April 8, 2012, 8:29 a.m.
April 8, 2012, 8:29 a.m.
"What number . . . was that one?" He breathed.
"Five . . . I believe. Three tops for you . . . Two for me."
Blaine stretched out, moaning tiredly. "I can't believe we had sex five times in one night." He laughes playfully. "I think that's a new record."
"That was incredible."
"You're incredible. You're just so . . . tight and bendy. I swear, being inside you is like paradise."
Kurt laughed then, giving his boyfriend a strange look. "You're very odd, you know that?"
Blaine leaned his, his voice low and seductive. "Yeah, but you love me anyway."
They kissed then, and Blaine was sure time number six was about to happen; and then it happened.
"I want you to meet my parents." Kurt says between kisses. Blaine pulled away, his head cocked. "They're coming to visit this week. To check up on me and Finn. Carole wants to see how Rachel is doing. And they wanna meet you. I've said so much about you. I swear! Its like they already know you with the amount of things I've told them about you."
Kurt stopped, and looked at Blaine, who remained silent, listening to his boyfriends rant.
"You don't want to." Kurt spoke sadly. He turned away, pulling away. "Lord, I'm such an idiot. Why would you even want to meet my family. I mean, yeah, we're in love and I wanna be with you for the rest of my life, but that doesn't have to involve our families. And I say this in bed! I need to leave. I need to go home. I'm sorry."
Blaine grabbed him then, pulling him back into his arms before he had a chance to escape.
"I adore you, you know that?" He says laughing. "You and you're beautiful, self-conscious rants."
"Th-they're not rants." Kurt tells him, blushing widely.
Blaine kissed the top of his head, pulling him even closer. "Well, whatever it is, I love them." Grabbing his cheek, Blaine turned Kurt's face towards his. "And I would love meet your family."
Kurt smiled brightly. "Really?" Blaine nodded swiftly. "Oh, Blaine!" Kurt lunged, kissing all around Blaine's face, ending with his lips. "I knew I picked a good one!"
"Yeah, yeah. So, now that that is settled, why don't we have number six break us even?" Kurt stared for a moment, but then Blaine pulled him close, kissing him deep, pulling him on top of him, and Kurt got the message.
Kurt gripped his boyfriends hand, crushing it roughly in his own. Blaine winced, laughing at the state of nervousness Kurt had begun to take over.
"Kurt, my hand is turning blue." Blaine joked.
Kurt jumped at the statement, releasing the hand. "Sorry. I'm a bit,"
"Nervous?" Blaine finished.
"Anxious." Kurt stated. "Its been almost a year since I've seen them. And you're here. I just . . . I just want everything to be perfect."
"It will be. I promise."
Kurt nods, and waits impatiently for his parents to finally arrive. Finn got to them first, giving everyone giant bear hugs, and tossing his seven year old half brother, Robbie, over his shoulder for a spin.
Kurt exchanged a loving embrace from Carole and a long waited hug from Burt, before finally introducing Blaine. It wasn't was awkward as he pictured. He had told them so much about him, it was like they already knew him. Carole was sweet and allowed Burt to speak to the boys alone, while she and Rachel went over more wedding details.
That part was the worst, Kurt had to admit. Just Burt and Blaine talking over who knows what. They both liked football, so Kurt was hoping they'd segway into that, instead of the old fashioned "Who are your family? What do you plan on doing with my son? What are your life plans and goals?" Typical dating stuff.
Carole was much more understanding. She acted as the perfect step-mother; another reason why Kurt loved her so much.
Then it was Robbie's turn. The little boy stared up at the curled haired wonder, then back to his brother.
"Do you like boys?" He asked.
Blaine laughed, amused by the childs innocence. "Y-yes." He cleared his throat. "Yes, I do."
"Is that why you're with Kurt?"
"Yes, it is."
Robbie waved to himself, telling Blaine to come closer. Crouching down, Robbie whispered in Blaine's ear. "Kurt likes boy. He really likes you. He thinks you're cute."
Blaine faked gasp. "Really!" The little boy nodded excitingly. "Well, I'll tell you something. I think he's cute too."
"The really tall guy? That's my big brother, Finn. He and Rachel are gonna get married. Are you and Kurt gonna get married?"
Blaine stared at the boy, his eyes deep. To see a child so young and innocent, ask if one man was going to marry another. It reminded him of himself when he was little. No prejudice, no hate. Just wanting to know if two people who love each other, are gonna be together forever.
"I'm not sure yet, Robbie. But you know what? I like your brother a lot. I mean a lot, so I guess its up to him."
"I like a girl in my class! Her name is Vanessa! She has blonde hair, and . . . And these really pretty eyes!"
Kurt gazed from away, watching his little brother go on and on about the girl he liked to Blaine. He always thought Blaine would be good with children, but after seeing him with Robbie the whole afternoon, he knew he was in fact amazing with them.
"Robbie sure seems to like Blaine." Burt said, appearing next to his son.
"Hmm? Oh, yeah! I mean, it helps that Blaine is pretty much a ten year old inside a twenty-six year olds body."
Burt leaned over the island, watching the image of his family carefully. "So, he likes football. He sings. He played like . . . Three instruments."
"Four." Kurt corrected him. "He just started drums."
"Four instruments. He knows about cars and dresses almost as good as you." Burt eyed his son then, thinking deeply. "You really like him, don't you?"
"Would you object if I said I loved him?" Kurt questioned bluntly
"Does he love you back?"
Kurt nods slowly. "Without a doubt."
Burt straightened up, placing a hand on his sons shoulder. "Well then, Kurt, all I can say is good luck, and just be happy. Lord knows how much you deserve to have someone care about you, the way I cared about your mom. And about Carole."
"I'm happy, dad. I truly am." Kurt tells him, smiling grateful at the sight of his family, and loving how lucky he truly is.
I really really really love this story(: great job!
WHAT???? 3000 reads and 10 reviews! Well know that this IS AWESOME! and my reviews are sucky sorry dont like commenting on this site, dont know why... Want burt to be more defensive ahahah. LOVE HIM SO MUCH
i hope you like my reviews,loving chapter