Sept. 14, 2014, 7 p.m.
Sept. 14, 2014, 7 p.m.
Chapter 5
Kurt 10 pm: I am bored.
The air still smelled like remnant of disinfectants and polish now simply mixed with the lemon spray installed in his home. Simply said, it was not yet ready to impress someone, but at least it was scrubbed perfectly clean. Blaine´s hands were proof of that, slightly wrinkled from the cleaning products. He had planned this day to the second and still he couldn´t shake the feeling of nervousness beating against his ribcage. It was Just. A. Date.
Kurt, however, was not just a guy.
It had taken him more than an evening to figure that out. There was no doubt that Kurt was special. He had secrets, he was diverse and Blaine simply wanted to figure him out. Understand why his eyes were constantly sad while his mouth contradicted that emotion and why Blaine felt like everything was so different with him. It had been such a struggle to hold back when all he wanted was to explore the feeling of heat and electricity he felt with every touch and every kiss and every true laugh. It wasn´t enough and yet he had to do everything right. Last time, sex had been the thing ruining his relationship but now he craved it because of Kurt.
With Kurt he felt like he was in high school once again, having his first crush. He wanted to be around Kurt, his heart fluttered whenever he received a text, hoping it would be from Kurt. The last weekend they had written about everything and nothing. Kurt was witty when he wasn´t being shy and he dared to not hide his true thoughts. Blaine wanted him to trust to come out of his shell. They had talked for hours last night, about nothing in particular, the conversation ranging from flowers to tv shows, which they found out had common taste in. They had stayed clear of everything heavy, even though Blaine had always wanted to let him know that he´d be there to help with the burden Kurt kept from him.
It was crazy, completely crazy to feel like this when they hadn´t known each other for that long. For now, he couldn´t call it love, but that is what he felt was the likely outcome if finally they could fit more time together into their crazy schedule. Today was such a day and while the apartment was spot on, he barely had time to save anything when he noticed that his risotto had slightly burned. No amount of Google research could help with that.
Soon enough his hands were caked in the batter for the pastries he had planned to serve after the disaster of a meal when the bell rang. He quickly put it into the fridge and took a deep breath, trying to calm down before his visitor would notice. With shaky, but now clean hands he opened the door for a sight that completely drove out any worries that this night would turn out to be perfect. Steely blue eyes lingered on his, so familiar with their sadness. This time Kurt was wearing a black suit over a white dress shirt that was lined with a grey collar and trims. An outfit that was a bit loose on him but Blaine was still rendered speechless for a good part of time.
“Aren´t you going to invite me in?”
Blaine nodded, before remembering his manners. “Of course.” He steps aside to let him enter.”You look very handsome tonight. May I take your jacket?”
He felt Kurt hesitate, look at him warily before setting on a broad smile and turning around. By now he was used to this even though he hadn´t figured out Kurt´s reason to be cautious. There´d come a day that Kurt would understand that Blaine truly was that way and had no ulterior motives. At least none that he would force onto him, if the candles in the bedroom and the champagne was anything to go by.
Blaine´s hands brushed over the expensive fabric covering Kurt´s shoulders before he helped him out of the jacket. Both men didn´t move, chest to back, close enough to fear Kurt could hear his galloping heart.
“What a gentleman.” Kurt commented softly.
“A gentleman you deserve.” Blaine kissed the back of Kurt´s neck.”Do you want to have the grand tour of my apartment now, or after dinner?”
While Blaine put the jacket on the hanger he watched Kurt looking at the many pieces of art hanging on his wall. They ranged from photographs to impressionistic art to mannerism, all equally meaningful to him.
Blaine happily obliged. His home was precious to him and he enthusiastically introduced every room to Kurt, dropping a few information, mindful not to bore Kurt to death simultaneously, until they had reached the kitchen. Kurt had not commented on the candles in the bedroom, or the roses on the bedside table.
“That is practically it. Apart from the kitchen I should use more often.” Blaine ended his monologue. Kurt´s arms were crossed in front of his body and nodded as if he had to take every detail in.
