Aug. 30, 2012, 10:01 p.m.
Aug. 30, 2012, 10:01 p.m.
Chapter 5- Preparations.
“I do wish you could stay.” Kurt muttered sleepily into Blaine’s chest. The two men were tangled together on Kurt’s bed; Blaine’s arm was protectively wrapped around Kurt’s waist. The valet lifted his head up and smiled at the man below him. “I’m sorry, but I have to go.”
Kurt stuck his bottom lip out in an overdone pout
“Or I could report for duty tomorrow unshaven in a soiled and crumpled uniform smelling of your various lotions. Not at all suspicious.”
“You don’t smell of my lotions…!” Kurt cautiously pressed his nose to Blaine’s chest.
“Well you only smell of one of them. And lavender is a very popular scent, it could simply be yours, they would never know.”
“Well that and combined with the fact that I would be arriving from the exact opposite direction of my quarters.”
“It’s possible that I could’ve asked you to awaken me early, they don’t know!”
“Have you ever awoken at five o clock in the morning?”
“Then I’m sorry, but there is a slight flaw in your plan, Master Kurt.” Blaine smiled and bent down to give Kurt a teasing peck on the lips.
Kurt sighed. “I know, but that doesn’t change the fact that I wish you could stay the night here.”
The valet frowned at the sadness in his charge’s tone. “I really am sorry.”
“If you apologize to me one more time I’m going to give you something you’ll actually be sorry about.”
Blaine smirked. “What, are you going to blacken my eye?”
Kurt turned over and pushed himself up so he was leaning over the other man.
“No, but imagine having to explain to Michael where the lovely mark on your neck came from.” He lowered his head into position, he snapped his teeth together menacingly in a mock warning.
“You wouldn’t dare.”
“Don’t test me, Anderson.”
They grinned at each other and Kurt bent down and pressed their lips together. After a particularly passionate kiss that sent a physical shiver down his spine, Kurt pulled back.
“Speaking of Mike, you really should depart before he gets too smug.”
“Oh, he’s already too smug.” Blaine muttered and reached up for quick peck. “He knows, doesn’t he?”
This was a question that Kurt had been prepared for, but that didn’t mean he wasn’t going to avoid answering.
“What do you mean?”
Blaine just shrugged. “I’m the one asking you, so I’m afraid I don’t know.”
Kurt sighed. “He is definitely aware of my preferences regarding…companions. And I think it is safe to assume that he presumes that we are doing more than simply enjoying each other’s company.”
“And what about the others? Your family?”
“Brittany can barely remember what day it is, so it’s doubtful that even if she knew that she would actually care. Tina was the first one to ask me outright about it, really the only one. Mercedes, my dear friend in Paris, knows because of a situation she caught me in that I would never like to relive again. I keep my family is clueless. Father continues to talk of my future bride at every chance he gets….” Kurt trailed off, resentment shining through his half smile.
“Well, from my understanding, married men require valets just as much as the bachelors do.” Blaine pondered, not quite sure what he was supposed to say.
Kurt laughed and placed a kiss on Blaine’s forehead. “Always the brainy one, aren’t we? Go, we both could use the sleep. I’ll see you at seven.”
Blaine pulled Kurt back on top of himself for another deep kiss. “Yes sir.”
They slowly made their way to a sitting position, stealing kisses as they went. Blaine finally stood up, only to be grabbed around the middle by a pair of strong arms and pulled back on the bed.
“My god, we’re pathetic, we haven’t made any progress in about ten minutes.” Kurt grumbled, breaking yet another kiss.
“I think it’s funny.” Blaine murmured, lightly tickling Kurt’s sides.
The other man squawked in protest. “No. Tickling is not allowed. It is prohibited and punishable by death.”
“You’re a liar; you could never execute me, you’d miss me far too much.”
“You can’t prove anything.”
“With all due respect you won’t even let me leave when you know full well in less than twelve hours you’re going to see me again. I think you’d miss me if I was hung or burned at stake for tickling you.”
“Oh please, I’d use a firing squad.” They both laughed, and Blaine loved the way their voices sounded together.
“But in all seriousness, I do not enjoy being tickled, and if you attempt to do so again it will only end badly for both parties.”
