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Matched: Ones and Zeroes

T - Words: 3,378 - Last Updated: Aug 21, 2015
Story: Complete - Chapters: 14/? - Created: Jul 13, 2015 - Updated: Jul 13, 2015
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Author's Notes:

Hope you all enjoyed it! 

Blaine, Sam, Tina, and Santana were all sitting around a table, enjoying a nice lunch together in a large restaurant downtown called Fez's Fabulous Falafels. Not only did they have the best falafels, as far as Sam knew, but all of the waiter's and waitresses were dressed in drag. Needless to say, the place had a pretty fun atmosphere. The four of them were talking about going on tour as a band.

“Guys,” Sam said through a mouthful of falafel, “I think we should pull out all of the stops and do a nationwide tour, with like a hundred cities.”

“A hundred? Sam, that's insane,” said Blaine. “We haven't even released our first album yet, maybe we should wait and see if people actually like us before we decide to drive all around the country. I mean, what if we plan a bunch of tour dates and no one actually shows up?”

“Oh Blaine, don't be a pessimist! It doesn't suit you,” said Tina. “But I do think one hundred is too much. Maybe just fifty, or thirty is okay.”

“I mean, that's still a lot of time. Just think, if we do thirty cities, and spend like three days traveling between each, that's like ninety days we'll be on tour. That's a long time away from home. And I know that ya'll got spouses just like I do,” Santana said.

“Well, don't you think we should maybe ask Mercedes for some advice? I mean she is kind of our producer,” Blaine pointed out.

Sam sighed. “I just don't want to ask for advice from her because I know what she'll say.”

“Well, what do you think she'd say?” asked Tina.

“I know she'll ask me to stay home, that she won't want me to leave her.”

“Oh please,” Santana scoffed. “Mercedes is an independent, grown ass woman. I highly doubt that she needs you to take care of her.”

“No, I understand what you mean Sam,” said Tina. “When I talked to Mike about the possibility of leaving for awhile, he was pretty upset too. But he said I should do whatever's best for my career.”

“What about you, Blaine?” Sam asked, turning towards his friend. “What did Kurt say?”

“Oh,” said Blaine. “Well, I haven't really brought it up at all. I guess I didn't think about it.”

“Hmm, sounds like you relationship is going great. How's that whole “wooing” thing going?” Santana asked, voice full of snark. Blaine glared at her. Well, as well as Blaine could glare.

“It's actually going really well, I'll have you know.”

“Really!” Tina said excitedly. “Is he starting to warm up to you?”

“He is,” said Blaine.

“Oh please. Porcelain warming up to you? As if. I'll believe it when I see it,” remarked Santana.

“It's true! Just lasts week, we went to get crepes, and we were walking and holding hands the entire way.”

Santana rolls her eyes.

“A-and we've been sleeping together!” Blaine said without thinking.

“Woah!” said Sam. “Way to jump a couple bases!”

“I-I mean, we didn't, like,” Blaine lowered his voice and moved his head closer, “you know, but we slept in the same bed. And spooned!”

“Aww, Blainey! That's so sweet!” Tina exclaimed.

“Yeah, adorable,” Santana said, rolling her eyes once again and practically gagging. “When are you gonna make a real move, Anderson? Have you even kissed yet? You do know that you're married to the guy, right?”

“I-I know, I'm just taking it slow. I want this to work out, and I don't want to scare Kurt.”

“Well,” said Tina, “I think it's nice how you're trying to woo him. I'm sure he'll be falling right back in love with you anytime soon.”

“Like I said, I'll believe it when I see it,” said Santana.

“Well you will,” said Blaine.

“And, maybe even sooner than you thought!” said Sam. “So, we've been invited to play at a party this Saturday night! It's super fancy, and it's a pretty long party, so we're only playing for a couple hours, then another band will take over. But it's a really good opportunity for us, and the invitations are plus one! So, we should start deciding on a set list and costumes.”

“Wait, hold on, how long have you known about this?” Santana asks.

“Just since this morning. The guy called me, and I said I would get back to him after I asked all you guys. So, what do you think?”

“Hells yeah!” said Santana.

“Of course!” shouted Blaine.

“Why not?!” replied Tina.

“Awesome!” said Sam.

“So what's the party for?” asked Tina.