“You really have a great place.” He replied while carefully touching a counter.”It has to be expensive living that close to Central Park.”
“It´s steep but worth it. I am grateful to have enough space for my instruments and place to make my own mediocre art. And I actually like the atmosphere of that neighborhood. That reminds me, do you still want to paint for that auction? I´d have several canvases and colors here.”
“Of course.” Kurt turned around to him, body slowly relaxing.”But dinner first? It smells incredible in here for someone who says he never spends time in kitchen.”
A blush spread on Blaine´s lips when Kurt slid close enough to have parts of their bodies touch.”About that. I- I actually have to admit that I had the misfortune of burning some of the parmesan risotto I prepared.”
“You actually burnt risotto?” Kurt grinned while Blaine shamefully sunk his head. Seconds later Kurt was in back in his vision. “Come on, we´ll make something new.”
“You don´t want me in the kitchen. My mum always sent me out of it for a reason since I was a kid.”
Kurt raised Blaine´s chin. “Then let me do my magic.”
And magic he did, even though Blaine did not know how. With the few ingredients he had in the fridge and cupboards, Kurt now had all the stoves running. It smelled sweet from one pot and spicy from another and Kurt hummed under his breath whenever he stirred something.
“Where have you learnt to cook like that?” Blaine asked standing beside the cook.
A spoon in his mouth, Kurt turned to him. “My mother taught me. I always watched her and helped her make every dish if I could. She would let me sit on the counter and when we were finished I was always allowed the left over batter of cookies.”
There was such sadness in his voice that Blaine had to ask, “Where is your mum now?”
“At home.” Kurt said coldly. The humming had stopped altogether.
Blaine hesitated but couldn´t help but ask, “And where exactly is that?”
“I think the dinner should be finished. Can you get us some plates?”
Blaine bit his lip, understanding that finally they had reached that wall Kurt always wanted to hide. There was no prodding of his part, he simply did what he was told and tried to come up with a distracting topic.
“How about music? I have dozens of CDs you can choose from.” He finally said.
“You pick something, please.” Kurt replied while relentlessly looking into the pan.”I´ll add some finishing touches and then we can finally eat.”
Hesitantly Blaine put an arm around Kurt´s waist.”Okay.” He pressed a soft kiss to Kurt's neck before leaving.
Ever the gentleman, Blaine pulled back a chair to help Kurt in and that broke the ice a bit. Frank Sinatra sang in the background while they ate, loosening the rest of the tension and making the conversation easier when their silence was filled. Midway through their dinner, Blaine reached over and covered Kurt´s hand with his, wanting to be closer. In return he felt a foot running up and down his calf.
“I know I said it before, but this is really good. Whoever gets to eat your food in the future is a lucky man.”
“Thank you. I have often been told that I was lucky to be blessed with some abilities of mine.” Kurt said, winking, but with a rather bitter smile. The red wine had tinted his lips purple.”And I really have a hint on who is going to be in my future.”
Blaine sighed in content as the foot ran up higher on his leg. He wanted to be Kurt´s future, however long it´d last.”Who would that be?”
“Oh, I don´t know.” Kurt teased back. “Probably Finn.”
“Ouch. Replaced for brotherly love.” Playfully, Blaine clutched his chest.”That would be lonely at some point I imagine.”
“Finn is my whole life. Sometimes I cannot even bear the thought he might grow up too soon.”
“Tell me more about him.” If there was a chance to understand Kurt better, Blaine gladly took it. Even though Kurt had seemed to struggle with admitting what he just had.
“Oh Finn´s just Finn. Nothing much to say. How is your brother?”
“No.” Blaine said lightly.”I feel like I talk about myself way too much. I mean, even my work is all about my feelings, my opinion and the music I make. It is only fair that I am just as good as a listener as I am a talker. So please, I really do want to know more about him and about you.”
Kurt froze, then nodded. The spoon he spun around and around in his soup gave away his reluctance but as soon as he started talking, the smile on his lips and finally the glint in his eyes brightened his face.
A real smile.