“Fair enough.” Blaine smirked and bent down to continue kissing Kurt, but the young lord moved away.
“I don’t think so, come on. Let’s get up.”
“Up!” Kurt leaped off the bed and nudged Blaine’s dangling leg.
“No.” The shorter man flopped down on the bed in faux defiance.
“Well, if you’re going to be difficult…” Kurt walked to the end of the bed and grabbed a pair of long-forgotten black trousers. He marched back to the other man and started forcing his leg inside.
“Aren’t I supposed to be the one dressing you?” Blaine was watching Kurt struggle with great amusement.
“It’s so damn hard! I don’t see how you manage to do this every day!”
“Practice.” Blaine sat up and cupped Kurt’s face in his hands and pulled him in for a heated kiss.
“But when your charge is as beautiful as this …” Blaine said as he trailed his hands over Kurt’s shoulders and slid them down until they rested firmly on Kurt’s bare backside. “…practice is rather enjoyable.
Kurt let out a bashful grin and blushed deeply, shaking his head and looking down.
“What?” Blaine stood up, fixing his trousers with one hand while keeping the other on determinedly on Kurt, closing the distance between them with a step. “You don’t agree?”
“It’s not a word typically associated with me.” Kurt told the floor.
“Look at me.” Kurt obeyed, slightly amused because the irony of his valet commanding him did not escape him, and suddenly extremely aware of his exposure.
“You are the most beautiful human being I have ever met.” Blaine said simply.
Kurt turned an even darker shade of red as a swell A swell of emotions he had never before experienced hit him Looking at Blaine, hearing him say those words, made Kurt’s stomach hurt in the best way possible.
“I’m sure there are ones far more beautiful than I.”
“No.” Blaine said stubbornly. “Anyone who is considered to be beautiful is still nothing compared to you. The world doesn’t stop if I look at them, but it does for you.”
The pale man paused, as if really considering Blaine’s words.
“You really think I’m that beautiful?” He wasn’t sure how to handle this, but he didn’t doubt for a minute Blaine’s sincerity.
Blaine smiled brilliantly, bringing his face even closer to Kurt’s. “I know you’re that beautiful.”
They stood still, just looking at the contours of each other’s faces, but moments late they were back on the bed again; lips crashing into lips and hands wandering into dangerous territory.
“Kurt-” Blaine was breathing hard as the other man sucked on his collar bone. “I need to go.”
Kurt sat up on his knees and sighed. “You need to go.”
They got up simultaneously off of opposite sides of the bed. They met at the foot and wrapped around each other for one final goodnight kiss.
Blaine broke away and smiled sweetly at the other man before walking to the door and pulling it open.
“I hope you have sweet dreams, sir.”
His smile was still intact as he swiveled his head around for one last look at Kurt for the night, who waved comically in response. Blaine chuckled as he turned back around and the heavy doors closed behind him. The noise deafened his ears to the whisper that escaped from Kurt’s kiss-swollen lips.
“I love you.”
Blaine was thankful that Brittany had forgotten to turn off the lights as he crept down Kurt’s hallway. He managed to make it down the stairs and into the ballroom almost noiselessly. Now all he had to do was sneak through the kitchen and he wouldn’t have to answer anyone’s uncomfortable questions. Blaine pushed the massive kitchen door open and groaned inwardly when he heard it collide with a body.
“Watch it, Anderson!!” Mike hissed, clutching his nose and glaring at the valet as Blaine frantically came to his aid.
“I’m so sorry! I thought everyone else would be asleep by now and I was trying to disturb the least amount of people! Are you bleeding?” The genuine concern on Blaine’s face dissipated Mike’s momentary rage.
“No, it might bruise a little, but I’ve sustained much worse. Plus, it’ll make me look dodgy, and Mrs. Chang quite likes that.” Mike shot Blaine a wolfish grin.
“Anyway, good thing you ran into me” Mike continued, his word play making Blaine cringe with guilt, “I have a question for you, Mr. Anderson.”
“By all means, Mr. Chang” Blaine picked up Mike’s formal tone as he gestured to the stools “I think the least I could do after causing you harm would be to give you an answer.” Mike sat and nodded at Blaine to do the same. The Chinese man paused for a moment, as if trying to figure out a proper way to ask his question.