“Oh,” said Sam. “It's a political thing. Some guy running for congress. Apparently, his teenage daughter is a huge fan and recommended us to him for the party! He's pretty liberal, so it's gonna be a fun party. But we should still try and keep our setlist classy.”

“Agreed,” said Tina.

“Awesome guys! This is gonna be great!”

Rachel and Kurt were cooking in Rachel's apartment. Kurt was showing her a new vegan recipe he had found for cheesecake, and they were making it together. It was the one night in a long time where they both happened to have a night off. So, there they were, in Rachel's modern, clean kitchen, decorated with hanging lights and colorful barstools, trying to follow an impossibly strange recipe to make something as ironic as vegan cheesecake.

“So, we're supposed to soak these cashews for 4-6 hours?” asked Kurt, inspecting the bag of nuts.

“And we're supposed to crush these dates in a food processor...” Rachel said, reading the recipe on her tablet, “...and then we have to mix this coconut milk with lemon juice and maple syrup… and then let freeze for 4-6 hours.” Kurt and Rachel look up at each other.

“I'll start picking movies out,” said Kurt, dropping the cashews and heading over to the television and turning on the Netflix app. “Okay, we should most definitely pick a theme. Should we do vintage movie musicals, Audrey Hepburn movies, or fashion documentaries?”

“Hmm, how about we try something different, Kurt? I feel like we always watch the same things.”

“Well if it's not broken, why fix it?”

“No no, come on, you know better than that Kurt Hummel. Let try a new genre! Maybe old horror movies? Like Alfred Hitchcock. Or kung fu movies!.”

“Ooh! We could do Bollywood! Like Bride and Prejudice! Or we could go by directors, like Wes Anderson or Woody Allen.”

“All great ideas Kurt. How about we do Woody Allen. But only the good ones.”

“Of course!”  

They've gone through Annie Hall and Manhattan, and are halfway through Midnight in Paris when the cheesecakes are done cooling. Rachel and Kurt divvy up the tiny cakes amongst each other. They had poured the mixture into a cupcake pan, so instead of having one big cheesecake, they had a bunch of tiny ones.

“Because it'll make us feel less fat when we realize we've eaten a whole cheesecake,” said Rachel.

They both take a bite at the same time and moan in appreciation and wonderment.

“How can something as oxymoronic as vegan cheesecake be so good?” Kurt wondered aloud.

“Mmm, it's definitely because of that vodka you poured in at the last second. Alcohol is vegan, right?”

Kurt couldn't answer because his mouth was too full of cheesecake. In between bites, Rachel took her opportunity to begin grilling Kurt.

“So Kurt, how are things going with Blaine?”

“Oh,” Kurt said, looking up at her and blushing. “Things have actually been going really well.”

“Really?” said Rachel, looking at him suspiciously.

“Yeah, I mean, we've been really getting along lately. And he's been super sweet. He opens door for me, and he holds my hand as we walk. And we cuddle sometimes when we're watching TV. And I make breakfast sometimes, or bake something every now and again. Like I said before, I've been taking your advice about doing the little things. Earlier this week I even gave him a back rub.”

That bastard deserves none of that, thought Rachel.

“And we've been sleeping together,” Kurt added shyly.

“What?!” Rachel exploded.

“I-I mean, not in that way… just because the window in his room broke, so it's always really cold in there at night. We don't do anything, just snuggle sometimes. We haven't even kissed yet.”

Oh, thank God.

“Kurt,” Rachel begins carefully, “Blaine hasn't… hurt you in anyway? Or forced you into anything?”

Kurt rolls his eyes at the suggestion.

“No Rachel, I told you, nothing like that is ever going to happen again. Blaine's a perfect gentleman now. You didn't… tell Blaine that I told you about it, right?”

“No, of course not Kurt. What kind of friend do you think I am?” Rachel lies easily. She is a great actress, after all.

Kurt sighs in relief.

“Good. I just… things have really started going well lately with us, and I don't want anything to mess it up.”

“I completely understand Kurt, believe me. I wouldn't want anything to go wrong between you and Blaine either.” Yeah right. “I just want to make sure that he is treating you the way that he should.”

