BRUNCH Next Chapter Story
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Everyday: BRUNCH

E - Words: 2,417 - Last Updated: Jul 21, 2014
Story: Closed - Chapters: 2/? - Created: Jul 16, 2014 - Updated: Jul 16, 2014
207 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

As is stated in the storys description, this is simply a collection of various vignettes documenting the ups and downs of Kurt and Blaines every day lives. Thisll, for the most part, be following the current canon timeline, and Ill be doing my best to keep everything spoiler free as spoilers for season six undoubtedly begin to pop up. I also just wanted to make it known that I accept prompts for any moments you would like to see written into this story - in fact, I highly encourage it! (One can only think of so many unseen moments on their, haha). I cant guarantee that Ill write out every prompt that is sent in, but Ill definitely do my best to do so - so feel free to send in any prompts whether it be in a comment or a direct message to me!

"How is it possible that there isnt a single decent place to get brunch within walking distance? Were in New York - its practically the brunch capital of the world!" Kurt exclaimed, passionately scrolling through GrubHubs listings of restaurants still serving brunch in the Bushwick area. "In New Yorks defense - I dont think Bushwick is known for brunch," Blaine chided, earning him a roll of the eyes from Kurt. Smiling, Blaine slid up from his place on the couch to make his way to where Kurt had perched his iPad on the kitchen counter - their kitchen counter, now that Rachel had finally bid New York adieu and headed off for Los Angeles.

"You sure you dont want me to make us something? Theres a stuffed pancake recipe Ive been dying to attempt." Blaine ran an arm along Kurts waist, flipping the notepad on the counter to the recipe in question. "As much as I love your pancakes I already told you - todaya special! This is the first Saturday in weeks that neither of us has any other commitments and we need to take advantage of it," Kurt insisted, turning around to face Blaine, giving his fiancé his signature subtle pleading look. The infamous faint pout of Kurts lips and pleading shine in his eyes had never failed to completely melt Blaines resolve, no matter the situation.

Fortunately, Blaine managed to hold his ground for once, smirking slightly at his fiancés old tricks. "Yknow, we could spend this novelty of an afternoon doing other things," Blaine teased with a knowing smirk, leaning in to gently nip at Kurts jaw. "Oh no - weve done plenty of that this week," Kurt replied, sliding out of Blaines arms - a sly smile playing at his lips. "Im going to call Mercedes and ask her for recommendations. You, stay," Kurt commanded, gesturing his iPad towards the couch. Blaine shook his head fondly at Kurt. "Do I get a treat if I do?" he called back, Kurt replying with a melodic ignoring you.

Blaine grinned before returning to the kitchen, swiping the last of the coffee Kurt had made earlier. It wasnt long until Kurts voice filled the loft once more, Mercedes voice a muffled echo. Blaine smirked as he listened in on bits and pieces of Kurt and Mercedes conversation - rolling his eyes once more as the two immediately launched into a passionate conversation about the latest romantic stunt Sam had tried to pull in an attempt to woo Mercedes into one last night of passion.

It turns out that Kurt and Mercedes were far more interested in gossiping about Sam, Rachel, Santana, and all their other friends rather than actually discussing brunch recommendations - Kurt finally ending the call nearly two hours later with as many brunch recommendations as before hed called Mercedes. By the time Kurt had finally set down his overheated phone Blaine had already reheated the day old pizza slices in their fridge, claiming that by the time they would find somewhere Kurt deemed brunch worthy it would be time for dinner. After nearly fifteen minutes of pouting, and even a brief attempt at convincing Blaine with a few well placed kisses, Kurt finally gave up and ate his reheated pizza with a childish pout. A pout that Blaine managed to wipe away by placing sweet kisses to Kurts cheek and temple as the two cuddled up on the couch to watch reruns of Four Weddings. While Kurt spouted off various invitation and venue ideas for their own future nuptials, Blaine simply nodded along, sitting back and basking in their domestic bliss with a content smile.

By some miraculous case of serendipity, Kurt was relieved of his Friday morning shift at the diner and Blaines breakfast meeting with June was canceled, leaving the two free for an entire morning. Kurt immediately snatched at the brunch opportunity, waking Blaine up earlier than usual to catch the L train - much to Blaines displeasure. The two managed to arrive at Kurts restaurant of choice just in time to still order off the brunch menu - much to Kurts excitement. "Isabelles been raving about this place for weeks, and I overheard Angela from my History of Theatre class talking about how the Eggs Benedict here are to die for," Kurt said in an excited whisper as the two were seated at a cozy table in the corner of the restaurant. "While your excitement is infectious lets hope the food actually lives up to the hype, Im starving," Blaine lamented. Per Junes instructions to fast before their feast worthy of kings Blaine had eaten a late lunch and went without dinner that night, leaving him half asleep and hungrier than he thought was possible.