“Oh Michael, just say it. I am not easily offended and it’s highly likely I’ve answered questions far worse than yours.”
Mike sighed and looked at the smiling valet on the stool across from him.” Are you in love with Kurt?” he blurted, his curiosity finally besting his manners.
The question rendered Blaine speechless, because it was in fact, one of the most dangerous questions he had ever been asked. He was pretty sure he knew the answer, and he was positive that answering the question honestly would have nothing but horrible consequences. “No, Michael, I’m not in love with Master Kurt. He is a wonderful master and a kind man, but I have only known him for a few days. Plus, given the circumstances of our genders and societal positions, it would be completely improper and out of line.”
Mike looked almost relieved, but before he could respond, Blaine cut him off: “If I may, I have a question for you.
Mike was surprised but curious as to what the valet could want to know. “Yes?”
“Why do all of you treat Master Kurt as if he is made of glass? I’m sure loosing Lady Elizabeth was incredibly hard for all of you, but he’s not going to get any better if you all keep tiptoeing around him as if he’ll fall apart any second. If he feels that everyone expects him to still be sad about her passing, then he’ll be sad about her passing, but if everyone starts to treat him like a normal human being, he’ll begin to heal. Kurt is wasting his life grieving for a woman who, no matter how important or lovely or kindhearted she was, doesn’t deserve her son’s lifespan for her mourning period.” Blaine peered at Mike’s unreadable face as he uttered the last sentence and decided it was best to retire to his room as quickly as possible. “Now, if you’ll excuse me I’ll be going to bed. I’m sure tomorrow will be incredibly busy and I’d like to be well-rested. Goodnight Michael.”
Mike Chang watched the newcomer march off to his room, internally if, in his efforts to be kind to his master, he had in fact only been making Kurt’s life more miserable.
Blaine flopped onto his bed, exhausted. His third day at McKinley had definitely been his toughest yet.
When he arrived to awaken Kurt, he had found his charge pacing his room in his underclothes. Upon Blaine’s entrance Kurt’s face broke out into a grin as he stopped pacing and walked over to give Blaine a good morning kiss. The gesture was so simple, so practiced it was like they had been kissing hello every day for years. It made Blaine want to tear Kurt’s minimal clothing to shreds and spend the day in bed following his charge’s every command; but as he would soon learn that did not fit in the day’s agenda.
“…it’s the first ball of the season, everyone expects it to be lavish, and Father simply hates to disappoint. I’m afraid after you dress me you’ll be following Mike’s orders. Finn and I are to accompany Father and Carole on their journey to invite everyone within a reasonable distance to the ball personally. It’s going to take all day, and we are going to take our dinner at Sir Abram’s estate, and since you’ll probably be exhausted I do not want you waiting up to attend me.” Kurt was both disappointed and relieved that he was barely going to see Blaine today. The long rides between homes and the dreadfully boring yet required casual visits would give him some time to sort out his exact feelings for the other man.
Blaine had nodded, reminding himself that he couldn’t let his unhappiness show because after all, these were his true duties. To obey and assist his master in every aspect, including preparing for a ball. No matter that said ball might result in Kurt meeting a future wife he could never truly love and that Blaine’s chest hurt just thinking about Kurt being with someone else. “Of course, sir. If you’ll allow it, I would love to select your attire; I think I noticed a suit that would fit this occasion perfectly the other day.”
Fifteen minutes later, Kurt was dressed in a handsome gold and gray suit that radiated regality. Overcome with giddiness, Kurt couldn’t stop himself from grabbing Blaine and kissing him fervently. After a moment, Kurt pulled away but kept Blaine locked in an embrace. He let his hands drift downward and when he kissed his valet again Kurt let his hands squeeze the thick muscle of Blaine’s ass. Kurt broke away again but held his grip, and while he greatly enjoyed the look of arousal on Blaine’s face, Kurt knew he had to get going.
“Anderson, you’ll be required to carry out every task you’re instructed to do today, alright? Just don’t over-exert yourself, because I’ll definitely need you tomorrow. Kurt smirked as he removed his hands and sauntered out of his room without looking back; leaving the suggestive fog his statement had created to silently envelop his valet.
