July 27, 2012, 9:17 a.m.
July 27, 2012, 9:17 a.m.
A smile danced across Kurt Hummel's lips as the faint breeze cooled his sweaty skin in the warm summer heat. Blaine lazily entwined their fingers and to anyone else it would look like they were boyfriends. Mmm, boyfriends. The word twirled around Kurt's mind as they strolled towards the tree just ahead of them. Blaine unrolled the square of red fabric and neatly lay it down on the grass underneath the long pink branches of the blossom tree. Kurt set down the picnic basket and began to unpack sandwiches delicately wrapped in silver tin foil among a few other items and bottles of water. Kurt lay down next to his best friend and slowly nibbled at the corner of his sandwich, Blaine doing the same.
Before long, they were lying sleepily underneath the shade of the tree, Blaine resting his head on Kurt's chest. The wind blew pink and red blossoms in a light airy shower around them. He breathed in the sweet, luxurious smell of Blaine's un gelled curls, and they were both so at ease from their meal and the humidity that without thinking Kurt pressed a gently, barely there kiss to Blaine's forehead and Blaine's tiny laugh bubbled up from his lips. They gazed into each other's eyes for a few seconds before Blaine rolled off Kurt's chest to lay his head in the ground beside him. Kurt inwardly whined at the loss of warmth and snuggled closer to Blaine. They were content and together they were infinite. Wrapped up in each UHHHH
Kurt groaned as he realised it was 2am and he was clutching his pillow desperately for comfort in his dream, his mind believing that the soft feathers of the pillow were Blaine's feather light touches across his skin that set every nerve on fire and his heart into overdrive. He willed himself to sleep before he had to wake up in another few hours, the memory of the dream fading excruciatingly slowly. He closed his drooping lids but he could still see Blaine's beautiful eyes, this time dancing in the dark inches from him before he blinked and realised they were dancing languidly in the dark of Blaine's bedroom. The lyrics to a love song Kurt didn't know flowing peacefully from his partners lips.
The alarm beeped loud and clearly next to Kurt's head and he shot up in his bed. Using the back of his fists he wiped sleep from his eyes and began to groggily get ready for school, trying desperately to drag his attention away from the many frames photographs of him and Blaine in their junior year. His eyes targeting blissfully on his favourite picture, one taken in the winter of Kurt shivering and freezing whilst Blaine wrapped his arms around his waist and pressing a gentle, barely noticeable peck to the back of Kurt's neck. He beamed fondly at it before pulling on his jeans and shirt, grabbed his bag and left the room.
Kurt sighed yet again as the crowd of football players and cheerleaders, as usual all following Blaine and Rachel as they held hands, walked towards the cafeteria. Why was Blaine so god damn perfect?He had perfect hair, perfect clothes; a perfect ass. And those eyes, gorgeous golden whirlpools of emotion. His gaze lingered on Blaine's eyes and pale rose lips as he strolled past lazily, the gorgeous boy's face blank as if his mind was in other places, not paying attention to anyone around him. Rachel caught Kurt's eye but the warm smile from his best friend wasn't returned. Kurt was too engrossed in watching the muscles in Blaine's arms and back. He imagined being the one whose fingers were entwined with Blaine's, it was his cheek Blaine was leaning down to place a gentle kiss on. If Blaine was his, he would walk around feeling like there were tiny cartoon hearts swirling around his head all the time and he would kiss Blaine so, so much and show him how much his heart ached for him.
"Hey, Lady Boy!"
He winced and snapped out of his daydream as one of the Neanderthals at the back of the group, Blaine's so called 'friend', slammed him against his locker. Nobody but a few jocks at the back of the crowd laughed and watched Kurt slide down to the floor. He could already feel bruises rippling across the alabaster skin of his shoulder. He saw Mercedes rushing towards him and offering her hand as he shakily got to his feet in one clumsy movement.
"How can that boy not notice you're being thrown about by his friends?" she demanded. She was one of his closest friends but she didn't know about Kurt's feelings for Blaine. And he planned to keep it that way. But nonetheless she hated that Blaine had been Kurt's best friend and now was oblivious to the torment he received daily.
"I don't know, just forget it". Sweeping his hair back into place and stalked away with Mercedes next to him. He smoothed out his clothes and his lips pressed into a thin line as he headed in the direction of the choir room to wallow for an hour in Glee club.
Oh my God, Kurt thought over the buzz of voices. Will there ever be a day without Rachel Berry creating some sort of drama?
The choir room door slammed shut as Rachel, yet again, made a 'dramatic exit'. Everyone stopped for a second after her sudden outburst, Mike and Tina even stopped making love sick puppy eyes at each other. But then they all continued again, not one person in the room bothering to listen to Mr. Shue's feeble attempts at getting everyone's full attention.
