June 5, 2012, 9:26 a.m.
June 5, 2012, 9:26 a.m.
"Here we are Kurt, Dalton Academy" Burt enthusiastically said as he looked at his son through the rear view mirror. Kurt opened his eyes and glanced out the window to see Dalton's school's gates. He'd been asleep for most of the journey to Dalton to try and escape the nerves but he felt them all come back as he gazed up at the schools main entrance. "You've got nothing to worry about Kurt, Mason's gonna be there to keep an eye on you and to help you out if you need anything and I'm sure you'll make new friends so enough, so seriously don't worry about it" Burt turned his head to look at he boy in the back seat.
Even though Kurt had some issues at his old school (including the one with Karofsky in the locker room) he still felt like that McKinley was where he belonged and wasn't sure if Dalton was going to solve anything, especially socially wise but after his dad and Carole paying all that money for him to transfer he couldn't exactly not go.
Kurt took a deep breath then nodded as he continued to stare out the window "Okay dad". Burt was sure Kurt would like it at Dalton, it had a zero tolerance bullying policy which was perfect for Kurt and he would also have his cousin Mason to keep an eye on him so he would be able to show him to his classes and around school so he wouldn't get lost.
"So you wanna wait in the car or wait outside the gates for Mason" Burt asked.
"I think I'll just wait here" Kurt answered as he pulled his phone out of his trouser pocket and saw Mercedes had texted him.
Hey Kurt, hows the new school - M
Kurt smiled and quickly replied.
Well I'm just waiting for Mason to meet me then show me around first - K
As soon as Kurt sent it he realised nobody knew Mason except for himself, Burt and Carole.
Mason? Didn't take you long ;) - M
Masons my cousin, he goes to Dalton, I should've put that earlier shouldn't I - K
Cousin? When was you going to tell me about him white boy? - M
Sorry I must've forgot to tell you, anyway whats happening in glee? - K
Just as he pressed send, Kurt was startled by a knock on the car window and dropped his phone onto the car floor.
Kurt clutched at the shirt of his chest and took a deep breath then turned his head to behold Mason waving at him through the window. "Hey" Kurt could just make out what he said and immediately rolled his eyes then gave him a small wave back then picked up his phone.
Kurt opened the door and as soon as his body was fully out of the car Mason threw himself at Kurt for a hug. Kurt stumbled back a little as he wasn't expecting it and he wasn't quite fond of people touching him.
"It's really great to see you Kurt" Mason said as they both pulled away. "You haven't changed one bit" He grinned as he placed both his hands on Kurt's shoulders and then examined him up and down.
"You too Mace" Kurt replied as he observed the boy who was a just a couple of inches taller. He had perfectly combed back brown hair, emerald eyes and skin nearly as pale as Kurts.
"Sorry about the hug I don't know what came over me" Mason shrugged as he then gazed over at Burt sat in the car "Hi Burt" Mason waved continuing to grin and Burt just nodded his head in response. Mason turned his attentions back to Kurt who was now opening the car boot.
"It's okay Kurt I'll get them" Mason offered stopping Kurt's hands from reaching out to get his bags. "Oh okay" Kurt pulled his hands away quickly and made his way around the car and knocked on his dads car window. Burt wound the window down "Okay dad, I've got everything so I guess I'll see you on Saturday".
"Okay kiddo, have a good time and Mason" Mason peered from behind the car as he shut the boot "You take care of him, Okay"
"Yes sir" Mason answered.
"Okay, see you boys on Saturday" Burt said as he wound up the window and drove off down the road. Kurt watched as he drove away then turned to look up at the main entrance and took a deep breath 'This is it' Kurt thought to himself. Mason could tell Kurt was nervous and stood next to him with Kurt's bags in both hands.
"Don't worry Kurt, I know how things were at your old school but trust me Dalton's nothing like that so don't worry" Mason nudged Kurt with his elbow and began to grin again "I got your back".