Blaine spent the next four hours getting McKinley Abbey into its rarely seen top form. He polished banisters, waxed floors, fixed several broken doorknobs and washed windows. They were cleaning the entire house in case any of the snobbish aristocratic women requested a tour. Blaine had learned from Tina on his lunch break that even though Lady Carole had captured Master Hummel’s heart, such was not the same for the society ladies of Lima. They had attended Lady Carole’s first party in her new home (some recognizing her from the town infirmary where she had assisted Dr. Figgins) in hopes that it would be poorly planned and tacky therefore giving them some new fodder to joke about. They were unpleasantly surprised to find that not only did Carole keep a beautiful house and could plan a lovely party, but she was a better hostess and a generally better person than any of them. Not to mention she wore the dresses that they had never looked decent in like they were made for her. Jealous and angry that their fun had been spoiled, the ladies of Lima still snubbed Carole, and even though it had been a year since their marriage, they still addressed all invitations sent to McKinley to “Lord Hummel and guest” as they have done since Lady Elizabeth’s death. It further infuriated them that Lady Carole did not seem the least bit fazed, and still treated them with the same kindness and respect that they did not deserve. But, according to Tina, Lady Carole isn’t the completely innocent party. She had overheard Lady Carole telling Master Hummel that she likes to personally follow up all her invitations to these women because “There is no better satisfaction to watch the struggle between their prejudice and their deeply ingrained manners. They make the most peculiar faces.” Blaine laughed along with Tina; affection growing for his new mistress.
Just as he was finishing lunch and leaving to go tackle the banisters on the second floor, Mike came into the kitchen.
“Ah, good afternoon Blaine. I’ve been searching for you for a quarter of an hour now.”
Blaine was hit by a wave of guilt. “I’m so sorry, Mr. Chang. Won’t happen again.”
Mike gave the new valet a funny look. “No trouble, I knew it was your lunch break, I just got distracted because Miss Pierce got herself locked in a broom cupboard. Again.”
He turned to address his wife, who was barely able to hide her giggles
“You’ve got to keep a better eye on that girl, love. She’s apparently afraid of the dark and kept shouting nonsense about dragons coming to eat her heart out. ”
Tina’s giggles turned into body racking laughs as she gasped out a “Sorry” and fell off her stool. The two men rushed to her aid but she waved them off with a hand and more laughter. Soon the kitchen rang with chuckles and snorts, and they grew in volume when Brittney herself stalked through a moment later, exiting towards her room and muttering about dragon repellent.
After they had all calmed down Blaine addressed Mike
“I’m assuming you need me for something?”
Mike nodded, his face instantly becoming serious as he shifted back into work mode.
“Yes. I need you to dust the chandelier in the ballroom. It hasn’t been cleaned since it was purchased and I know Lady Carole is hoping to show it off.”
Blaine gulped. “I uh, thought Brittney was cleaning the light fixtures.”
The corners of Mike’s mouth twitched up. “If Miss Pierce can’t find her own way out of a broom cupboard I don’t feel it’s wise to trust her on a ladder twenty feet in the air.”
“More like thirty.” Blaine muttered to himself. Trying not to let Mike see the dread in his eyes, he raised his voice back up to its normal level. “And you can’t clean it because…”
“The ladder doesn’t support me on the top rungs, where it’s required for one to be for this job. Tina has to keep with preparing the non-perishables, so I’m afraid you’re the only man for the job.”
Blaine closed his eyes and sighed. It seemed his size had cursed him once again “Very well. I trust you’ll hold the ladder steady?”
“It would be my pleasure.”
Blaine paused about five rungs from the top. Do not look down. Keep going. He moved his hand to continue his climb when Mike called from down below.
“You alright up there?”
Without thinking Blaine looked down to address him, and clutched the ladder tighter as the world spun. The ant that was Mike frowned and Blaine could only imagine how he looked.
“Perfectly fine, just paused to catch my breath.” Blaine was now staring straight ahead and not quite sure if he was able to move.