“Thanks for looking out for me Rachel. You know, you've been so supportive throughout this whole thing. You were the one who told me to keep it positive and give things a chance, and look how well it's turning out! And don't worry, you're my best friend Rach. And if anything goes wrong, you'll be the first to know.”

“Good,” said Rachel.

“Well,” said Kurt, standing up from his reclining position on the sofa, “I better get going. It's getting late and I have to be at the theater pretty early tomorrow. But this was awesome! We should do something else next weekend.”

“Okay! You should take some of those cheesecakes for Blaine.”

“Ooh, good idea!” Rachel gets a tupperware container out for him and she fills it with mini cheesecakes. Then she gives him a hug before sending him out.

“Love you Kurt.”

“Love you too Rach,” Kurt says before pulling away and giving her a peck on the cheek.

Later, when Blaine walks into the apartment after a long day of planning and rehearsing, he finds Kurt running around the apartment, dancing and singing. He doesn't notice Blaine at first, so Blaine watches him for a few moments. Kurt's back is to him, so he's obviously pretending that the audience is towards the kitchen. Kurt does a spin and trips when he notices Blaine, almost falling over. Blaine laughs and rushes over to steady him. Kurt looks up at him, red and embarrassed.

“That was amazing,” said Blaine. “I haven't seen you dance or sing since glee club. You've only gotten better.”

Kurt blushes at the compliment, his cheeks turning even more red.

“Thank you.” They look into each other's eyes for a moment.

“Oh!” Kurt says, and then runs to the kitchen. He swings open the refrigerator door and takes out a square plastic container.

“Rachel and I made cheesecakes today, and she wanted you to have some,” he says, prying the lid of and holding the tupperware out to Blaine.

“Oh, well that's really nice.” And surprising. He takes one and bites into it.

“Oh wow,” he says, mouth still full of cake. “This is really good.”

“I know, right! And they're vegan.” Blaine looks at Kurt in shock.

“No way!”


“You should quit theater. You both should, actually. Because I'm pretty sure you would make fantastic magicians, considering this is the most mystical vegan food I've ever had.”

Kurt simply laughs, a high pitched mirthful chuckle that Blaine can sometimes hear in his sweetest dreams.

“Hey, by the way, I have some news.”

“Oh really?” Kurt asks. “And what would that news be?”

“Well,” Blaine says, “the band has been invited to play at a really fancy party this Saturday night.”

“What?! Blaine, that's amazing! Oh my gosh, I'm so excited for you guys!” Kurt starts clapping his hands and jumping up and down.

“Yeah, right?! But even better, you're invited!”

“Really?” Kurt asks.

“Yes!” Blaine laughs. “All the invitations are plus one, and there is no one I'd rather have as my date,” Blaine grabs both of Kurt's hands and puts one on his chest, “then the most handsome guy in town.”

“So basically this is your way of telling me that you're asking Hugh Jackman to be your date? Well, while I don't normally condone cheating, and I think that he's a bit out of your league, I guess I can let it slide-”

“Kurt, Kurt!” Blaine laughingly interrupts his speech. “I'm asking you, silly. Come on, you know I'd never cheat on you. Even if it was Hugh Jackman.”

Kurt puts his hand over his heart in mock emotion.

“That makes me feel so much better. I can't believe you would turn him over for me.”

“Well, like you said, he is kinda outta my league anyways, so… ow!”

Kurt punches Blaine in the arm lightly. Then they both laugh.

“Wait! There is one condition though,” Blaine says.

“Okay, what is it?”

“I get to pick out our outfits this time.”

“Fine, but I get to do your hair again!”

Blaine groans and rolls his eyes, but secretly he's ecstatic about the arrangement.

Later, Kurt convinces Blaine to go on a late night walk to Central Park. It's still a little chilly outside, even for April in New York City, but they bundle up with coats and scarves, holding hands through mittens and walking extra close to keep a little warmer. There are a few other people around tonight, but the park isn't crowded. They stop on one of the smaller bridges and look over to the city lights, standing in silence for a few moments. Finally, Blaine says something.

“Kurt,” he begins.

“Yes?” Kurt says, turning to face his husband. He looks beautiful at night, thinks Blaine. His face is pale and reflective in the moonlight, and his cheeks are perfectly rosy from the cold. They are facing each other, and Blaine gently puts one hand on Kurt's back, pulling him in a little closer.

