Best Friend's Boyfriend
Chapter 4 Previous Chapter Story
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July 27, 2012, 9:17 a.m.

Best Friend's Boyfriend: Chapter 4

E - Words: 2,055 - Last Updated: Jul 27, 2012
Story: Closed - Chapters: 5/? - Created: May 30, 2012 - Updated: Jul 27, 2012
219 0 0 0 0


Blaine's lips were slowly descending onto Kurt's, who was shaking with excitement. Blushing at the intimacy and happiness spreading through his entire body.

"Sue! You cannot do this every time the school cuts your Cheerios budget!"


"There are students on campus Sue! Do you want to get suspended again?"

Kurt was too lost to pull away at the sudden break in the dreamy silence around him and his perfect Blaine. But against his closed eyes he felt a sharp intake of breath from Blaine.

No no no don't do this.

Kurt kept his eyes closed minutes after the heat radiating from Blaine's skin disappeared. He didn't want to believe it. He didn't want to believe that such a perfect moment was ruined because Blaine had suddenly realised. Kurt though there was something between them in that long silence as they almost kissed. But he was being stupid, Blaine didn't like him. He couldn't imagine the look of disgust on his face when he'd realised what he was doing. Kurt's chest felt like Blaine had reached through and ripped his heart out, the butterflies in his stomach dead and broken.

Slowly he let out a long, slow breath he didn't know he'd been holding. The air around Kurt's head was too peaceful he noticed as he watched particles of dust dance around him. He opened his eyes gently, everything fuzzy as they adjusted to the dim light around him. Everything that had seemed golden before was now grey, and outside rain began to drip onto the cold windows. Kurt sat in silence, listening to it falling and drumming against the glass. He felt empty and alone, but what did he expect? Blaine wasn't suddenly going to turn into his Disney prince, no one ever would.

When his knees began to ache he climbed back into his chair clumsily, drowning in the lonely silence in the room. Blaine's bag and books had gone, but he'd left his French book with Kurt. Again.

Thinking of Blaine made Kurt's heart hurt.

Kurt stared around, slightly dazed before he heard the familiar tap of shoes and the squeak as Madame Greene entered the classroom. She was never shocked to find Kurt there first thing in the morning, usually before her. She laid her laptop and stacks of various papers on the large wooden desk, straightened her grey skirt out and gave him a sweet sympathetic smile. She wasn't extremely old, but the kind woman's smile always produced wrinkles across her soft cheeks. Kurt smiled back at his favourite teacher, before rolling his eyes as an over excited Rachel and Quinn burst into the room, not caring that they had disturbed the tranquil silence. Behind them came the rest of the students, including Mercedes who sat down next to Kurt. The usual classroom atmosphere began and the bell went to signal the beginning of class.

"Where's Blaine?" Mercedes whispered to Kurt. He turned round to find that Blaine had decided to skip French class, his seat empty with the curly haired boy nowhere in sight.

"Um... I don't er k-know" he half heartedly replied. He felt as if he was lying, but he wasn't completely. He knew not where Blaine was, only his reason for not being there.

"He never skips class. It's normally Rachel and Quinn over there who do".

"I know, Mercedes", I have a huge crush on him and we almost just kissed, it's hardly like I don't notice.

She went silent for the majority of the lesson. Kurt sat consumed by heartache and a million different possibilities ran through his head. His first guess was that Blaine had gone straight to Karofsky and Azimio and told them to beat the crap outta him, his second was that Blaine had told somebody which may be why Rachel was shooting him questioning glances. If someone knew it would probably be around the entire school by the end of the lesson. Ha ha, Kurt Hummel the gay fag threw himself at Blaine.

He willed the sobs and tears to disappear and pursed his lips. He remained like that for the rest of the lesson. The end of period bell making him jumps inwardly. He hadn't even noticed time passing.

The next lesson went the same, Blaine still absent and Kurt still daydreaming to numb the pain of earlier.

Luckily, the two classes he had before lunch weren't shared with Blaine, Rachel or Quinn. His only companion was Tina, who mostly stayed silent except for giggling at Kurt's snarky comments when he tried to not look too much out of character. He avoided Karofsky and Azimio like the plague, and even ran to the safety of the boys' bathroom between classes as it seemed like Rachel wouldn't leave him alone, the hobbit practically tying herself by a string to Kurt.

At lunch she finally caught up with him, linking their arms so as to avoid him escaping again. Though this time she seemed a little dispirited. For one Quinn wasn't hanging off her, and Kurt could sense that Rachel desperately needed comfort.

"Kurt..." The smaller girl gave choked sob before pulling Kurt into a hug before he had the chance to reply. He wrapped his arms around her tiny shoulders.

"What is it sweetie?" Despite Rachel being an annoying obnoxious brat, she was still his best friend. She still shared his emotion, his hopes and his dreams.

"Blaine, h-he he broke up with m-me" she whimpered into his shoulder, dampening his jacket with her pouring tears.

"Oh, Rachel. He's an idiot, he really is. He doesn't deserve someone as beautiful and talented as you". He fought back tears of his own as the words left his lips and he spoke what he truly felt. But his heart shouldn't be doing backflips.

She slowly pulled away, her eyes red and puffy. She sniffed before giving a faint smile.