Obviously not, he smiled smugly. Even though she's his best friend, he still sometimes has the urge to stuff a sock into her mouth just so she'll shut up. He really didn't understand how they'd become best friends when Blaine had forgotten about Kurt. But Rachel spent most of the time she wasn't with Blaine, with Kurt. In fact, she was hardly ever around Blaine. Kurt seemed to think Blaine was avoiding her like the plague, and sometimes he didn't blame him. He wished every day that he was in Rachel's place, able to skip the fine line between the top and bottom of the McKinley food chain. She could stay in Glee club, and even occasionally pull Blaine along to watch happily as she sang - both their passions were singing - but also avoid being slushied and dumpster tossed unlike the rest of her Glee friends. Kurt loved it when she invited Blaine along to watch her, even though he now neither spoke nor sat near him. Part of Kurt wanted to waltz up to his side and carry on like they had never stopped being friends. But he knew he couldn't, Blaine would never talk to him now because Kurt was a loser with not even a chance that Blaine still remembered his name. He accepted this and stayed away, sitting with Mercedes and Quinn whilst longingly watching Blaine's eyes light up as his girlfriend succeeded in wowing the entire club time after time. Rachel may be selfish and childish, but she could sing extremely well.
Mr. Shue got everyone's attention long enough to explain that their assignment would be to sing a love song to someone secret in the club. Kurt groaned because he didn't want to think about love, let alone sing about it. Plus, he'd have no one to sing to properly, he'd just have to think of Blaine as he sang. He didn't want to consider that now though, but he made a mental note to look through his vast collection of unrequited love songs on his iPod. All downloaded, of course, in favour of Blaine.
Shue rambled on for a long time about dates and sectionals and gave his daily speech about finding themselves. But Kurt had zoned out and was staring blankly around the choir room, lost in thought. Even though he willed himself to stop thinking about Blaine, he couldn't do it. If his mind wouldn't rest and if it wasn't about his perfect helmet of gelled hair that was secretly curly (Blaine had only ever revealed the mass of gorgeous curls to Kurt, and had pouted before stroking Kurt's expertly styled hair in jealousy), he would be thinking about Blaine's clothes that managed to make him look incredibly hot and adorable at the same time. Kurt had always especially loved how Blaine would wear a different bow tie every day.
When they'd been best friends, Kurt had gone round Blaine's after school one day to help him sort through his old clothes. Blaine had laughed when Kurt opened a cupboard and was hit with an avalanche of countless different bow ties. "You have a problem, Blaine", he'd stated in mock anger, before bursting into a fit of laughter alongside his best friend. After that, they'd stretched out on Blaine's soft, comfortable, bouncy double bed to watch a movie. It had been Kurt's turn to pick and he'd chosen Titanic as it was one of his favourites. Slowly Blaine and Kurt had nestled closer together and Kurt had silently shed a few small tears at the end, hoping Blaine hadn't noticed. He did of course, and he would an arm around Kurt's shoulder and hugged him tightly. They had been so tired that they'd fallen asleep then and there. Kurt had woken up first the next morning, his lips inches from Blaine's and his peaceful relaxed face. He nearly closed the distance to place a tender kiss on his soft plump lips but had to stop and remind himself that Blaine would hate him if he did. He didn't have time to speak before Blaine had snuggled closer into Kurt's embrace, pressing their foreheads together and giving Kurt the smallest, cutest Eskimo kiss in his sleepy state. He saw Blaine's eyelashes flutter like the delicate wings of a butterfly and then his gorgeous eyes sleepily opened, and Kurt snapped his own ice blue eyes shut so he could enjoy the warmth of Blaine before he realised he was awake. But Blaine didn't move his face away in disgust, Kurt just felt Blaine's sigh tickle across his skin, and his nose scrunch up against his own, and Kurt knew he would be smiling his adorable smile at Kurt. The one that made his eyes glow and could light up entire rooms.
Ugh. Stop thinking!Kurt pushed the memory to the back of his mind because he couldn't be dealing with this on a day that had already been bad enough. Just remembering the past and bringing back even more heartbreak certainly wasn't a good way to entertain himself. In fact, he left the choir room feeling worse than he had when he went in.
He stepped out into the hallway only to find Rachel leaning forward to press a horribly sloppy kiss on Blaine's lips. He flinched away as her lips connected with the corner of his mouth when he turned his head away. Kurt groaned, loud enough for only Mercedes beside him to hear. He wished it was him capturing Blaine's sweet mouth with his own. To feel his lips wet and eager sliding against his own. To feel his warm tongue sliding smoothly along his bottom lip before exploring his mouth, Kurt's arms around Blaine's neck and Blaine's wrapped around Kurt's waist gently pulling him closer with each second passing. Afterwards they'd stare lovingly into each other's eyes, Blaine's twinkling with love and lust; Kurt thought of all the things they could do if it wasn't Rachel sleeping with Blaine.
Kurt mentally slapped himself when he realised he'd been staring at Blaine and more importantly, at Blaine's lips. His cheeks flushed deep crimson against his pale skin and he scurried off to the parking lot with Mercedes in tow. He didn't look back or say bye to Rachel. She was probably eating Blaine's face off again anyway. It was disgusting, but he was so jealous and it had turned his mood from bad to worse within seconds.
But she wasn't. She was walking down the corridor to meet with Quinn. It had never struck him that those two would be a likely pair, but it worked. If Rachel wasn't with Kurt talking excitedly about Broadway or NYADA; she would be round Quinn's house.
But if Kurt had turned around, he would have seen that Blaine was longingly staring after him with a look that resembled a love sick puppy.