“I was a child myself when I watched him grow bigger. He had always been this tiny little boy that clumsily took his first steps right into dog poop. I always thought he´d stay this tiny guy but right now he is on a growth spurt- And oh god he eats for five people.. Maybe he will even tower over me and call me little brother.” Kurt laughed.” Times- uhm- There were times when our lives were harder but he never lost his goofy smile that was at times pretty toothless when they started to fall out. He can take anything and turn it into a happy situation. You know, Finn doesn´t need sugar to be hyper and happy and it can get really stressful when I am trying to work, but I´d rather have him the way that he is than silencing him. Most of the time I can´t believe that I raised him to be the most kind hearted person I know. He cries at Barbie movies, but don´t tell him I said that-“
Blaine took Kurt´s hand from the spoon and held it in both of his.”You raised him? What about your parents?”
It felt like everything stopped for one second with how frozen Kurt was apart from the glare directed at Blaine. It wasn´t truly gone, not even when Kurt began to fake a smile once again.
“It feels like I raised him at least. For the last two years it has just been us in New York.”
“Wow, Kurt. I didn´t know that. You are just 23 and you already have to take care of someone. Doesn´t that get stressful?”
“Sometimes.” Kurt squeezes his hand lightly.”But I get to have him close to me that way. He really wanted to be with me and not with his parents and I wanted to be with him.”
Blaine nodded and couldn´t help but lean over and kiss Kurt. Soft and slow while Sinatra accompanied his beating heart. Kurt said that his brother had the softest heart, probably not realizing that he had the same qualities. Moments like these were the reason Blaine felt like Kurt may be it. Lips pressed to his and voice that was raw with emotion, instead of the sweet but distanced persona of him, Blaine felt like finally stepping closer to Kurt. Close enough that he didn´t only see the portrait from afar.
“Kurt.” Blaine breathed against his lips. He didn´t know any more words right then.
“Yes, Blaine?”
Another kiss that Blaine couldn´t help but give.”Let´s finish up and continue this someplace else?”
“Yeah.”, replied Kurt breathily.
Fact was, they didn´t truly continue to eat. Kurt stood up only seconds later pulling Blaine along with a giddy laugh. A familiar flutter low in his stomach shook Blaine awake and made his skin tingle. This was as close to Kurt´s real laugh as he could get and tonight he had a chance to get closer. It would be a lie if he said that right now his body wasn´t throbbing with sexual tension and the urge to just press Kurt to the wall because the bed seemed to be miles away wasn´t overwhelming. He felt it in his bones, how right this was and how much he needed Kurt.
He needed Kurt to kiss him and touch him everywhere. He needed him to look into his eyes and smile because he felt the same way. He needed him to show him that it wasn´t just Blaine in this. That had happened one too many times. Maybe he knew that Kurt´s promises of how special he thought Blaine was were empty but that didn´t hinder his desire to change that.
“In here.” Blaine said with a laughter in his voice when Kurt almost dragged him past his bedroom.
For now he wasn´t nervous as he gently picked up Kurt with both his arms around his upper thighs and lifted him until he let him fall onto the bed. There was no need to when Kurt almost seemed covered by more than his clothes while Blaine was completely bared.
They kissed noisily as Blaine leant over the lying body of Kurt, his hands wantonly running up and down Kurt´s slim sides. Kurt's mouth was as warm and inviting as his skin was under his shirt and it made Blaine want to know what other parts he would emitl this heat. Made him wonder if they ever would match the fire in his body.
“You wear – too much.” Kurt said between kisses, as he impatiently tugged at Blaine´s shirt. It made Blaine open his eyes and for a second he got hit by realization.
He pulled away from Kurt enough to feel bummed when Kurt didn´t follow his lips as he knew he would have done.”The candles.” Blaine sat up.”I forgot to light the candles.”
Kurt´s hand started trying to pull Blaine back down to him again.”Doesn´t matter to me. Come back here!”
“No, you deserve romance and me being a perfect gentleman.”