The two started off their long awaited brunch with coffee, the two praising the organic brews smooth taste. Not being able to wait much longer, Blaine quickly ordered the whole grain banana pancakes for himself - Kurt needing another couple seconds before finally taking up Angela-From-History-of-Theatre-Class recommendation and ordering the Eggs Benedict. The two chatted about the going ons of the week while they waited for their food - swapping stories about school, work, June and her many eccentric ramblings, Rachel and her pursuits in Los Angeles, and everything in between. It was in the middle of retelling a story about the classes hed be taking next semester that Blaine noticed that Kurts attention was elsewhere.

"Penny for your thoughts?" Blaine asked with a quirked eyebrow. Kurts eyes scanned the room one last before finally turning back to Blaine. "Our foods taking a long time - Im not imagining it, right?" The rumble that erupted from Blaines stomach answered the question at hand, but he checked the time either way. "Its been half an hour, actually," Blaine said in disbelief.

Surprised at the wait, Kurt resisted his usual urge to snap his fingers at their waitress, instead calmly calling her over and asking about their order, the waitress claiming that their food was on its way before sliding away without a single apology for the wait. Blaine reached out to cover Kurts hand with his own as he saw Kurts fingers form their practiced snap formation and his face turn into a scowl. "Relax, no need for snapping, Im sure the foodll be here any minute," Blaine assured his aggravated fiancé. "Its already been thirty minutes, I want my food right this minute!" Kurt said in angry, hushed whisper.

Fortunately for Kurts sanity, and Blaines fingers - seeing as how Kurt was squeezing them to death to resist the urge to snap - their food arrived about five minutes later… or at least Blaines did. The waitress set down a plate before Blaine whos lack of actual food was shocking to both Kurt and Blaine. On the plate sat a lone pancake, only roughly the size of Blaines fist, with a sprinkling of powdered sugar and a single strawberry. "They really shouldve listed this as pancake instead of pancakes - otherwise, this is just false advertising," Blaine said in an attempt to mask his disappointment.

However, the two quickly realized the even bigger issue - Kurts dish still hadnt arrived. "Maybe the waitress went back to get it?" Blaine offered - his attempt at calming Kurt ending in vain as Kurt snapped at full speed at their waitress, the woman sliding up to their table with a deep set frown. "Can I help you?" she asked in a calm, but pinched tone. "Yes, you can help us - Im still waiting for my dish," Kurt said as calmly as he could, annoyance still evident in his voice. The waitress brow furrowed, pausing for a moment before replying to Kurt. "There was only one order for this table - the banana pancakes." "No, I distinctly remember ordering the Eggs Benedict, and its very distinctly not here," Kurt snipped in response - his patience quickly wearing thin.

The waitress simply wrinkled her nose before heading off to the kitchen without a single apology, yet again. Blaine gave Kurt an apologetic look, nudging his plate toward his fiancé. "You can have some of my food. But Im pretty sure itll only take two bites before we finish the entire thing," he said with a soft chuckle in an attempt at lightening the mood. Kurt simply continued to pout, slumping back in his chair and folding his arms across his chest. "I really thought this could be our brunch spot," Kurt lamented with a sigh. Blaine frowned, knowing how much this brunch excursion had meant to Kurt. "At least the coffees good," Blaine offered in a final attempt at humor, gently nudging his foot against Kurts under the table - grinning widely at the smirk that played at Kurts lips.

After the missing Eggs Benedict fiasco Kurt put his perfect brunch fantasies on the back burner - not having much of a choice considering how hectic his and Blaines schedules became within the following weeks. With Rachel gone and Santana off on a two week road trip through New England with Quinn and Brittany the diner was short staff - Kurt deciding to take up the extra shifts until the diner hired a replacement for Rachel. Normally Kurt would have scoffed at the thought of picking up extra shifts, but seeing as how recently Blaine was constantly running around the city with June, Kurt saw the vacant shifts as an opportunity to keep himself busy, and make some extra pocket money.