Kurt smiled and then looked down at his bag in Mason's hand "Do you want me to hold that?" Kurt asked reaching out is hand.
Mason shuck his head "No it's fine, um are you in Henderson?" he asked.
"Henderson? Oh you mean the dormitory" Mason nodded "yeah I am" 'Where else would I be staying' Kurt thought.
"Oh good" Mason breathed "Anyway I think we should get a move on". Mason suggested and Kurt nodded then they both walked through the Dalton gates.
"Are you sure you don't want me to take that bag?" Kurt asked as he could see Mason struggling as they walked down yet another corridor.
"No it's fine really, anyway were here now" Mason said as he gestured to the door in front of them and dropped the bags on the floor. "Key?" Kurt passed him the room key and then he unlocked the door.
"Here we are, your second home, well for now anyways" Mason relvealed as held the door open for Kurt then grabbed his bags from outside. Kurt was pleasently surprised at how nice the room looked but the first thing he noticed was that they didn't have a T.V 'How am I not going to die of boredom' Kurt thought to himself.
"So how do you lik-" Mason was suddenly cut off by a black haired boy bursting into the room making both boy jump.
"Mace I need your help with the French homework we got because I haven't done it and I need to have it done within one hour and take it to Miss Dawson or I'm gonna get detention and I can't get detention because we have Warbler practice" The boy sounded like he was having a panic attack through most of that sentence.
"Sorry Blaine I can't, I'm showing Kurt around" Mason then turned around and gestured to Kurt.
"Oh is this your cousin you told us about" Blaine asked. Kurt examined the boy, the first thing he noticed was his perfectly gelled black hair, Kurt could clearly see the boy was naturally curley from where some of his curls stuck out. He didn't really notice anything else other then that he was short.
"Yeah he just got here about half an hour ago" Mason said while looking at his watch "And it took us ten minutes to prove he was staying at Henderson because I forgot to give him his badge and then I couldn't find it so I had to search through my bag until I found it and well you know how Seth is with secruity these days" As Mason explained Blaine continued to nod as well as taking little glances at but Kurt still didn't understand why he had to wear a badge to get into a dormitory. "Anyway, Kurt, this is Blaine and Blaine, this is Kurt"
Blaine smiled and extended his hand "Hey". Kurt looked down at Blaine's hand then looked back up and nodded after crossing his arms over his chest.
Blaine gave a weak smile then awkwardly put his hands in his pocket; feeling a little embarrassed.
"Okay well um... I think I should get going, I'll just try and find David and see if he can help me with the homework" Blaine
Mason took a little glance at Kurt who was looking down at his shoes before turning back to Blaine "Okay, I'll probably see you in Warbler practise later"
"Sure, see ya" Blaine punched Mason in the arm playfully before glancing over at Kurt "Oh and it was nice meeting you, Kurt" Kurt nodded and walked over to his bags.
Mason saw Blaine's face drop before walking out the room and looked over at Kurt with a concerned expression as he watched him unzip one of his bags.
"Are you okay?"
"Yeah, I'm fine, why?" Kurt breathed.
"It's just that you seemed a little off just then" Mason looked down at the floor.
"I'm fine Mace so please stop asking" Kurt demanded.
"Okay, okay" Mason put his hands up in surrender and took a seat on the edge of Kurt's bed "So what did you think of Blaine?".
"The guy who was just in here?" Kurt asked not looking up from his bag.
"I don't know; he seemed OK I guess" Kurt murmerd.
"Just OK?".
Kurt sighed "I know what your getting at and I really don't want to discuss it".
"Sorry, I was jus curious" This made Kurt lift an eyebrow at him " So you want to continue with the grand tour" Mason strolled over to the door "You can unpack later" he assured Kurt.
"Sure, whatever. And why do I have to wear this stupid badge" Kurt gestured to the badge that was pinned to his blazer as walked over to the door.
"I'll explain it to you later, it's quite a long story".