Happy things. Think happy things. It was a trick he had learned working for Wesley, whose temper ensued almost as much fear as heights did. The moment Blaine’s brain produced the word ‘happy’, pictures of Kurt marched their way into his consciousness. Kurt laughing, Kurt in his blue suit right after Blaine had dressed him for the first time. Kurt’s face right after Blaine had undressed him for the first time. How he had woken Blaine yesterday afternoon, and the marks and bruises left by him.
Blaine kept climbing and kept the images on a loop in his mind as he dusted.
“…and I simply couldn’t have the teacups different from the plates, so I sent the silly girl back to the store telling her if she didn’t get it right she’d be out of a job pretty quickly.” Mrs. Fabray finished her story with a sickly sweet smile on her face. Kurt was ninety percent sure she told stories of how horrible she was to her help just to see if she could get under Carole’s skin.
His heart swelled with pride when his stepmother simply said “It’s admirable how firmly you run your household. You have right to be proud of yourself” and daintily took a sip from a non-offensive teacup.
The Fabray’s manor was their last stop on their tour before dinner at Artie’s. Kurt had purposely dawdled at their previous stop, The Berry’s residence, in hopes to keep the visit at the Fabray’s as short as possible.
Just then, Quinn entered the room, late as was fashionable, and Kurt hated how good she looked. Her skin glowed against the pale pinkness of her gown, her blond hair was elegantly swept up and everything about her all the way down to her coral lipstick was fashionable and tasteful. The gentlemen in the room leapt to their feet and she curtsied in response, taking her place beside her mother.
“Good evening, everyone. I apologize for my tardiness, when I heard you had come all this way I felt the least I could do was freshen up.” She smiled radiantly, Kurt saw Finn visibly wilt at the sound of her voice.
As if you haven’t been ready since before noon, checking the window every time you heard a carriage pass Kurt thought smugly. He let his mind wander as the forced conversation drifted into a discussion about the ball. He had decided that there was no harm in continuing on with Blaine as is. He justified it by telling himself that Blaine needed to see that not all men he would work for would be awful and use him. Kurt would continue it for Blaine and his feelings the night before were just misunderstood leftover lust. If he repeated this thought process to himself enough times he might actually start to believe it.
Kurt’s thoughts were interrupted by a loud, rough voice
“You lot talking about that bloody party AGAIN? Noah Puckerman had entered the room. He was the by-product of a quite scandalous affair that occurred between an heir of a centuries old shipping fortune and his 15-year-old kitchen maid. Noah’s grandparents had taken pity on their bastard grandson (in the literal sense only, at least at first) and had tried to educate him. Tried, and failed miserably. Puck was kicked out of every boarding and prep school he ever attended, the reasons ranging from the mysterious disappearance of a school’s entire stable to his roommate finding him in bed with three women, one of whom was the dean’s daughter. As a last resort his grandparents sent him to live with the Fabray’s, their dear family friends, in hopes that their youngest daughter’s sophistication would be a positive influence.
“Noah! That is not how you greet guests!” The vein in Mrs. Fabray’s neck twitched dangerously, hinting that mismatched china might not be the only source of her woes.
“Oh, I dooo apologize. Excuse me.” He took an exaggerated step back under the door frame and re-entered.
“Good evening, ladies, gentlemen.” Puck paused, his eye glinted hazardously “And Kurt.”
Kurt rolled his eyes. “Quite witty Noah, it’d be even more so if you didn’t say it every single time we met.”
“Perhaps I should address you as gentle-lady?”
“Perhaps you should invest in a book of insults? That is, if you can read.”
“Enough!” Carole always waited until Kurt got his last word in before restoring order.
The conversation drifted back into who would dance with whom and which songs would be played. Having decided his stance on his relationship (could he even call it that?) with Blaine, Kurt took time to observe all the outfits in the room. His trained eye noticed that Mrs. Fabray’s expensive and slightly dated gown had been recently taken out at the waist, the thread there was new. Someone out to lay off of the macaroons at tea time. He smiled smugly, added a point to Carole’s side on his mental scoreboard, and further examined Quinn’s dress. Parisian, definitely. Hand made, definitely. Boring and safe and what every other society girl has in her closet, definitely. Another one of the reasons Kurt preferred Ms. Berry over Ms. Fabray is that while Rachel’s fashion choices were sometimes odd, they were always different. When they had visited that very afternoon she had entered the sitting room wearing pantaloons! Sir and Mrs. Berry just laughed it off, and there had been a lively yet casual discussion about the feminist movement that followed. Nothing like that would ever happen at the Fabray’s. Plus, it would be nice to have someone new around McKinley Abbey to makeover; Carole had been making her own fashion choices without Kurt’s assistance for the past six months.
