May 27, 2015, 7 p.m.
May 27, 2015, 7 p.m.
I hope you enjoyed..
The tub was a good idea. I just needed to relax. I know Kurt will understand, I honestly think he's more freaking out at the fact that Noah is gay, or well, with me, then the overall fact. Once he comes to terms with it I think he'll be fine. Yeah, he'll be ok.
I got out of the tub and dried off. I threw on some sweats and a t-shirt and headed back out to the living room. I saw Noah sitting on the couch with Lizzie. I just wish Kurt could have seen this. It's just family.
Noah turned around and asked, “Better?”
I smiled, “Much.”
Lizzie stood up and looked at me, “Waffles?”
I walked over to her and kissed her cheek, “Ya, waffles. I'll go finish them.”
“I already did. They're warming in the oven.” Noah said.
“Well then. Let's eat.”
After breakfast, well at this point brunch, we got Lizzie all bathed and let her pick out her outfit for the day. We were heading over to the park to meet Noah's brother Jake. He had the day off and he was bringing his two year old, our nephew, Cole to the park so he called and asked us to bring Lizzie. Maybe this was what we needed to forget this morning, just a nice afternoon with family. We parked the car and walked over to the outdoor gymnasium, where Jake and Cole already were.
“Hey little brother.” Noah called out.
Jake looked up and smiled, Jake surprisingly handled the news about us quite well. Considering the past they shared with the girl hunting and whatever they used to do, it was nice to have a person that was close to him not freak out and call a faggot like his mother did. That still is a really strained relationship but it's been getting better, slowly.
“Hey guys.” Jake called back. As we walked up he gave Noah a hug and then turned and shook my hand.
“Hey Jake.”
“Oh my gawd, is that you Lizzie? You're such a big girl now.” Jake bent down to Lizzie's height.
“I'm going to be four.” She put up four fingers.
Jake faked a shocked expression, “Really? When?”
“In two weeks.” She said proud.
“Wow, well I guess I better go shopping hey?”
Lizzie nodded then laughed, “Yep. I'm going to go play with Cole.” She said then ran off to play with Cole who was in the sandbox.
“You guys look tired. What's up?”
I looked over to Noah, “Long morning.”
“What happened?”
“You remember Kurt?” Noah asked.
“Uh, is that the guy that came and helped us in glee club a few times? Wore some crazy outfits?”
Noah nodded, “He uh, stopped in this morning and found out about us.”
Jake looked confused, “So? Isn't he gay too?”
I exhaled, “He's my ex.”
“Right.” Jake said. “So, what he throw a fit?”
“Not quite,” I half laughed, “He did call Noah a whore though.” I laughed more. The more I thought about it the more it became funnier.
Jake laughed, “I guess you were bro.”
He faked laughed, “Ha ha. Oh, did you hear about the reunion coming up? I know it's a year ahead of you but.”
We walked over and sat on the bench as Jake answered him, “Yeah I did. Marley told me about it, her mom is helping prepare the food. Are you guys going?”
I looked down, I really didn't know. I mean I think we are. I'll let Noah answer that.
“I think so. At first I didn't think it would be too bad seeing as if it was only Blaine's class but Rachel wants everyone there to use it as some kind of Glee club reunion.”
“I said we didn't have to go. It's close to the opening of my new show and we had excuses if we needed them.”
“Well, you have a few months to figure it out. I honestly think you guys will be fine. Yeah some people might weirded out and say shit but who cares. I have to be there to help Marley anyway so I got your back.”
Noah nodded, “Thanks bro.” He looked over to the kids playing.
I grabbed his hand and we all kind of just sat there for a bit. It's nice to know that a few people have our backs but I think Jake is right. I mean there will be some people there that say shit but honestly they may not even be bothered with it. We are adults and that high school stuff should be left in high school.
We stayed at the park for a couple of hours then we said our goodbyes and headed back home to make supper. In the car we were discussing what we were going to make for supper when my phone buzzed. I grabbed it from the center console and checked it. It was a text from Kurt. I just stared at my phone reading his name on the screen. Noah looked over from the drivers' seat quickly.
