Aug. 18, 2012, 11:11 p.m.
Aug. 18, 2012, 11:11 p.m.
Kurt shook his head, realizing he was seeing things and the person who walked into the shop was not only, not his handsome stranger, he wasn’t all that handsome. “Jesus, what’s wrong with me?” He whispered to himself, putting his hand on his forehead.
“Nothing.” Aidan’s deep voice caused Kurt to look up. He smiled.
“Hey babe.”
“Hey handsome.” Aidan leaned over, kissing Kurt’s forehead. “Thanks for getting my tea.”
“Of course.”
They were silent for a moment, a comfortable silence that they fell into regularly. Which was normal, right? When you’re with someone for that long, you have those moments. Right? Of course. Kurt sipped his coffee as he looked at his boyfriend. It had been a day or two since they last saw each other. He noticed Aidan had cut his hair and apparently shaved. He looked nice.
“I like your hair.” Kurt finally said.
“Thanks.” Aidan smiled before taking a drink of his tea. “So what are you up to today?”
“I’m going shopping with Rachel. She got her paycheck yesterday. You know, she’s a nanny for a lawyer and his wife. I’m not sure what the wife does, but apparently the dad just got made partner or whatever and he got a raise, so she got a raise and she’s anxious to get her hands on a pair of Manolos that she saw last week.”
Aidan just nodded.
After half an hour of small, useless, talk and some drawn out silences; it hit Kurt like a bag of hammers. They were too comfortable together. They were boring. Maybe that’s why the dreams started. His subconscious was telling him what he really wanted was excitement and fun. The opposite of what he and Aidan were. He was attracted to the mystery, the excitement, the spark. And when Kurt and Aidan kissed goodbye outside of the Tea Lounge he realized, they had lost their spark. They had lost the one thing that Kurt needed most in a relationship. Kurt couldn’t help but wonder if Aidan had noticed it. Judging by his smile; probably not.
Later that day, while shopping in a sea of shoes, Kurt mentioned to Rachel, “We’ve lost our spark.”
“Excuse me?” Rachel looked up from her feet, which were engulfed in a fabulous silver open-toed Manolo. “And here I thought we were in the prime of our relationship.” She looked back down, turning her foot, examining the shoe.
“Ha. Ha. Very funny, Carrie.” Kurt said sarcastically. Sometimes he wasn’t sure if his best friend was Rachel Berry or Carrie Bradshaw.
Rachel giggled. “Come on, babe. You and Aidan are fine.” She looked to the guy helping her with the shoes. “Thank you, I’ll take them. And those.” She pointed to a beige pair on the shelf.
“Going a little crazy there, Rach?”
“Hush now. I got a raise, and my dads sent me some birthday money. I don’t have to explain myself. Now what are you talking about, about Aidan?” She slipped her shoes on and stood up as the guy walked away to get the shoes.
Kurt sighed, crossing his arms. “We’re so boring. We got coffee this afternoon. At the same place we always do, we got the same things, we sat in silence for most of the date and when we were talking we were talking about his hair cut or you and me going shopping. And when we kissed goodbye, it was just…bland.”
“Bland.” He nodded, it clicking in his mind that ‘bland’ was the exact word to explain their relationship.
Rachel sighed. “Does this have anything to do with you-know-who?”
“Well, yes and no, I guess. I think that the dreams are my subconscious telling me that what I really want is excitement and love. Not just any love, the kind of love that is painful and just…Gr!” He grunted for emphasis. “You know? That kind of love?”
Rachel nodded, as they made their way up to the counter to pay for her shoes. “But your handsome stranger isn’t real.”
“I’m aware. But maybe I need to break up with Aidan so I can find that love.”
“Isn’t this a little bit of an irrational decision? I mean, how long have you been thinking this? Just today?”
Kurt shook his head. “No, no. I’ve thought about it since the third time I had the dream, and today with Aidan I just had this sudden feeling and…and I don’t feel this is going anywhere.”
She nodded again. “Okay. So, you want to break up with Aidan to find your handsome stranger?”
“Not necessarily that certain handsome stranger. But someone like him. Someone I can be so in love with that it just…”
“I know, I know. Gr!” She mimicked his grunt and they both laughed. “Well, babe,” She said as the one-thousand dollar total came up.
“Oh my god.” They said simultaneously.
“Rachel, are you sure?”
She bit her lip, looking at the lady behind the counter and then looking to her best friend. She cautiously nodded. “Yes. Yes, I can do this. I deserve it.” She handed her card over and there was no turning back. As they left the store with Rachel continued with their earlier conversation. “As I was saying before I had a stroke; Babe, only you know what will make you happy. If breaking up with Aidan and looking for your handsome stranger-“
“Not him, someone like him.”
“Whatever. If it’ll make you happy, do it.” She tossed her hand into the air and a cab stopped immediately.
Kurt just nodded and for the rest of the cab ride and walk home he was quiet, thinking over everything. The thought of a love like the one he had apparently found in his dreams excited him. But what if it was only in his dreams? What if he broke up with Aidan and never found anyone? What if he was single forever? Oh god. He made a mental note to keep up with cat adoption prices. What if? What if? What if? He needed some sort of sign from the universe. Those were the thoughts he was snapped out of when Rachel finally spoke up once they were in their apartment.
“Honey, are you okay? You’ve been so quiet.” She placed her bag on their couch. “We haven’t lost our spark have we?”
Kurt chuckled. “No. You cannot not have sparks with you, love.” He kissed her forehead before yawning. It had been a long day. “I’m going to lie down. I’m tired.”
Rachel nodded, kicking off her shoes. “Alright. You want me to wake you for dinner? I’m thinking the cheap, cheap Chinese place around the corner.” She giggled.
Kurt nodded. “Sounds good.” He headed towards his room.
“Aidan!” Rachel hollered.
Kurt just sighed and he went into his room, kicked his shoes off and placed his glasses on the night stand. He lay down on his bed he took a deep breath and slipped into a hard sleep, thinking of Aidan.