Blaine was aware that this was him panicking a bit because what if they were moving too fast? What if Kurt wasn´t ready? What if history repeated and sex would be the main factor in their relationship? If you could call it that, Blaine had a hunch Kurt wasn´t too fond of already using that term.
To distract himself he started to get up and take the lighter on the bedside table to light the candles closest to the bed. All twenty candles were burning when he had calmed down enough to not be insecure. This was what both of them wanted, he would just have to make sure it would be perfect.
When he turned around his breath got caught inside his chest and he couldn´t let it back out. His gaze had landed on something that captured his attention and overpowered any other thought. Kurt was already completely undressed, sitting at the edge of the bed with his legs spread wide open like an invitation. And Blaine couldn´t avoid the gaze, not when he had dreamed about this.
Kurt´s skin was milky white, apart from his nipples and his cock that were rose colored and thus were the only contrast on Kurt´s clean shaven body. He was slim, slimmer than he had imagined and more than once Blaine´s eyes got stuck on the few faded scars he saw. Parts of his hair had fallen on his forehead, right above eyes that glinted in the flickering candle light. His skin looked as soft as it felt when Blaine had awoken from his stupor and had run his hand down Kurt´s arm. His body pressed closer, feeling warmth seep in as he leant down to be chest to chest.
“You are beautiful.” Blaine said, feeling the need to whisper into Kurt´s ear.
Kurt slung his arms around him in that moment.”Show me how beautiful you are.”
Then he proceeded in pulling Blaine´s shirt up and over his head. For a moment Blaine felt self conscious and chubby to Kurt´s slim body but he was looked at like he was something desired. The first time Kurt looked at him with lust and hunger mirrored by himself.
Gently, Blaine pressed Kurt down onto his mattress covering the body with his as he kissed and licked Kurt´s neck. He grinned self sufficiently as he finally received a reaction when he found a good spot. As he nibbled on it, Kurt´s hands unbuckled his belt and swiftly pulled down his pants that ended up pooling on Blaine´s feet.
“Blaine, come on, I need you. Now.”
His erection rubbed against the soft member between Kurt´s legs and left him frustrated. He disregarded the needy pushes on his head while he took his time exploring Kurt´s upper body, his nipples and his belly button while his hands kneaded Kurt´s buttocks. He knew Kurt was impatient, his whines and pleas for Blaine to ´get to it´ were as much of a hint as his hand leading Blaine´s to his hole was. And yet, Kurt was still soft, even though he quietly moaned as Blaine´s tongue flickered over his nipple.
“Here, Blaine, please.” Kurt gasped, leading a hand right back to the hole after Blaine had let it wander down Kurt´s leg.”I don´t need all this. Just – just-“
“Let me make you feel good first.”
A sight turned into a moan when Blaine´s lips caressed his still soft cock that finally stirred to live. Blaine would have liked to feel more, to taste more because ultimately he wanted Kurt to feel good, but Kurt didn´t seem to want that. Again he heard him beg for more and his body was now at a degree that was threatening to burn him from inside out- This wasn´t going as planned but this was still what he wanted.
He coated his fingers with the lube he had put under his pillow beforehand and waited for it to warm up. His eyes met Kurt´s and that made him stop at his tracks and his hand hang awkwardly in the air. Kurt´s eyes were glassy from the pleasure Blaine had caused and yet they were cold. Like this only felt important to Blaine while Kurt seemed almost…bored.
Blaine sat up, his heart racing in fear. “You don´t want this.” He breathed out.
Kurt followed, showing a reaction for once and his face was flushed while his eyes locked with the sheets he sat on. Then he looked up again, determination apparent in the way he crawled over to where Blaine sat.
“What are you saying?” Kurt purred from behind him. Both hands surrounded his torso and one found his semi-hard on.”I want this more than anything.”
“No, you don´t.” Blaine said, swatting his hand away, only to moan when it returned and rubbed much harder this time.
“Was it because of the foreplay? I just don´t need that. I waited for this night for so long, I am fine without you being the only one providing the pleasure.”
Blaine moaned once more.”You are not even hard.”