He moved on to the men’s outfits hoping to find inspiration for his own. His father and Mr. Fabray were playing chess and discussing something serious; probably politics or Ireland or both. Mr. Fabray’s suit was the perfect representation of its owner: rich and clean-cut and utterly drab. His father was wearing one of his timeless suits he had bought before Elizabeth’s death and it still fit him rather well. Finn was nervously adjusting his red tie and kept stealing covert glances at Quinn’s backside as she talked to the older two women. Kurt noticed with slight annoyance and fondness that Finn’s pants were a shade darker than his jacket; he had probably just grabbed random pieces and dressed in a hurry. Pity he was so uncomfortable with a valet, for out of everyone in the family Finn needed to have his clothes picked out for him the worst. Puck was lounging casually (and improperly) on the couch next to Finn. Kurt had to admit his suit was very elegant, no doubt a gift from the Puckermans senior. It was very similar to Kurt’s though it was blue and gray instead of yellow and had a coral stain on the collar of the shirt. Coral? What on Earth could’ve made that mess?
Kurt’s subconscious put it together before he did, and he caught himself staring at Quinn. Her lipstick. He watched as, for an eighth of a second, Quinn looked over at Puck and caught his eyes, half smiling. Unless you had been looking at the exact moment and had the correct suspicions you would never know. When Puck had entered the room Quinn had thrown him a look of disgust, as if she couldn’t believe her misfortune at having to have him in her home. She kept looking at Finn as if he had saved her from the trenches of the war, but Kurt, harboring so many himself, could spot a secret from a mile away: Quinn Fabray had been kissing Noah Puckerman, and probably much, much worse.
Suddenly Quinn looked over and noticed his staring, and Kurt froze. From his few brief interactions with her Kurt had decided two things; that Finn could do better, and that Miss Fabray was not someone you made angry or you would deeply regret it. Quickly covering, Kurt laughed jovially. “Pardon my staring Miss Fabray, but your gown is simply lovely, and you look quite radiant in it, I might add.”
He flashed her what he hoped was a confident smile. Quinn blushed and muttered her thanks and went back to her conversation. Soon after though, Kurt caught himself staring yet again. I bet it takes longer than twenty minutes to get dressed in all of that. Poor girl.
Blaine woke the next morning at five, with his body wrapped around something. I love cuddling with you, sir. It took several moments in his bleary state for Blaine to realize that he was in his own bed and that he was snuggled up next to his pillow, not his…well, Kurt. Blaine threw the pillow off to the side and began to dress himself. Even in the dim candlelight Blaine could see his stubble in his hand mirror, so he got out his new razor. He told himself he could not think about Kurt until after he was ready, but as he was slicking his hair back with a colossal amount of pomade (even though the can was almost empty he had four more safely tucked away in his suit case under the bed) he began to question for the umpteenth time whether he was making a wise decision doing this with yet another charge. What’s different is you have a choice this time he reminded himself as he stared blankly at his own reflection. You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to. Kurt said. So now you have to figure out what exactly it is that you want.
Kurt was already up when he heard the quiet, respectful knock on his door. When it was opened to reveal Blaine, Kurt’s breath caught. It’s amazing what twenty four hours away from a person can do. Upon seeing them again it can make every appealing feature become ten times more attractive, you can notice something about them that you haven’t before, like how nice their teeth are, and it can make you wonder why exactly you spent time away from this person in the first place.
“Good morning Anderson.”
“Good morning Sir.” Blaine was standing in the door way, Kurt still had one hand on the door. They just stood there for a moment, and Blaine smiled slightly when Kurt’s eyes landed on his.
