PART ONE: Chapter 12 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Unintended: PART ONE: Chapter 12

E - Words: 1,234 - Last Updated: May 12, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 87/87 - Created: Sep 28, 2012 - Updated: May 12, 2013
991 0 1 0 0

Chapter 12

Kurt could barely go out of the room during the weekend, and when he could, it was when Blaine went out with his parents to the mall. It was their idea of bonding time, which did not result in any form of closer relationship between them and their son, but only generated more frustration and resentment in Blaine.

The only comfort Kurt had during those long hours of trying not to implode and staying quiet in Cooper's room, was texting Blaine.

And Blaine couldn't deny; it was the highlight of his weekend as well.

They had the house to themselves again only on Sunday evening, when Kurt finally managed to hit the high F. He flung himself on Blaine in celebration, and they hugged with their faces beaming.

And when they went to sleep, both in Blaine's bed, Kurt murmured drowsily, 'I missed you.'

'I missed you, too.'

On Monday evening they once again were lying sprawled over the living room sofas, bowls of popcorn and potato chips within their reach, as they flipped through the channels, in search of trashy reality shows to watch and complaining the Dancing with the Stars season was over. Otherwise they would have something to watch and comment on.

They were halfway done with their popcorn, when they heard a car pull up in the driveway. They looked at each other in horror; the Andersons weren't supposed to come back before morning. Holding their breath, they listened to the single set of footsteps on the porch and the clank of the key opening the door.

'Blaine?,' called Mrs Anderson, walking in the direction of the sounds and flashes of the TV.

Kurt froze with popcorn in his hand, Blaine forgot to chew. Their heartbeats were faster and faster with every step Mrs Anderson took in the hallway. There was no way to hide Kurt now.

The short twenty seconds that passed as she walked down the hall stretched into hours in the boys' minds.

'Oh, I didn't realize we had a visitor,' she said, a polite smile appearing on her face, as she stopped in the doorway. She was wearing her coat and scarf over her scrubs, which made Blaine hope she just dropped in for a minute.

'Um, yeah. Mom, this is Kurt. Kurt, this is my Mom,' Blaine stuttered, his pulse deafening in his ears.

'Hi, Mrs Anderson,' Kurt said, his voice even higher than normally.

She smiled in response at Kurt and turned back to her son.

'I just thought I'll drop in to see how things were,' she said, visibly not at ease. 'It's quiet at the hospital, so… But you have company, so I'll be going. Have fun, boys. Nice to meet you, Kurt.'

Kurt nodded in response, his face white and wide-eyed. Mrs Anderson turned slowly around and headed for the door. Until the boys heard it slam, they stayed silent.

'Nice to meet you, Kurt,' Blaine mimicked his mother, as Kurt sighed with relief, sinking lower into the cushions.

'Nice, because she doesn't know I've been living here for over a week.'

Blaine barked out a laugh. 'Yeah. She didn't realize that.'

Kurt chuckled, but a few seconds later lost his cheer again.

'I hope she doesn't.'

'Me too.'

For a while they concentrated on the popcorn and TV again. But there was a thought in the back of Kurt's mind that didn't quite let him focus on anything else.

'Blaine?,' he said, looking up at his friend.


'Does she ever do that? Your mom, I mean? Does she come home to see how you're doing?'

Blaine looked away, pursing his lips. He inhaled deeply before answering.

'This was the first time she ever did that.' Admitting that stung.

Kurt put the bowl of popcorn aside, pulling himself up on the sofa to put his arm around Blaine.

'That means she's trying,' he said in a small voice.

A minute seeped by in silence as Blaine fought the tears working their way into his eyes and trying to find his voice again.

'I just- I wish she wasn't doing it, because she feels guilty.' Two wet streams appeared under his eyes and he wiped them away impatiently. 'She should do things like that, because she cares. Because she loves me.' His voice was beginning to break.

Kurt pulled him closer to his chest, gently stroking his hair.

'Shh. I know.' He hesitated for a moment, and then added. 'I know it doesn't mean anything, but I care. I really care about you.'

Blaine's head snapped up.

'You are my first real friend, so-,' Kurt added.

Blaine sniffled, the corners of his lips pulling up a little.

'I was -,' he started, 'I care about you, too. And it means a lot to me.'

And for a short, short while, their worries went away, replaced by the knowledge that there was someone in the world that cared about them. Something neither of them had had for a long time.

Kurt was beginning to doze off over another of hundreds of the Andersons' books, when his phone buzzed unexpectedly. It made him automatically alert, and he grabbed his cell, expecting to see another text from Blaine.

To his astonishment he saw another name, one he hadn't seen on his phone's screen since the second day after he disappeared from home. The last one he saw before he turned the phone off for a week.


He tapped the message open.

U gotta call me. ASAP. Serious.

Kurt's heart jumped, his frantic pulse filling his ears and making his head spin. His stomach churned, black spots appeared before his eyes. He gulped for air and leaped in the direction of the bathroom, closing the door behind him, as quietly as he could in this state. The Andersons were sleeping next door and he couldn't risk waking them up.

His thoughts rushed through his brain, as he tried to find the reason behind Mercedes' urgency. Something must have happened, if she contacted him after days of silence. Unless it was a ruse to make him come home.

But then again, she must have understood by now that he didn't want to come home, and she wouldn't try to force him into it, if the situation wasn't serious.

With one more deep breath, he hit the call button. She answered before the second beep.

'Kurt, thank God,' she said, not bothering to greet him. Her voice indeed sounded grave. 'I wouldn't text you if it wasn't important.'

'What is it then, Mercedes? Just tell me,' he urged her on.

'It's your dad…' She paused and he heard her take a breath to control her voice. 'He's in the hospital.'

If Kurt felt nauseous before hearing the news, now he felt positively sick. The phone slipped out of his hand, falling to the tiled floor with a clatter, and he jumped to the toilet. But even after his stomach was entirely empty, it still churned unpleasantly.

He picked up his phone; Mercedes hadn't ended the call.

'What- What happened?,' he choked out.

'I don't know exactly, Finn said it was a heart attack.'

Kurt frowned; he could swear his hearing was off now, too.

'Finn? Why would he know anything?'

'From his mom- Look, I'll tell you everything, but you have to come back. Your dad needs you,' she pleaded.

Kurt nodded, forgetting she couldn't see him.

'Will you?,' she asked cautiously.


'Do you need me to come get you?'

'No, I'll figure it out.'

Blaine was just heading for his Warblers practice, when his phone buzzed in his pocket. He smiled, seeing Kurt's name on the screen.

But his smile faded the moment he saw the message. Need you. Emergency. Come home quick, plz.

Without a second's thought, he turned on his heel, heading for the main exit.


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I really don't know why this story only has 2 reviews (now 3). I really do love the story. This chapter was great. I can't wait for the next one. Hopefully the Andersons didn't hear Kurt vomiting and the phone clashing on the floor?! But we'll see next chapter. Thanks for this update.