That made Kurt stop and Blaine bite down on his lips when his cock was neglected once more. It was better that way though, because he still wasn´t sure if this is what both of them wanted right now.
“I- I can explain.” Said Kurt and made Blaine turn around to see the self-confident man shrink in himself. Soothingly he took Kurt´s hand in his. “I uhm I don't always get hard. My body just sometimes refuses to.” He looked up at Blaine then.”But I do want this. I really do, it´s just that this is a bit embarrassing to me.”
“Have you been to a doctor?”
Kurt shook his head.”I don´t want to. It is not that bad because I still feel good when I have sex. And I really want to have sex right now.”
“Are you su-“ The rest of the sentence got swallowed by Kurt´s lips and his tongue.
Just like the tide, the heat in his body returned with Kurt straddling his body and taking the lead. Among his emotions, doubt was the one he shoved back into the corners of his mind. He wanted this, Kurt said he wanted this and he just hoped he´d let them forget all that went wrong and right it with what would follow.
Despite what Kurt had said, Blaine couldn´t help but caress every part of Kurt´s body with his clean hand before he lead his other to prepare Kurt. Only this time Kurt was the one sucking on his neck and leaving his marks and driving him crazy with the rhythmic movements of his lower body against Blaine´s erection. Their motions matched, like they were cogs fitting perfectly to create something.
Kurt didn´t still above him when Blaine´s first finger entered. He only moved faster to receive pleasure on both parts of his body, but Blaine wouldn´t have it. He hugged Kurt close and holding him to set a pace much slower when he entered and reentered the body with one finger only. Kurt lightly struggled and gasped loudly whenever Blaine would surprisingly speed up just to return to a maddening rhythm.
“I can take more.” Kurt promised like it was something he prided himself with.
Blaine obliged, adding another finger to stretch him and this time he set a higher pace, knowing he had nudged the prostate when Kurt yelped and he finally felt his penis twitch against his own.
“God, your voice, Kurt.”
“Don´t stop!”
Blaine shook his head overly long before bestowing kisses all over Kurt sitting on top of him. A long and high gasp was breathed into his mouth when the third finger was added and Blaine started pumping Kurt´s cock to try and get a reaction.
“I don´t intent to.”
Kurt was loose and pliant but Blaine still didn´t dare to look into his eyes. He could feel the pressure low in his gut, the need to feel more and finally be more together. He earned a low protest when his fingers were pulled out but he shushed Kurt with his tongue. The condom was swiftly found once he had blindly searched or it under the pillow and he noticed Kurt staring at it.
“Do you want to-?”
Kurt didn´t reply, he just grabbed the condom and ripped it open. Blaine´s eyes fluttered shut in preparation of his cock being touched but they instantly reopened when what he felt was the moist cavern of a mouth and a hint of teeth scraping against the sensitive skin. Kurt´s looked up at him from between his legs as he rolled down the condom lower while taking more of Blaine´s penis into his mouth. Inch by inch disappeared between cherry red lips, creating a suction that made Blaine shiver and gasp as he lost his mind. He almost came at the spot by the sight of Kurt´s effortless teasing.
“Shit, Kurt, don´t-“
Kurt only smirked, rolling the last inch down with his hand before giving his cock a short lick with the tip of his tongue. “What shouldn´t I do?”
Another lick, right down his whole lengths rendered him speechless and had Kurt laughing hollowly. By then Blaine was too lost in pleasure to notice right away. Kurt climbed higher after that, recapturing Blaine´s mouth and letting him taste the rubbery cherry of the condom and the flavor that was Kurt. He breathed in sharply when Kurt took no time to warn him, he just sunk right onto Blaine´s cock like it was nothing. Like he didn´t need time to adjust.
“So good, you are so good, Blaine. Perfect for me” Kurt mumbled seconds before he moved back up and let himself fall down. “You know just how to fuck me.”