"You, you really think so? He didn't deserve me?" she said through tear filled eyes. Kurt nodded and smiled weakly back. Moments later Quinn was at Rachel's side, holding her hand and brushing her fringe out her eyes. Rachel in a toddler like state simply stared with glassy eyes. Quinn, taking hold of her motherly instinct, whispered a short "C'mon, let's get you cleaned up" to the silent Rachel, smiled at Kurt and let Rachel away. Kurt heard a quick "on the bright side, you can write a song about it?" from Quinn to Rachel and seconds later Rachel was babbling on about how the emotional trauma would help her to connect to her song.

Lunch ended and Kurt flew to his locker before half running to his last class. He didn't want to be pulverised by the football players now they probably knew about his and Blaine's almost kiss. He just wished he could die at the hands of Karofsky having actually kissed Blaine.

The beginning of the class was the same as usual, Kurt sitting at the back of the class sadly waiting for the teacher to come in, start the lesson and then end. That was until, Rachel flounced in, seemingly forgetting her earlier depression. She sat down in her chair next to Kurt, bouncing excitedly.

"Kurt! Guess what! I wrote a song when I was crying with Quinn in the girls bathroom. Tonight I can finish it and perform it at glee club tomorrow. Isn't that great?"

"That's brilliant, Rachel". He couldn't keep the sadness out his voice though, and Rachel frowned at him before continuing.

"You look upset Kurt. While I am curious as to why, I have something to cheer you up. My surprise!" Her tiny body looked about to explode with joy.

Kurt suddenly remembered why he'd been so excited to get to school. His excitement was replaced with confusion as Rachel thrust a small sheet of paper into his hands, Rachel's handwriting scrawled across it.

"What is it?"

"It's a quiz", she beamed, her smile almost splitting her face in half. "You answer it anonymously".

"But won't you know it was me though?" Kurt sighed, spotting the obvious flaw in her game.

"No because well share them round afterwards with Quinn, Mercedes, Tina, Santana and Brit since they're doing it too. C'mon Kurt it will be fun". She gave him her best puppy eyes, copying the way Blaine used to pout when he did it to Kurt.

Don't go there Hummel. Too painful right now.

"Ok Rachel, but this isn't much of a surprise", he said as Mr. Shue walked to the front of the buzzing classroom and began his monotonous lecture, boring everyone to sleep.

Just as Kurt was considering screwing the piece of paper into a ball and tossing it far away from himself, Mr Shue dropped a worksheet on his desk, then walked on and continued to give one to every student in the class.

Fuck it, he thought. He set the worksheet aside and lay the 'quiz' in front of himself. The ridiculous title caught him at once.

Sex Quiz! (It's anonymous, so be honest')

1. Have you ever done "it" before?

No. He inked in big red letters. Rachel really did have a warped idea of fun and surprises.

2. Would you do it if you could?
Everyone does in the end.

He sped through the next few questions, becoming absorbed with what he was doing. He didn't know why his interest was suddenly caught.

He stopped when he realised what he'd written for question 9.

9. Who would you do it with? (Be honest!) 
Blaine Anderson

He'd almost written it on autopilot, the words looking so gorgeous on the page. the sadness washed away from the morning suddenly flooding back into his mind.

He slowly turned to his left, hoping to look inconspicuous. Blaine hasn't skipped last period, and was sitting on the other side of the room seemingly staring out the window into space. But as if he sensed Kurt's gaze, he subtly turned his head to catch Kurt's eye, just for a split second. But in that time, Kurt could tell the beautiful curly haired boy had been crying. A lot.

He reached the final two questions.

10. Does he know you want to?
No!He underlined it twice to prove his point, a flush creeping across his porcelain cheeks.

11. What fantasy do you have of losing your virginity?

Kurt thought in a daydream, thinking of all the places and memories he had shared with Blaine. He rifled through his mind until he reached the one he was searching for, a moment when he'd truly felt at peace and in love with Blaine.

"Alright, pass your papers forwards", Mr Shue said over the top of the Spanish text book he was reading.

One of his pencils rolled onto the floor and he reached down to pick it up as Rachel flustered around above him with worksheets. When he sat back up she had calmed and was grinning.

"See, wasn't my surprise fun?" she looked pleased with herself at having come up with such a quiz.

"Actually it wasn't that ba-"

"My biggest fantasy is to give my virginity to Blaine in a dewy meadow with Barbara Streisand playing in the background. Who wrote this?" Mr Shue's voice rang loud and clear, demanding an answer. Kurt felt the blood in his veins freeze, numbness consuming him.

"Oh my god", Kurt hissed at Rachel. It was his memory, his perfect memory. He felt like he was about to vomit down Rachel's toddler style dress.

Kurt didn't even dare look at Blaine. He felt like his entire face was tomato red, and his heart sank like the Titanic inside his chest, sinking in the tears building inside him.

Mr Shue straightened his tie, knowing he obviously wasn't going to get an answer. "Next time, focus on Spanish instead of writing down your fantasies". He screwed up the paper and threw it in the waste paper bin. The bell signalled the end of class and Kurt was relieved he could get out and cry until his pillow resembled an ocean.

Rachel grabbed his hand just as began to walk off and subtly collect the quiz from the trash, the last thing he needed was for someone to recognise his handwriting and tell Blaine. Then it would be 'ha ha, homo boy loves Blainey-waney'.

"Kurt! I'm so sorry, I must have picked up the wrong sheet when we handed them in".

Kurt brushed her off and almost sprinted to the basket containing his precious secret. He reached in when at last the classroom was empty except Rachel and Quinn, who had been informed of the situation.

His hand clasped around air.

"Someone has- it's gone".



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