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Matched: The Wedding

T - Words: 3,310 - Last Updated: Aug 21, 2015
Story: Complete - Chapters: 14/? - Created: Jul 13, 2015 - Updated: Jul 13, 2015
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Even though he knew it was ridiculous, Kurt was actually a little nervous. He was putting on his suit and Rachel was currently sitting on his bed, attempting to calm him down. 

“Oh, come on Kurt. You said it yourself. He's not that bad anymore. I mean, you had a nice time with him last weekend.” 

“Yes Rachel, but this was a brief moment that we were able to somehow be civil to each other. What if it isn't like that our whole marriage? I really don't want to marry this guy.” 

Kurt began to pace back and forth between the walls of his small bedroom. He was half dressed in his wedding suit; he had on his pants, and his shirt was hanging open. He tilted his head up to the ceiling and placed his hands over his eyes. 

“Rachel!” he moaned. “What am I going to do? I mean, what if he wants… you know! tonight?!” Now Kurt was waving his hands around somewhat frantically. 

“Well, I mean, Kurt…” Rachel began, crossing her legs and folding her hands in true shrink fashion. “Technically, he'll be your husband. He has the right to ask for it. But you can say no. I think that Blaine is gentlemanly enough to respect that. I mean, did you try talking to him about it?” 

“Yes! Well… kind of. I told him that I didn't want to, ever. But I know, but we're gonna have to do it eventually. Otherwise he'll cheat on me, and then I'll have to find someone else, and ugh!” Kurt stopped pacing. He spun around and flopped on the bed next to Rachel. His arms were spread out and his legs were hanging over the side. 

“Kurt, look I understand that you're nervous. But you just have to suck it up and do this. It's either get married or get put in jail. And Blaine is a decent guy, at least. I know that not everyone is as lucky as Jesse and I, but I think that in time you two could grow to be happy together.” 

“I don't want to be happy, I just want to be single.” 

“Come on, Kurt. At least try! You can't go into this marriage expecting it to be a failure. Yes, this entire situation sucks. But it's happening regardless. And you can either go and be all moody and make Blaine hate you, or you could be a nice husband to him and at least make him happy. I mean, he's been nice so far Kurt, the least you could do is try to make him happy for his troubles. You're not the only one hurting from this arrangement.” 

“Fine, fine.” Kurt sits up. “I'll try. I'll be nice. When did you turn into such a Sally Sunshine anyway?” 

“Well, love changes people. Ever since Jesse and I got married…”

“Oh, you mean all that time since last week?" Kurt interrupted.  

“Yes, and since we got married, I just feel so happy. Like, it's nice to feel that you have the power to make someone else so happy, you know?”

“Hmm, yeah, I guess I could see that being nice.” 

“It's all in the little things, Kurt! Like compliments go a long way. Try complimenting Blaine on his outfit, or his hair sometimes. Or try making him his lunch every once in a while. Not all the time, just every so often. And you could try running him a hot bath if you know he's had a hard day, or give him a shoulder massage. You just have to try, Kurt. I don't want my best friend to be miserable!”

“Okay, okay! I'll try.” Kurt sits up and looks Rachel in the eyes. “I promise I will try to be nice to Blaine. I'll do all the little nice things you said, at least for a little while. If it works, then maybe you're right. Maybe this won't be so bad after all.” 

Rachel smiles at him warmly and gives him a hug. 

“Good! So, are you gonna kiss him today at the ceremony?” 

“Crap! We didn't even talk about that!” Kurt sighs. “Well, I guess there's nothing wrong with a little peck.” 

“Exactly! See, that's the spirit. Oh! Here, try some of this!” Rachel jumps off the bed and runs to the kitchen excitedly. Kurt follows in a much slower fashion, buttoning up his shirt while walking. 

“Drink a little of this. It'll make it all better.” 

“Rachel,” Kurt says while looking at the bottle Rachel had pulled out of the cupboard in confusion. “Where did this wine even come from?” 

“I was saving it for a special occasion! And weddings are pretty special, right?! So,” she said, pouring him a small glass, “drink up! But just a little, we don't want you to stumble in drunk. Just enough to take the edge off.” Kurt drink the small shot of wine. 

“I guess I should finished getting dressed. We have about ten minutes until we should go to the courthouse.” 