In the back of his mind, Blaine was startled about how mechanical it sounded and how Kurt´s motions were hurried like he needed this to be done quickly. Kurt didn´t let him have time to ponder on that, he just repeated his motion while moaning loudly and rubbing Blaine´s nipples. He felt Kurt squeeze around his erection as he slid down once more and he barely kept in a scream of extreme ecstasy. His hands roamed over Kurt´s body, scratching and caressing and squeezing until he found the places that he received the best reactions for. Kurt´s semi-erection was gone for good now, however hard Blaine tried. Kurt moaned loudly and his head was thrown back so Blaine couldn´t see. He could only hope that Kurt felt the same pleasure, the same connection Blaine felt.
Sure, his body was overly excited over the attention, and yet his heart felt like it burned as well. He knew this feeling, knew it was too soon for that. Too soon to focus on Kurt´s beautiful mouth opened as he gasped, or how his slim legs looked straddling his darker body. How he wished that his heart would never stop pounding like a drum set when Kurt was near him.
Blaine intertwined one of his hands with his while the other gently ran over Kurt´s soft penis that looked flushed against the pale skin it rested on. Time seemed to run into different paces. Blaine´s feelings were slow as he felt every second tick by while he ran his thumb up and down Kurt´s palm and felt his eyes taking in every little move, while his body pounded swiftly into Kurt´s ass as he sunk down.
´I really, really could love you.´ ran through his head, before it returned to its blank state of white hot pleasure. Minutes, a lifetime, seconds, later he came long and hard, riding it out. The second he was done, eyes closed in total bliss, he felt Kurt get up, harshly taking the condom with him. Blaine didn´t open his eyes. Not until seconds stretched into minutes he didn´t hold Kurt in his arms.
He was surprised to find Kurt sitting not far from him and yet the distance was a chasm between them that reached far into Blaine´s heart.
“Is everything alright?” Blaine asked, concerned.
That got Kurt to look up in surprise. His lips formed a shaky smile.”What makes you think that?”
“Maybe the fact that you look like this was a mistake and that you sit as far away from me as you possibly could in a queen sized bed?”
Kurt let out a soft ´oh´ before finally coming closer. He was still awkwardly sitting next to Blaine who hadn´t moved an inch from where he laid because he felt boneless.
“Blaine, excuse me for acting strange, it´s just that- that I am overwhelmed. This was the greatest sex I have ever had.”
Blaine sighed and kissed the lie right off Kurt´s lips. There was no doubt that this had been a line and a well used one at that, but denial was sugar sweet and right now, Blaine wouldn´t let his bubble burst. He was content with taking Kurt in his arms, snuggling into the stiff body and closing his eyes with his head rested on Kurt´s chest.
“I really, really like you, Kurt.”
Kurt must have been asleep by then, because Blaine didn´t receive a reply.
Kurt couldn´t sleep.
There was no way with a weight so much unlike Finn´s resting on him like it was trying to drown him. But mostly it were his thoughts, running through his head so fast he barely caught up that made him stare at the ceiling for hours. His mind and body was exhausted by what had happened but energy was thrumming through him to give him the opportunity to run as fast and far as he could.
He just had sex.
Kurt had had sex that he hadn´t been paid for. Sex that hadn´t been what he was used to. It didn´t hurt, it didn´t involve the drugs he was now sometimes forced to take. It made him feel- feel- something. Maybe not the way he was pounded into, because he was used to that. Just the way that it had never felt like he was used by Blaine, since actually it had been him using someone else this time.
Mostly, what made him think it was different, were Blaine´s eyes that looked at him like he was something to desire and yet not like he was a piece of meat like Karofsky thought. To him, Kurt was not a whore and that was why, for the first time, he hadn´t felt like one either.
