Jan. 1, 2013, 12:56 a.m.
Jan. 1, 2013, 12:56 a.m.
"Where to, man?" The cabbie shouted back to Blaine.
"St. Joseph's, Queens." Blaine answered, hitting send on his phone and promptly switching it to silent mode. He got the feeling Michael would be calling and sending angry texts in record time once he received Blaine's message, wondering what the hell could be more important than slobbing in front of the TV with him for rest of the night.
Kurt shifted in the hard plastic chair in the hospital corridor, squeezing his eyes tightly shut against the harshness of the strip-lighting above his head. He cradled a cold, tasteless cup of coffee in his hands, unable to control the shakiness that always overtook his body when he was anywhere near hospitals. He’d been in them way too much in his young life and tried to avoid them at all costs, but he had to be here for his friend in her time of need.
He’d been allowed in to Gina’s room for a while after he’d first arrived, but she had been so exhausted and uncomfortable that he had struggled to know what to do with himself. She’d insisted that he tell her all about how everything had been going at work, and before he even knew what he was saying, he was recounting all the details of his run-in with Blaine and Michael earlier in the day. Gina had been sympathetic, confessing to having known about Blaine’s boyfriend for a couple of weeks, but surprised to hear about such a different side of his character to the one Blaine had described.
Soon after, a nurse had arrived in the room. She needed to examine Gina and had ushered Kurt out, but not before he’d kissed Gina on the cheek and assured her that he’d be right outside. He’d sat in that same chair, and risen when the nurse had come back out, but she had advised him that Gina had been given some more, fairly strong painkillers to reduce some of her discomfort, and that it would be better if she got some rest for a while.
So here he’d sat, twiddling his thumbs and wringing his hands nervously for what had felt like hours. Whenever he felt the need to stretch his legs he wandered around to the nursery window, gazing at the tiny newborn bundles in complete awe. It was a simple act, but it made him forget his insignificant troubles for a while.
Two more members of staff had recently entered Gina’s room, and Kurt was nervously waiting for them update him on her condition. He knew that there was only so much they could tell him as he wasn’t a relative, but he was in danger of tearing his hair out if he didn’t get some news soon. Finally the door opened, and Kurt jumped out of his seat expectantly.
“I’m sorry sir, we’re going to have to ask you to sit tight for a while longer.” A midwife advised him, holding the door open as Gina was wheeled out of her room on a gurney. She had an oxygen mask over her face and her eyes were hooded and bloodshot, and she groaned gently into the mask when she caught sight of Kurt’s worried face. He took her hand and squeezed gently, taking care not to disturb the various tubes and needles dotted around her body.
“It’s OK sweetie, I’m here. I’m not going anywhere.” He soothed, looking up at the midwife and trying to hide the panic in his voice. “What’s happening?”
The midwife gestured for Kurt to stand aside with her and she lowered her voice. “Gina’s fine, but we’re not happy with how slowly her labour is progressing. The baby is in a slightly odd position and is beginning to show signs of distress and fatigue, so we feel that it’s time that we intervene, just to make sure that mom and baby can recover as soon as possible. We’re taking Gina to the OR for an emergency c-section.”
“But … can I - ?” Kurt began, struggling to find his words.
“I’m afraid you won’t be allowed into the theater, but you’re welcome to wait outside if you wish. Provided there aren’t any complications, the procedure should hopefully only take around thirty minutes.”
Kurt nodded urgently, and followed the gurney, Gina and the medical staff down the hall in a daze.
Awe this story is amazing so far. I seriously cannot wait for the update :')