“Yes! Hurry, get dressed! Let's go!” 


“Don't worry Blaine, you have nothing to be nervous about! You look great! And we're almost there.” Sam is driving him to the courthouse. In the end, Blaine had been able to talk Kurt into a small courthouse wedding, so at least some of their friends and family could be there. Blaine's dad wasn't coming, but his mom, his brother Cooper and his wife were. Sam and Santana were already with him. Tina couldn't be there; she had to fly back to Lima to get married to Mike on the same day. Mercedes was gonna be there though, and a few of Kurt's friends were also coming. Then they were all going to go to a somewhat fancy restaurant and have a nice meal together. 

“Yeah, and I'm sure lady Hummel will be there too. I mean, what better option does a sparkly elf have than a magical dwarf? You guys will be perfect together,” Santana said while waving around a bouquet in the air.

“Santana, why do you have that bouquet? You're not getting married until next month.” Blaine gave her a confused look. 

“Well, in case you hadn't noticed, it just so happens to match the flowers you have pinned on your suit. And it's for Kurt. I mean, obviously he's the more feminine out of the two of you, and I still wanna catch the bouquet.”

“But you already know you're getting married next.”

“Yeah, it's really just for bragging rights over Berry. Come on, you know how much I love gloating. It's practically my favorite pastime.” 

“Alright you guys,” Sam says as he pulls into a parking lot. “We are here. Are you ready Blaine?” 

Blaine sucks in a breath. 

“Yeah, I hope so.” 

Rachel and Kurt are walking up to the courthouse just as soon as Sam and Blaine get out of the car. Rachel waves to them, and Blaine starts to walk over to them. He gets a little tongue tied when he tries to say hello to Kurt, mainly because he can't stop looking at him. Kurt is dressed impeccably, as always. He wore a fitted light grey suit, with a white shirt and a dark red tie. Blaine had worn a typical black suit and a red bow tie. 

“Hello, soon to be husband,” Kurt says. 

“Uh, h-hi.” Was that his heart that was beating so quickly? Kurt gave him a slight smile. He could tell Blaine was nervous. 

“Well,” he said, taking Blaine's hand. “Ready to go in?” 

“Yeah, totally.” 

The ceremony was short. A few of their friends were there. Kurt's dad and stepmom were there, and Blaine's brother was there. They didn't kiss at the end, and they didn't exchange vows. But they had rings. Blaine figured that Kurt would probably like something like that, so he went out to the jewelry store and picked out two matching, plain silver bands. He had surprised Kurt with them during the ceremony, and Kurt had looked genuinely touched. He put it on without saying a word. Blaine took that to mean that Kurt liked them. And that was one step closer to Kurt liking him! Yes! 

After, they had an enjoyable dinner with all of their friends and family at a nice restaurant in downtown New York. It was a nice picture, seeing all of their family and friends together, laughing and having a good time. Santana was behaving, Rachel wasn't being too much of a diva, Sam hadn't said anything accidentally insensitive yet, and Kurt was actually being really nice to Blaine. He knew that it was silly, but he couldn't help but think that it had meant something when Kurt had pulled Blaine's chair out for him, or when Kurt had put his hand over Blaine's hand and asked him “can you please pass the salt, honey”? Blaine could've sworn that he had caught Kurt staring at him more than a few times throughout the night.

The night got the most interesting, however, after Cooper had had a few glasses of wine.  

“Hey squirts!” He directed his comments at Blaine and Kurt both. “So can I be expecting any nieces or nephews anytime soon? I mean, I know you're gay, but there always adoption, right? Or surrogacy? How long do you think you're going to wait before starting a family?” 

Blaine's mouth drops open in shock. He had coached Cooper very well on the phone about what he was and was not allowed to talk about. Children was definitely on the “not approved” list. Apparently that didn't matter once Cooper was drunk, though. 

“Yeah, Kurt!” Rachel said. “I want a godchild! I'd be the best godmother ever! I'd give your baby presents all the time, and the best present ever, of course, being my voice. I would totally sing them to sleep whenever I babysat, which I could do you know,” she leaned close to Kurt's ear and whispered loudly, “whenever you and Blaine want some grown-up alone time.” Kurt turned bright red at this statement. 