The gentle touch, the sweet nothings written into his skin and the whispers had freaked him out because that wasn´t sex to him. That was the fluffy little brother of sex, ripped right out of a romance novel shit. He had done it right at least, when he had taken the lead. A bit of the weird s´feeling twisting his gut with how wrong such a foreplay was stopped after that. The hand holding his or the attention given to his own penis, that wasn´t used to even be acknowledged were new experiences for him though. The way Blaine wanted to make sure he okay felt foreign and didn´t sit right with Kurt. The time Blaine finally looked into his eyes toward the end, looked at him like he was something to be treasure- yeah that felt;
A tiny part of him thought that maybe this had been what sex was supposed to be about. A much bigger part laughed at the naivety of believing such utter crap. In the end, Kurt wasn´t as special as Blaine had wanted him to feel. He was a whore, he had gotten Blaine off because he was good at what he did. He had delivered every line he fed his clients, he had stopped the stupid prelude and the taste of rubber reminded him of his place. Nothing they did altered his life, like he knew others may believed it would. In the end, his ass was stretched and his throat hurt and no cuddling would change those facts. This was his life, sex was his life. He would just have to get used to just another layer, only this time not taught by Hunter. This time it was someone that clung to him and pretended that there was something of Kurt that was likeable.
In the dead of the night he could only sleep denying that he couldn´t get rid of a picture of Blaine´s eyes that was etched into his mind.
When he woke up he was alone and he heaved a sigh. Things would have been more difficult if he had been forced to begin his day without alcohol and a cigarette and with lies and stupid romance instead. Kurt was lucky in that prospect and he spend blissful minutes closing his eyes once more and thinking about his plan today.
He had to be extra happy, extra sweet and cuddling to make up for the awkward ending of their night. He´d make a breakfast, he´d kiss and touch and maybe some sex would follow. He wondered how long people usually took to confess their love. Was it after or before the sex? Was a month enough? He should have kept up with reading novels, but his teenage self had been young and dumb to hope. Maybe he´d go to the library after picking up Finn from Puck´s and he´d borrow some romance shit to learn from. This was no longer just a trial. It was Blaine or no one and Finn´s birthday was in a week and after that he´d only have a few month before his time run out.
His next step had to be charming Blaine's dapper pants off with Finn. He´d have to love Finn as well if Kurt would soon drown his bank account. What better way than celebrating Finn´s birthday with presents sponsored by Blaine?
With his feelings fueled by determination he stood up and went out to find Blaine. Instead of the man he found breakfast on the counter and he sighed because that had been his idea. He moved past that, searching for Blaine until he opened the right door that lead into a room he hadn´t paid much attention to at his first walk through. It was a small, square room with white walls covered in paint that ran down as If it was still wet. There wasn´t a color missing and it was the only room not having dozens of framed art since it was art itself.
In the center of it, the artist stood with his bare back facing him. Kurt came closer, catching a glimpse of a freshly painted canvas that stood out between all the empty ones littered on the floor. Blaine´s hair was mused and his gaze focused when he dabbed his brush into the color to bring it onto the canvas. A minute after his hand had created the top of a tree, adding layer upon layer of green until it came alive.
“You are magic.” Kurt decided to say. He ran one hand over the bare skin on Blaine´s back, stopping at the trim of his underwear.
“Good morning.” Blaine kissed him on his cheek, but didn´t look at him otherwise.” Did I wake you? I made breakfast and it is the best I could possibly manage.”
Kurt thought hard about his next actions. In the end he took one broad brush and dipped it into the red color.
“Please not the picture. It´s for my aunt´s birthday.”
Kurt nodded and dragged the brush down Blaine's side until he had created a heart. At least the unrealistic shape lovesick people thought was a heart. ”I think I have found my own canvas.”
Blaine finally looked at him and Kurt noticed a hint of a scruff on his chin and cheeks and for the first time Blaine looked his age, yet was barely wiser than Kurt with his nineteen years. The smile he put on turned into a real one, the one he was conscious of, when Blaine kisses his lips and quickly stole the brush from Kurt´s hands. It tickled when Blaine used it on Kurt´s stomach and he giggled until he saw the words written onto his skin. Written onto his mind.
´Will you be my boyfriend?´
His heart drummed, his palms were sweaty and the first time he said it he thought that he´d never get rid of that twisting feeling that bloomed warm inside him. Blaine looked at him the way he had yesterday, only this time Kurt didn´t have sex as an excuse to explain why Blaine would feel the need to look at him like that. Like in the light of day Kurt was just as beautiful, without the cover of sexual desire.
Kurt needed to run.
“I will.”