“I’ve been doing some more thinking about…our arrangement.”
“As have I.”
Kurt’s eyebrows shot up. “And…?”
Blaine’s smile grew, but he didn’t say anything. He just stood there, grinning like an idiot, and Kurt’s heart was going to burst right out of his ribcage. Not being able to stand it any longer he grabbed Blaine’s jacket front and pulled him inside, closing the door with his foot as he crashed their lips together.
Blaine was even further surprised when Kurt lifted him off his feet as if he weighed nothing, never breaking the kiss, which grew more frantic every second. Blaine, not knowing what else to do, wrapped his legs around Kurt’s waist and let his charge carry both of them to the bed. Kurt gently lowered them so that they didn’t have to change positions at all. He then became aware that they were both still fully clothed and decided to resolve the issue immediately. His hand toyed with Blaine’s trouser zipper for a few moments, only lowering it when the other man moaned into his mouth. Kurt slid Blaine’s trousers down as far as he could without breaking the kiss. He felt Blaine’s hands on his own pajama bottoms, but guided them upright to unbutton his shirt instead. Once they both had been relieved of one article of clothing, Kurt finally broke away, his stomach fluttering at what he was about to do. At a teasingly slow pace he undid the buttons on Blaine’s shirt one by one. He fumbled with the bowtie on purpose, and then finally undid that too. He pulled Blaine jacket and shirt off of him in one swift movement and then leaned down for another kiss. Kurt sprinkled Blaine’s neck and shoulders with light kisses.
“I…missed…you” Blaine panted, his breath catching when Kurt nibbled on his hipbone.
“I can see that,” Kurt smiled as he cupped Blaine through the thin material of his underwear.
“Kurt.” Blaine’s tone was somewhere between pleading and warning.
“You know what I thought about during all those boring visits?” Kurt murmured as he slowly undressed Blaine.
“Hmm?” Blaine had tried his best to turn the whine that escaped him into a question.
Blaine felt the heat of Kurt’s mouth around him before he even knew what was happening. His hips jerked forward, but he caught himself just in time to make sure he didn’t gag the other man. Kurt had obviously picked up a few tips while on the receiving end and watching his master’s face screwed up in concentration as he gave him head was probably the hottest thing Blaine had ever seen.
It took Kurt longer than he would’ve liked to get a steady rhythm going; Blaine had made it look so easy. He experimented with how much he could fit, Blaine wasn’t colossal but he was nowhere near small so Kurt had to pace himself. He mouthed his way down the shaft and sucked his way back up until he was almost off. Almost as if by instinct, his tongue flicked out and snaked its way through Blaine’s slit, eliciting a sharp and needy yelp from up above him. Kurt slid his mouth up and down Blaine’s length again and again until finally he got a rhythm, picking up the pace as Blaine’s thrusts got more and more violent.
“Close.” It came as a hoarse whisper that startled Kurt out of his concentration. He pulled his mouth off of Blaine, hollowing his cheeks and making the valet cry out. Kurt paused for a second and looked at the throbbing cock slick with his own spit and then up at Blaine. The other man’s face was flushed and looked almost in pain, the control that was normally so solidly in place slipping fast. Knowing that swallowing as something he couldn’t take, Kurt placed a kiss at the crease of Blaine’s thigh and his torso, working his way back towards his cock. Kurt lifted his head and pressed open mouth kisses along the side of Blaine’s shaft while pumping him at the same pace they had been going.
“KURTTT!” Blaine lost control completely, coming all over Kurt’s hand and chest. Kurt kept pumping until he had worked Blaine through his orgasm, and then pressed a curious kiss to the tip of the head, making the valet’s hips twitch one last time as he tasted him. Blaine pulled Kurt towards him as soon as he had regained strength. The pajama bottoms were carelessly tossed aside and Blaine climbed on top of Kurt. The kissed for a long time; rutting against each other because Blaine was already growing steadily hard again. He starting kissing down, down, down and he paused for a moment to recolor a large bruise of Kurt’s hipbone. His lips paused above Kurt’s erection and he looked up. He was surprised to see the young lord’s eyes trained on him. Blaine couldn’t resist.
“Taking notes?”
“No. I just really missed you too.”