Unfortunately, Kurt hadnt anticipated how absolutely draining Santanas graveyard shift was. Kurt made a mental note to never underestimate his former roommate. Somehow Santana had the ability to work from four in the morning until noon and still strut back into the loft in her mile high heels without a single fake eyelash out of place - an honorable feat that definitely deserved high praise, in Kurts opinion.

Slumping into the loft at noon after his latest graveyard shift, Kurt was surprised to find himself slumping almost directly into Blaines arms the moment he stepped in to the loft - having thought that Blaine would be at a luncheon with June and Toni Collette - Junes latest Broadway connection. "Welcome home, sweetheart," Blaine greeted, placing a soft kiss to Kurts temple in greeting. "Bed, now," Kurt groaned against Blaines shoulder, finally allowing his eyes to slide shut. "Im up early, waiting for my fiancé to finally get home and I dont even get so much as a hello? Im wounded," Blaine teased with a soft chuckle. "Hello. Bed, now," was Kurts improved response.

Blaine rolled his eyes fondly at his fiancé, turning Kurt in his arms and covering his eyes. "Not now, Blaine, Im exhausted," Kurt protested, assuming that Blaine was leading him to some kind of sultry surprise. "Dont worry, I promise youll like this. And if not, Ill carry you to bed myself," Blaine offered, slowly and carefully guiding Kurt to the center of the loft. "Tada!" Blaine sang as he uncovered Kurts eyes with a flourish, revealing the surprise hed spent the entire morning putting together. Laid out on the open floor of the loft was an array of thick blankets and pillows, illuminated by a handful of carefully placed candles (a Blaine Anderson signature) and a sprinkling of fairy lights Blaine had dug up from the back of Kurts closet and managed to intertwine with the blankets hed draped across the floor. In the center of Blaines finely crafted fortress sat a feast of carefully chosen brunch items, illuminated beautifully by the soft glow of the candles.

"Blaine… I - o-oh my God, you did this?" Kurt asked in disbelief, admiring the beautiful scene Blaine had set, suddenly feeling more awake than he had all day. "I may have had a little extra time on my hands since June canceled my luncheon for today," Blaine said with a smirk, offering Kurt his hand as he helped his fiancé sit down amongst the blankets and pillows, quickly sitting across from him before gesturing to the plates of food before them. "Alright, we have Nutella stuffed french toast here, home fries and bacon here, and of course, Eggs Benedict." Blaine pointed out each dish, smiling as he watched Kurts eyes grow wider and wider as they took in the sight of each dish. "So, what do you think?" Blaine asked in anxious excitement. "I… think I have the most amazing fiancé in the world," Kurt replied, eyes still wide in astonishment.

"Blaine, this is so amazing, thank you so much." "No need to thank me," Blaine assured, leaning across the food to connect his lips to Kurts briefly, but softly. "Now stop thanking me and start eating before everything starts getting cold." With a soft laugh from both boys the two eagerly began to dig in to their long awaited brunch. Kurt moaned around practically every bite of food, earning him some playful dirty looks from Blaine. The two dined on their deliciously romantic in-home brunch whilst chatting about their days for what felt like hours - Kurt eventually ending up curled up in Blaines arms, the two finishing off the last bites of food.

"See, wasnt this so much better than sleep," Blaine said with a wink, running his fingers gently through Kurts hair, managing to loosen the product that held Kurts hair in pristine position. "Sleep is a close second," Kurt replied, his eyes sliding shut as he nuzzled closer into Blaines arms. Kurt pulled together the last of the strength in his exhausted body to lift himself up to place a slow, passionate kiss to Blaines lips, his palm gently cupping Blaines cheek. "I love you so, so much. Thank for all of this," Kurt whispered against Blaines lips as the two pulled apart, resting his forehead against Blaines with a faint smile.

Blaine let out a breathy laugh, his palm sliding from Kurts hair to his shoulder, his thumb gliding along Kurts pronounced collarbone. "Anything to make you happy," Blaine said in a soft whisper, stealing one last brief kiss. "So cheesy," Kurt teased in reply, happily cuddling back into his former position. Exhaustion began to creep its way back into Kurts overworked bones, his body sagging in Blaines arms and his eyes slowly sliding shut as his mind began to give in to the approaching unconsciousness. Kurt drifted off into a contently peaceful sleep with a smile playing at his lips, reflections on his immense love for his fiancé the last thing to cross Kurts mind before he finally gave in to his exhaustion.


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