“As if Berry!” Santana yelled in Rachel's ear. “Everybody knows that Auntie Snix would be the best babysitter around. I'd teach that kid everything that they needed to know about getting through what would probably be like living in a constant sing-a-long.” 

“It would be nice to have some granbabies,” said Burt. He looked at Blaine. “Have you ever thought about it?” 

“Um, well…” Blaine stammered, “I don't know, I mean it would be nice and stuff, but I-I think that Kurt is pretty busy with work right now a-”

“What he means,” said Kurt, taking Blaine's hand, “is that maybe not for a few years. We just want to take some time and get established first. You know, buy a house, have some steady work for awhile.” 

“So you want to have a child?” Blaine's mom asked in delight. 

“I would actually love to, someday. Maybe even a few kids would be nice. Don't you think so Blaine?” Kurt turned to Blaine with a loving smile. 

Wow, no wonder Kurt is on Broadway, Blaine thought to himself. If this is him acting, it's on point. I'm not even sure if he's faking or being serious. 

“Y-yeah, I think so. Kids would be nice.” 

“Excellent!” said Sam. “Man, this is so great! Seeing you guys finally together is so nice!” Sam suddenly stands up. 

“I would like to propose a toast,” he said, lifting up his wine glass. 

Oh no, thought Blaine, groaning inwardly.

“This is for Kurt and Blaine. You know, who would've ever thought that you guys would've actually ended up together, after all this time! I mean, it's been what, seven years since we graduated? And it's so crazy, because I remember Blaine always telling me back then that he had this huge crush on Kurt!” 

“Sam!” Blaine said in shock. 

“Right! Don't worry, I got your back buddy,” Sam said, pointing at Blaine. Kurt turned to look at Blaine, an amused smile on his lips. 

“So yeah, he would always tell me how hot he thought Kurt looked that day, or how much he wanted to ask Kurt out on a date. And then he asked Kurt to prom once during glee club by singing him that song. What was it Blaine, I can't really remember.” 

“Oh my gosh,” Blaine groans, putting his head in his hands, clearly embarrassed. 

“Teenage Dream,” says Kurt. 

“That's it!” exclaims Sam. 

“You actually remember that?” asks Blaine. 

“Of course, how could I forget? I wasn't usually serenaded by tons of cute boys in high school.” 

Blaine couldn't control how red his cheeks turned from the comment. 

“And even though Kurt acted like a total douche and turned him down, they still somehow managed to get together, and here we are. So, I would like to raise a toast.” Sam lifts up his glass ceremoniously, and a little violently, not caring about the droplets of wine that were falling down his wrist and onto his suit jacket. 

“To Blaine Anderson and Kurt Hummel! A long, loving marriage and years of happiness!” 

“Here here!” everyone else at the table shouted. They all tossed back their wine like it was water, and as if today were a burning summer's day in Texas, as opposed to just the mild spring day that it was in Manhattan. 

After a couple more hours of jokes, laughter, and inappropriate comments, the group was fully inebriated, with the exception of Kurt and Blaine (because someone had to make sure everyone got home alright), and so they decided to call it a night. After Kurt and Blaine make sure that everyone got in a cab safely, with the correct addresses, they headed home together. 

“So, a huge crush, huh?” 

Crap, Blaine thinks to himself. 

“Uh, well, not a huge crush, I wouldn't say huge per se. Maybe moderate or something, I mean, you know how Sam likes to exaggerate.”

“Oh sure,” says Kurt, in a completely disbelieving tone. Blaine panics a little and starts talking really fast. 

“I mean, it's not like I was obsessed with you or anything. I mean, sure, I might've sat behind you in French just so I could stare at your awesome hair and…”

“Blaine, calm down. I was just teasing, alright?” Kurt laughs a little. 

“Oh, right,” says Blaine, breathing in and out a little better. 

They reach the loft in decent time. Stopping in the middle of the living room, they look into each other's eyes for a moment, contemplating what to say next. Blaine is mostly afraid of saying something stupid or silly. Kurt just doesn't want to come across as, how did Sam put it? Oh right, a total douche. Finally, it's Blaine who interrupts the silence. 

“Can I ask you a question?” 

“Sure, we are married now. You're supposed to know all of my secrets, right?” 

“Eh heh, right,” Blaine chuckles nervously. “Kurt, why did you hate me so much in high school? Why were so rude to me when we met the other day? And why were you being so nice today? I feel like you're this big puzzle that I have to figure out.” 