“It's from Kurt.”
“What does it say?”
“I didn't read it yet.”
Noah looked back on the road and I opened the message.
Kurt: I'm sorry I freaked out. You have to admit though that I had some kind of reason to. I mean I was still hung over and we talked about him all last night. I just can't believe its Puckerman. You're with Puckerman. I mean I knew you'd obviously be with someone, you're too great to be single but Puckerman. I'm just in disbelief.
Blaine: I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I went there that night all ready to tell you but we got to talking and I started feeling like I did in high school and I don't know. I'm sorry Kurt. I need you to know how much we love each other and that we both hope you'll come talk to us again.
It was a few minutes before he replied. Noah glanced over a few times but never said anything.
Kurt: Love and us are hard words to grasp right now when it comes to you two. Blaine, I love you, I always will and if you're happy with him then how can I just walk away. We've been away from each other for too long and I don't want to blow it again. I might need a few days to adjust and get myself prepared to see you together, like that. But I'll be around.
I was thrilled, I knew he'd be fine and I loved him too. I'm just happy he's going to stick around.
Blaine: I love you too. Thank you and just feel free to stop in anytime or message me or anything.
Kurt: I will. I'll talk to you later.
I exhaled big and I felt like this huge weight lifted off my shoulder. Noah put his hand on my thigh and I turned to him. “He's going to be okay. He just needs a few days to adjust.”
He nodded and kept driving. It's weird sometimes how he doesn't have to say a word yet I know what he's thinking. He also knows when I don't actually need him to say anything. He's kind of good like that.
A few days had passed without a word from Kurt and I was starting to get worried but I really didn't have time for that. I had to get this last song down. I mean I know tragedy and I know heart break all too well but this is different and now that Kurt knows it's our story, it has to be just right. I started tapping random keys and key mashing for a while but I just came right back to that damn song. Teenage dream is turning into a nightmare. It's like I'm being haunted by the melody and I can't seem to run from it. I know it's probably because it was the last song I did for Kurt, it was my confessional and my undoing. I just wish I could escape it and find my own words. I sat there for another half hour before I heard the front door open. I looked at the clock and it was only two. Noah wouldn't be home with Lizzie for another two hours. I stood up but before I could get to the door of the music room, Noah appeared in the doorway.
I was slightly confused, “What are you doing home? Where's Lizzie?”
“She's still at school. I'm getting Jake to pick her up after school.”
"Why what's wrong? What's going on? Are you ok?” I was beginning to freak out.
He put his hands on my shoulders, “Everything is fine. Calm down. I left work early, faked sick. And Lizzie is going to stay over at Jake's tonight because I feel like we need a night together. You have been stressing out too much with this song and Kurt and you just need to relax.”
I felt my shoulders fall, I have been. I felt tears well up in my eyes. I'm not sure why though. I just fell into his arms and I let him hold me. “I don't get it. I don't know why I'm crying.”
“Because you're too stressed.” He started rubbing my back. “You're tense and I hate seeing you like this.”
I stood back from him and wiped a stray tear. “You're too much you know. I'm not sure how I ended up with this version of Noah Puckerman but I'm sure glad I did.”
He exhaled, “There's another reason why I needed to come home early and talk to you.”
“What's that?”
He nodded toward the piano bench. “Sit down.”
I stood where I was, “Why?”
“Noah, you're freaking me out right now.”
“Blaine, please.”
I walked over to the bench and sat on the edge. “OK, now what's happening?”
He put his head down and breathed heavily.
“I uh,” He exhaled, “This is harder than I thought it was going to be.”
I got a very sick feeling in my stomach. Oh gawd, he cheated on me. Or or, lost our savings or oh gawd. He slept with a girl. What the hell? “Please, please tell me you didn't cheat on me.”
He looked up shocked, “What? No! Of course not.” He then knelt down on one knee in front of me.
Oh holy hell. He is not. “Noah.”