“I know that this… our relationship, wasn't exactly ideal for either of us, but…” Blaine trails off, distracted by the look in Kurt's eyes. He looks… hopeful, maybe? Blaine can't tell. He continues.

“...but I'm really glad that I got matched with you. I… I guess what I'm trying to say is that…” Blaine closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. “I care about you Kurt. A lot. And I know that you might not feel the same, might never feel the same, but that's okay.” Blaine ignores how his throat closes up at the thought of Kurt never loving him back. “I just wanted you to know that I am desperately falling for you, and I don't think that I can stop myself.”

Kurt looks at him, eyes wide with surprise. It's obvious he's thinking, but perhaps he lets the silence linger on a bit too long, because Blaine suddenly finds himself going through a myriad of emotions as he waits for Kurt to respond. First, he was hopeful, then, when the silence persisted, he began to get a little nervous. When Kurt continued to say nothing, Blaine felt the devastation settle in. He closes his eyes again.

“Please say something, Kurt.”

“I-I... don't really know what to say…” he begins quietly. “I-I mean, I only hoped you felt the same way as I did, but of course I didn't assume…” Kurt starts rambling nervously now.

“I mean, I just thought you were being nice to me, because you wanted this marriage to work out, but, but I didn't think that you actually… oh wow.” Kurt almost begins to hyperventilate, and Blaine just stares at him, hopelessly confused.

“I-I just can't believe that you actually care about me in that way! Because, I mean, I know that it sounds stupid, but I've never really thought anyone would care about me like that, and!...” Kurt laughs. He actually throws his head back and laughs, a short chuckle of disbelief.

“Oh my gosh. Blaine! Can you believe it? It worked! Those sons of bitches! It actually worked!”

“Kurt, what are you talking about?”

“Blaine! The match program! It actually worked. Look! Look at us! Two lonely people, and we let a computer program, just a bunch of ones and zeroes, put us together. And now that we're together, we've actually fallen for each other!”

“You mean...?”

“I can't believe it!” Kurt looks Blaine directly in the eyes. “We are both falling madly for each other thanks to a marriage arranged by a computer algorithm. Goodness gracious, Blaine. What a riot! This would make a terribly cheesy romantic comedy.” Kurt laughs again. Blaine doesn't know what to make of the situation.

“I… Kurt, what are you saying?” he asks, wanting to make sure he understood.  

“Blaine,” Kurt says, putting one hand on his husband's cheek and drawing him closer still. “What I'm saying is that you, this marriage… it's the best thing that's ever happened to me.”

Blaine catches his breath.

“Oh Kurt.”

“I honestly haven't been this happy in a really, really long time. And out of all the people that that stupid computer algorithm possibly could've matched me up with, I'm really glad that it's you I get to wake up to every morning, and oh-!”

Blaine cuts Kurt off with a warm, enveloping hug. Kurt melts into his arms, and they enjoy each other's embrace for a few seconds.

“You're amazing,” Kurt whispers into Blaine's ear.

“Well you're wonderful,” replies Blaine. They both withdraw themselves slightly, only enough so that they are able to look at each other in the eyes. Kurt is close enough to Blaine so that he can see every single freckle on his face, even in the dim moonlight. Blaine can smell the intoxicating combination of Kurt and some nearby cherry blossom trees. Before they realize what's happening, they find themselves sharing the sweetest kiss that either of them has ever known. Blaine wraps his arms around Kurt's torso and pulls him in a little tighter, and Kurt cups one of Blaine's cheeks with one hand, and runs the other hand through his lover's hair.

After what seemed like only a few seconds but was actually a pretty lengthy kiss, they parted. Kurt rests his forehead on Blaine's and breathes out shakily. Blaine just smiles.

“Kurt,” he says.

“Hmm?” Kurt barely has enough breath to respond. He leans his head against Blaine's shoulder.

“We just kissed for the first time.”

Kurt pops his head back up.

“I know, crazy right? I don't know if you actually remember this or not, but I was there too. You know, I was the guy in front of you, reciprocating the kiss.”

Blaine laughs.



“Can we kiss again?”

Kurt smiles and brings his lips to Blaine's again. They're enjoying themselves so much, they stay there for hours, young fools in love, kissing until midnight.



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