“I don't want to confuse you anymore, Blaine. I'll tell you everything you want to know. But first,” Kurt led him over to one of the three overstuffed couches that adorned the loft. “Would you like some hot chocolate? It's imported from France.” 

“Uh, yeah, sure I guess.” 

“Great!” Kurt bounced off to make the hot chocolate. When he came back, he sat down on the couch and set the two mugs on the coffee table in front of them. He was taking Rachel's advice and trying to be as doting as possible, which was confusing the hell out of Blaine. 

“So, first things first. You wanted to know why I hated you so much, right?” 

“Yes, I do.” 

“Well,” Kurt sighed, “to be honest, I was jealous of you.” 

“Jealous? Of me?” 

“Of course Blaine! You just waltzed in Junior year, and you practically took over the entire glee club! Everybody loved you, and they all forgot about me. Even my own parents.” Kurt took a gulp of his chocolate and looked away. “Even Finn.” 

“Kurt, it wasn't like that.” 

He had been trying to keep calm, but Kurt couldn't help get a little emotional when Blaine said that. He stood up quickly. His voice was even, but his eyes showed more than enough anger to make up for it.

“Oh, wasn't it?! Because it was you he texted the night he died, not me Blaine. You and Rachel were the last people who got his final words. Not me, his own brother. He adored you, Blaine, but he didn't love me. I was too gay or sparkly or some crap like that.”

“Kurt,” Blaine begins. 

“Don't.” Kurt started shouting. “How do you think I felt, Blaine? You took my family, my brother, you even stole my best friend away from me! Mercedes and I were so close, and then you swooped in and she ran to you the way little kids run to their parents when they're being picked up from summer camp! I know it's petty, and childish, but no one noticed me after you came, Blaine.”

“I noticed you!” Blaine yells without thinking and stands up to look into Kurts eyes. “Gosh! You always paint yourself as some kind of martyr. Oh, boo hoo, nobody noticed me anymore! Grow up Kurt! You're right, your jealousy was childish, because I was never trying to take anything away from you. You really think I cared about solos in glee club? Or leads in the school musical? I only did that stuff so I could get close to you! But did you ever bother trying to get to know me? No! Your world has always been about you!”

 Kurt looks at him for a while, blue-green eyes piercing hazel. 

“You really did like me back then, didn't you?” he asks in a much softer voice. 

“Well, I did ask you to prom,” Blaine says. 

“That's right.” 

“You said no,” he said, the bitterness clearly evident in his voice.  

“I thought someone had put you up to it to make fun of me. Earlier that day some of the jocks had bribed a bunch of cheerleaders to ask me out, and then they filmed it and humiliated me with it for weeks.” 

“Oh,” said Blaine quietly. “I had no idea.” 

“I know, and the way I turned you down was rude.”

“That still doesn't explain why you were so mean when we met at the coffee shop.” 

“Come on Blaine, how would you have reacted? You were always my arch nemesis,” Kurt says a little overdramatically, “and now all of a sudden I was supposed to marry you? I'm still surprised at how my seemingly normal life somehow turned into a soap opera.” 

Blaine chuckles a little at the thought.

“Look, I'm sorry. If I was being overly nice before, it's because I was trying to make up for all that time I was awful to you, and because I honestly want this marriage to work. I don't want to come home everyday, dreading hearing your voice, or worse, coordinating times so that we don't see each other as much as possible. Even if we can just be friends, it's better than loathing each other.” 

“You're right.” 

“And you were right. I was selfish, and a narcissist. Still am, a little bit. But if I say I'll try to get better, will you promise to forgive me a little for the way I acted before?” 

Blaine nods. “Yeah, I think I can do that.”  

“Okay, so let's make a promise to each other. I will try to be as nice and non-jealous as possible, and you don't have to worry about being nervous around me. Okay?” 

“Okay,” said Blaine, still a little nervous despite what Kurt just said. 

“Good.” Kurt leaned forward and took Blaine's hand in his own. “Goodnight Blaine.” He got up and went to his room. 

“Goodnight Kurt,” he called after him. Blaine got off the couch and walked to his own room. Even though he was still very confused, he couldn't help the way his stupid heart fluttered with emotion. And despite his best wishes, he knew what he would be dreaming about that night. 


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