as straight while working as a lawyer. It was going to be huge, and if Kurt got the part, it would most definitely propel him to stardom.
“I know Kurt, I'm just worried.”
“Look, obviously my career is more important to me than my husband will be. Especially now since I have to marry a complete stranger. I hope he understands that. But since you're so concerned, why don't you come with me to meet him? I was going to register as single and let the computer match me up now.”
“Okay Kurt, if that makes you happy, yes, I will go with you to meet him.”
“Good. I really just hope he's not a psychopath or something.”
Blaine Anderson sat in the wooden chair at his desk, staring at his hands on the keyboard for a while before daring himself to look up at the screen. He wasn't exactly happy about the marriage law that the government set up, but he had to get matched. There was no one he knew that he could possibly marry. He had just moved to New York City, and he knew absolutely no one. He had been living in Ohio before this, teaching music to middle schoolers, when his band got discovered. So he left when the school year ended, and he and all his band members, Tina, Santana, and Sam, had moved to New York. He had met them when he transferred to McKinley High School his Junior year. Currently, Blaine lived in a small apartment that he shared with Sam.
They had been having a pretty great time so far. Their producer, Mercedes Jones, who had also gone to McKinley with them, was really cool, and they were recording their first single. Everything was going fine, really, it's just that Blaine was so busy, with being the songwriter and lead singer of their band, that he didn't really have a chance to get out and meet guys. And now he was six months away from turning 25, and he had to get married. But he would be lying if he didn't say a little, tiny part of him was just the smallest bit happy. He never really thought he would get married, never thought the right guy would come along. But now, Blaine was being matched. And he had heard from some friends that the government's algorithm was pretty intense and usually led to good matches. So he was pretty excited. Maybe, if fate really did exist, he would meet the love of his life, his true love. No matter what, though, Blaine was determined to make his marriage work, even if it was technically an arranged marriage to a complete stranger.
The computer chimed. Blaine looked up. “You've been matched!” it read. Blaine clicked on the little envelope. He held his breath in anticipation, but he didn't even get to see what the result was before he was interrupted.
“Whatcha up to hobbit?” Santana barged into his room without knocking, as was her custom. Blaine frantically tried to switch tabs, but not before Santana saw what he was looking at.
“Ooh, a dating website? Are you really that desperate for some ass, Anderson? Because if so, I'm sure I can find you someone at this gay bar that I saw…”
“Santana, it's not a dating website. I'm being matched.”
“Matched? You really let the government decide who you're going to marry? You trust that stupid super algorithm?”
He looked at her in annoyance.
“Not all of us are lucky enough to have someone like Brittany.”
Santana and Brittany had been dating since high school and were madly in love. They were obviously getting married. Tina was also marrying her high school sweetheart, a guy named Mike. And Sam had just started dating their producer, Mercedes, and they were probably going to get married as well. Blaine was the only one of them who had no one. Even though he had gone to Dalton Academy, an all boys school, for his first two years of high school, he had never had a boyfriend. He had been too busy leading the Warblers, their acapella show choir.
“So what flaming gay elf did Uncle Sam think was appropriate to pair you up with? Or are you into the more bear-like gays?”
“It's none of your business,” Blaine said with a pointed look. Usually he was a pretty cheery person, but he didn't want Santana to know and say something snarky about his future husband.
“Come on, let me see! He can't be that ugly.” Santana tried to tear the laptop away from Blaine. Blaine yelled and blocked her. Sam heard the commotion and came rushing in.
“Woah guys, what's going on here?”
“Blaine won't show me who he got matched with!” Santana yelled.
“Because it's none of your business!” Blaine yelled back.
“Okay, calm down. Santana, let go of the laptop and hand it over.” Sam stuck out his hands. Santana regretfully gave him the computer.
“Thank you Sam,” said Blaine. Then he held out his hands to take the computer back from Sam. Suddenly, Sam turned around and ran out of the room. Santana followed him, but only after she pushed Blaine on the bed.
“Oh, come on!” Blaine yelled. He ran out to the living room. Sam and Santana had plopped down on the couch next to Tina, and were telling him they were going to find out who Blaine's match was.
“Let's see it!” Tina said.
“No!” Blaine yelled futilely. No one paid any attention to him.
“Alright,” Santana said, “let's see who hobbit's little wife will be.”
“She scrolled through the results and stopped at the picture. Their mouths dropped open.
“Oh my God,” said Tina.
“Dude!” exclaimed Sam.
“Wanky,” said Santana.
“What?!” yelled Blaine. “What's wrong with him?” He started to walk around the couch so he could see, but Santana closed out of the page.
“Why'd you do that?!” Blaine asked.
“I already sent him an invitation to meet you. You're going to meet for coffee at Jan's tomorrow at 2pm.”
“Why didn't you let me see him?”
“Because you don't need to. It's better if it's a surprise.”
“But Santana…”
“Just trust me on this Anderson. Auntie Snix knows best.”
“Guys, help me out here.” Blaine looked expectantly at Sam and Tina.
“I don't know, I think I'm with Satan on this one,” said Sam.
“Agreed,” said Tina.
“Oh come on!”
“Yup, and I am confiscating this until after you meet him. And word to the wise, I would pick out the tightest, most colorful pants you have. And wear a bow tie.” Santana got up and stalked off to her room, taking Blaine's laptop with her. Blaine flopped down on the couch. The suspense was going to kill him.
“Rachel, look!” Kurt ran into Rachel's room, holding his computer in his hands. He plopped down on her bed and shoved the laptop into her lap. Rachel had been rehearsing lines for the production she was currently in: a revival of Evita.
“Kurt, was it? I'm busy.”
“Rach, I got matched!”
She immediately dropped her script and looked up at the computer. She gasped.
“Kurt! Oh my gosh.”
“I know! What do I do?!” he started shaking his hands in a panicked way.
“Just stay calm. Did he ask you to meet him?
“Yes. Tomorrow, for coffee. He messaged me. He said he's excited to meet me.”
“Aww, Kurt, that's so cute!” Rachel cooed.
“Not cute! Rachel, I don't want to do this. I don't know why you're so excited about this.”
“Because why not? Kurt, why don't you give him a chance at least? What if he ends up being the love of your life? It could happen, you know. I mean, obviously you're compatible.”
Kurt sighed.
“Okay, fine, I'll give him a chance. I'm going to be as nice as I can.”
“Yay!” Rachel threw her arms around Kurt. “Just wait, I bet this is going to turn out way better than you could've hoped.”